Infinite Justice
Watched Endgame and he aint dead...
Watched Endgame and he aint dead...
Watched Endgame and he aint dead...
explain yourself
WB meeting to reconsider Young Justice and Green Lantern due to fan outcry?
explain yourself
Hell yes! Just one more season WB.
Would Young Justice do well in syndication? Who would buy it The Hub, Disney XD?SMGO's website mentions getting shows to the 88 episode mark for syndication, which would allow the networks a chance to make some serious liscencing money off of them, YJ had a 26 episode season and a 20 episode season. Getting 42 more episodes to reach the syndication mark would mean at least two more seasons.
don't lie to yourselves
it's not going to happen
Negate Anti-Life Equation - Not yet explained, but it is seen in Final Crisis #4 when Barry Allen kissed his wife, who was under the control of Anti-Life, and the Speed Force surrounded her and she regained her free will.[4]
I wouldn't say not.. I mean if the company can get fans to pay for it...
Would Young Justice do well in syndication? Who would buy it The Hub, Disney XD?
doesn't seem like the normal syndicated cartoon imo(Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons)
Its a wb franchise. Theres no way it would end up on those networks without a lapse of a decade
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
lol wth is this crap? and why does it look like the power puff girls?
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
This is what they killed YJ and GL for?!
I think Beware the Batman will do well as long as CN doesn't interfere.All DC cartoons are going to be equally dead very soon.
yepLast rumor was that CN hates BtB and they're just going to burn the episodes off.
Last rumor was that CN hates BtB and they're just going to burn the episodes off.
That Titans clip posted above where they guess who red x is... I admit it. I smiled. Especially at the reference to Jason Todd.
The new show however looks like ass.
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
Why is there bad blood between CN and these shows? Was there a falling out between the two companies?
Why is there bad blood between CN and these shows? Was there a falling out between the two companies?
Oh god this show looks worse every time I see it.
would have even been fine if it was more like the shorts
Somebody posted an article a couple months back about internal fighting at WB, so I would totally believe it.I don't know, but it can't be that since both CN and DC are owned by WB.