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You know I always thought DOA had no depth...

FrenchMovieTheme said:
i dont know how much depth DOA:U has in comparisson to whatever, but what i do know is that its fun to play online. if you want to jack off into your dads shampoo bottle while looking at the 7 page movelist for akira in VF4 and figuring out ways to perfect the spinning palm of death combo, thats cool with me.

i think most people play games for fun, not depth (though both can go hand in hand), and doa is pretty sweet ladies

yes. i feel the same way.

I dont see why it gets bashed so much. If you dont like it, then just dont play it.
They can live under a rock and delude themselves that they're hard-core playing the same old competition

If you wanna be the best at a mediocre fighting game, never let it be said I tried to stop you.
yea all i wanted to say was that the game was fun online and has some "depth" not VF4 or tekken level,.. but MAF decided to troll for no reason.


Well, you're supposed evidence to it having a little depth is a bit flimsy if you ask me which is why I think MAF jumped on your back and started to try and claw your eyes out with pumpkin hands.
Shouta said:
Well, you're supposed evidence to it having a little depth is a bit flimsy if you ask me which is why I think MAF jumped on your back and started to try and claw your eyes out with pumpkin hands.

or to just get the xbots to come out the woodworks.


Lol @ maf and co still blindly sucking at VFs knob after all these years - your weak, tired, recycled justifications for your doa hate are getting pwned by the new wave of truly unbiased gamers.
to me, a strategic game is as important as depth. DOA:U is a strategic game for myself in a sense that in round 1 i can work my opponent high, show them high combos and throws, and when they are guessing im going high i start the combo off in similar fashion but go low on them.

im not apologizing for shit, all im saying is try to understand that the doa series is a fan favorite for some, why do you have a problem with that? if you like vf4 or sc2 thats cool, no one is talking shit about them. but i would personally take doa over vf or sc any day of the week

p.s. hey waq i saw you online in doa last night, i was going to challenge you then you signed off. my gamertag is frenchmov


Kabuki Waq said:
......but then why would i always get my ass kicked by A- and B- players online.

Getting beat by people who have trained on the game doesn't make it any more "deep".

But I'm curious, was the gameplay tweaked at all from previous versions?
I'm gonna remind you kids of this thread the next time you mock Bloody Roar, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter EX, KoF: MI, or Fighting Vipers.


People want a VF clone, but if there was ever a VF clone, theyd just pass it by saying "pff thats just a VF clone."


Fusebox said:
Lol @ maf and co still blindly sucking at VFs knob after all these years - your weak, tired, recycled justifications for your doa hate are getting pwned by the new wave of truly unbiased gamers.
haha! I guess if my favorite fighting game wasn't online(and not going online anytime in the near future) I'd be pretty pissed too! :) I'll cut em a lil' slack.


I read in some issue of XBN that some newbie beat all the top players of japan just by using counters in this tournament.

With that being said....even though it has no depth, I still enjoy the series since its fun to play.
cochese said:
I read in some issue of XBN that some newbie beat all the top players of japan just by using counters in this tournament.

With that being said....even though it has no depth, I still enjoy the series since its fun to play.
he used Hayate's cartwheel, not counters... and he sucked, they just sucked more... i saw the video.


cochese said:
I read in some issue of XBN that some newbie beat all the top players of japan just by using counters in this tournament.

Nope, he just abused Hayate's sniping dodge movie, shippu-ten. And he cried in the bathroom in between matches. Cuckoo!!

I'm not so sure the talent pool for Xbox DOA3 players is that deep in Japan anyway. ;)


How many people actually bougth and went online with this game in Japan? Cause when you say the best japanese players, are we talking about like the 10 people who bought it there?
RiZ III said:
How many people actually bougth and went online with this game in Japan? Cause when you say the best japanese players, are we talking about like the 10 people who bought it there?

DOA is a the top selling franchise on Xbox in Japan.


If every other move you throw is countered, you suck at DOA. I can go through matches with the computer on the hardest setting and never get countered ONCE. I'm better at DOA2 than DOA3 though.


Vagabond said:
If every other move you throw is countered, you suck at DOA. I can go through matches with the computer on the hardest setting and never get countered ONCE. I'm better at DOA2 than DOA3 though.

Yeah, I love that about DOA. The counter system actually keeps you on your toes and keeps the fights interesting. It's a rock, paper, scissors type thing. You have to keep switching up your attacks. Try pulling off the same canned combo from Tekken over and over in DOA and you'll get your assed creamed. :)
MrparisSM said:
Yeah, I love that about DOA. The counter system actually keeps you on your toes and keeps the fights interesting. It's a rock, paper, scissors type thing. You have to keep switching up your attacks. Try pulling off the same canned combo from Tekken over and over in DOA and you'll get your assed creamed. :)

you love everything xbox dont you.

xbox xbox xbox
Fixed2BeBroken said:
you love everything xbox dont you.

xbox xbox xbox
Well, he is black. All black people love nothing but XBox.

Except for mashoutposse, but he loves the Yankees and probably Hitler too.


MrAngryFace said:
Who cares when you liked it? Im not here to prove anything, im hear to play good games.

I call bullshit, MAF. You're here to diss a game you don't like and put down everyone who does like it. Then you can sit around with Drinky and the two of you can pat yourselves on the back over how you're both DECENT GAMERS, unlike those weaksauce DOA-playing lamers. You know damn well you're not posting in this thread as a community service to inform us of what we're supposedly missing--if it was, you'd respect the fact that other people don't automatically share your dislike of DOA: U (or your love of VF 4: Evo) and let the point drop. Instead, we're subjected to posts full of ego-boosting crap intended to 'prove' that you're somehow 'teh bettar gam3x0rz' because you only like real fighting games, which is pretty fucking lame.

Anyone whose self-esteem hinges on which videogames they play really has no business calling other people weaksauce, and that goes for everyone else here talking trash. Let it go already.
Each of the major 3D fighters has a good and a bad side. If you can't see that then you didn't play all them, or you're full of crap. I suppose that about sums it up.


Yeah Mike you know that's not true like that, I mean not ALL black people have XBoxen, I mean that's just ri.....

*looks at XBox in which many new games were bought for*






Well.. it's around 8:10, and I'm going to get my newbie ass on some DOA:U. If anybody wants to join in, I'll be Reisadan/Reisadan (gamertag/nickname). I suck a lot, but hey, I'm learning the old guy cuz he rips the nose off Tengi hardcore. And stuff. See ya there.


DJ Brannon said:
Yeah Mike you know that's not true like that, I mean not ALL black people have XBoxen, I mean that's just ri.....

*looks at XBox in which many new games were bought for*





I am a black male without an Xbox. I am proud to say that I only own GC. Let it be known! :D


Beezy said:
You don't know that many black people do you?

You have to excuse him for being an idiot. :D j/k Yes I'm black and yes I own an Xbox, before Xbox I was a Nintendo only man. Most of my "black" friends if you must know own PS2s though. God I hate stereotypes.


Tellaerin said:
I call bullshit, MAF. You're here to diss a game you don't like and put down everyone who does like it. Then you can sit around with Drinky and the two of you can pat yourselves on the back over how you're both DECENT GAMERS, unlike those weaksauce DOA-playing lamers. You know damn well you're not posting in this thread as a community service to inform us of what we're supposedly missing--if it was, you'd respect the fact that other people don't automatically share your dislike of DOA: U (or your love of VF 4: Evo) and let the point drop. Instead, we're subjected to posts full of ego-boosting crap intended to 'prove' that you're somehow 'teh bettar gam3x0rz' because you only like real fighting games, which is pretty fucking lame.

Anyone whose self-esteem hinges on which videogames they play really has no business calling other people weaksauce, and that goes for everyone else here talking trash. Let it go already.

Great post. If this doesn't shut him up, nothing will.


Mike, your avatar rocks so much that, in the spririt of the impending election, I'm going to steal it for use on another forum.


MrparisSM said:
You have to excuse him for being an idiot. :D j/k Yes I'm black and yes I own an Xbox, before Xbox I was a Nintendo only man. Most of my "black" friends if you must know own PS2s though. God I hate stereotypes.

What made you get an Xbox?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It doesn't matter how much depth a game has, there's always going to be those players that can beat everyone else no matter how simplistic or how complicated the fighting game may be.

DOA doesn't have the depth of Virtua Fighter. No other 3D fighting game has the depth of Virtua Fighter.

But that DOESN'T mean that DOA is completly lacking in depth, and more importantly than anything else, isn't fun to play.

So yeah, Virtua Fighter has way more depth than DOA. FACT. Is Virtua Fighter more fun to play than DOA? Yes and no. That's all opinion.

Since I want something that's going to be fun to play, I'll take DOA Ultimate over Virtua Fighter. DOA is made to be picked up and played by anyone. You can play with up to four people. And now it's got online play. That puts it ahead of VF in my book. Blasphemy, I know. :p

Of course, this is only referring to the consoles. Now, if I was living in Japan and could go to an arcade, where VF4 Final Tuned rules all, I'd probably have a different opinion. ;)
Pretty high.

A lot of it is their fault. There's a lot of factors to play on:

First off, they made a cash investment, usually far above the impulse price range. That lends to regret and second guessing. Most people dont have a lot of money so regret is often there right at the time of purchase.

This forms a need to validate ones purchase, which is usually done by going on a gaming forum and finding a like-minded group and chatting up a storm about said-game. Hell, I do it, ive done it.

Once they're all together they get the illusion of strength in numbers and the idea that since other people like their game, their opinion must be the right one. False bravado ensues.

I come in, say some shit, usually completely off base and out of my ass.

These guys jump on it, so lost in the process that they dont realize they end up coming off like idiots or assholes. Yeah, they can call me an asshole, but I dont mean 98% of what I fucking say, they MEAN what they say and do all they can to degrade me and force their opinion down my throat in earnest.

The internet rocks that way.


Or you could just spare us the drama and not troll like that in the first place. There are already more than enough smug jackasses around here who post asinine things like this and mean them. The last thing we need is people jumping on the 'let's bash DOA fans' bandwagon for shits and giggles.


What you're doing is like walking around spitting in peoples' faces, then accusing them of being 'unable to control themselves' if they react. The onus is on you to behave like a civilized human being. Go around trying to provoke a hostile response and you forfeit the right to criticize people for giving you one. :p
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