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You know I always thought DOA had no depth...

......but then why would i always get my ass kicked by A- and B- players online.

I always sorta enjoyed doa cause it was a series i could pick it up with a couple of friends and compete no matter the skill level. DOA: U on the otherhand is so much fun online i actually decided to practice a little and not only did i get new scadalous costumes but i also got a bit better. The new counter system actually takes a bit of timing this time around so its way less cheap.

Ofcourse i still prefer tekken over DOA:U but i think the elitist DOA:U trollers should try the game online immerse themselves in the old skool arcade atmophere that is created when 8 ppl are in one room and get their snobby asses kicked by us non frame counting casuals.

I cant stress enough how great the arcade style lobby system is. It reminds me of the old days(early 90s) in arcades playing street fighter 2 championship ed. Cheering fights, joking around with ppl, having intense matches after serious trash talking and in general having a good time. Sure the odd time someone pics kasumi in a bikini the room gets eeirily quiet but i like not to think about that too much. :|

The only downside to the game is that even if one person lags online the whole room will lag.

I short i think everyone should try the game atleast. Rent it even if you hated the previous ones.
yea but its not a VF4:evo thread. evo does rock. but its hard finding good competion in the arcades or anywhere else around here for that matter. Just takes to much time to get really good.


There should be like an international Evo day where all threads must be derailed into why VF4:Evo is the greatest game ever :)
hey its not my fault your not into boobs.

a good fighting game with boobs >>>>>>>>> a good fighting game without boobs.

atleast thats the way i see it.


EA guy that we like
Kabuki Waq said:
I cant stress enough how great the arcade style lobby system is.

Glad you are digging it, but I hate it. When I go online, I generally go online to play, not watch someone else play while I stand in line. Fighting for 2 minutes, losing to some cheap Jann player, and then watching for 10 minutes just sucks to me. I tend to optimatch to sessions with only 4 players, so that even if I lose (which is often) I don't have to wait as long.

I haven't had the great experience you are talking about with 8 other people laughing it up. I guess I would enjoy it more if I was winning more!


God damn you guys are whack.

And could we please stop making these DOAU is awesome threads, you're torturing me! You may laugh, but when I sold my Xbox I was more pissed about missing it than Halo2 :(


force push the doodoo rock
the only frames you need to count in doa is the 22 frames used to counter bitches!

play a real mans game!


p.s. vanessa is much hotter than any of the goofy lookin doa girls
sp0rsk said:
the only frames you need to count in doa is the 22 frames used to counter bitches!

play a real mans game!


p.s. vanessa is much hotter than any of the goofy lookin doa girls

no way they toned down the timing for the counters in DOA:U its almost the same timing as the counters in tekken.

and wtf man Vanessa is hot? she is way too amazonian for me.


Yeah, this game is awesome. Haven't had this much fun with a fighting game since Soul Calibur 2. Fighting games are my favorite genre, I've been hooked ever since Street Fighter 2. Saying that, I could never get into VF, the controls are to clunky and the moves aren't very impressive. EVO's graphics look like shit. DOA:U does sooo many things right. Each character has atleast 75 moves, people that talk crap about DOA is because they haven't played it enough to get the depth out of it. The 4 point counter system is a LOT more difficult then the 3 point system of DOA 3. And the stages are the best ever in a fighting game. Not to mention the Online mode and ranking system is top notch. Why don't some of you guys stop talking out your ass, and actually PLAY DOA:U before giving an opinion? Just because you didn't like previous versions doesn't mean you won't like this one. For instance a lot of people couldnt' stand VF3, but now they love VF4... just give the game a chance.


Been saying it all along. Most peeps have never gave the game much of chance or had the chance to experience high level DOA play.
This game is really pretty and really REALLY dumb. The counter window is still too damn big -- I literally switched my brain off after setting the game on Very Hard, and mashed back+X + canned combos randomly to unlock Ayane and Leon's first 7 costumes. Ayane's costimes are all shit -- her first ninja duds are still the best. After that, it's just yucky Japanese fetishist crap and OMG TEH PANTIES. Well, the Kagero costume is kinda neat, if tasteless.

MAF and me played a fuckload of DoA2:HC back in the early days of the PS2, certainly enough to get a taste of any high-level play -- if it existed. Mostly, it was just who tricked the other person into getting to reversal #4 the quickest and thus victory.

Then, like DECENT GAMERS, we discovered VF4 and we forgot about shit like DoA2. Sorry!
mortal kombat was not nearly as fun even with other ppl atleast for me. Fuck i dont think any thing could have made wargods fun.

Im not saying the game is anywhere near as "Good" as VF4 or Tekken but it is really fun online and there is is actually some depth ot the game. Thats all i was saying in this thread before it was hijacked.

The game is fun and does not sem nearly as broken as the other games in the series so far.
Well, I won't say it isn't fun, but I have a hard time going for second-rate fun when I have VF4 Evo and Soul Calibur 2 in my library as well.
Drinky Crow said:
Well, I won't say it isn't fun, but I have a hard time going for second-rate fun when I have VF4 Evo and Soul Calibur 2 in my library as well.

How about the fact that you don't want to expose your suckiness to the world, outside of your 2 or 3 buddies (including MAF)? That's probably why.

I loved VF series FROM THE BEGINNING unlike you Johhny come lately posers, and love VF4 (though since I haven't had an access to PS2 for a while, I suck hard at it), and I love my SC2, but that doesn't stop me from loving another great fighting game series. Depth of DOA series is as high as SC, and is approaching VF series. The boobies distraction stopping posers like you from playing it on DOAU on Live! is fine by me.

Fighting games are all about the human competition. Everytime you and your sidekick make yet another comment obout weak AI on a new fighting game, my eyeballs roll to the back of my skull. The real fighting game fans will seek out human competition and not bother with the single player unless there are costumes to unlock.

I am unfortunate to have friends that absoultely suck at fighting games. Everytime we play, they complain about me winning all the time. I wish I was that good! It's just that they all suck. So my fighting game enjoyment has dwindled to nothing since I moved away from Vancouver's somewhat alive arcade scene. Now with the advant of online fighting games, I can visit better than arcade competition in front of my TV. How fucking cool is that? The fact that you bums aren't excited about the fact that a A class fighting game has gone online and done it well just proves how big a bunch of posers you are.

Go on and be a legend of VF4 in your own apartment. The rest of us will play with some real competition online with DOAU.
Drinky Crow said:
Other people can make ANY game fun. Fuck, I've had fun playing other people in Mortal Kombat 4 -- doesn't make the game GOOD.

hnrf haw

I hated VF1 and VF3, but oh dear GOD did I love VF2.


Shogmaster said:
Fighting games are all about the human competition. Everytime you and your sidekick make yet another comment obout weak AI on a new fighting game, my eyeballs roll to the back of my skull. The real fighting game fans will seek out human competition and not bother with the single player unless there are costumes to unlock.

Yup, this is me EXACTLY. I mean, I rock all my friends at SF3 at home, then I go to the arcades and get rocked myself just as hard, if not harder. So I have nobody to play against, and it's too expensive to practise against the high-level people at the arcades. Online is my only recourse.


Shogmaster said:
How about the fact that you don't want to expose your suckiness to the world, outside of your 2 or 3 buddies (including MAF)? That's probably why.

I loved VF series FROM THE BEGINNING unlike you Johhny come lately posers, and love VF4 (though since I haven't had an access to PS2 for a while, I suck hard at it), and I love my SC2, but that doesn't stop me from loving another great fighting game series. Depth of DOA series is as high as SC, and is approaching VF series. The boobies distraction stopping posers like you from playing it on DOAU on Live! is fine by me.

Fighting games are all about the human competition. Everytime you and your sidekick make yet another comment obout weak AI on a new fighting game, my eyeballs roll to the back of my skull. The real fighting game fans will seek out human competition and not bother with the single player unless there are costumes to unlock.

I am unfortunate to have friends that absoultely suck at fighting games. Everytime we play, they complain about me winning all the time. I wish I was that good! It's just that they all suck. So my fighting game enjoyment has dwindled to nothing since I moved away from Vancouver's somewhat alive arcade scene. Now with the advant of online fighting games, I can visit better than arcade competition in front of my TV. How fucking cool is that? The fact that you bums aren't excited about the fact that a A class fighting game has gone online and done it well just proves how big a bunch of posers you are.

Go on and be a legend of VF4 in your own apartment. The rest of us will play with some real competition online with DOAU.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
Who cares when you liked it? Im not here to prove anything, im hear to play good games.

The point is im playing a better game opposed to spending more time with doa u, which is a stupid dial a combo mini-game. If all of your best assaults are poor logic circle jerks followed by collective pats on the back go home.

the truth is, youre playing crap. in a week ill have all your medals ready; cause DoA Ultimate is like the special olympics.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Shogmaster said:
How about the fact that you don't want to expose your suckiness to the world, outside of your 2 or 3 buddies (including MAF)? That's probably why.

I loved VF series FROM THE BEGINNING unlike you Johhny come lately posers, and love VF4 (though since I haven't had an access to PS2 for a while, I suck hard at it), and I love my SC2, but that doesn't stop me from loving another great fighting game series. Depth of DOA series is as high as SC, and is approaching VF series. The boobies distraction stopping posers like you from playing it on DOAU on Live! is fine by me.

Fighting games are all about the human competition. Everytime you and your sidekick make yet another comment obout weak AI on a new fighting game, my eyeballs roll to the back of my skull. The real fighting game fans will seek out human competition and not bother with the single player unless there are costumes to unlock.

I am unfortunate to have friends that absoultely suck at fighting games. Everytime we play, they complain about me winning all the time. I wish I was that good! It's just that they all suck. So my fighting game enjoyment has dwindled to nothing since I moved away from Vancouver's somewhat alive arcade scene. Now with the advant of online fighting games, I can visit better than arcade competition in front of my TV. How fucking cool is that? The fact that you bums aren't excited about the fact that a A class fighting game has gone online and done it well just proves how big a bunch of posers you are.

Go on and be a legend of VF4 in your own apartment. The rest of us will play with some real competition online with DOAU.

serious ownage here


MrAngryFace said:
Who cares when you liked it? Im not here to prove anything, im hear to play good games.

The point is im playing a better game opposed to spending more time with doa u, which is a stupid dial a combo mini-game. If all of your best assaults are poor logic circle jerks followed by collective pats on the back go home.

the truth is, youre playing crap. in a week ill have all your medals ready; cause DoA Ultimate is like the special olympics.

OK, you are a troll if I ever saw one. "Dial a combo mini-game"??? You must have this game confused with TEKKEN! There is so much strategy involved in DOA U, it's not even funny, there are 75 + moves per character to master, a 4 point counter system, 3D side stepping, environment hazards that make you use different strategies. GET OVER YOURSELF. Your opinion is not FACT. And everyone doesn't feel the same way about the game that you do.
There is so much strategy involved in DOA U, it's not even funny, there are 75 + moves per character to master, a 4 point counter system, 3D side stepping, environment hazards that make you use different strategies.

All rendered moot by a giant counter window, ridiculous tracking moves, and inflated juggle damage.

Y'know, you can list the same bullet points for Bloody Roar, but you don't see ME trying to argue that it's anything but idle fluff.


MrparisSM said:
OK, you are a troll if I ever saw one. "Dial a combo mini-game"??? You must have this game confused with TEKKEN! There is so much strategy involved in DOA U, it's not even funny, there are 75 + moves per character to master, a 4 point counter system, 3D side stepping, environment hazards that make you use different strategies. GET OVER YOURSELF. Your opinion is not FACT. And everyone doesn't feel the same way about the game that you do.

Haha, just ignore him on the issue. He just wants to rile you guys up and it's working.

Besides, Shogmaster's post pretty much ends this thread anyway. I don't have DoA:U yet, but I'll get it to fight online. Whether you like the game or not, Team Ninja is taking the right step towards reviving the fighting genre. Tell Sega to call me when they get with the times and put VF online.
Mrparis: At least my opinion isnt crap. Just go find some boobs, and then fall over a lot. Now youre playing DoA U in real life! Save yourself 50 bucks.


GameFan Alumnus
LOL, three cheers for shog. Leave the trolls be. They can live under a rock and delude themselves that they're hard-core playing the same old competition, while we'll actually get better at our game. Fighting games are all about competition. If you don't think so, it's because you suck and you're making excuses.


You guys seriously must not play many competitive fighting games to think that DOA has a lot of depth heh.


Shouta said:
You guys seriously must not play many competitive fighting games to think that DOA has a lot of depth heh.


Here we go again. I've played fighting games from Street Fighter 2 through Soul Calibur 2. So I think I'm pretty versed on how deep fighting games can be. Why must people that haven't even played DOAU talk shit about it? I don't like VF4 or MK:D, but you don't see me trolling every thread that pops up about them. What is the point?
i dont know how much depth DOA:U has in comparisson to whatever, but what i do know is that its fun to play online. if you want to jack off into your dads shampoo bottle while looking at the 7 page movelist for akira in VF4 and figuring out ways to perfect the spinning palm of death combo, thats cool with me.

i think most people play games for fun, not depth (though both can go hand in hand), and doa is pretty sweet ladies


Unconfirmed Member
PhatSaqs said:
Been saying it all along. Most peeps have never gave the game much of chance or had the chance to experience high level DOA play.
High level play...so that's like what? An hour of experience or something?


Here we go again. I've played fighting games from Street Fighter 2 through Soul Calibur 2. So I think I'm pretty versed on how deep fighting games can be. Why must people that haven't even played DOAU talk shit about it? I don't like VF4 or MK, but you don't see me trolling every thread that pops up about them. What is the point?

Playing != Competitively

Playing a game and playing the game competitively are two different beasts. Just because you've played it doesn't mean you're qualified to say if a game has a lot depth the competitive arena. It's like saying you took a college course about genetics and then saying you're qualified to publish articles about the subject like Doctorates in the field.

Oh and the "You people haven't played DOA:U" is a nice, pathetic way of trying to discredit folks. I played it last night and the change to it are minimal when compared to its base source. Anyone that has played DOA2 or DOA3 is more than qualified to speak about DOA:U.
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