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Yeah, bitches, I'M A DADDY - with PIX!

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Congrats to you Doug! To Janet too on successful delivery and more :D

Be a good daddy now! My regards to the 3 of you!


Congrats Drinky. Enjoy while you can.

I've just had my second, a girl (first was a boy). 90 minute labour!

She seems much cuter than my first, but perhaps thats just cause we are more relaxed with her and can enjoy her more. With the first you are always panicking about keeping him/her alive. ("whats that noise?", "it shouldn't be that colour should it?" etc)

So my advice is to try and relax and enjoy her while she is little.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

Make sure though, that you don't start to beef with the mother for another 17.9 years. You most likley won't listen, but if you do, you're a smart man.
YAY! for babies!

Enjoy the first 11 years, because I bet she will totally start hating you once she gets her period. I can see her dating someone from the OT forum, or Opa-Age just to spite you.
I can see her dating someone from the OT forum, or Opa-Age just to spite you.

"Dad, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend -- he likes to be called IronKnuckle! What? Well, Dad, I happen to like barely literate and painfully dogmatic cavemen! Don't you know being antisocial and hopelessly needy is the *in* thing these days?"
Here's Sian, asleep and filling her Daddy with delight:


But an hour later...what's this!!!


THE HORROR! Daddy is now pouring himself a last shaking glass of absinthe before falling into that long eternal slumber. SUCH A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Drink enough of that absinthe and you can go blind, thus never agin subjecting your retinas with images of Xenogears again! Eyesight is totally overrated anyway...
Drinky Crow said:
Haha, Mermandala, that's awesome. My wife is in tears from laughing so hard.


That fresh-made bundle you guys made is what's awesome. I mean, check those rubbery feet all curled up in monkey fashion. I'd gladly remove my current old-man hobbit feet for some sporty pink flexi-feet. BTW It is OK to put them in your mouth, I think.


Wow, that's really great. Obligatory but genuine congratulations.

Just don't be too hard on her if she falls in to the depths of pop-culture during her adolescent stage. She'll grow out of it, and its better to let her do so on her own.


Awesome! She is so damn cute! My son is 10 months this month, my daughter's already 2--time flew by. Wait till you see how she grows, it's unreal--it's like a whole different time plane when it comes to kids. So how's she sleeping? Waking every 4 hours to feed? Is she fussy or chill? Man, I'm a sucker for newborns =)
She's smart; she has an allergic reaction to Xenogears, which I consider to be an honorary Nintendo game.

Sian is pronounced "shawn".

She's not too fussy, but she likes to be fed every two hours or so, which means mom doesn't get sleep which means I don't get sleep which means we're all a bit cranky.
Oh man, you shoulda heard me last night. I was babbling some crazy shit while baby was crying. God, I feel like someone just pounded a railroad spike into my temple.

Yeah, it'll be keen to have you back, we can go ill at a bar and you can listen to my baby stories while you contemplate punching me in the face from boredom!

I find Motrin hits me harder than Advil -- three of those suckers gets me back to sanity.
Its gonna rock. Ill be living in Kent, but oh well, still nice by WORLD CENSUS standards.

BTW I wish I had a cool damned name, I got boring ass Ryan
Ryan's better than DOUG, which sounds like a grunt. At least you get two syllables. To attract the flower childe New Age chicas at Magickael Gardaen, change it to an alternate spelling like "Rhionn" or "Wry'enn".
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