Might be an important video in the future for reference
WORST DAD ON YOUTUBE: How repulsive was the hidden content of Daddyofive?
Jesus fucking christ... So hard to watch and it gets worse
jesus you all are champing at the bit to dogpile on someone defending this. sorry, but that wasn't my point. i'd like to think the "normal" moments suggest they might not be beyond rehabilitation or counseling, if only for the kids' sake. it has to suck being permanently torn from your parents - assuming that happens - even if you're not aware it's for your own good.
Please watch the above video. Then come back and tell me that clear emotional and physical abuse did not occur here. In particular emotional abuse, which can be just as damaging as physical abuse to over all health. They mentally torture Cody in particular, bringing him to tears over and over again by telling him he is kicked out of the house or being given up for adoption, just for the lulz.