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You know I always thought DOA had no depth...

m0dus said:
Dude, it is, especially if they don't mix it up. this was something my friends and I decided to nix immediately when DOA2 came out on the dreamcast--we set up practice mode in exactly the fashion you described, and got countering that kick (as well as his pppk combo) down to a science. So much so that, soon afterward, nobody used Jan Lee because he became the easiest character to read and counter. Seriously, take it into practice/vs mode, have a buddy do nothing but that kick all day.

I'm not saying it's impossible to counter/duck, but when you've got a player who knows how to use it properly, and who knows how to move in 3D (enough can't be said about how important 3D movement alone--irregardless of specific attacks--is in these games) it becomes pretty difficult. Again, the impulse of many players who react to the Dragon Kick is to hold down/back+Free (years of 2D fighters plus VF/Soul Calibur). That WON'T make you duck in DOA. Now, if your impulse is to counter (up/back+Free) then you should be OK, but again, when you're circling your opponent, focusing on openings to rush in or alternatively back off when you need to reorganize your approach, you can easily get caught in mid sidestep and miss your counter.

Again, I reiterate my challenge.


Yeah. I got up to an A last night running off a good 9-10 streak against B+ and A players. Then got knocked down to a B+ from losing to a C- :(. I called it a night after that. Who do you run with Face? Hit me up with an invite.


Yikes, nice thing I'm noticing about this game, is that there's no posturing trash talk. Every word can be backed up with actual action with ease.
PhatSaqs said:
Man that match was funny as hell where you did nothing but DK that dude that came in the room with us. I was laughing my fuckin ass off. Good games last night.

Thanks man, great games as always. You really had a bead on me toward the end, I need to switch up tactics cause you anticipated a lot of my moves (rising from ground mid kick especially). FYI, I'm not trying to be anti-social by not using the headset, but it seems to get laggy really quick when the VOIP is used. Although maybe if it was just you and I it might be stable enough...as soon as that other guy came in our games became a lot more laggy (I wonder if there's an option to kick users? I didn't notice one).
DJ Demon J said:
Any of y'all who say that Jann Lee's dragon kick is so easy to duck/counter I challenge you to a match where the only move I will do is the dragon kick and I guarantee I will win. PhatSaqs is the only gaffer that has been able to consistenly duck/counter it, and I still catch him with it a few times. It's not that easy to duck counter when you're also trying to move in 3D to circle your opponent and set up attack opportunities (see my post on how down/back+block in other 3D fighters |= down/back+Free in DOA).
so what is the exact nature of the challenge again, that you'll hit me withthe dragon kick, or that you'll win the match?
PhatSaqs said:
Yeah. I got up to an A last night running off a good 9-10 streak against B+ and A players. Then got knocked down to a B+ from losing to a C- :(. I called it a night after that. Who do you run with Face? Hit me up with an invite.
i play whoever's around... though i usually try to play a few vs DOACentral peeps...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I don't really want to get into this stupid internet argument going on, but what MAF said would be true if DOA was a crap game. Thing is, simplistic or not, it's not. :p

I plan on finally playing online tonight. Who's going to be online and wants to play me? :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Outpost.com? You won't get it until next week. ;)

Did Birdo get the game? I refuse to play him until he gets a damn headset.
The Faceless Master said:
so what is the exact nature of the challenge again, that you'll hit me withthe dragon kick, or that you'll win the match?

You just quoted the challenge, it's in there ferchrissakes, read it.

DJ Demon J said:
Any of y'all who say that Jann Lee's dragon kick is so easy to duck/counter I challenge you to a match where the only move I will do is the dragon kick and I guarantee I will win.

I also extend an invite for PhatSaqs to spectate so he can have a good laugh.


My copy came in today. So be ready! :D
Also, Birdo got a headset Friday...so there is no excuse or escape...face your destiny!



DJ Demon J said:
Again, the impulse of many players who react to the Dragon Kick is to hold down/back+Free (years of 2D fighters plus VF/Soul Calibur). That WON'T make you duck in DOA.
Yea it does. It's lame like that. Your character is considered crouching during a low counter, so he/she is protected from lows, highs, and high throws. That dragon kick should go right over your head if you accidently low counter.
toohectic said:
Yea it does. It's lame like that. Your character is considered crouching during a low counter, so he/she is protected from lows, highs, and high throws. That dragon kick should go right over your head if you accidently low counter.

I'm 99.9% sure that I was nailed by DKs during my low counter animation. I'll test when I get home.


DJ Demon J said:
I'm 99.9% sure that I was nailed by DKs during my low counter animation. I'll test when I get home.
Nah he's right. I never try to flat out duck it anymore. Doing a low counter is basically akin to crouching. But I just cant resist trying to high counter it and get in a high damage, back turn combo :D
PhatSaqs said:
Nah he's right. I never try to flat out duck it anymore. Doing a low counter is basically akin to crouching. But I just cant resist trying to high counter it and get in a high damage, back turn combo :D

Well then I stand corrected. My challenge still stands though! :D


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
just played a few matches online with different hosts, and the game is crazy laggy.

not sure why its sooo damn bad for me, whereas you guys say its fine. by the way, i dont have probems with my other live titles, so my connection must be at least decent.

dissapointed :(


GameFan Alumnus

A friend of mine has the same problem. He gets laggy games all the time. Yet others of us at work have no problem playing. Maybe a bad Internet provider or rather a poor connection with Live on your end? I know, other games are fine, but this game is finicky (sp?).


I don't think you can beat me with one move. I admit I suck at this game, since it plays nothing like DOA3, which I was good at. However, I never had a problem with the kick in DOA3 and I don't think the principles of avoiding it have changed in this game. I duck it most of the time. High countering it just gets you in trouble. I also can hit it before it comes out, since Jann does a couple running steps before it comes out. Now if you throw in other moves besides the kick, then it gets interesting, but just kick alone? I find that a joke.
Eggo said:

I don't think you can beat me with one move. I admit I suck at this game, since it plays nothing like DOA3, which I was good at. However, I never had a problem with the kick in DOA3 and I don't think the principles of avoiding it have changed in this game. I duck it most of the time. High countering it just gets you in trouble. I also can hit it before it comes out, since Jann does a couple running steps before it comes out. Now if you throw in other moves besides the kick, then it gets interesting, but just kick alone? I find that a joke.

Hey, I made a challenge, I'm prepared to be owned if that's the case. :)
WTF? I've beaten Story Mode on every difficulty with Jann Lee and I still haven't unlocked a costume. How do you unlock costumes?
op_ivy said:
just played a few matches online with different hosts, and the game is crazy laggy.

not sure why its sooo damn bad for me, whereas you guys say its fine. by the way, i dont have probems with my other live titles, so my connection must be at least decent.

dissapointed :(

u sure u didnt have a torrent going on on your pc?

i remember i did and forgot i had a torrent going my shit was laggy as hell

then i remembered and stopped my torrent then everything was fine



DJ Demon J said:
WTF? I've beaten Story Mode on every difficulty with Jann Lee and I still haven't unlocked a costume. How do you unlock costumes?

I don't know... I've unlocked customes for every character so far... that's wierd...
Make sure all the game options are at their default except the difficulty, which needs to be changed depending on which costumes you are going for. I think Jan Lee's you can get all of them on Normal.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Fixed2BeBroken said:
u sure u didnt have a torrent going on on your pc?

i remember i did and forgot i had a torrent going my shit was laggy as hell

then i remembered and stopped my torrent then everything was fine


yeah, i'm sure. whenever i have live hooked up, its directly to the modem. i've heard from my friends that the game was laggy before i picked it up, but i just assumed it was a poor connection. hopefully, thats all it still is. i'll be playing a 1 on 1 match with him tonight. we are fairly close geographically speaking, so it better be good....
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