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Yeah, bitches, I'M A DADDY - with PIX!

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I imagine she'll be fully indoctrinated with a breed of haterade that only the Drinky genes can summon, and in a couple of decades she'll be a full-fledged Nintendo hating force to be reckoned with. Congrats!



edit - I just realized that my child, who is on the way, is either going to be Elise or Eric's son, depending on if it is a boy or a girl :)


Congrats Doug! She's lovely. I hope you and the missus can squeeze the sleep in when you can. You are going to take advantage of the collective grandparents desire to look after her periodically so you can take a break, right?


Small balls, big fun!
Congratulations. Look forward to you being in the chatroom more at 3AM now.

And hey, look at that head of hair! It's always amazing when a newborn doesn't look like Elmer Fudd.


Count of Concision
Wow, just noticed this topic. Congratulations, Doug. Kewl name to boot. :) I love children, and that's a really adorable one. The ample hair will be needed to protect 'dem Erickson brains. :p

Some babies get pacifiers. Doug's baby gets a thesaurus to be read with all due speed. ;)

Best of luck with everything. :)
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