I laughed at first post but the situation sounds really awful.Greek here. Yes and no. The article talks about sex workers so I wouldn't characterize it as a widespread phenomenon (as in, non sex workers aren't roaming the streets offering sex for sandwiches) but the standard of living has taken a nosedive, especially in big cities where massive unemployment rates have driven a lot of people to poverty and homelessness. The situation is dire, the economy is dead and there is no end in sight to the suffering.
Everyone except a small number of wealthy elites is struggling to make ends meet and if the government goes through with its plan to allow the foreclosure of families' main residences I won't be surprised to see riots in the streets. Owning a home is condidered extremely important in Greece.
we really need to give sex workers proper rights for fuck's sake
tbh when I read the title I knew this would be first post, then I read the actual body and oooh boy that is just wrong now
Gotta be quick to be first post!
Those that are of age of consent.
What exactly caused Greece to fall to this point?
Fuck Alan Greenspan too, hard.
Yeah I can see why you say that.Greenspan had stated that growing worker insecurity is a significant factor keeping inflation and inflation expectation low, thereby promoting long-term investment.
And the other EU nations happily looked the other way, pretending not to notice. It's not that simple.The Greek love of borrowing money and lying their way into the euro.
this is in incredibly shitty taste
Prostitution is exploitative when it is illegal because they have to depend on exploitative pimps for work. Legalizing it would allow for legit and regulated businesses around it.I'm somewhat against legalizing prostitution, because in most cases it is exploitative. Most women would not sell intimacy and their bodies to a bunch of unknown people unless they absolutely have to.
When you do it in order to survive, then it is almost at the level of sexual slavery. We should live in a society where women don't have to reduce themselves to this fucking nonsense.
These are some really really terrible first posts.
Thats fucking disgusting
Okay that first post fucking sucks. This article is about women too poor, too desperate and too disenfranchised to feel like they have any other choice.
Thats fucking disgusting
I don't think the article is even remotely true.
Source: Am Greek.
Well if they're of working age yeah. Age of consent in greece is 15 and by the article the age demographics are above that.
I'm guessing they already have laws concerning sex with someone below consent age.
The study comes after a shocking report last month of an unemployed Greek mother pimping her 12-year-old daughter to a priest and a retired man for money.
And the other EU nations happily looked the other way, pretending not to notice. It's not that simple.
Considering that the article in question is, to say the lest, exaggeration, I think it's really unfair that the guy with the first reply got banned. Sure his reply was kind of ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as the article.
Truman Burbank
Gotta be 18 to prostitute legally in greece.
Feel free to source this.
Oh I meant fuck Greenspan because he was head of the Federal Reserve and was hugely responsible for opening the floodgates to deregulation. Thankfully our Prime Minister of the time, Paul Martin, told him to eat a dick or else Canada might have found itself in similar situation.Yeah I can see why you say that.
lol @ being more offended by my post.
How do you guys know I'm not joking? Lighten up guys, this subject is HILARIOUS.
What makes you say that it is exaggerated? The information is apparently based on an extensive study.
When the economic crisis began in Greece, the going rate for sex with a prostitute was 50 euros ($53), the London newspaper quoted Laxos as saying. Now, its fallen to as low as two euros ($2.12) for a 30-minute session.
Laxos said the some 400 such desperate cases he found may be nominal compared with the thousands of other sex workers operating nationwide"
One is a consequence of the other, ultimate blame for this lies with Greece.
... What.
Victim blaming, anyone?
The euro caused greece's trade deficit - a trade deficit against the euro's own rules, willingly ignored by those who benefited from it.
And which ultimately caused the crisis, triggered by a shadow banking collapse in the USA.
... fault lies on a lot of head before it does on greece's government, let alone greece's population.
Remind me again, wasnt it greece who altered its own books to get into the Euro in the first place?
The biggest Greek site dedicated to massage/ sex services/ sex chamber reviews is laughing out loud at the article.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Remind me again, wasnt it greece who altered its own books to get into the Euro in the first place?
From what I gathered from the community of the site it looks like the standard price for an escort is about 50-100 euros per hour and about 20 euros for a 45 minute session for less good-looking women in the sex chambers of a poor district.
The first post is obviously going for the thread title. Come on, people.
We , sadly , live a horrific world. We terrorize ourselves in the way our society is built and evolved (in a liberalist-capitalist force power).
... What.
Victim blaming, anyone?
The euro caused greece's trade deficit - a trade deficit against the euro's own rules, willingly ignored by those who benefited from it.
And which ultimately caused the crisis, triggered by a shadow banking collapse in the USA.
... fault lies on a lot of head before it does on greece's government, let alone greece's population.