You have to walk past fighter and he should cutscene in on you. I was rank A or S can't remember which, let me do 2 in a row, by just walking in and out after beating him.
If you're struggling with him.
My 45 cap loadout was
Car: Ultra Strike
Tire: Ultra Spike
Frame: Ultra Rubber
Motor: Ultra Godspeed
Gears: Ultra Boost
High Speed Battery
Heavy Suspension
New Bumper Plate.
Didn't need to boost, but I did for the loop on the last lap, just to be safe.
My 40 loadout was on the lower versions of Tire, Frame, motor and Boost I think, but can't remember, so might have to tinker with that, Gears is probably the only thing I changed.
yeah as soon as i saw the guy, and his weird voice acting, i was sure the guy was real, and he reminded me of something, turns out he faced david douillet in the 2000 olympics, which i saw when i was little
Man I thought 0 had bad gender politics. Kiwami is fucking atrocious in its treatment and depiction of women. This game's rapidly turning me off. The story is a meandering mess too (chapter 8).
One minor gripe about the series I hope they fix for future installments is hoping they replace the postage stamp-sized pictures of food at the restaurants. They put all that effort and research into the authentic food experience only to botch it at the most important part: the visuals.
The series is kind of a roller-coaster in this department, some games are okay while others are awful at it, but this one in particular is a remake of a 12 year old game so... Yeah. Are you bothered by stuff in the main story or optional stuff? Wouldn't surprise me if it was everything.
Both. The plot with Date's daughter was just fucking terrible. Hey I'm a terrible drunk dad who slapped you because ??? but you're still gonna listen to me because I'm A MAN. Slut shaming, daddy knows best, do as I say not as I do, toxic masculinity (he's a shit dad but he can beat some guys up with Kiryu so it's okay plus the daughter got played by the Host guy so she CLEARLY can't be trusted to make her own decisions). Then 5 minutes later Kiryu slaps Haruka, lmao. And everyone pretends it didn't happen. Seriously terrible. I've accepted that women in Yakuza games generally exist to be protected or lusted after, but this is just rampantly sexist.
Also the sub-story involving the cross-dressers/trans siblings (game isn't super clear) is gross and plays directly into the most common, most harmful trope about trans folks: that they're out to somehow "trick" cis people. Miss me with that shit.
I know this is a 12 year old game but let's not pretend this isn't blatantly awful on some fronts. Also miss me with "It's about the Yakuza, what do you expect?" (there's a difference between depicting bad behavior and just endorsing it or replicating it sans commentary - Yakuza is the latter).
Sure, there's a lot of thing to work on, but the game are more and more progressive each games, like the gay hostess, her dialogue are pretty great, shaming japan for not having same sex marriage yet, and so on!
I love these games but holy hell, whoever is in charge of designing the boss fights needs to go back to school, none of them are fun. Just the cheapest mechanics
Arase can go fuck himself,
I have seen in a long time. Good thing everything else is awesome.
I love these games but holy hell, whoever is in charge of designing the boss fights needs to go back to school, none of them are fun. Just the cheapest mechanics
Arase can go fuck himself,
I have seen in a long time. Good thing everything else is awesome.
I don't know what it is about me but everywhere I go punks keep attacking me for no reason. Then, when I finish beating them, they hand me all their money.
I don't know what it is about me but everywhere I go punks keep attacking me for no reason. Then, when I finish beating them, they hand me all their money.
Three times now, I have heard Majima yell "Kiryu-chan!" while walking in town, despite his being nowhere. Once while walking near the Korean restaurant (the game would play the sound bite everytime I walked in that spot, until there was a loading screen), another time after exiting a corner store, and another right after the loading following a fight with some thugs.
Is this a bug or am I not understanding something?
That's a shit defense. Misogynist patriarchal bullshit =/= "not for everyone"
Both. The plot with Date's daughter was just fucking terrible. Hey I'm a terrible drunk dad who slapped you because ??? but you're still gonna listen to me because I'm A MAN. Slut shaming, daddy knows best, do as I say not as I do, toxic masculinity (he's a shit dad but he can beat some guys up with Kiryu so it's okay plus the daughter got played by the Host guy so she CLEARLY can't be trusted to make her own decisions). Then 5 minutes later Kiryu slaps Haruka, lmao. And everyone pretends it didn't happen. Seriously terrible. I've accepted that women in Yakuza games generally exist to be protected or lusted after, but this is just rampantly sexist.
Also the sub-story involving the cross-dressers/trans siblings (game isn't super clear) is gross and plays directly into the most common, most harmful trope about trans folks: that they're out to somehow "trick" cis people. Miss me with that shit.
I know this is a 12 year old game but let's not pretend this isn't blatantly awful on some fronts. Also miss me with "It's about the Yakuza, what do you expect?" (there's a difference between depicting bad behavior and just endorsing it or replicating it sans commentary - Yakuza is the latter).
I wasn't defending anything. It was a joke at the fact that someone who likes Mad Men a series who's most famous/infamous depiction of male/female relationships is a quote "Thats what the money is for" (i'm not a fan) was saying that the Yakuza series was too sexist for them.
There is obviously some problematic stuff in Yakuza Kiwami. (There should be considering the world the game is telling stories about) Yet its mostly never glorified and overall there are enough female characters with agency that the series does OK.
If you disagree then it might not be the series for you. Which is no big deal.
Three times now, I have heard Majima yell "Kiryu-chan!" while walking in town, despite his being nowhere. Once while walking near the Korean restaurant (the game would play the sound bite everytime I walked in that spot, until there was a loading screen), another time after exiting a corner store, and another right after the loading following a fight with some thugs.
Both. The plot with Date's daughter was just fucking terrible. Hey I'm a terrible drunk dad who slapped you because ??? but you're still gonna listen to me because I'm A MAN. Slut shaming, daddy knows best, do as I say not as I do, toxic masculinity (he's a shit dad but he can beat some guys up with Kiryu so it's okay plus the daughter got played by the Host guy so she CLEARLY can't be trusted to make her own decisions). Then 5 minutes later Kiryu slaps Haruka, lmao. And everyone pretends it didn't happen. Seriously terrible. I've accepted that women in Yakuza games generally exist to be protected or lusted after, but this is just rampantly sexist.
Also the sub-story involving the cross-dressers/trans siblings (game isn't super clear) is gross and plays directly into the most common, most harmful trope about trans folks: that they're out to somehow "trick" cis people. Miss me with that shit.
I know this is a 12 year old game but let's not pretend this isn't blatantly awful on some fronts. Also miss me with "It's about the Yakuza, what do you expect?" (there's a difference between depicting bad behavior and just endorsing it or replicating it sans commentary - Yakuza is the latter).
Kiwami's weird because the shit that's been held over from the original Yakuza 1 is clearly dated in its social implications/commentary and very obviously from a bygone era in game stories, but the new stuff that's been added is very modern and progressive and so refreshing. The stuff that you mentioned is all original Yakuza 1 shit.
But then there's the new Kiwami shit. Rina's entire substory is amazing, filled with social commentary on how backwards Japan is regarding same-sex marriage and how harmful gender roles are. There's also a substory with a transwoman who never gets mocked or misgendered and isn't used for lulz (she also flirts with Kiryu, who never gets upset or offended or disgusted).
For what it's worth, Kiryu never raises a hand to any of his children ever again in the series (EDIT: unless
counts but that's kind of a special exception lmao and Kiryu doesn't start throwing around the paternal feels shit at him until the end of 6 anyway), nor to any other women ever again. Yakuza 1 is just... old. That's really all it is. And it's kind of a losing battle to critique it with a modern perspective on storytelling in games.
I love these games but holy hell, whoever is in charge of designing the boss fights needs to go back to school, none of them are fun. Just the cheapest mechanics
Arase can go fuck himself,
I have seen in a long time. Good thing everything else is awesome.
Shota fight was extremely irritating. Unblockable attack at the end of a combo that tracks 180 degrees, tiny space and can't focus on Shota or his goons without the other coming to interrupt your shit. Hate it when Yakuza has fights where you spend 90% of the time standing up from knockdowns and you have to just feel like you're item spamming through
All in all very good stuff. Had a lot of trouble with the Jingu fight because of the two MIA guys with him. The Nishiki fight was great, absolutely loved the bits where Kiryu memories would flash on screen.
I basically mainlined the story so I'm only at 30% completion. Will be going into premium adventure for a good long while to do a healthy amount if everything else.
Only three Dragon abilities left! I swear this has been Yakuza Majima Everywhere for me for the most part, I'm 40+ hours in and still in Chapter 11 while the original took me 15 hours.
Is there a Dragon Amulet item in the game, somewhere?
I wanna knock out these dumb Mesuking substories, but the Professor keeps saying I don't have enough cards. How many do I need to progress? I have like 25ish.
That's a shit defense. Misogynist patriarchal bullshit =/= "not for everyone"
Both. The plot with Date's daughter was just fucking terrible. Hey I'm a terrible drunk dad who slapped you because ??? but you're still gonna listen to me because I'm A MAN. Slut shaming, daddy knows best, do as I say not as I do, toxic masculinity (he's a shit dad but he can beat some guys up with Kiryu so it's okay plus the daughter got played by the Host guy so she CLEARLY can't be trusted to make her own decisions). Then 5 minutes later Kiryu slaps Haruka, lmao. And everyone pretends it didn't happen. Seriously terrible. I've accepted that women in Yakuza games generally exist to be protected or lusted after, but this is just rampantly sexist.
Also the sub-story involving the cross-dressers/trans siblings (game isn't super clear) is gross and plays directly into the most common, most harmful trope about trans folks: that they're out to somehow "trick" cis people. Miss me with that shit.
I know this is a 12 year old game but let's not pretend this isn't blatantly awful on some fronts. Also miss me with "It's about the Yakuza, what do you expect?" (there's a difference between depicting bad behavior and just endorsing it or replicating it sans commentary - Yakuza is the latter).
Yeah.... No one is defending anything, you're just becoming unreasonably hostile for no reason. It's a game from 2005, newer games in the series have handled social issues much better but still not perfect. But yes, a game from 2005 wasn't setting the world on fire with tackling social issues....
Yeah.... No one is defending anything, you're just becoming unreasonably hostile for no reason. It's a game from 2005, newer games in the series have handled social issues much better but still not perfect. But yes, a game from 2005 wasn't setting the world on fire with tackling social issues....
Yeah, and like i said before, the serie is more and more progressive as the years pass! They handled pretty well the gay hostess, talking about same sex marriage, not putting people into boxes and stereotypes, and so on! Frankly this story (that wasn't in the original) negate all the bad things that were from a 2005 JAPANESE game IMO
Just beat the main story in 28:47. Great stuff. Although it kinda sucks that they killed off
basically everyone
. I already knew that Kiryu, Majima and Haruka were series regulars so I was wondering who else were series regulars. Yakuza 0 did a lot to help establish the important players of Kiwami, so
it sucks to see almost all of them die
And WTF at
Haruka abandoning the pupper at the end?
Fuck that.
My completion percentage was only 45%, but I don't know how much longer if at all I'll play this game. Most of the stuff I didn't check out was because it didn't seem like fun to me. And this game doesn't seem to have anything equivalent to the real estate/cabaret stuff in 0. That alone added 10-15 hours of gameplay to 0 (I think I had around 50 hours played when I stopped).
Now I need to decide if I wait for Kiwami 2 or just spoil 2-5 for myself so that 6 will actually make sense. I'll probably wait until close to the release of 6 to make that decision.
I don't remember who was talking about it, but finally got around to getting the Body Counter and figured out how it worked. Description's misleading, either it's really hard to get off against single attacks timing-wise, or it's impossible. However, it's really easy to activate off of combo hits while you're blocking, which is probably the intended use since you need to be guarding in the first place to even use it.
in chapter 7 and the roomeople ratio is completely whack. One hit drops you out of heat, which means getting stunlocked into oblivion keeping your heat bar empty. I'd reload and grab tons of health potions but I don't want to play the entire game chugging pots.
Edit: beast mode with heat let me plough through the adds so I could lay into
with rush. Not nearly as fun or interesting as using me heat moves and junk but whatever, it got me through.
Almost finished with the game - just need to max out Majima (close) and do all the weapon training (tied to the arena, which is a grind), and I think a few substories (not sure how to start #45) though I'm not interested in doing the Mesuking ones right now. Fun game
Trying to do all the mini game stuff atm. Few questions/advice needed...
1. Trying to get a full straight on Mahjong... I spent a while trying to get one before, didn't and gave up. I believe you need to get 123,456,789 of 1 set and 2 pairs, but not really getting it on the beginner table and I used the lucky tile item mistakingly already not realising it was a one use item.
Any tips for this? I don't tend to steal tiles unless it would complete a 123/456/789 set, but not sure that's right to do at all.
Also need like 4 mangan too also I I believe.
2. Did all the karaoke songs except one listed in the completion guide that's not there. How do you unlock that one?
Only issue I find with Tiger is that it requires strictish timing. I've gotten hit a lot when trying to pull it off. It did however help me with the final Colosseum tournament with that one guy who keeps appearing and is impossible to grab. (though he can still combo when you do it so it's more like Tiger -> Evade/Sidestep/roll away, repeat til dead)
Also when I was learning to use it on Breaker Majima encounter. He ends up not attacking me for over 20 seconds until I get bored and attack him so I didn't get much practice there lol.
Decided to wrap this up. 61 hours and 85% completion. There was no point going for 100% because I could never play and win in those jap mini games with tiles and cards.Such a pity.
Decided to wrap this up. 61 hours and 85% completion. There was no point going for 100% because I could never play and win in those jap mini games with tiles and cards.Such a pity.
Yeah I can't imagine doing all that. I'll be done after all substories + Majima myself. I love that there's a lot to do in these games but they really want you to do everything for 100% completion.