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Your favourite Assassin's Creed title.


  • Assassin's Creed (2007)

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Assassin's Creed 2 (2009)

    Votes: 82 27.2%
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010)

    Votes: 30 9.9%
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011)

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Assassin's Creed 3 (2012)

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (2013)

    Votes: 52 17.2%
  • Assassin's Creed: Rogue (2014)

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014)

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (2015)

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • Assassin's Creed: Origins (2017)

    Votes: 31 10.3%
  • Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (2018)

    Votes: 44 14.6%
  • Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (2020)

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Potatoes!

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)(2009)

    Votes: 1 0.3%

  • Total voters
One of the few choices that are really hard for me

Maybe AC4 overall, the sea, the beauty of islands, the characters, atmosphere etc. all were pretty awesome

But I loved Ac3 for the natives and mechanics
Unity for its stealth, who's the best in the series on par with Syndicate
Syndicate for Evie and Jacob, its stealth and its various approaches to missions
Didn't like ac1 so much
2 is stellar for Ezio, and setting, as an italian myself It's impossible for me not to love it

Odissey and Origins, Valhalla are not AC in my opinion, really good games as rpg's, but not true games of the franchise
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The last one I played was Unity; was there any good additions to the modern era / story ?

I loved the whole
ancient aliens
story; but I feel like it was only ever meant to be a trilogy and everything after Unity......well does it actually continue that stuff in any meaningful way?
My favorite AC is the 1st one believe it or not. I loved the way the game was structured, the story was amazing and I really enjoyed the modern day plot. Also the first game had the best assassinations and set ups. You really felt like an assassin. I hated when they went open world (besides Black Flag which was amazing)


AC1 while a bit rough and with a repetitive gameplay loop was special for me because it was the first game to introduce that level of vertical exploration with parkour with an incredible atmosphere. It really seemed you were in living medioeval cities.
AC2 was also amazing and they fixed the limitations of the original.
Black Flag was also really good and also Unity (which imo was seriously underrated because of the bugs and bad framerate it was launched with but the game was really good and next gen ambitious).
Unfortunately with Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla the series was turned into a boring open world game with a giant map and fillers everywhere. The new RPG system has the only purpose to artificially block you from progressing and finishing the game unless you grind for hours or buy some exp boost pack.
It's a shame but this series at this point like most others Ubisoft games is not for me anymore.
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I have a weird relationship with AC. I loved AC 1, 2, think i skipped brotherhood, loved Revelations... Hugely. But I've completely failed to get into any title since. I've tried. I've started multiple playthroughs of Black Flag, Unity, Origins and Odyssey, but I've generally lost interest about 2 hours in to every playthrough.


I dunno, for me personally i think the gameplay is simplistic, and doesn't live up to/fill up the beautiful worlds it's set in, causing those worlds to feel shallow. I think games like The Witcher 3 and RDR2 ruined me for AC. The earlier titles aren't too pretentious in their ambitions so they pass this litmus test...

SO that means my choice for this poll is AC 2.

What about you?... Tell us why...
I'll tell you what changed, story and focus.
Ac1 and a 2 had compelling mystery and story focus on real world stuff and historical periods. They were less haphazard. You actually did assassination missions (especially in ac1). Combat was more difficult at times.

They casualized the series in many ways. Also the new games since black flag have shit current day stuff. It's trash. The current world stuff has no plot and the characters are usually weird mellenial women with man hating demeanors. Desmond at least you cared about. He may have been rough but at least most people wanted to see what happened next. Do you even know whk the current time main characters name is in the last few ac games?. I don't.

They need better writers and focus on side quests. Something. While newer games are great in graphics and traversal other aspects are lacking.

Ac2 hands down best. Ac1 is awesome and is my choice as it gets shit on even though it was the most innovative and is a fun game.
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The last one I played was Unity; was there any good additions to the modern era / story ?

I loved the whole
ancient aliens
story; but I feel like it was only ever meant to be a trilogy and everything after Unity......well does it actually continue that stuff in any meaningful way?
Yes, odyssey in fact has some major revelations/modern story progression.

Fools idol

sorry to bump an old discussion but - in the opposition to making a new thread...

Which of the modern 3 iterations (valhalla, odyssye, origins) is the one I should be playing as a relative series newcomer? I played the first two games when they released over a decade ago, but never touched anything after 2,

I have a good 100 hours of time to burn in the coming weeks and really want to get into one of these beasts. It seems like Odyssey is the most favoured for gameplay and world exploration.

TLDR - if you were only allowed one to play, which would it be and why?
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Mouse Ball Fetishist
sorry to bump an old discussion but - in the opposition to making a new thread...

Which of the modern 3 iterations (valhalla, odyssye, origins) is the one I should be playing as a relative series newcomer? I played the first two games when they released over a decade ago, but never touched anything after 2,

I have a good 100 hours of time to burn in the coming weeks and really want to get into one of these beasts. It seems like Odyssey is the most favoured for gameplay and world exploration.

TLDR - if you were only allowed one to play, which would it be and why?
I can't give one answer because I feel the three will ultimately provide the same type of experience but with a different flavor.

Which setting of the three is your favorite (ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, Viking era)? Maybe that will help you choose since you'll be spending a really long time in whichever game you choose.


sorry to bump an old discussion but - in the opposition to making a new thread...

Which of the modern 3 iterations (valhalla, odyssye, origins) is the one I should be playing as a relative series newcomer? I played the first two games when they released over a decade ago, but never touched anything after 2,

I have a good 100 hours of time to burn in the coming weeks and really want to get into one of these beasts. It seems like Odyssey is the most favoured for gameplay and world exploration.

TLDR - if you were only allowed one to play, which would it be and why?
Thanks for the bump :)

Origins, in my opinion.. i don't have much to say to explain that other than that it's a bit closer to the gameplay features that the old titles boasted, and it's the first so play the first.. later titles play more like other series than AC, i feel
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Fools idol

Thanks for the bump :)

Origins, in my opinion.. i don't have much to say to explain that other than that it's a bit closer to the gameplay features that the old titles boasted, and it's the first so play the first.. later titles play more like other series than AC, i feel
how does origins run on PS5? 60 fps like Odyssey or no?


AC2 best « plot » and fantasy universe
Unity best historical settings and environments
Syndicate best characters

AC1 has a lot going for it too : original settings, true stealth gameplay, etc, but it was too rough around the edges (also frustrating with the whole travelling between cities, and at a slow pace to prevent raising suspicion)
Nothing beats AC II for me, that game was magic. Really enjoyed the whole Ezio trilogy.

Of the newer ones I had a lot of fun with Origins & Odyssey.

Valhalla...not so much. Game feels like it needed another year in the oven.


I first finished 1,2,brotherhood.

Of those, 2 was probably the most enjoyable. I remember 1 was just beautiful and it was very enjoyable to be a sword wielding assassin... but a bit repetitive when collecting all objectives.

The next on I played was Origins. Absolutely loved it. Finished everything. Took me a while...

Started Black flag - really fun but haven't yet completed it.

Backlog - odyssey, Valhalla, unity and some remasters


Lord of Edge.
I always wondered why people preferred Origins to Oddessey. The latter improved on the new formula introduced by Origins in almost every way.

The only thing I can think of is the setting. Some people may think Egypt > Greek Islands


I always wondered why people preferred Origins to Oddessey. The latter improved on the new formula introduced by Origins in almost every way.

The only thing I can think of is the setting. Some people may think Egypt > Greek Islands
i do

to be honest, i haven't played much odyssey for two reasons, a) i generally want to play earlier titles first, but i haven't brought myself to finish any of the titles since revelations, b) i played it for a short time, during the same time that i was really into witcher 3, and it just failed with me

i'll play it again one day, if i can get into the modern AC formula i'm sure i'll like it
sorry to bump an old discussion but - in the opposition to making a new thread...

Which of the modern 3 iterations (valhalla, odyssye, origins) is the one I should be playing as a relative series newcomer? I played the first two games when they released over a decade ago, but never touched anything after 2,

I have a good 100 hours of time to burn in the coming weeks and really want to get into one of these beasts. It seems like Odyssey is the most favoured for gameplay and world exploration.

TLDR - if you were only allowed one to play, which would it be and why?

I prefer origins, but that's just because I prefer Ancient Egypt to Greece. They're both great.

Valhalla doesn't have regenerating health, unless they've added it since launch. That rather put me off - some people might see that as a gameplay advantage, I suppose.
It’s a toss up between a few for various reasons. I loved Ezio. Of the installments I’ve played, he and Edward Kenway are my favorite protagonists. As an aside - Edward‘s whole family is badass, even Connor, which is why Edward is probably my favorite protagonist.
Anyways, the series started getting really refined with the second installment, but of the Ezio games Brotherhood was the masterclass where it all came together.

Brotherhood mastered the combat system, making it much more fluid and visceral. It had some great animus game modes. It progressed the modern day story when it was still worth being invested in (fuck AC3 for this reason alone), and it continued Ezio’s story in an interesting direction. It had some great, if short, DLC, and gave me more of what AS2 did right. Rome is also one of the best locations in the series - incredibly well done setting.

Black Flag added in a much more fleshed out ship combat and ship traversal system. Despite coming after the modern day story clusterfuck of AS3, it dropped me into an interesting story disconnected mostly from the modern day story while planting seeds for a potential redemption / continuation (didn’t happen but was interesting), and it gave some closure on Desmond. Like I said before, Edward is perhaps the best character and had the best supporting cast. His motivations are understandable, he’s not overly brooding like Altair or Connor (which I don’t mind, but at least he’s funny and badass). And the game is packed to the brim with meaningful content, and the setting is beautiful. One of the best pirate games to boot, and the Freedom Cry DLC is probably the best DLC in the series.

So for me, Brotherhood and Black Flag are pretty neck and neck. But I also have special places I’m my heart for Unity, Assassin’s Creed 2, Revalations, and the first game (in that order).

Unity, by far, has the most beautiful architecture. The parkour system was extremely refined, probably the best in the series. Arno was alright, but the high points come in when they’re really nailing the secret order vibe. They made the Assassin’s seem cool and organized in a way that hadn’t been seen since the first game. For a portion of the story, they were really mysterious but then towards the end the story becomes increasingly lackluster and that whole vibe is ruined. The last few portions of the story, a main character carried more by the supporting cast and Paris, and of course the bugs keep it from my top two. Otherwise, it’d be the definitive Assassin experience. I think it’s unfairly remembered due to its disastrous launch.

Assassin’s Creed 2 is where the formula was perfected, and Ezio was such an amazing character. I personally enjoyed Altair and the Crusades, loved it actually. But Ezio and Renaissance Italy have so much more to offer. The three Ezio games had an impressive story arc and contains a majority of the thematic and narratives highs in the series. Plus, that fucking original soundtrack and the ability to curb stomp the Pope! Additionally, the combat was much better than the first installment, and they really started progressing / hyping up the modern day story. It gave me a really great wtf moment at the end. Also, that Adam and Eve shit scared the shit out of me as a boy. And all the history puzzles were mind blowing as a teenager.

Revelations wrapped up Ezio and Altair’s stories masterfully. In my opinion, it contained a fair portion of the series’ narrative high points. It also wrapped up a good portion of what was happening in Desmond’s story and really tied these three characters together in an interesting way. It was the perfect set up to the third game. But it would’ve been higher if the city wasn’t obviously rushed. Compared to Rome, a majority of the districts and architecture seemed to be copy and pasted. Travel across four buildings and you‘ve seen the whole city (excluding the historical landmarks and visit to the secret city - but even that wore off quick). I also hated the stupid district defense system, and it left me with the feeling that it was a cash grab… something that I would feel more often after this title. Syndicate and Rogue really hit me with this vibe, and I didn’t even play Rogue. I quit the series after beating Syndicate because the story had become a joke and the story in that title was utter shit.

Anywho, the last on my list of notable entries is the first game. It’s on here for a few reasons: an interesting premise; played up the mysteriousness of the artifacts and the cult war between the Assassins and Templars; the Assassins were completely exotic and undefined, their motivations were enthralling; the game felt like it was driven by religious fervor and felt convinced in its story. I don’t think any installment got that vibe correct again until Unity, and it’s the only title to carry that feeling through the whole story. It‘s clunky and doesn’t mechanically hold up well and it’s sparse on content. However, the repeating missions didn’t bother me, because I felt like I was moving through a world with purpose.

I haven’t played Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, or Rogue but hopefully one day I get the desire to start back up. I’ve heard some of those are good additions, but Syndicate mostly killed the franchise for me. I cannot describe how much I detested Evie, her brother, their story, bleh. All the worst bits of the series with the only redeeming quality being London and the zip line. Wish they were brave enough to continue Arno’s story or make a similar game to Unity (w/o the bugs). The tone switch in Syndicate is what killed it for me. The fact that the two protagonists don’t even hide that they’re part of a secret cult is perplexing. The levity they treat everything is also maddening, and almost superhero feeling it off putting.


Black Flag = Brotherhood

I’ve played every game excluding the last three and Rogue. That includes playing stuff like Bloodlines on the PSP, the numerous games and tie ins released to iOS (some of which are no longer available after the 64-bit transition), and the small side scroller titles released around Unity’s release - I remember China and India settings.


For me It's Syndicate. It marks the finish line of the "classic" AC gameplay before it changed itself into a giant open world RPG.
I care nothing for the story in any AC games as I found them beyond redemption and overfilled with tropes and cliches with a thin veneer of character development.

For me AC games usually does characters banter very well but then every else get off the way side.
So In that case, Syndicate characters are just the embodiment of the franchise for me. Brash, Loud and over the top.

Syndicate has a refined gameplay and some of the best Stealth in the franchise.
They fixed most of the combat and the climbing that was plaguing the earlier games.

It's just fun, the characters are having fun and even the side-quest are the best the franchise have to offer.
It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and that what I look for in a game.

I understand it's not everyone way of seeing games but as a murder simulator it's pretty good overall.



Probably one of the most underrated games of last-gen. Best open world, I mean how can you beat Victorian London? Nice characters and decent story and the gameplay was great. Not much more to say. Only 2 comes close.


I've played the first few, the last few but not the ones in between. So right now it's Assassin's Creed III and it's so weird. Doesn't feel like AC at all but early days yet. Connor is about to be born so hopefully things will pick up rapidly.
AC brotherhood was pretty much part 2 on steroids. The best in the series for me. Great soundtrack from jesper kyd too. Anyone know why ubisoft didn't bring him back?
Black Flag, repetitive as it was because the sailing was still fresh and fun. Rogue comes next, if only to finally get a chance to put a few Assassins down. I haven't played any since the big ARPG shift.

Honestly, the series would be much better if Ubi just stopped trying to write the Assassins as a bunch of boysvouts. The writing is usually so hamfisted that it makes me want to root for someone, anyone else. Blackbeard whining about "Med'cines" for his men as he died just about had me crying laughing.
Lmao now I have to play it again. For some reason I thought Blackbeard's death was so much sicker than this.


AC1 while a bit rough and with a repetitive gameplay loop was special for me because it was the first game to introduce that level of vertical exploration with parkour with an incredible atmosphere. It really seemed you were in living medioeval cities.
AC2 was also amazing and they fixed the limitations of the original.
Black Flag was also really good and also Unity (which imo was seriously underrated because of the bugs and bad framerate it was launched with but the game was really good and next gen ambitious).
Unfortunately with Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla the series was turned into a boring open world game with a giant map and fillers everywhere. The new RPG system has the only purpose to artificially block you from progressing and finishing the game unless you grind for hours or buy some exp boost pack.
It's a shame but this series at this point like most others Ubisoft games is not for me anymore.
Pretty much exactly how I look at the series. 1 was amazing and it’s still my favorite because of what it offered at release.
It's probably AC2. I didn't play ALL of them (thankfully) but out of the ones I played, AC2 was the one I liked the most. It had a fantastic setting, likeable characters, good gameplay and those nifty villa upgrades. It was a fantastic package. It was my only 1000/1000 game on the 360, which shows I liked the game so much I even put up with that stupid feather collectathon.


Goes between 2 and Brotherhood. Picked 2 in the end, because it was a good first impression,not knowing what to expect just yet.

I actually do like these games quite a bit. Pretty much only for their historical settings, more than anything else.

At least in the Ezio trilogy there was a charming character, a proper developing story and a good sense of mystery of what it means to be an assassin.
Good pacing, great setting and good characters. A shame the combat was never a challenge, but ah well, back then it wasn't that big a deal for me yet.
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Syndicate has a refined gameplay and some of the best Stealth in the franchise.
Unfortunately the one thing that broke the balance of that gameplay was the whistling ability. You could move around the enemies at your will and just backstab them one after the other. There wasn't any challenge. Not that the challenge was very high to begin with in previous episodes, but at least you had to wait/observe the patterns of your opponents, instead of basically shouting "hey you, come over here and get stabbed !".


AC1, I love how in the first one you were just assassinating targets which is what an assassin creed game should be. AC2 felt too much like GTA reskinned, go to the big letter on the map to trigger cutscene to start a mission, rinse and repeat. The newer AC games feel like watchdogs/ far cry in a different setting. Ubisoft should break the franchise apart and make an AC game that is just killing targets(like the Hitman games are) and make the recent games like Odyssey and Valhalla their own separate franchise.

Great Hair

Ass.Creep Two ... never bothered with the others. Black Flag was nice (dnf), but also free with the gpu. Terrible IP, boring. They have to pay me to play that shit.

big GIF
Big Boobs GIF
big boobs pron GIF


Voted for AC2, but Black Flag isn't very far behind, Brotherhood being the third.

I don't really dislike any of them, but AC3 and Syndicate are my least favorite. Odyssey is an odd one; it is a good game, but it feels out of place in the AC franchise (it is a hell of an Ancient Greece RPG though).

As for Valhalla, it is underrated as fuck; its main issue is pacing, which makes it feel bloated, but there's a great game and story here.

My rank would be:

1- AC2
2- Black Flag
3- Brotherhood
4- Origins
5- Valhalla
6- AC1
7- Unity
8- Revelations
9- Odyssey
10- Rogue
11- AC3
12- Syndicate


It’s a toss up between a few for various reasons. I loved Ezio. Of the installments I’ve played, he and Edward Kenway are my favorite protagonists. As an aside - Edward‘s whole family is badass, even Connor, which is why Edward is probably my favorite protagonist.
Anyways, the series started getting really refined with the second installment, but of the Ezio games Brotherhood was the masterclass where it all came together.

Brotherhood mastered the combat system, making it much more fluid and visceral. It had some great animus game modes. It progressed the modern day story when it was still worth being invested in (fuck AC3 for this reason alone), and it continued Ezio’s story in an interesting direction. It had some great, if short, DLC, and gave me more of what AS2 did right. Rome is also one of the best locations in the series - incredibly well done setting.

Black Flag added in a much more fleshed out ship combat and ship traversal system. Despite coming after the modern day story clusterfuck of AS3, it dropped me into an interesting story disconnected mostly from the modern day story while planting seeds for a potential redemption / continuation (didn’t happen but was interesting), and it gave some closure on Desmond. Like I said before, Edward is perhaps the best character and had the best supporting cast. His motivations are understandable, he’s not overly brooding like Altair or Connor (which I don’t mind, but at least he’s funny and badass). And the game is packed to the brim with meaningful content, and the setting is beautiful. One of the best pirate games to boot, and the Freedom Cry DLC is probably the best DLC in the series.

So for me, Brotherhood and Black Flag are pretty neck and neck. But I also have special places I’m my heart for Unity, Assassin’s Creed 2, Revalations, and the first game (in that order).

Unity, by far, has the most beautiful architecture. The parkour system was extremely refined, probably the best in the series. Arno was alright, but the high points come in when they’re really nailing the secret order vibe. They made the Assassin’s seem cool and organized in a way that hadn’t been seen since the first game. For a portion of the story, they were really mysterious but then towards the end the story becomes increasingly lackluster and that whole vibe is ruined. The last few portions of the story, a main character carried more by the supporting cast and Paris, and of course the bugs keep it from my top two. Otherwise, it’d be the definitive Assassin experience. I think it’s unfairly remembered due to its disastrous launch.

Assassin’s Creed 2 is where the formula was perfected, and Ezio was such an amazing character. I personally enjoyed Altair and the Crusades, loved it actually. But Ezio and Renaissance Italy have so much more to offer. The three Ezio games had an impressive story arc and contains a majority of the thematic and narratives highs in the series. Plus, that fucking original soundtrack and the ability to curb stomp the Pope! Additionally, the combat was much better than the first installment, and they really started progressing / hyping up the modern day story. It gave me a really great wtf moment at the end. Also, that Adam and Eve shit scared the shit out of me as a boy. And all the history puzzles were mind blowing as a teenager.

Revelations wrapped up Ezio and Altair’s stories masterfully. In my opinion, it contained a fair portion of the series’ narrative high points. It also wrapped up a good portion of what was happening in Desmond’s story and really tied these three characters together in an interesting way. It was the perfect set up to the third game. But it would’ve been higher if the city wasn’t obviously rushed. Compared to Rome, a majority of the districts and architecture seemed to be copy and pasted. Travel across four buildings and you‘ve seen the whole city (excluding the historical landmarks and visit to the secret city - but even that wore off quick). I also hated the stupid district defense system, and it left me with the feeling that it was a cash grab… something that I would feel more often after this title. Syndicate and Rogue really hit me with this vibe, and I didn’t even play Rogue. I quit the series after beating Syndicate because the story had become a joke and the story in that title was utter shit.

Anywho, the last on my list of notable entries is the first game. It’s on here for a few reasons: an interesting premise; played up the mysteriousness of the artifacts and the cult war between the Assassins and Templars; the Assassins were completely exotic and undefined, their motivations were enthralling; the game felt like it was driven by religious fervor and felt convinced in its story. I don’t think any installment got that vibe correct again until Unity, and it’s the only title to carry that feeling through the whole story. It‘s clunky and doesn’t mechanically hold up well and it’s sparse on content. However, the repeating missions didn’t bother me, because I felt like I was moving through a world with purpose.

I haven’t played Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, or Rogue but hopefully one day I get the desire to start back up. I’ve heard some of those are good additions, but Syndicate mostly killed the franchise for me. I cannot describe how much I detested Evie, her brother, their story, bleh. All the worst bits of the series with the only redeeming quality being London and the zip line. Wish they were brave enough to continue Arno’s story or make a similar game to Unity (w/o the bugs). The tone switch in Syndicate is what killed it for me. The fact that the two protagonists don’t even hide that they’re part of a secret cult is perplexing. The levity they treat everything is also maddening, and almost superhero feeling it off putting.


Black Flag = Brotherhood

I’ve played every game excluding the last three and Rogue. That includes playing stuff like Bloodlines on the PSP, the numerous games and tie ins released to iOS (some of which are no longer available after the 64-bit transition), and the small side scroller titles released around Unity’s release - I remember China and India settings.
That was intense. Thanks for writing that up, I'd gift you gold if i had my card on hand :p those China and India side scrollers were fun on my vita, and the full release for vita, neither of them really caught me but I'm glad you mentioned the side scrollers yeah.. very nice art design


It has to be number 2. With that said I’ll never forget going round to my friends house and he had just got the first game. We were all in awe at the parkour and the way you could navigate the city, it was ground breaking for the time.

It’s a shame the series has turned into an open world RPG. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Gold Member
I went for Unity. An odd choice maybe but I loved what they at least attempted to do with the large crowds, parkour and amount of buildings you could enter.

Black Flag a close second, loved the theme and setting in that game.
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Not many people enjoyed Unity and for good reasons at the time but after the many years of it being out, it has held strong and I actually enjoyed the game.


Unfortunately the one thing that broke the balance of that gameplay was the whistling ability. You could move around the enemies at your will and just backstab them one after the other. There wasn't any challenge. Not that the challenge was very high to begin with in previous episodes, but at least you had to wait/observe the patterns of your opponents, instead of basically shouting "hey you, come over here and get stabbed !".

You can min-max any game and it always suck the enjoyment out of it.
Even if it's the "optimal way" to play, it is not the best way to play.

You could say it's a design error but there is always a thin line and lots of trade-off to any feature.


It was 2 and Brotherhood for me, but now it's Origin. What a beautiful world. It's the AC i always wanted.
I felt so immersed, for a moment i felt like i was in the game. It all looks so good and feels so alive, it's incredible.
The character was pretty likable as well. Bayek deserves another game
I love everything related to Egypt and i hope to travel there one day.
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Brotherhood and Unity. I voted brotherhood because i prefer it to Unity, but i love Unity's setting and combat system. Prefer 3 to Blackflag also. One of the great appeals to me are the locations.
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