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Young Justice: The Animated Series


They shouldn't had shown Artemis dead in the beginning of the episode. Made it too obvious.

Awesome episode regardless though. Kaldur is still the best of the best.


They shouldn't had shown Artemis dead in the beginning of the episode. Made it too obvious.

Awesome episode regardless though. Kaldur is still the best of the best.

That was my initial reaction

Like maybe she fakes her death, and this shocks Aqualad out of his evil stance...

But we got the other thing...

Though I am curious... does this mean that his girlfriend and friend actually did die?


Awesome episode. This show is on a hot streak like no other. I'm glad to see Kaldur back. He made for a great villain but I don't want to see him in that role.


Though I am curious... does this mean that his girlfriend and friend actually did die?

Maybe they really did die and this convinced everyone that it was finally time to have a mole in The Light since preventing their plans wasn't enough now that people close to them have died.


That was my initial reaction

Like maybe she fakes her death, and this shocks Aqualad out of his evil stance...

But we got the other thing...

Though I am curious... does this mean that his girlfriend and friend actually did die?

I think Tula (Aquagirl) probably is dead for real. Otherwise, she'd be among Nightwing and the others who are aware of Kaldur's double mission.

Not sure what happened to the other guy though.
That was my initial reaction

Like maybe she fakes her death, and this shocks Aqualad out of his evil stance...

But we got the other thing...

Though I am curious... does this mean that his girlfriend and friend actually did die?

Maybe Black Manta killed Tula, and Aqualad's pretending he doesn't know?
That was my initial reaction

Like maybe she fakes her death, and this shocks Aqualad out of his evil stance...

But we got the other thing...

Though I am curious... does this mean that his girlfriend and friend actually did die?

Like someone guessed above, Nightwing and Aqualad probably used the tragedy as a springboard to a long-con plan to finally infiltrate The Light, since their attempt in season 1 (with Artemis/Ms Martian/Superboy) failed almost instantly.

This was an amazing episode. Loved the YJ crew duping the world into thinking the JL was still around.

Glad we finally got some revelations about Ms. Martian and Superboy.
I totally called it.
Obviously mind-rape isn't a great way to build trust in a relationship, and she's been shamelessly abusing the power this season. It will take a lot for SB to ever forgive her, but they'll probably end up back together, because they've made Lagoon Boy into an unlikable assclown.


Hot damn, awesome episode! Sad to see it go on break, but it ended on a good note. Superboy is a great character in season 2, way better than he was in season 1. Lagoon Boy continues to be the worst member of the team and I'm so glad that
he got kidnapped.

Aqualad is still the boss! Nightwing tricking the team was a cruel surprise, making me wonder if Artemis and Wally retiring was actually all part of his plan. Regardless, it is nice to finally have the team one up the Light for once.


Get rid of new, aquatic team member, bring back old, aquatic team member. Poor Lagoon Boy. First the creators make you an asshole and now you're probably going to be replaced by the better aquatic member.


I liked Lagoon Boy in the episode with Blue Beetle and Tim, but yeah. He's been an asshat in every other appearance (especially this one). Not going to miss him, especially with Kaldur likely getting more screen time.


Man I wish he stayed a villain, dude is awesome at being evil.

He also did some naruto shit with that water dragon.
Just checked it out and god damn that was a serious troll at the end.

Wouldn't be surpised if Batman already knew though LOL

Also Superboy has become fucking awesome and i can see why he did what he did and also why he doesn't like her methods. Plus dat introduction/water dragon from AquaLad was boss as fuck.

Lagoon being caught was just desserts for being a fucking dick and i hope he stays captured for a while.


Junior Member
I'm really becoming a big fan of Black Manta and his undersea army. I wonder if the comic version is as cool as the YJ version.

Also Aqualad remains my favorite YJ member.


I just hope that the Light really doesn't know about Kaldur being a double agent and that it was actually their plan all along to have him infiltrate them.


Given the light they might as well know LOL

I'm surprised Superboy and M'gann were not in on this though.

I'm actually surprised at that as well.
Especially since M'gann is a telepath.

I wonder if it happened around the same time they were having their messy break-up, and the team didn't know if they were emotionally stable enough?


Funny thing is, if they are the only 4 that know it, that means conner really believes he is bad. (and really got his ass handed to him)


Everything is a red herring now. I half expect the last episode to be Wally waking up and the whole series was a dream.


Membero Americo
Dat ending.

There's more twist in this series per episode than an Shamalan movie.

And I'm starting to hate Megan. What she tried to do to Superboy just... wow...

Oh and Lagoon Boy can go die in a fire.
I'm actually surprised at that as well.
Especially since M'gann is a telepath.

I wonder if it happened around the same time they were having their messy break-up, and the team didn't know if they were emotionally stable enough?


Zatanna doesn't seem to know either.

Dat ending.

There's more twist in this series per episode than an Shamalan movie.

And I'm starting to hate Megan. What she tried to do to Superboy just... wow...

Oh and Lagoon Boy can go die in a fire.

Yea that shit was fucked up. Reminds me of when
Zatanna did the same to Batman and Catwoman in the comics. Batman and i think Ivy (via the Sirens) were not pleased


Wow, dat plot twist.

Best episode ever. Seriously.

Fuck the haters, this beat Korra's episode today.


I'll give you this, Young Justice came closer than usual today.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Wow, dat plot twist.

Best episode ever. Seriously.

Fuck the haters, this beat Korra's episode today.

Today was the best episode of korra that I've seen, and I still agree. The only downside was lagoon boy opening his mouth.


Today was the best episode of korra that I've seen, and I still agree. The only downside was lagoon boy opening his mouth.

Ugh, yes. I've tried hard to like Lagoon Boy, but he's worse than how annoying Superboy was at the beginning of the series.

And trust me guys, I love Korra and thought today was it's best as well. But, common. This episode seriously had my heart at my throat haha.


After 5 years and The League hasn't found The Light or found out where they went for 16 hours. Hell yeah I would start being more proactive, cause either the League doesn't care that much or are incompetent. So Dick founded The Outsiders.


I want a tag give me a tag
Dat ending.

There's more twist in this series per episode than an Shamalan movie.

And I'm starting to hate Megan. What she tried to do to Superboy just... wow...

Oh and Lagoon Boy can go die in a fire.

I'm so glad they touched on her crushing brains. but to reveal that she tried this.. was crazy.

amazing episode, probably the best one yet (imo) really loved it.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
After 5 years and The League hasn't found The Light or found out where they went for 16 hours. Hell yeah I would start being more proactive, cause either the League doesn't care that much or are incompetent. So Dick founded The Outsiders.

If metamorpho appears as a villain, ill know you are on to something.


The part where
Aqualad stabs Artemis and says "Welcome back"
is easily one of the most tense and shocking moments in this series so far. Also liked the nod to season one when Nightwing looked at the photo.

Thinking about it, Nightwing might have gotten more than he bargained for with this plan. Just guesses, but I'm thinking between
Kaldur "killing Artemis" and Megan destroying the minds of her victims, I'm thinking she will try to kill Aqualad or destroy his mind. (both in revenge for kidnapping Lagoon Boy, and for "killing" Artemis)


Ugh, yes. I've tried hard to like Lagoon Boy, but he's worse than how annoying Superboy was at the beginning of the series.

And trust me guys, I love Korra and thought today was it's best as well. But, common. This episode seriously had my heart at my throat haha.

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