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Your favorite title screen?


It's kinda related to the best intro but for some old games that couldn't play FMVs and such, sometimes their title screen is just awesome.

One example is Pokemon Sapphire, the title music is good, you see Kyogre in the background with its red stripes flashing and the Press Start flashes on, waiting for you.

Who could forget MegamanX's TS. The music beats on while the X is being drawn. Sometimes a good title screen just pumps me up to play.

So which TS make that effect on you?


The new Fight Club game has some nice title screen/interface stuff going on. I'll hold my tongue about the rest of it, though.

Ace Combat 5 has a very pleasantly minimalist introductory interface.



Super Mario 64 still has the best. It's one of the few that gave you something to play with, without worrying about collecting a score or anything videogame-ish.


I would say the most memorable for me would be OOT. The music, link on epona riding across the field, and that sound when you press start. Its just so good.
Recently, pikmin 2 had a cool title screen, with all the stuff going on and all the different seasonal backgrounds.


Gold Member
Chittagong said:

Actually one of the worst in my mind. (EDIT: I should clarify that - in the worst of notable games I can immediately remember. I'm sure if I spent a few minutes I could dig up any number of far worse ideas)

ZOE1/ZOE2 have pretty cool title screens, and one of the Red Faction games has a really stunning Mars topographical look.


Mario 64, Zelda OoT and Metroid Prime are all badass. Wind Waker was pretty cool too.

Thinking back further, Mario Kart on SNES had an awesome TS, with all the racers duking it out, side scrolling style :D

Coin Return

Loose Slot

i spent like 5 min just messing around.

Oh and Resident Evil, when the dog jumped up at the guy and there was a stupid blood splatter. And when you hit start the guy said "Resident Evil..." is a rapist voice.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
olimario said:
Metroid Prime has an awesome title screen.
The micro view of the Metroid is slick.

I'm not exactly in love with Metroid Prime, but I would totally agree with that. I love the position change that takes place after each menu option.


I've always loved the title screen from the Zelda games... (specially Majora and TWW)...

Tales of Symphonia title screen is beautiful...


I don't know if it was #1, but definitely Super Mario World for the SNES. (and for the record, that was the only Nintendo console I owned)
Metroid Prime

I mean I really dig Bloodrayne's with the sketchy music and bad film affects over the shot of Rayne's mouth, wide with ectasy as blood drips past her lips.....

But just hearing that Prime title music instantly makes me eager to devote a week to it... again.


I've always been impressed with Twisted Metal: Black's title screen. It felt like a DVD menu and I loved the camera work when navigating through the menus and it feels very Se7en inspired.
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