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Yeah, bitches, I'M A DADDY - with PIX!

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being watched

But I've already reported you for child abuse - no baby born into this world should have to bear the brunte of being a Nintendo fan.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.

But I've already reported you for child abuse - no baby born into this world should have to bear the brunte of being a Nintendo fan.

better than illiteracy I'd say


I look forward to his first incoherent, sleep-deprived post a 3 am.

Do you know the kinda shit that goes through your mind when you're trying to feed a newborn at a time when your brain isn't usually on? Wacked-out shit, that's what. I swear I dozed one time and woke up thinking my baby son was attacking me. He almost got launched across the room.




Enjoy what little sleep u get. My girl ate 11 times a day for about the first three months me and the wife were constantly stuffed.



Congratulations. :)

Lost Weekend said:
Congrats, old man!

You shoulda freaked out the entire forum and named her Zelda, though :D

I thought Drinky hated Nintendo? Let's all hope his daughter sees the light one day. :p


Grats! First thing I`m doing when I get back to seattle is bringing offerings of Baby related goods (or money) and videogames to the Crow`s house!


Ye gods man. In my current drunken, incoherent state, I can't even begin to comprehend the ideas that go into having a kid, spawning like salmon so much if you will. You are a braver man than I, suffice to say.

But yes, raise that child proper on PS3/4 and pc games. No nintendo for her!
Congrats on the baby girl. I can already see the future boyfriend interview!

Boyfriend: Hello Sir, I am honored to be your daughters date for tonight.
Drinky: So what do you think of Nintendo?
Boyfriend: Well, umm...they're a fantastic company that makes timeless class...
Drinky: Get the fuck out of my house. ::wields Louisville Slugger::
Boyfriend: ::runs::
At least your kid doesn't look like Bish's little boy:


Drinky Crow meet Stinky Crawl. Despite the infant miasma that clings to the wee ones, babies are Quality. Congrats. Really though, you hafta know that the twisted humour of existence demands that Sian WILL BE! the next Perrin Kaplan. I'll call IGN.


Congrats man. When the time comes for her to start gaming, keep her away from weak female lead characters and introduce her to the likes of Naava or Sofiya Fairfax.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
AssMan said:
Ugh. I'm never getting married or having children. Such a huge responsibility.

Fuck off. Children are awesome. Congrats on the kid.


AssMan, funny thing is... I remember like four years ago, Cast was on IRC talking about how he will never under any circumstances have a kid. :D

And now? :p


Congrats! May he grov up to be a drunken crow like his father.

Ang get with the pics so we can photoshop them. :)

Where the hell are you accessing the net from to post news of your baby's birth if you aren't home yet? lol. Do they have internet cafes in hospitals? :p


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Congrats dude... 4 months and counting for our bundle to burst forth... I'm expecting him to come out with an EA birthmark on his back.
Pictures forthcoming. There were a few mild complications and baby had to stay in the hospital a day longer. Everything's good, though, and she's back home, asleep. Yay!


Remember, I`m bringing da presents when I get back to Seattle Drinky! What game would you like to keep you busy for those long sleepless nights of taking care of the baby? Espgaluda, Gunbird 1&2 or Gradius V? ;p


Unconfirmed Member
In celebration of this fine event, I'll attempt to get this kenya tiger dancing as soon as possible :p
I sung the Kenya Tiger song to baby while getting her to sleep.

That said, I saw a truly horrible sight in the crib today, and I'm gonna hafta post it, as soon as I get this fucking digital camera to connect to my PC. Argh.
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