To play devil's advocate, there are some parts you should've bolded in the article that you didn't.
this was a really interesting post and i just want to thank you for taking the time to make it.
To play devil's advocate, there are some parts you should've bolded in the article that you didn't.
My point is in the end EuroBenefits are unsustainable. Americans not having been addictied to freebies and entitlements will handle the recession better in the end. Europeans will worse more so because those EuroBenefits will not be coming back
Germany will last a little longer though than the others.
The human rights thing was under US law that they are not basic rights.
My point is in the end EuroBenefits are unsustainable. Americans not having been addictied to freebies and entitlements will handle the recession better in the end. Europeans will worse more so because those EuroBenefits will not be coming back
Germany will last a little longer though than the others.
The human rights thing was under US law that they are not basic rights.
Germany will last a little longer though than the others.
so the real problem is at the bottom because there is no "problem" at the top and if you are born in the middle there is no law that says you should remain there.
As for the bottom, it goes deeper than just give them free this or that. Its also an attitude and community problem where just throwing more money and programs won't work.
I came to this country as a kid and for a few years had to go to a shit school in a shit area and most of the kids and their parents had shit characters. Call it a culture shock or whatever but no amount of shoving free programs at them would have changed them into productive members of society. It would have just passed with generations of being entitled.
You want upward mobility you better address the overall problem which is more than just shove more money at them.
My point is in the end EuroBenefits are unsustainable. Americans not having been addictied to freebies and entitlements will handle the recession better in the end. Europeans will worse more so because those EuroBenefits will not be coming back
Germany will last a little longer though than the others.
The human rights thing was under US law that they are not basic rights.
I notice you didn´t say Europe. Because they´re leaving in droves too. Especially countries like portugal and Spain and I would assume France because there are quite a few places to go while still speaking the language. I still think it has to do more with growth. I think many of those people will come back to American (not your friends but those in his article) when growth especially job growth pick up again. I don´t know about Europe because I don´t really see how they start getting good growth rates anytime soon.
I will say Canada and New Zealand seem to have the best mix of the two diferent styles though obviously they have their problems too.
A couple have moved to some of the Nordic countries. I still say that Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the Nordic countries, and Germany are the hot spots right now. I even know some people that I graduated with in college that have tried South America.
What are they doing in the Nordic countries? It seems a bit hard to get in there.
Not at all. They're in the medical field. Well, one is. The other does some sort of business work.
Salary is not profit. No one's salary factor in expenses and the more taxes that make up that expense, the less there is to devote for the far more important task of keeping the economy going. The only thing that a punishing tax (75% tax rate is always punishment) does is grow the government which should not be the goal of even the most liberal democracy.Why would industries suffer from a 75% taxrate? Its a tax on profits or salary after a certain amount of income, not on revenue. As you can see now, the world economy cannot survive on the spending of the rich only, because while they have a lot of money they dont spend the same amount as a couple hundred million of regular people.
The problem with massice benefits is the xash drain. Perhaps the governments would have more money and not have had to implement cuts for all programs if they had less to begin with.''Freebies'' are being paid by taxes, they are not free. The southern European countries have their own reasons for the situation they are in right now. In Spain the housing bubble burst like crazy. There was a thread on GAF about the completely empty neighborhoods. Services have nothing to do with the economic crisis. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. The desire to make money hand over fist is what has caused the current economic situation.
Nah. I totally agree in this day and age of technology geography is a perfectly good excuse for poor performance. Not like there's more resources with larger land or anything like that. I use it all the time with my kids. "What? Little Johny failed class? Yeah, well have you seen the size of my lawn?! He's up against kids that have a lawn that's just a fraction of the size of mine!"
They are freebies for those that pay little to no taxes or make no attempt when they can to remove themselves from the need of certain benefits.
It's not that hard to move to Scandinavia if you have a decent job. It's not North Korea.Just wondering. I really have no intrest in the Nordic countries (too cold) but it always seemed a bit shut to immigration besides asylum seekers where it was "door´s wide open come on in"
Where are you getting this from? Seriously you´re just making stuff up.
Chavs are made up? Go back at the riot thread and look at a lot of the comments from UK posters.
They pay taxes too and support the economy, the crisis isn't because of the benefits. Just look at countries like Iceland, they had a perfect running economy with healthcare etc, the thing that knocked them over was the privatization and deregulation of national banks. They began spending like crazy without responsibility, causing major debts and financial destabilization of the banks. Then there is Goldman Sachs, which lend money to Greece in secret. That undermined the EU regulation and supervision of the ECB.They are freebies for those that pay little to no taxes or make no attempt when they can to remove themselves from the need of certain benefits.
Are you sure you know what chavs are?Chavs are made up? Go back at the riot thread and look at a lot of the comments from UK posters.
and most people are not risk takers, you want to move up the ladder you can't just go to 9 to 5 job or even just get a college degree.It's harder to be a self-made millionaire because most people work for employers and are happy with that. To be a self made millionaire is to be a risk taker.
Further, a person should not become a self-made millionaire unless they have something that makes them worth that.
Chavs are made up? Go back at the riot thread and look at a lot of the comments from UK posters.
Oh yeah I agree but they grow up too, benefits wont work forever. A study showed that many of those in the riots had jobs, they just didn't feel like they earned enough to do what they wanted to do.Correct. However, they do exist (in all countries) and are an active drain that never attempts to transition and get freebies.
Chavs. Not all people on benefits are chavs.
So the Rep congressman acknowledges that the US is falling behind in terms of upward mobility -- what exactly do his party propose to improve things? Everything I hear a Rep member say seems to go the other way and sound like it would only make things worse!
No, what is needed to fix the US economy is the return of the middle class. What is needed to fix the economy is to increase the income of the bottom 90%. Those are the people who spend pretty much all their money, which is what drives the economy. THe rich hoard money like some compulsion, and money that is gettnig hoarded is what makes the economy stop.
The problem right now is that America, thanks to the 1% and their wealth (which is being used to buy political power to make more money), has created a vicious circle. Most people's wages haven't really grown in years, which leads to them spending less and less, which leads to companies making less money, which leads to unemployment, people having less money etc. It has been delayed for a few decades with credit and debt and housing bubbles and such, but now it is all coming down.
Basically, corporations have forgotten one of the lessons even Henry Ford understood: you got to have people able to buy your products. In their greed they wanted even the last bit of money from the population, and now they are surprised when people arent able to buy anymore stuff and we are in a crisis which isnt fixable.
What are you talking about?
Well, then live in the United States, last I checked poor people have gone to Harvard, NYU, and other high ranked schools too.
You're part of the damn problem. Raised by your parents to lie and cheat and screw up schools by overcrowding them.
In fact, last I checked, schools like MIT and Harvard meet almost all of their accepted applicant's financial situations to pay for tuition and expenses.
I'm actually a firm believer in working to where you need to go in life. Considering my mother was a girl who grew up in the slums of South America to become an industry-renowned chemical engineer that was able to raise me in the states and with the mentality to achieve my goals, I would say that in the states, you can still work for what you want to achieve (mostly). I didn't go to a fancy private school or anything, either. Public school (and even homeschooled for a little while) my entire life until I went to college.
It is true that it is very difficult to break a poverty cycle, though, but my mother did it.
I will probably have 80k in debt by the time I graduate with my bachelor's degree, but c'est la vie. I'll pay it off.
Chavs. Not all people on benefits are chavs.
The way the nation was founded and expanded. Homesteaders toughing it out in the remote areas of the country. People endured and eventually (and it may take a while) prosper, or that endure and make due with what they have and still enjoy life (the latter may seem odd, but it's possible to live "poor" in a rural area and still have a fulfilling life.Why? Why is it difficult to break out of the poverty cycle? I'm not talking lower class here, there will always be a relative "lower class" just due to the nature of the term, I'm talking why is it acceptable, in the United States of America, why is it acceptable that it is difficult to stop living in poverty?
Those are neds, not chavs.
Wait, you can tell by just looking at the picture?Those are neds, not chavs.
The way the nation was founded and expanded. Homesteaders toughing it out in the remote areas of the country. People endured and eventually (and it may take a while) prosper, or that endure and make due with what they have and still enjoy life (the latter may seem odd, but it's possible to live "poor" in a rural area and still have a fulfilling life.
Yeah, however supply-side eocnomics is a bullshit theory. It works from the idea that, by lowering taxes (on profits!) it will allow producers to lower their prices, which in turn will allow more people to buy stuff and thus generate more profits, which result in more wages for the employees. However, this makes no sense, because taxes are based on profits, not revenue, and theoretically the price of a product is already as low as possible thanks to competition.Their belief is that fewer regulations allows more entrepreneurship as well as increased profitability for existing firms, which would in turn trigger economic growth (tickle down).
Regardless of whether or not education is a human right should not matter.
Because realistically in todays world, the information is readily available, and there is nothing stopping people from educating themselves or one another.
So in that sense, the only thing infringing upon one's right to education in this country is themselves.
Regardless of whether or not education is a human right should not matter.
Because realistically in todays world, the information is readily available, and there is nothing stopping people from educating themselves or one another.
So in that sense, the only thing infringing upon one's right to education in this country is themselves.
Employers wont accept my degree from the university of of whether or not education is a human right should not matter.
Because realistically in todays world, the information is readily available, and there is nothing stopping people from educating themselves or one another.
So in that sense, the only thing infringing upon one's right to education in this country is themselves.
Meaning it never hit the us nearly as bad, since we moved away from European style benefits in the 1980s and 1990s. The benefits in Europe where a weight around it's neck. Too much weight kept being added recently.
My point is in the end EuroBenefits are unsustainable. Americans not having been addictied to freebies and entitlements will handle the recession better in the end. Europeans will worse more so because those EuroBenefits will not be coming back
Regardless of whether or not education is a human right should not matter.
Because realistically in todays world, the information is readily available, and there is nothing stopping people from educating themselves or one another.
So in that sense, the only thing infringing upon one's right to education in this country is themselves.
That's true, but you still need that piece of paper to prove your knowledge.
Their belief is that fewer regulations allows more entrepreneurship as well as increased profitability for existing firms, which would in turn trigger economic growth (tickle down).
We've never had "European style benefits." lulz
Don't these European countries that have surpassed us in upward mobility also have a lot of regulations, though?
Huh? We got rid of welfare, medicaid and medicare?The Great Society programs were fairly close.
I think they would argue that mobility is predicated on "moving the wealth around" not on growth and entrepreneurship. I don´t see many world inspiring businesses coming out of europe (with the Scanadaniva being an exception with Skype and Spotify)