Every so often I watch PDP and Boogie and these videos are clear and away child abuse. Fuck off using these terrible instances of abuse as a bludgen to go after others you stereotype.
Of course that's not the only audience watching these videos. The point is, youtube especially has created a large platform with very little quality control and they have a lot of kids, like the one posted in the video who take everything some commentators say as gospel. All of those people are pretty much on the record of saying and doing shitty things all for the sake of the almighty view, and while most don't take it to the despicable level of DoF, it's still a concerning fact. This guy's reaction to the backlash is even exactly the same kind of non-apology, shift the blame bullshit we've seen proliferating all over youtube lately and we have a lot of dumb kids being conditioned to line up to fight to the death for their favorite persona no matter the terrible things said persona has done. That's how people like these guys get 800,000 die-hard subscribers.
Whether you like it or not, talking heads like PDP, etc. have helped open the door to this kind of crap due to their disregard for the responsibility that comes attached to their fame and I expect it to get worse before it gets better.