Yeah, however supply-side eocnomics is a bullshit theory. It works from the idea that, by lowering taxes (on profits!) it will allow producers to lower their prices, which in turn will allow more people to buy stuff and thus generate more profits, which result in more wages for the employees. However, this makes no sense, because taxes are based on profits, not revenue, and theoretically the price of a product is already as low as possible thanks to competition.
So what really is happening is that profits rise and are being taken by shareholders, but that doesnt lead to more investments automatically. Companies will only create jobs if there are people demanding their products/services, and that requires people having money. And thats where supply-side economics always fails: it doesnt take into consideration that people need money, and that demand is wat drives the market, not supply. But since supply-side economics is still lingering around like some goddamn lich which just wont die, we've created a situation where the people who demand things are being sucked dry. And no demand leads to no need to supply goods and voila, economic crisis.