Error said:His anger was overblown, lasted episodes... I understand a couple of episodes, but after living day to day with other people you'd think he would ease up a bit. Thankfully it seems he is finally starting to become more laid back and be less prone to let anger get the best of him.
I find it refreshing and realistic. Besides they are teenagers, so being grumpy and pissed come with the territory. Superboy has had a traumatic existence, and the only family he has is acting like an asshole. Superboy not becoming peppy in 2 episodes is realistic to me.Error said:His anger was overblown, lasted episodes... I understand a couple of episodes, but after living day to day with other people you'd think he would ease up a bit. Thankfully it seems he is finally starting to become more laid back and be less prone to let anger get the best of him.
Maybe it would help.Beam said:I would be there too. Besides an OT will maybe give it more audience on GAF. It will most definitely get more attention.
Magic girl seems like she wants Robin.It´s really sad that AL is treated like that. He is the best character in the show. I hope that witch girl join them. AL needs a love interest.
I am glad that his girl dumped him, or else he would have stayed under water and we would have lost a great character. I just googled a bit about Rocket, and she sounds awesome.Black-Wind said:Maybe it would help.
Much like with the BatMan cartoon that's ending I always got a feeling that people on gaf watched it even if they don't talk about it much.
Magic girl seems like she wants Robin.
I'm guessing by the way they pair characters off (Red head boy/ blond girl- boy with black hair/ girl with black hair- Aliens going together) Rocket joining would be the only option for an in-team romance.
Sucks cause he HAD a reason to not get into this relationship bs seeing as he had a GF underwater ... but even that got snatched away from him because the GF and his BFF couldn't keep it in their pants in the 2 MONTHS he was gone :/
I'm not going to count onError said:I wonder.With the introduction of New Genesis, Apokolips and Desaad now... Darkseid is bound to make an appearance in the show. Hopefully voiced by Michael Ironside
Parallax said:I would say go for it, but we would probably be the only two in there
yeah, it's kinda crazy seeing Batman being this approachable and cool dude while Superman is this asshole who is like "i don't have time for this shit!"echoshifting said:Yeah, if I have a problem with any Super-characterization it would be Superman. He is such a dick in this show. I'd expect him to be a lot more compassionate towards Superboy than he has made sense at first but it's gone on for too long.
I have never had any serious problems with Superboy's characterization, but I agree that he's become a better character over the past couple eps.
Rafa=FedKilla said:Definitely make a Generator Rex OT. I can't believe it's made by the Ben 10 guys, I don't understand how Ben is so successful.
Slayven said:I think Superman is acting perfectly reasonable. Can't expect a guy to embrace a kid that came from his violation.
Slayven said:I think Superman is acting perfectly reasonable. Can't expect a guy to embrace a kid that came from his violation.
Isn't he supposed to be Superman, though?Slayven said:I think Superman is acting perfectly reasonable. Can't expect a guy to embrace a kid that came from his violation.
That said, I think Superboy's likely the mole. Probably doesn't realize it, but since he was programmed by the light, and given his non reaction to teammate death during the training mission...echoshifting said:I guess, but at least treat him like a person. It's not his fault, but Superman seems more concerned with this punk tarnishing his image than anything else. He can't stop seeing him as a weapon, or a threat...and as faceless points out it is an incredibly striking contrast when lined up with Batman, who seems more than anything to be pushing Clark to give the kid a break.
It's just too far out of character for him, in my opinion. Far too contrived for the story's convenience. I was with you on this up until the bus scene a few episodes ago (not to mention that meeting over lunch with Bruce). That was bullshit. He hasn't earned the right to sass Superboy for fucking up. Leave it to the JLers who are actually invested in his growth as a do-gooder.
Freshmaker said:That said, I think Superboy's likely the mole. Probably doesn't realize it, but since he was programmed by the light, and given his non reaction to teammate death during the training mission...
Freshmaker said:That said, I think Superboy's likely the mole. Probably doesn't realize it, but since he was programmed by the light, and given his non reaction to teammate death during the training mission...
echoshifting said:I think you're right, but I think he'll probably overcome it. At least I hope so, I'd hate to see that jackasS vindicated![]()
BY2K said:Cruses stupid me, I just realized just who Megan is. Or rather what she is.
brucewaynegretzky said:Didn't they explicitly say she isn't.... that?
BY2K said:Cruses stupid me, I just realized just who Megan is. Or rather what she is.
Perspicacity said:White Martian?
BY2K said:Cruses stupid me, I just realized just who Megan is. Or rather what she is.
Concentrated effort by Cartoon Network? Status: cautiously optimistic.krypt0nian said:
krypt0nian said:
brucewaynegretzky said:So is Blue Beetle not getting a show now?
krypt0nian said:Beetle was in the promo. Whatcha mean?
Rafa=FedKilla said:Perhaps it will be a "short" type show. And now I said this over and over again, but where the hell is is the CG Batgirl series they teased?
krypt0nian said:
It looked like it was just a short though.SykoTech said:Didn't know the old Teen Titans show was getting something new. Neat.
I am glad they kept Harm's punness.
Huh, who's Harm? First I've known of him
Loved the subtle reference to House of Secrets when they were being chased by Harm.
Poor Captain Marvel =(
Lol at Robin almost busting out Artemis' secret.
seeing superboys old costume reminded me how much i missed it.... so awesome...
I laughed when I saw it. So Artemis was mad at SB & MM linking up because she wanted a shot at mr angry right?