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Yet another rant about shitty PSN speeds and Sony incompetence


The most hilarious thing is, I still find people who says PSN is slower than XBL is a myth.

My internet is terrible by comparison (thanks Australia)

That said, psn has been very fast for me on ps4... Much faster than when I was downloading games, patches etc on 360. I don't have an Xbone to compare, but I imagine it's much the same.
Wait so I can plug my Ethernet cable into this and then plug 2 cables out from it into my pc and ps4? If so I'm gonna get one. I've never heard of these.



In laymens terms it's a router without all that wireless networking duehickery

It came way way before wireless networking though. Honestly it terrifies me a little when people don't know about network switches because it's fairly common to not know about them and is a fairly basic form of networking


With the exception of the VPN connection you have to admit that your setup is a fringe case, OP. Obviously that doesn't excuse the sucky speeds.

Still, can't say I can spot any obvious flaws in your setup. Maybe triple-check your port forwarding settings. You shouldn't be able to achieve Type 2 NAT if they were bungled, but better safe than sorry. Maybe there's an oddity with your router hard/software. Too aggressive IDS on underpowered hardware can slow down a fast connection to crawling speeds because every packet needs to be parsed, and that takes time.
I have one Ethernet cord going to my room which I connect to my pc. I really should have got two. <snip> I don't think I can convince my dad to help me run another wire all the way up to my room haha
Just get a cheap switch and link that cable, your PC and consoles to that. Far less hassle than running two or more cables from the router to your room.


With the exception of the VPN connection you have to admit that your setup is a fringe case, OP. Obviously that doesn't excuse the sucky speeds.

I've already put PS4 into DMZ zone. And I am running Asus AC68U router, more than capable of 500Mbps fiber. I tried running VPN on router, but it's too weak to provide even 50Mbps over OpenVPN + it adds a lot of extra latency in online multilayer games.
The most hilarious thing is, I still find people who says PSN is slower than XBL is a myth.

I have used PSN in both florida and california using same router and comparable speeds. The performance was different depending on location.

I think people are probably telling the truth but I am not sure if it has anything to do with PSN (service) per say. To me it seems as if there is an issue with ports and settings. The PS3 and the PS4 do not require the PSN to surf the web. Simply use the Internet browser and see if you can test your connection that way. If you are still having issues then it is most likely not the PSN.
I just checked and I'm getting 26 down/3 up (wired). Pretty happy with my PSN speeds. Hopefully OP you can find a solution to your problem.


I see that you are using DD-WRT. Let me share this trick I did to pretty much get rid of any issues when it comes to PSN. Tried this with a PS3 and Vita.

1. Use your local ISP's DNS.
2. Open DD-WRT's gui.
3. Choose services.
4. Make sure DNSMasq and local DNS are enabled.
5. Enter the following into the additional DNSMasq options:


yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy must be your local ISP's DNS.
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, now this one is trickier. I found out the closest and fastest data centre of PSN when it comes to my ISP by using PS3.ProxyServer made by CF35B. By using this, one should determine the IPs of the servers where downloads, patches, etc are being taken from. It works in random. Once you pause a download and resume it, the logs will show different IPs. Try to get as many server IPs you can get and do a ping or trace route to determine which is closer and faster to you. Once you figure it out, use it for the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

Good luck.

edit: I almost forgot. Make sure QoS is not preventing the PS4 from getting the maximum bandwidth available to it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The last playstation networking product I had any luck with was the broadband adapter for the ps2.

The rest of them PSP/PS3/Vita have all sucked ass. Barely any improvement when I wired the PS3. Handles in house traffic just fine with a DLNA server but downloading anything is a set it and forget it proposition. The wifi on the portables is spotty, doesn't get full bars even next to the router and is slow as dirt.


wait, since when did the Xbox One have wireless AC? pretty sure it doesn't

there was even a thread here on GAF lamenting the fact none of the new consoles supported AC back around launch
You must be trolling.

PSN is amazing, people have been able to download whole games in just 4 GB's!

With that type of compression you don't need that fast speed.


PS4 wired, in DMZ (did you try it?) I didn't do anything else. It's not great but also not that bad. The closest DL server is probably in the Netherlands so about 1000 km from me.



Overall, threads like these are annoyance and strong emotion talking. We all get upset when it takes us longer than we would like to play a game, it happens to me too. But taken in the big picture, it's a drop in the bucket, try not to worry about it too much. Take a walk, down the stress levels, feel better. It's all good.


Overall, threads like these are annoyance and strong emotion talking. We all get upset when it takes us longer than we would like to play a game, it happens to me too. But taken in the big picture, it's a drop in the bucket, try not to worry about it too much. Take a walk, down the stress levels, feel better. It's all good.

Guy said it takes three days to download a game compared to a couple of hours on xbox. Taking a walk just isn't going to cunt it lol.

FWIW Op, I live in Aus (and hardwire my consoles) and PSN has always been a bucket a shit (over three different ISP's) Nothing I have done has been able t fix the problem and I honestly believe that the PSN network just isn't as equipped as live. Ultimately, I'd do what you're already doing and vote with your digital feet. I'll still buy retail Playstation stuff, but don't touch their digital anymore.
Sony's servers are poo for me and have been with all of their systems. 60mbps connection and I get 200-500kb downloads on PS3 and Vita... as someone who likes pure digital, it's terrible and frustrating. I just leave my PS3 on overnight for downloads, something I haven't done since I had dial up. (combination of their shitty network speeds and how much larger games have gotten).
The most hilarious thing is, I still find people who says PSN is slower than XBL is a myth.

What's even more hilarious is people taking anecdotal evidence as fact.

In IT you HAVE to take anecdotal evidence as a means for further investigation, or rather anything that isn't competently outlandish and his complaint is valid just as anybody elses. Ignoring complaints like these are actually detrimental to the experience of the Play Station its self if this is indeed true. Sony should investigate. Or would you have completely ignored what Microsoft did with the pre launch announcements and say everything was ok and dandy? You can't have these double standards if you want the playstation to be better as well.


Neo Member
I've already put PS4 into DMZ zone. And I am running Asus AC68U router, more than capable of 500Mbps fiber. I tried running VPN on router, but it's too weak to provide even 50Mbps over OpenVPN + it adds a lot of extra latency in online multilayer games.

welcome to the "Online Playstation gaming sucks in China" man

I'm also in China (Shanghai) and have found XBL speeds to be much much better than the ones I get on the PSN for my PS3/PS4 (don't even start me on the PSV)

I can only assume that speeds are better on the Xbox because MSFT reroutes you to the closest servers (which might be in china or somewhere close by), whereas Sony routes you to the server closest to your PSN account. Let's say you have US PSN account (as I have), then Sony would put you on US servers. The latest exemple is a 4GB download which took 2 days to download 500Mo without VPN and 30 minutes on the LA server to DL the whole thing.

BTW, I'd be interested to know which VPN provider you're sing (Astrill?), and on which server you get the best speeds.

Also, given your speed test results, am I right to assume you're on a China Telco 100M connection? If so, is it worth the upgrade from 20M?


I see that you are using DD-WRT. Let me share this trick I did to pretty much get rid of any issues when it comes to PSN. Tried this with a PS3 and Vita.

1. Use your local ISP's DNS.
2. Open DD-WRT's gui.
3. Choose services.
4. Make sure DNSMasq and local DNS are enabled.
5. Enter the following into the additional DNSMasq options:


yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy must be your local ISP's DNS.
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, now this one is trickier. I found out the closest and fastest data centre of PSN when it comes to my ISP by using PS3.ProxyServer made by CF35B. By using this, one should determine the IPs of the servers where downloads, patches, etc are being taken from. It works in random. Once you pause a download and resume it, the logs will show different IPs. Try to get as many server IPs you can get and do a ping or trace route to determine which is closer and faster to you. Once you figure it out, use it for the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

Good luck.

edit: I almost forgot. Make sure QoS is not preventing the PS4 from getting the maximum bandwidth available to it.

Thanks man, I am gonna test this out.


Redmond's Baby
Compared to PS3 era, PSN on PS4 is blazing fast for me. Probably I get connected to Austrian or Italian servers...


I have my PS4 wired for this very reason but then my save files stopped uploading automatically so then I switched to wifi and it worked again but now that doesn't work either so i just switched back to wired and now my connection is stable again but still no automatic save uploads which sucks because i hear watch_dog save files have been corrupting so hopefully i'm mindful enough to manually upload after each session because lord knows i cant slosh through that opening act again but yeah op just ethernet that bad boy up although i must say vita strangely has good speeds so idk really.


The results they both toss out are bollocks in those tests, I've seen mine be way low on Psn but download at the max my connection allows, I always get the same speed on the xbox test it's my line capacity and I don't think I've ever got the full line capacity ever.


welcome to the "Online Playstation gaming sucks in China" man

I'm also in China (Shanghai) and have found XBL speeds to be much much better than the ones I get on the PSN for my PS3/PS4 (don't even start me on the PSV)

I can only assume that speeds are better on the Xbox because MSFT reroutes you to the closest servers (which might be in china or somewhere close by), whereas Sony routes you to the server closest to your PSN account. Let's say you have US PSN account (as I have), then Sony would put you on US servers. The latest exemple is a 4GB download which took 2 days to download 500Mo without VPN and 30 minutes on the LA server to DL the whole thing.

BTW, I'd be interested to know which VPN provider you're sing (Astrill?), and on which server you get the best speeds.

Also, given your speed test results, am I right to assume you're on a China Telco 100M connection? If so, is it worth the upgrade from 20M?

Yeah, Assdrill, but I plan to change it when my sub expires. And if you want to upgrade just for the sake of PSN speeds - don't bother, they will remain shit. Xbox on the other hand pulls 100-200Mbps now for me, takes minutes to download games.

Also XBL server is redirecting me to either Seattle or San Jose it seems, at least looking at Geo location of IPs Xbox One establish connection with.


Thanks man, I am gonna test this out.

Let me know how it goes. I don't have a PS4 but I doubt those links will not work. From what I have gathered, the links are:

apollo = Vita download list icons and some others I think
ares/zeus = downloads (games/demos) for PS3 and Vita
b0.ww.np = PS3 game patches
qs.ww.np = Vita game patches

I use wireless by the way.


Let me know how it goes. I don't have a PS4 but I doubt those links will not work. From what I have gathered, the links are:

apollo = Vita download list icons and some others I think
ares/zeus = downloads (games/demos) for PS3 and Vita
b0.ww.np = PS3 game patches
qs.ww.np = Vita game patches

I use wireless by the way.

The challenge now is to find the server which doesn't suck, or at least doesn't suck that bad.


Sony's servers are poo for me and have been with all of their systems. 60mbps connection and I get 200-500kb downloads on PS3 and Vita... as someone who likes pure digital, it's terrible and frustrating. I just leave my PS3 on overnight for downloads, something I haven't done since I had dial up. (combination of their shitty network speeds and how much larger games have gotten).

They've been really bad for me as well in the last few weeks. I have a 75Mbps down connection, but PSN hasn't been higher than 13Mbps. Took me overnight to download Watch Dogs, which sucked.

My Xbox One however, has no problem nearly maxing out my speeds.

Its been really irritating.


Neo Member
Overall, threads like these are annoyance and strong emotion talking. We all get upset when it takes us longer than we would like to play a game, it happens to me too. But taken in the big picture, it's a drop in the bucket, try not to worry about it too much. Take a walk, down the stress levels, feel better. It's all good.

maybe so but up until the last generation games were an average of 9GB whereas now they're upwards 50GB.

I never used to care much and would let the game download overnight. One night is no big deal right?

But nowadays when even indie games tend to be more than a few Gs it pisses me off to have to wait several days to download a game.
I wouldn't even mention this issue if all other platforms had identical issues. But as far as i'm concerned XBL and Steam speeds are amazingly high. So like the OP i'm now considering getting an XBO just to get better DL speeds...and that pretty much sucks big time....

And I think people posting rants or complaining about it are merely trying to get the attention of Sony so that they can finally fix this issue.

Anyway, just my 2 mao~~


Neo Member
Yeah, Assdrill, but I plan to change it when my sub expires. And if you want to upgrade just for the sake of PSN speeds - don't bother, they will remain shit. Xbox on the other hand pulls 100-200Mbps now for me, takes minutes to download games.

Also XBL server is redirecting me to either Seattle or San Jose it seems, at least looking at Geo location of IPs Xbox One establish connection with.

weird. The speeds you pull on XBL, is it with or without the VPN on?


Neo Member
PSN downloads are fast dawg just look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ-mEyysm7E

I have zero problems downloading from PSN but I know a bunch of people that do and it seems to based whereever you're located

LMAOlol... excellent, DAwgh
Also lol http://youtu.be/cmM5HUVX6j0

Though I have not Xbox for comparison, I personally have had no problems that weren't the fault of Bell {FFS among the worst ISPs, second to Rogers} . PS3 had a few slow updates in like 2009-2011? maybe?

I do think there is merit to these claims, by nature of all the infrastructure to your house, or the hardware in it, I'm sure some combinations will have poor performance. For me its been my laptop wireless adapter twice.. my laptop is gimped while every other device in house works fine..

Sony's PSN should keep striving to work through network problems like these, I think it would be good competency for developing and emerging markets, and for network security..?


Neo Member
Without VPN.

The issue must lie with Sony's servers then. I don't see any other explanation.

BTW, 2 friends reported that using the following DNS servers (South Korea) / (Taiwan) on the HK PSN works well. Give it a try and see if it helps.


100% agree with you, OP.

I have a 50 down/10 up (Comcast) in Salt Lake City, I use a wired connection on PS4 and get 25-30 down, 1-3 up.

Vita gets 5-10 down, 1-3 up.

Pretty shitty speeds. Don't know how much this is down to PSN, and how much is the horrid internet chips in the machines.


*Connection speeds are estimates only

The only problem is that diagnostic menu is a POS. I have 100Mbs down and that screen reports some random number around 15Mbs. I download games at or very close to 100Mbs. Games are stored on CDNs like Akamai or Level3 and their download rate have nothing to do with Sony.

Here's a shot a took when MGSV:GZ came out and the download just started.


I'm feeling lazy but I'll see if I can get a shot of that diag screen.

EDIT: I stand corrected, that screen is spot on now. It used to suck. Now for some reason you can't take a screenshot of the settings menus, WTF?

My poor 50mbps connection only hits 85% of its max speed on WiFi. Dam you Sony
I doubt anyone could say it's not at least twice as fast/good as it use to be overal
In IT you HAVE to take anecdotal evidence as a means for further investigation, or rather anything that isn't competently outlandish and his complaint is valid just as anybody elses.
I work in IT, and when someone has an issue the first thing you do is check to make sure it isn't user error or that person's individual equipment. You don't immediately paint the entire infrastructure as shit.

Ignoring complaints like these are actually detrimental to the experience of the Play Station its self if this is indeed true. Sony should investigate. Or would you have completely ignored what Microsoft did with the pre launch announcements and say everything was ok and dandy? You can't have these double standards if you want the playstation to be better as well.
My comment wasn't aimed at the idea that some people are having issues, it was directed at the fanboyish generalization that was being made.
Anyway what should Sony investigate exactly? Why this person is having speed issues connecting to their network from a region that the console hasn't even been released in yet?
And somehow trying to relate this to the Microsoft DRM? What?


It's the same in Sweden btw. I have 250Mbit and get damn near that on my Xbox 360, but I never get over 10 Mbit on my PS3. Talking Cable now. With Wifi I get even less.


I have my PS4 wired for this very reason but then my save files stopped uploading automatically so then I switched to wifi and it worked again but now that doesn't work either so i just switched back to wired and now my connection is stable again but still no automatic save uploads which sucks because i hear watch_dog save files have been corrupting so hopefully i'm mindful enough to manually upload after each session because lord knows i cant slosh through that opening act again but yeah op just ethernet that bad boy up although i must say vita strangely has good speeds so idk really.

Your save files not uploading automaticaly problem is related to 1.70 firmware. Has nothing to do with network config. Wait for a new PS4 firmware.


Neo Member
I work in IT, and when someone has an issue the first thing you do is check to make sure it isn't user error or that person's individual equipment. You don't immediately paint the entire infrastructure as shit.

My comment wasn't aimed at the idea that some people are having issues, it was directed at the fanboyish generalization that was being made.
Anyway what should Sony investigate exactly? Why this person is having speed issues connecting to their network from a region that the console hasn't even been released in yet?
And somehow trying to relate this to the Microsoft DRM? What?

I also work in IT and I agree that when it comes to networking there are so many variables that it's hard to put blame on something specific.

I personally always use google to search for answers that might help resolve my issues before going on forums to complain/rant about it. However, in this specific case, and the reason why i'm even bothering responding here, is that the low speeds on the PSN are somewhat affecting a minority but still large number of PSN users. Just google it and you'll see just how widespread this thing is.

So yeah, we probably have no right to complain because we're in a country for which the PS3/PS4 hasn't been officially released yet (although technically they've both been released in HK and Macao which are regions of China) but maybe if enough people voice their issues Sony might investigate it?


I don't have an Xbox to compare but wired is definitely better on both PS3 and PS4, even with using one of those Netgear Powerline devices.
In my experience, PSN is better to download stuff through then Xbox One's Xbox Live. On 360 compared to PS3, the 360 was far better. It's just after downloading full games like Forza and them taking so long to download and install on Xbone that I hated it.
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