We're not hear to talk about the past.
history must be studied.
We're not hear to talk about the past.
Guess they really like footlongs in Greece.
Guess they really like footlongs in Greece.
Do you also have extensive experience with the prostitution industry post economic collapse?
What a silly post.
I like all the upset people who are mad at the first post, give me a break lighten up PC crowd.
I like all the upset people who are mad at the first post, give me a break lighten up PC crowd.
Guess they really like footlongs in Greece.
"This doesn't upset me so it shouldn't upset anyone else."
Okay man.
So you're saying you're into 12 year old prostitutes, huh?
You know, fuck all the people who accepted the girls' service, paying them measly 2 to 3 pounds for sexual service, especially those with well-paying jobs. Be a human, give them some money to have a meal so that they don't starve to death, not take advantage of their unfortunate condition and make their life miserable. For fuck sake.
How exactly could Greece fix itself?
Leave the EU and just start nationalizing pretty much everything? It'll tank it's economy (or what's left of it) but it's people will be at the very least fed.
You know, fuck all the people who accepted the girls' service, paying them measly 2 to 3 pounds for sexual service, especially those with well-paying jobs. Be a human, give them some money to have a meal so that they don't starve to death, not take advantage of their unfortunate condition and make their life miserable. For fuck sake.
Are people just learning the realities of prostitution? I'm pretty sure this happens the world over.I knew before I clicked that the first post was going to be a blue joke that got someone banned.
This situation is terrible and I wonder if it's reflected in other countries suffering widespread unemployment.
People aren't starving to death, it's not that bad. It's an economic crisis, not a humanitarian one. Greece can feed itself.
Probably not like that but there are more and more reports about college girls doing this and there are also a few cases of parents forcing their under age kids.let's be real here, none of this is probably true.
Ironically this photo suits my country's situation in the opposite way. People are leaving.
Not sure if this is a reliable source, but it suggests there could potentially be a malnutrition problem.
The free market at work, right capitalist-gaf?
I hope these people get some support from their government or others.
This is dumb and reductive. Most EU countries have benefited hugely from trade liberalisation (which is in fact the free market at work). Among the biggest reasons for Greece's current predicament are decades of governmental corruption, incompetence and over-borrowing coupled with a poisonous bailout package imposed by EU leaders and made far worse by the utter incompetence of a far-left government.
Indeed. However, they did not benefit from the Euro. The only country who truly did was Germany (and, secondarily, some countries who hitched their economic wagons to Germany's locomotive, like Czechia and Netherlands).Most EU countries have benefited hugely from trade liberalisation (which is in fact the free market at work).
Speaking of corruption and incompetence, could you remind of whose responsability it was to check the financial situation of these sub-human greeks before allowing them into the euro, again?
Swallowing whole and without questions the EU propaganda, I see.
Gta has to be the most unintentionally funny game ever.![]()
Depressing, and its likely going to get worse
No, greek women are not having sex for a sandwich" says professor, refuting the Times article (greek article) (
TLDR: The journalist misquoted a survey and such incidents do not occur in Greece. Translation by me and google
Prof.. Grigoris Lazos denies the report in The Times of London titled «Greek students have sex for food», which carries his statement saying that Greek female students are turning to prostution in order to feed themselves.
The report, which according to the professor, is apparently based on a misunderstanding of the author, offers easy "food" to the readers of the newspaper based on stereotypes and exaggerations spread abroad on the effects of the crisis in our country.
Mr. Lazos says in "To Vima" he never said something like that in the newspaper as the long research in the field of prostitution in Greece has come to no such conclusion. "I do not deny that this would have happened, but I think we are talking about insignificant sizes. However I have not recorded it "says Mr. Lazos.
According to a report in the British newspaper, Greek women today, are dominating the domestic prostitution industry, displacing those of eastern Europe. Sex offered in Greece is one of the cheapest in Europe.
There is clearly an increase in the rates of prostitution in our country, says Mr. Lazos in "to vima" and the figure is around 12 to 12.5% overall and clearly linked to the crisis.
"This figure is not insignificant when one realizes that this increase is not followed by any reduction of their respective populations," says Mr. Lazos.
He also states the existence of a number of almost 300 men in the prostitution ring in Greece and cannot calculate the percentage of child prostitution.
"There are children but fortunately in such cases the police have an aggressive attitude," he says. Lazos generally adds that the special feature of recent years is the extreme impoverishment of women involved in prostitution.
"The state has unfortunately decided to ignore the phenomenon, there's no welfare. In Greece when you talk about prostitution, you deliver everything to the free market "emphasizes characteristically.
p.s I actually took some courses under this prof while studying in Greece. He's the only specialist in the field of prostitution in the country and I never imagined that he could have published something so wrong. I was right. Furthermore, he's a great guy with plenty of stories to tell
edit: some translation errors
Did you miss the part of my post where I referred to the terms of the bailout as being poisonous? I think the way the EU has acted with regard to the Greek Crisis is reprehensible and completely short-sighted. I have nothing but sympathy for the ordinary Greek people. But as a matter of fact, Greece was rife with corruption prior to the Crisis and successive governments acted increasingly irresponsibly in their borrowing. That's a direct cause, the most important one, of the situation that Greece is in.
It does not make sense to blame the situation in Greece on free markets when so much of it is attributable to mismanagement at the national level in Greece and irresponsibility at the supranational level in the EU. It's a very complicated situation and taking the 'good job capitalism' tack is just lazy, drive-by posting crap.
No idea where you're getting the sub-human thing either. Work on your reading comprehension.
Do you also have extensive experience with the prostitution industry post economic collapse?
What a silly post.
Greek-GAF, is it really that bad?
I'm not in Greece. In Australia, but a few of my relatives have just come back from Greece and no, they tell me it's nowhere near as bad as its being made out. Remember, I think prostitution is legal in Greece, so you're going to get women willing to fuck for next to nothing in any country.
Okay that first post fucking sucks. This article is about women too poor, too desperate and too disenfranchised to feel like they have any other choice.
Wow, I didn't know it had gotten so bad there. Literal $2 hookers? Shit must be tragic.