Fuck that. To keep up with rising content costs? Well maybe there's just way too much god damn content and most of it sucks ass. You're paying for an increased amount of content, most if it that you won't watch anyway, because as mentioned, it sucks. You're paying for more and more pointless content that these companies feel they need to pay for to have a competitive advantage and they're passing on their poor investment to you. Either that or simple price gouging. Best to just opt out of most of these subscription services entirely if you don't feel you're getting a good value. Its the only way theyre course correct.
I have youtube premium which for what I get out of it, is incredibly reasonable at I think....15 a month? Youtube TV just seems like another overpriced cable company alternative. Useless.
I have youtube premium which for what I get out of it, is incredibly reasonable at I think....15 a month? Youtube TV just seems like another overpriced cable company alternative. Useless.
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