Really? I thought Nightwing slapped something on her chest or something while he was doing "CPR"
Really? I thought Nightwing slapped something on her chest or something while he was doing "CPR"
yeah, they showed something yellow appearing on her belly?
edit: ok it was red.
after aqualad "stabs" her though, when shes standing up straight, something cracks?
Thinking about it, Nightwing might have gotten more than he bargained for with this plan. Just guesses, but I'm thinking betweenKaldur "killing Artemis" and Megan destroying the minds of her victims, I'm thinking she will try to kill Aqualad or destroy his mind. (both in revenge for kidnapping Lagoon Boy, and for "killing" Artemis)
A stronger version of diazepam maybe?
That cracking sound is what I assumed was a pill, hence my post about the pill lowering Artemis' heart rate so Superboy couldn't hear it.
Shitty YouTube screen cap, but its pretty clear in the HD version on my DVR once I pause it:EDIT - Or the explanation above my post also works... But I want to see a screen cap of that scene to see the pill.
Nice... I deleted it off my DVR already so I couldn't check it.Shitty YouTube screen cap, but its pretty clear in the HD version on my DVR once I pause it:
The YouTube version is missing frames, but in the original you see the casing of the pill pop out of her mouth after the crunch sound she makes when biting it.
Why do i have a feeling M'gann might fuck this up with revenge on her mind
Because if she's willing to fuck with kons mind, no one is off limits. Hell, she could have fucked with lagoon boys as well.
Because if she's willing to fuck with kons mind, no one is off limits. Hell, she could have fucked with lagoon boys as well.
Plus she is going to be an emotional wreck when she faces Aqualad due to the death of her best friend and kidnapping of her boyfriend.
add that kon told no one of what she is doing/can do.......oh oh (unless Dick knows somehow).
And while i think Lagoon Boy is fucking garbage it would be sad if she attempted to do it him.
Why do i have a feeling M'gann might fuck this up with revenge on her mind
Would you really blame her? As far as she knows her best friend was just murdered I'm cold blood.
As the moment she would be justified in going after Kaldur.
Damn, man this dude has upgraded so much. Kudos on the writing and the execution. Is his comic counterpart this well written or awesome? ....This good~
This is so dumb. I thought the glamour charm was bad.Shitty YouTube screen cap, but its pretty clear in the HD version on my DVR once I pause it:
The YouTube version is missing frames, but in the original you see the casing of the pill pop out of her mouth after the crunch sound she makes when biting it.
He's embargoed since Johns want to use him. The normal Aqualad, is Gartha aka his former friend in the show, aka Tempest.
This is so dumb. I thought the glamour charm was bad.
This is just, wow awful.
Instadeath diazepam. Good luck with that
This is so dumb. I thought the glamour charm was bad.
This is just, wow awful.
Instadeath diazepam. Good luck with that
It's a common trope. You're overreacting. It would have been worse if "she trained herself to lower her hearbeat to such low levels".
? You'll accept boomtubes, flying martians, and other crazy advanced tech but not that?
I'm cool with her going after him since she does have a reason and it makes his cover look even more legit but its what she can do which is worrying, especially if the 4 have no idea and the guy who would know is not involved with the plan of the 4 to either warn them/talk her out of it.
This can go to shit really fucking fast
So... how long is the break?![]()
Yuuupppp, undercover. Knew it! Kaldur's too cool to turn.
Shall be interesting, DC is making a show based off of the Teen Titans short
So.. cartoon turns into shorts turns back into cartoon?
And where's my Super Best Friends Forever show!
Wait, what? There's going to be a break? After this episode?
Fml, going to die.
Sure, if it goes with her character.? You'll accept boomtubes, flying martians, and other crazy advanced tech but not that?
Sure, if it goes with her character.
But a bait & switch happy ending does not compute. So lazy
It would have been plain bad writing to reintroduce a character with the sole point of killing her. The likelihood of her death being permanent was little.
season 2 has been much better than season 1. just like everyone else, my only complaint is the whole "u stopped us but not rly" thing that is still happening. Are we to assume that during the last 5 or whatever years, the league has consistently been failing? ugh lol
At least we have the chance of the league being ahead now with Aqualad working undercover, so hopefully they serves as a real blow to them.
also, nightwing is fucking awesome! any chance that he'll don the batman suit to slow down any "where the hell is batman?!" questions?