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Young Justice: The Animated Series


I doubt 13 in a row. Holiday season usually brings on repeats.

With the late start time (9/29), we will probably get about 8 episodes, then winter break, then the rest in January. People complain about CN's scheduling, but at least they're consistent.


Membero Americo
It was already posted in the Green Lantern thread - YJ comes back September 29th.


Get hyped!



Interesting AskGreg updated, no real spoilers but there is a nice bit info to be gleamed
from it.

no.1 batfan writes...
I saw in the archives that someone asked about the religions that the members of the Justice League are practicing, so I was curious about the religions of the members of the team as well. I think it is safe to say that some of them, namely Miss Martian, are already revealed (in her case in Denial), and others like Aqualad and Zatanna can be inferred from their counterparts on the Justice League. Also, since it will be a while when you do get to this question, I would appreciate if you would answer this for any and all new additions to the team as of answering this question as well. Thanks in advance.
Greg responds...
Hmmm, I don't love answering this kind of question casually. It requires research that I haven't (yet) done. But I'll give it a shot. Just don't hold me to it.
B-01 Robin/Nightwing - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-02 Aqualad - Atlantean Pagan.
B-03 Kid Flash - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-04 Superboy was given no religion.
B-05 Miss Martian - In theory, grew up worshipping the Gods of Mars.
B-06 Red Arrow - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-07 Artemis - Fairly confident, she wasn't brought up with any faith...
B-08 Zatanna - Catholic.
B-09 Rocket - Baptist, maybe?
B-10 Tempest - Atlantean Pagan.
B-11 Aquagirl - Atlantean Pagan
B-12 ?? - ??
B-13 ?? - ??
B-14 ?? - ??
B-15 ?? - ??
B-16 Batgirl - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-17 Bumblebee - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-18 Lagoon Boy - Atlantean Pagan.
B-19 Beast Boy - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-20 Robin - Protestant Christian of some kind.
B-21 Wonder Girl - - Protestant Christian of some kind with a new respect for Amazon Pagan.
B-22 Blue Beetle - Catholic.
B-23 Impulse - Protestant Christian of some kind (assuming there was time for faith
post-Reach Apocalypse)

B-24 ?? - ??
B-25 ?? - ??
B-26 ?? - ??

26 team members confirmed and
Reach Apocalypse.
The Light dun goofed.
I doubt there will be a season three with the way CN runs things but I would be eternally great full it comes to be

I'm more optimistic. They are making a big push with DC cartoons, and without a Justice League at the root of the block, YJ holds everything together. I think we'll get one more.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I'm more optimistic. They are making a big push with DC cartoons, and without a Justice League at the root of the block, YJ holds everything together. I think we'll get one more.

I can see it staying around through the Beware the Batman launch. Really enjoying it, myself. Of course, I felt the same way about Legion of Super Heroes, so....
Interesting AskGreg updated, no real spoilers but there is a nice bit info to be gleamed
from it.
Why the fuck does every one of them have to believe in something
(except for the angry superboy and artemis whose parents were villains - because only people from shitty backgrounds could be heathens)
Sounds good, I almost believe that the episode will air next Saturday. Fans check out the comic that cameout this week, it has al te new members in it now.


Was Mistery inc ever officially announced as coming back from multiple sources including the producers?

Nope, as far as I know, just Wikipedia and IMDB. MI and Gen. Rex are the only two shows I've seen have scheduling issues and I've been watching CN for over five years. Sure there's the usual timeslot change, but those are the only shows that have had legit issues.


Feels like forever since new episodes were on. Came by the thread to ask if we knew when it would return, and I'm quite pleased to hear that it's next week. Something to look forward to for sure.


So here's a little something I read in on the web the other day regarding the series, and it's from among the 7 eps. of Season 2:
When the team tries to get Roy to drop his search for the real Roy, he tells them to 'get Kaldur to see the light'. In the ep. where we learn Kaldur was the mole he says something along the lines that his father trusts him enough for him to finally meet the light
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