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You know I always thought DOA had no depth...

No it isnt. The brilliance of the internet is the lack of accountability. If you honestly think there's some kind of rule system to my behaviour on here youre mistaken. Things just are, or they arent. My trolls wouldnt be if you guys wouldnt reply. Its that simple.

If my actions are so bad, id think youd stop with your shit-talk and get to ignoring me, stat.


Accountability is something that's imposed by a community upon its members. It doesn't matter how 'anonymous' you are behind your keyboard. Whether or not I know your name in real life is irrelevant. As MAF, you're a member of this community, and the rest of us have every right to expect you to behave like a civilized human being. If you don't like my 'shit-talk', well, that's all on you. The easiest way not to hear it is not to troll in the first place, but from what you've said, it sounds like you're the one who lacks the self-control to stop yourself. Not my problem. You can also ignore me--be my guest. But if you want to troll, remember that I'm not under any obligation to keep quiet about it. Put simply, I don't owe you shit.

The beauty of the internet is freedom of communication. The tragedy of the internet is that some people (like you) seem to feel that it gives them a licence to behave like assholes. Guess what? It doesn't.


MrAngryFace said:
Pretty high.

A lot of it is their fault. There's a lot of factors to play on:

First off, they made a cash investment, usually far above the impulse price range. That lends to regret and second guessing. Most people dont have a lot of money so regret is often there right at the time of purchase.

This forms a need to validate ones purchase, which is usually done by going on a gaming forum and finding a like-minded group and chatting up a storm about said-game. Hell, I do it, ive done it.

Once they're all together they get the illusion of strength in numbers and the idea that since other people like their game, their opinion must be the right one. False bravado ensues.

I come in, say some shit, usually completely off base and out of my ass.

These guys jump on it, so lost in the process that they dont realize they end up coming off like idiots or assholes. Yeah, they can call me an asshole, but I dont mean 98% of what I fucking say, they MEAN what they say and do all they can to degrade me and force their opinion down my throat in earnest.

The internet rocks that way.

basically I just thought you were an Ass. And I can't say my opinion has changed much. :p No harm done.
Have I ever pretended I was not an asshole? Im up front about it. You high horse types are only this way when the mood suits you. Ive been around the block to know youre all like me.

Get off yer soap box. Lemme make fun of your games. C'mon, its fun.


force push the doodoo rock
The Faceless Master said:
it's funny to see scrubs talk about fighting games.. i bet i could beat everyone above me in this thread in DOAU or VF4 except Ferrio and Eggo...



Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Tellaerin said:
Accountability is something that's imposed by a community upon its members. It doesn't matter how 'anonymous' you are behind your keyboard. Whether or not I know your name in real life is irrelevant. As MAF, you're a member of this community, and the rest of us have every right to expect you to behave like a civilized human being. If you don't like my 'shit-talk', well, that's all on you. The easiest way not to hear it is not to troll in the first place, but from what you've said, it sounds like you're the one who lacks the self-control to stop yourself. Not my problem. You can also ignore me--be my guest. But if you want to troll, remember that I'm not under any obligation to keep quiet about it. Put simply, I don't owe you shit.

The beauty of the internet is freedom of communication. The tragedy of the internet is that some people (like you) seem to feel that it gives them a licence to behave like assholes. Guess what? It doesn't.

Fantastic post.

Also, did MAF just admit to trolling? Isn't that against the TOS? Oh, I forgot, MAF is one of the GAF mods' chosen people. Please, carry on.
I won't get into the whole DOAU depth debate (although I still feel the countering system shouldn't be quite as easy, the speed of the game helps to decrease that minor imbalance)...just would like to invite anyone who has this game to look for me online, I'm totally addicted and I noticed there seems to be about a dozen gaffers with DOAU that play it regularly. Maybe we can organize a GAF DOAU tourney if there's enough interest.

PhatSaqs, your Leon rocks. I only really play two characters (Jann Lee and Ein), so I had no idea that Leon had such a huge ground game. You were a King player in Tekken, weren't you? ;)

Oh, and I hear no end to the bitching online about Jann Lee's QCF+K. noobs...


DJ Demon J said:
PhatSaqs, your Leon rocks. I only really play two characters (Jann Lee and Ein), so I had no idea that Leon had such a huge ground game. You were a King player in Tekken, weren't you? ;)

Oh, and I hear no end to the bitching online about Jann Lee's QCF+K. noobs...
Thanks man. We had some fun, fun games yesterday. He's all I play in this game for now. I'll eventually venture out to more characters. And yeah I played King in TK :p

I actually saw a couple games labled "No Jann Lee" :lol. The scrubs just cant handle his flying kick at all. It's annoying but easily punishable. I get caught most of the time since I like to try to counter it instead of duck it. More damage potential but also risky. Thing is tho, Jann is nothing compared to a good Ein or Ryu. They both have crazy mix up games.
Well, I ain't trolling. By the standards of the folks advocating DoA in this thread, every fighting game is "deep". When MAF points out VF4 Evo, he's describing the delta in game design between fun fluff like DoA and REAL depth.

Like I said previously, DoAU is fun. But then again, by any standard, any time you add people, a game becomes more fun, even if the base design is astonishingly mediocre. DoAU is suddenly getting the benefit of the doubt because it has incredible graphics, online play, and TEH BOOBIES -- but all of the post-orgasmic justification in the world won't make it less shallow compared to the top of the tier in the genre.

Again, if you wanna try to be king of a mediocre game, go right ahead. I'm sure someone out there can clear Shaq Fu without dying once, and good for them!
PhatSaqs said:
Thanks man. We had some fun, fun games yesterday. He's all I play in this game for now. I'll eventually venture out to more characters. And yeah I played King in TK :p

I actually saw a couple games labled "No Jann Lee" :lol. The scrubs just cant handle his flying kick at all. It's annoying but easily punishable. I get caught most of the time since I like to try to counter it instead of duck it. More damage potential but also risky. Thing is tho, Jann is nothing compared to a good Ein or Ryu. They both have crazy mix up games.

Well watching your Leon inspired my to give him a try as well as Bass/Tina. I'd like to see what grapple characters DOA has to offer (I have no idea who's unlockable either).

I agree that the flying kick is easily punished, but I'll admit I have a tough time evading it--versus countering. I try to stay on the move at all times, and since DOA is a fast game this is pretty much the norm. But going from moving around to blocking quickly takes getting used to in DOA due to the "Free" button. In other 3D fighting games, I'm used to holding back down (after years of 2D fighters, Tekken, Soul Calibur) and Guard/Block to bring up a quick low block/duck when sidestepping/8-way running. However, in DOA, back down+Free=low counter, which will put your face in prime position for Jann Lee's foot. So getting over that instinctual method of blocking will be a challenge. I'd love to see DOA switch to VF-style controls, with counters having perhaps a dedicated button or multi-button/direction inputs.


DJ Demon J said:
Well watching your Leon inspired my to give him a try as well as Bass/Tina. I'd like to see what grapple characters DOA has to offer (I have no idea who's unlockable either).

If the moves and timing are still standard from DOA3, Tina's back+hard kick, grab in midair, grab on ground combo is badass. :p
Matlock said:
If the moves and timing are still standard from DOA3, Tina's back+hard kick, grab in midair, grab on ground combo is badass. :p

Oh, her Rock Bottom? Shit, it's all coming back to me now from my days of DOA2 on Dreamcast... :)



Starts off with a spinning back kick, which knocks them into the air. Then she grabs them out of the air, does three powerbombs, then a grapple on the ground. Really simple to pull off, and if you can get it to work, it's all good.
Oh, nm, I must be thinking of a different move, but I'm pretty sure she does have a knee to the stomach-->Rock Bottom move.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Would anyone argue that Soul Calibur 2 is deeper than DOA? Ifso, in what way? The only game I see people comparing it to is VF4 and of course it won't measure up. Still, though, I think the game is solid in it's own right.


Matlock said:
If the moves and timing are still standard from DOA3, Tina's back+hard kick, grab in midair, grab on ground combo is badass. :p
Never played much Tina but alot of moves and all air throws from DOA3 are gone.

But going from moving around to blocking quickly takes getting used to in DOA due to the "Free" button. In other 3D fighting games, I'm used to holding back down (after years of 2D fighters, Tekken, Soul Calibur) and Guard/Block to bring up a quick low block/duck when sidestepping/8-way running. However, in DOA, back down+Free=low counter, which will put your face in prime position for Jann Lee's foot. So getting over that instinctual method of blocking will be a challenge
Yeah. I've had the same problem. Getting hit by it because I know for a fact that I was in crouch position but I was still standing.


You people need to start ignoring MAF at times like this. Just laugh it off. Who cares if he doesn't like a certain fighting game. Who the heck is he to validate your opinion on a game?

I'm having a blast on DOA: U and there's no one here that can tell me otherwise. If you get bothered by someone making assinine comments and being an ass over the internet, then you need to step back and evaluate what are your expectations of a gaming forum.

As for depth vs. no depth, again, who the fuck cares? I wish people wouldn't be so damn influenced by others on the internet to get them to like or not like a game. It's almost as if standards are set by the elite few. Again, if you don't value your own opinion enough to let it stand over someone else, then you need to stop playing games and paint coloring books (IT'S THE COOL AND THE FUN!) I'm doing you a favor here and saving you big bucks.

My own opinion on the issue is that DOA: U certainly has depth and it's extremely fun to play. As with every fighting game, someone can cheap their way through abusing some character's moves, until reaching an opponent good enough to stop them. It's evident enough.



m0dus said:
Bloody Roar?

:lol not in a million. fucking. years. I love fighting vipers, however, the character design was beyond cheese . . . and not in a good way :D
I'm not sure how one can really love Fighting Vipers and not Bloody Roar given the way both series play almost identically, essentially a less precise, more kinetic, floaty VF-lite.

Oh yeah, Sega made one.


Drinky Crow said:
Well, I ain't trolling. By the standards of the folks advocating DoA in this thread, every fighting game is "deep". When MAF points out VF4 Evo, he's describing the delta in game design between fun fluff like DoA and REAL depth.

Like I said previously, DoAU is fun. But then again, by any standard, any time you add people, a game becomes more fun, even if the base design is astonishingly mediocre. DoAU is suddenly getting the benefit of the doubt because it has incredible graphics, online play, and TEH BOOBIES -- but all of the post-orgasmic justification in the world won't make it less shallow compared to the top of the tier in the genre.

Again, if you wanna try to be king of a mediocre game, go right ahead. I'm sure someone out there can clear Shaq Fu without dying once, and good for them!

i wish i knew how to play fighting games, vf4 evo scares me

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I always hear that Ayane and Kasumi are the best in DOA, but to me, it's the grapplers that rule all. You can really take advantage of the countering system using grapples, that's for sure. I am having to readjust to Ultimate, because the grapples you can do on the ground and in the air are gone from DOA3. IIRC Leon still has a ground grapple though.

jarrod said:
Fighting Vipers/Bloody Roar >>>>> DOA


Go back to your Gameboy. :)


Minotauro said:
Would anyone argue that Soul Calibur 2 is deeper than DOA?
I think they're about on equal footing. I do think SC2 is alot less balanced. The broken side-stepping makes a majority of the moves useless. So what you end up seeing is the same shit over and over again (side step, poke, juggle, repeat). DOA is more rewarding to the offensive player as well.


MAF baiting rocks.

Anyway, is it me or did they change Tina back to her DOA1 incarnaton or something? I played her in DOA:U and I don't remember her playing like her DOA1 incarnate in DOA2 or DOA3. o_O

I would get into SC2 vs DOA but that's one thing I don't have the time for right now.
PhatSaqs said:
I think they're about on equal footing. I do think SC2 is alot less balanced. The broken side-stepping makes a majority of the moves useless. So what you end up seeing is the same shit over and over again (side step, poke, juggle, repeat). DOA is more rewarding to the offensive player as well.


Cervantes is ALSO BROKEN!


other than that....SC2 > DOA


I like Dead or Alive, but I completely and absolutely suck ass at fighting games, as do all of my friends. I just like it because it's easy to reap solid progress from minimal practice, flows well, is easily accessible to multiplayer amoung most people and I find it's a lot easier to learn as you go along rather than training or playing by yourself. The flashy visuals don't hurt, either.

On the other side, VF4 (I still need Evo =/) is a much, MUCH better game if you wanna pick things apart, and nobody should be arguing the depth comparison. My problem is that I'm not interested in the genre enough to fuck around with it for the ammount of time It'd take to have any real level of skill, and even if I did. I'd have no one to play it with.

The last time I had any decent, regular get-togethers for a fighter was, probably SF2: Turbo. Yeah. That's my crowd. The type that tries 1991 SF2 moves in 2004 games to see if they "do anything"

Demigod Mac

DOA: U online play is fun, but it shall gather dust on my shelf when we have Tekken, Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur online.


if you want to jack off into your dads shampoo bottle while looking at the 7 page movelist for akira in VF4 and figuring out ways to perfect the spinning palm of death combo, thats cool with me.

That made me LOL for a good while,lmao.

And haven't you people learned that MAF is the biggest douche to ever grace the net?Ignore him.

I'm looking forward to pickin up a copy of DOA soon so you can all pound my head in online :p

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Demigod Mac said:
DOA: U online play is fun, but it shall gather dust on my shelf when we have Tekken, Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur online.

...Which unfortunately isn't going to be any time soon. :p


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
MrAngryFace said:
Pretty high.

A lot of it is their fault. There's a lot of factors to play on:

First off, they made a cash investment, usually far above the impulse price range. That lends to regret and second guessing. Most people dont have a lot of money so regret is often there right at the time of purchase.

This forms a need to validate ones purchase, which is usually done by going on a gaming forum and finding a like-minded group and chatting up a storm about said-game. Hell, I do it, ive done it.

Once they're all together they get the illusion of strength in numbers and the idea that since other people like their game, their opinion must be the right one. False bravado ensues.

I come in, say some shit, usually completely off base and out of my ass.

These guys jump on it, so lost in the process that they dont realize they end up coming off like idiots or assholes. Yeah, they can call me an asshole, but I dont mean 98% of what I fucking say, they MEAN what they say and do all they can to degrade me and force their opinion down my throat in earnest.

The internet rocks that way.

ahaha great post


I don't understand why so many people have a hard time fighting jann lee. Unless you're playing as Lei fang he's very beatable, especially if the person using him just keeps doing dragon kicks , it's called blocking or sidestepping folks. Very simple.

This game hurts my self esteem online though, I always thought I was good becuase I could beat all of my friends but it seems my friends must have been E + to D ranked fighters becuase I can't seem to escape the horrible C and have dropped to D+ on occasion. Just can't hold a winning streak.. partially becuase I pick a character to win with then just go random to leave it up to chance.


DOAU rocks
Solid deep enough fighting engine,

21 beautiful stages {some with X button weather/time variants}

More than 50 Unlockable costumes{Ninja Gaiden's # 9 Ultimate spidey costume rocks}.

Decent music{Wired, Kasumi's Remix, Hayabusa remix, Ayane's Remix}.

2-4 player Tag Team

Online play...etc...etc...etc

DOAU is good and tasty like a Toll House Chocalate Chip Cookie Bar with vanilla ice cream!

VF4 EVO is like a cabbage. It's good for you because it's healthy and deep but it's visually boring and not too appetizing.
Pachinko said:
I don't understand why so many people have a hard time fighting jann lee. Unless you're playing as Lei fang he's very beatable, especially if the person using him just keeps doing dragon kicks , it's called blocking or sidestepping folks. Very simple.

Obviously you haven't played against Jann Lee. You can't block or sidestep, the move is unblockable and it tracks sidesteppers. You can only duck or counter.
VF4 EVO is like a cabbage. It's good for you because it's healthy and deep but it's visually boring and not too appetizing.
Although I'd argue that VF4 has the upper hand when it comes to realistic animation.


KAOS said:
DOAU rocks
Solid deep enough fighting engine,

21 beautiful stages {some with X button weather/time variants}

More than 50 Unlockable costumes{Ninja Gaiden's # 9 Ultimate spidey costume rocks}.

Decent music{Wired, Kasumi's Remix, Hayabusa remix, Ayane's Remix}.

2-4 player Tag Team

Online play...etc...etc...etc

DOAU is good and tasty like a Toll House Chocalate Chip Cookie Bar with vanilla ice cream!

VF4 EVO is like a cabbage. It's good for you because it's healthy and deep but it's visually boring and not too appetizing.

Nice post. Only flaw is that DOAU has 200 customes, not 50. :)


robojimbo said:
So what's the big fucking hype over Jann Lee all about then?

People who are new to the game try and block it, but they really should a. counter it, b. evade it, or c. duck under it. It's one of the few unblockable moves in the game and people are stupid. Any other questions? :)
MrAngryFace said:
Pretty high.

A lot of it is their fault. There's a lot of factors to play on:

First off, they made a cash investment, usually far above the impulse price range. That lends to regret and second guessing. Most people dont have a lot of money so regret is often there right at the time of purchase.

This forms a need to validate ones purchase, which is usually done by going on a gaming forum and finding a like-minded group and chatting up a storm about said-game. Hell, I do it, ive done it.

Once they're all together they get the illusion of strength in numbers and the idea that since other people like their game, their opinion must be the right one. False bravado ensues.

I come in, say some shit, usually completely off base and out of my ass.

These guys jump on it, so lost in the process that they dont realize they end up coming off like idiots or assholes. Yeah, they can call me an asshole, but I dont mean 98% of what I fucking say, they MEAN what they say and do all they can to degrade me and force their opinion down my throat in earnest.

The internet rocks that way.

Hey, I'm not a fan of circle jerk threads either. I understand the gratitude and hilarity received in reading damage-control replies who try to loosely build an argument to trounce your 4 word posts, but when us normal posters try our hand at free trolling, we get banned.

Ah right, I just remembered we're not friends with the mods.

It's ok though, there's no need to deny it.

I'd say VF4 sucks ass right about now...but I can't.
virtua fighter 4 sucks BALLS dudes, case closed.

Pretty high.

A lot of it is their fault. There's a lot of factors to play on:

First off, they made a cash investment, usually far above the impulse price range. That lends to regret and second guessing. Most people dont have a lot of money so regret is often there right at the time of purchase.

This forms a need to validate ones purchase, which is usually done by going on a gaming forum and finding a like-minded group and chatting up a storm about said-game. Hell, I do it, ive done it.

Once they're all together they get the illusion of strength in numbers and the idea that since other people like their game, their opinion must be the right one. False bravado ensues.

I come in, say some shit, usually completely off base and out of my ass.

These guys jump on it, so lost in the process that they dont realize they end up coming off like idiots or assholes. Yeah, they can call me an asshole, but I dont mean 98% of what I fucking say, they MEAN what they say and do all they can to degrade me and force their opinion down my throat in earnest.

The internet rocks that way.

you make some good points, but at the sametime not everyone knows who you are. not everyone knows you talk out of your ass cause you get off on people going out of their way to force their opinions down your throat. i think you have to give someone the benefit of the doubt on a mb.

if someone makes a post saying "Hey, lemon pie is disgusting" why would i assume he is just bullshitting me? Who would take the time out of their day to say they dont like pie just so someone else could waste their time talking up how good lemon pie is? it's pointless in the first place, just like most things in life, but you cant talk shit and assume everyone knows you or knows you're full of shit. i dont really know you, dont know whether you were joking or were serious, etc. so if i saw a post by you saying you dislike so and so game and it is a shallow game in your opinion, why would i not believe that is what you truly felt.

anyways another case closed ladies. doa = fighting game of the year!

p.s. i paid appox $10.20 out of pocket for DOA:U. Thanks gamerush!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
MrAngryFace said:
Have I ever pretended I was not an asshole? Im up front about it. You high horse types are only this way when the mood suits you. Ive been around the block to know youre all like me.

Get off yer soap box. Lemme make fun of your games. C'mon, its fun.

The rationalization that asshole behavior can't be protested because everyone is really an asshole is a classic case of circular reasoning. Besides, any generalization about behavior is doomed to failure: no matter how much you claim "All X is X", you will always be able to find an X who is Y if you look long enough. In the case of the Internet Troll Defense, it rests on assertion that absolutely nobody is above seeing the Internet as anything more than a great big Playstation game as a general rule. (Note: general rule. Everybody has a day or minute where they do or say something they ordinarily wouldn't, due to countless factors that converge at key moments.)

This kind of reasoning seems pretty common in teen and college age gamer and geek culture online - maybe he kind of people who are most apt to look for a place to be totally free pranksters or jerks without one iota of percieved consequence to their actions.

Really, I think a big part of the problem is just that for many people there are no boundries and when they're on the net they're always "on" - always Cooler than School, always emulating Seanbaby, Gabe and Tycho, Something Awful, or whatever else is the ticket to being hip this season. A well-placed joke here or there would never get under the knickers of any but the most easily offended. Online "fronts" of nothing BUT increasingy tired net.hipster, Internet Tough Guy and troll crap, gets old fast. Most of what goes on with trolling and "humor" isn't humor, isn't satire - it's repetition of the same tired "jokes", ad nauseum. Heck, as one friend said to me not long ago: it ain't that they're trolling. What's offensive is that they're trolling and finding the same moronically tired tripe funny over and over and over and --* nintendo lol - teh kiddie lol - cosplay lol - furries lol - anime lol - sega lol - xbox lol - doa lol - gamers lol - hippies lol - sony lol - republicans lol - democrats lol - matrix sequels lol - metroid controls lol - gays lol - religion lol - maturity lololololololololololololol its the internet lolololololololol

Funny enough I don't mind MAF so much and find him charming in a twisted way. This isn't really directed at The Angered One. I just had some downtime between parties in FFXI and typed a lot :) :) :) :) tl;dr! lol
Any of y'all who say that Jann Lee's dragon kick is so easy to duck/counter I challenge you to a match where the only move I will do is the dragon kick and I guarantee I will win. PhatSaqs is the only gaffer that has been able to consistenly duck/counter it, and I still catch him with it a few times. It's not that easy to duck counter when you're also trying to move in 3D to circle your opponent and set up attack opportunities (see my post on how down/back+block in other 3D fighters |= down/back+Free in DOA).


DJ Demon J said:
Any of y'all who say that Jann Lee's dragon kick is so easy to duck/counter I challenge you to a match where the only move I will do is the dragon kick and I guarantee I will win. PhatSaqs is the only gaffer that has been able to consistenly duck/counter it, and I still catch him with it a few times. It's not that easy to duck counter when you're also trying to move in 3D to circle your opponent and set up attack opportunities (see my post on how down/back+block in other 3D fighters |= down/back+Free in DOA).
Man that match was funny as hell where you did nothing but DK that dude that came in the room with us. I was laughing my fuckin ass off. Good games last night.
The Faceless Master said:
so where's everyone at?
i'm S Rank, 130 wins, 153 matches

I'm B rank....pretty much only been playing PhatSaqs; we're both not earning many points because we've been so back-and-forth.
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