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Youtube stops showing the number of negative scores.


Gold Member
Actually the people who flood videos with dislikes as part of a group without watching the videos are the snowflakes

And those who flood videos with likes without watching because they idolise the content creator are what exactly?


I would also argue that the people getting mad and crying “censorship!” Over this are the most delicate of snowflakes.

Read this post, nobody needs to be (or should be) protected:

People not liking things and other people for whatever reason is a fact of life.

Just like there's a lot of negativity on the Internet there is also a lot of positivity, it's impossible to have one without the other. If someone decides to focus in on the negatives rather than the positives then recalibration is in order.

If you tell me that some people go overboard with their criticism and negativity (e.g. When it gets personal and violence is talked about) then yes, I agree with you but a dislike button isn't that. There is a discussion to be had around conduct on social media and whether some people would benefit from some kind of "education" around how to express themselves online, but saying "no negativity allowed at all" doesn't fix the deeper issues we witness.

From the other side I don't understand the mindset that you can put yourself out there in the world in any circumstance (whether on the Internet or just in public in general) and not be open to criticism or even people being negative towards you. Some people will be more negative and critical than others (and like mentioned above some overly so) however as with anything people need to be realistic. You cannot control the actions of other people, you cannot control the thoughts of your audience, all you can do is decide how to conduct yourself and what you allow to affect you. Being able to both take and give positive and negative feedback is an important aspect of our society, it's how we grow both individually and collectively. If you entirely remove (or suppress) one side of the feedback loop then how do those who need to be challenged or those who need to improve/change get the necessary feedback?

Removing a dislike button is peak coddling. This level of policing for thought and expression online only puts us further on the road to nowhere.
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Who cares how many likes or dislikes a person has on YouTube . Your either interested in the content your watching and if not why are you watching them.

It doesn’t even need a like or dislike button I think the comments section is more than enough and even sometimes it’s not needed how many people are in YouTube for the money and the freed stuf they probably spend less time In Thier comments section.

it’s all about the money, it’s all about the dum dum Dee Dee Dee dum 🤭🤣

if you can’t take the comments the. Change your content, speak the facts and less of the messy drama for attention 🥱 some people are so entitled.

G Boaty

Read this post, nobody needs to be (or should be) protected:
Disabling dislikes has little to no effect on the average YouTuber. No one is protected from anything, anyone can still comment anything they want.

this is akin to complaining that there’s no dislike or thumbs-down emote on Gaf. It’s a stupid complaint because there are other, better ways to voice your dissatisfaction or dislike of something.
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Lame, but i dont see this as any different from what we do here. you only see likes.

It's not necessary here as this isn't a central platform for disseminating information to the wider world. It's mostly gamers shit-posting.

Youtube / google is the most trafficked video site in the world. So this would have a disastrous impact on the legitimacy of its content.


I the difference is because in a forum is either a matter of opinion or discusdion. On youtube, theres content and theres people(and companies), behind it. So they want to see their shit, hence why I dont like this attitude. Dislike ratio should give you an idea of what you're dealing with.

I think your post and the other one by Fake Fake are now displaying how adding buttons and a forum or social media app can be misleading. I would have never thought to use the "thoughtful" button in a sarcastic or ironic way. It defeats the purpose of the button.

I disagree entirelly. Aside from the "like" button, every other is up to the person interpretation and its function not mandatory.
One can see a joke as a way for laught, while other think it was a well though joke.
Same way some could consider a wall of text a thoughfull post while other could laught in a manner of "I ain't reading all that shit".
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Disabling dislikes has little to no effect on the average YouTuber. No one is protected from anything, anyone can still comment anything they want.

this is akin to complaining that there’s no dislike or thumbs-down emote on Gaf. It’s a stupid complaint because there are other, better ways to voice your dissatisfaction or dislike of something.

Absolutely false. You can disable comments, set up banned keywords, or have mods delete comments.

Whatever is written is completely under the authority of the creator.


Gold Member
The Biden videos were getting 1:1000000 negativity.

Netflix did the same thing YEARS ago, by removing downvotes, since all of the Amy Schumer ultra-lib stuff was downvoted to oblivion.

Interesting times, the corporations control thoughts. "they" know that people collectively basically understand lies, so they have to prevent the collective from seeing it, and impose this "peer shaming" system to cover it up.
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G Boaty

Absolutely false. You can disable comments, set up banned keywords, or have mods delete comments.

Whatever is written is completely under the authority of the creator.
That’s still not censorship though. If you care enough there are other platforms you can voice your opinion on. You’re literally not being stopped from voicing your opinion on anything.

Besides people generally (excluding fanboys) don’t approve of content creators filtering or prohibiting criticism. If that happens they quickly lose followers. I defy you to find a YouTube who has blocked all comments on all videos that continues to thrive and be successful.

like I really don’t understand the complaints here. You can’t dislike a video, so what?
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Gold Member
Disabling dislikes has little to no effect on the average YouTuber. No one is protected from anything, anyone can still comment anything they want.

this is akin to complaining that there’s no dislike or thumbs-down emote on Gaf. It’s a stupid complaint because there are other, better ways to voice your dissatisfaction or dislike of something.

GAF is a discussion forum, it's the only means we have to communicate here - if you dislike or disagree with what someone is saying then you should say so (this discussion we are having here is evidence of that).

YouTube as a platform does not foster discussion, that's not the primary reason it exists (it's a content creation and content sharing platform). A lot of people watch it on platforms where they can't even access or participate in the comments section. However the like/dislike buttons do exist on every platform youtube is available on.

You should probably read why they are removing the dislike button, your assumption that it's not to protect the "average youtuber" is an incorrect one. And if your argument is that they aren't doing it to protect the content creators then why exactly are they even bothering to remove the dislike button?
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That’s still not censorship though. If you care enough there are other platforms you can voice your opinion on. You’re literally not being stopped from voicing your opinion on anything.

Besides people generally (excluding fanboys) don’t approve of content creators filtering or prohibiting criticism. If that happens they quickly lose followers. I defy you to find a YouTube who has blocked all comments on all videos that continues to thrive and be successful.

like I really don’t understand the complaints here. You can’t dislike a video, so what?

That's bad, and the rest of your post doesn't get any better.

Conversation over.

G Boaty

GAF is a discussion forum, it's the only means we have to communicate here - if you dislike or disagree with what someone is saying then you should say so (this discussion we are having here is evidence of that).

YouTube as a platform does not Foster discussion, that's not the primary reason it exists. A lot of people watch it on platforms where they can't even access or participate in the comments section. However the like/dislike buttons do exist on every platform youtube is available on.

You should probably read why they are removing the dislike button, your assumption that it's not to protect the "average youtuber" is an incorrect one. And if your argument is that they aren't doing it to protect the content creators then why exactly are they even bothering to remove the dislike button?

Your bolded is a double standard. The forum is rife with people reacting to posts without actually responding to them.

this change is clearly as a result of corporations getting pissed that their latest marketing campaign is getting downvoted for one reason or another. They spend millions creating these ads and more promoting them and ensuring they end up in as many YouTube feeds as possible. Johnny Content Creator with a half a million subs that’s pissed because he’s being downvoted isn’t the driver for this change, it’s the companies that pay for ads and keep YouTube afloat (and thus YouTube themselves) that benefit from this the most.

That's bad, and the rest of your post doesn't get any better.

Conversation over.

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Gold Member
Your bolded is a double standard. The forum is rife with people reacting to posts without actually responding to them.

this change is clearly as a result of corporations getting kissed that their latest marketing campaign is getting downvoted for one reason or another. They spend millions creating these ads and more promoting them and ensuring they end up in as many YouTube feeds as possible. Johnny Content Creator with a half a million subs that’s pissed because he’s being downvoted isn’t the driver for this change, it’s the companies that pay for ads and keep YouTube afloat (and thus YouTube themselves) that benefit from this the most.

And those people who spam reactions without ever being involved in discussions are poor participants. That's not a double standard, it's a factual difference between a forum like neogaf and a video sharing platform like YouTube. A dislike button here is not required because if you disagree with somebody it should spark a discussion/debate. Without people posting comments and responses to one another this place ceases to exist.

It's far easier to directly respond to somebody here than it would ever be to directly respond to a content creator on YouTube. Go to a channel that has over a few thousand subscribers and write a comment that addresses the content creator on a video over an hour old, good luck ever getting a response from them, nevermind actually engaging in a discussion.

As for it being a result of the corporations who pay the ad revenue pushing for this - it could well be. In which case its even more important for the dislike button to still exist so that people can have a clear picture of what the general consensus is of a company (or a particular product or service). If someone stumbles across a video has a high dislike ratio then the question they should be asking is why and what has caused it. Under the new model, if all they see are the likes on the very same video then they have no idea and no reason to dig deeper - as a result everything is taken at face value without any reason to question it. Extend that across all videos (including ones that are proposed as "educational") and then you have a platform that has the potential to be very harmful.
That’s still not censorship though. If you care enough there are other platforms you can voice your opinion on. You’re literally not being stopped from voicing your opinion on anything.

Besides people generally (excluding fanboys) don’t approve of content creators filtering or prohibiting criticism. If that happens they quickly lose followers. I defy you to find a YouTube who has blocked all comments on all videos that continues to thrive and be successful.

like I really don’t understand the complaints here. You can’t dislike a video, so what?
They are taking away a feature that we have used for years to express our opinions of a video. Furthermore, it was also a good tool for the audience to see if a video was clickbait/scam or whatever. Why do y'all always say "just go to another platform"? I'm so sorry for voicing my opinion that criticizes Youtube. It's not like Youtube as any legitimate competition anyways.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Another victory for Snowflake society.

Well done for participating, everyone's a winner. No tears, only dreams.

Not sure how and when this all ends but it's going to be interesting to witness. Probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better though.
This snowflake society can ram a frozen popsickle in their ass. I"m so sick of these crybabies whining over everything.
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I use the LOL icon when I legit find something funny. It's distrubing to read that some use it as a "dislike" button. Geez, I'm honestly wondering if posters on GAF think I'm disliking their post now; when in reality I think their posts are funny. And for the triggered icon, I tend to use that less as a dislike button but more as a "dude are you serious right now" button.

If we had a true thumbs down button, I'd be using it ALOT more than I ever use the triggered button.
If we had a true dislike reaction, some of your posts would get loads of them, and I would not like that. Dislikes are not a good thing for healthy communication in a community that should be expressing itself with nuanced discussion, and hopefully looking for common ground. Dislikes polarize everyone, and lead to a situation where the most common worldview of a given community is rewarded, while opposing thought is punished.

HOWEVER, that logic does not apply to something like you tube. You're absolutely right that this is being done to give even more power to the powerful. On a forum, all are relatively equal. Anyone can make a post, and anyone can reply. On you tube, the video creator has the microphone. They are the ones with all the voice, and all the power, and it takes a LOT of people who disagree to really voice their opinions in any noticeable way.

That is the difference, and why the logic of "but GAF doesn't have a dislike button either" really isn't the same. And as YOU tube (people) has continued its metamorphosis into THEM tube (large companies given massive advantages by algorithms, and treated completely differently by advertising and conduct guidelines), a dislike button is just another voice that must be silenced to protect the powerful.
Why is this in the games forum? Because there are videos of games on YouTube? Pretty tenuous link.

Also, the outrage in here is honestly baffling, and kind of hilarious. The vitriol on display for a social media platform tinkering with its feedback system is mind-blowing.

"I hate what the world is coming to" hahahaha hahaha.
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Who cares how many likes or dislikes a person has on YouTube . Your either interested in the content your watching and if not why are you watching them.
People who are often mislead by bogus thumbnails or titles for one, but I'll give you an example...

There are numerous videos that offer "quick fun recipes" that have 100 of millions of views...some are marketed at children, with their comments disabled A YOUTUBE NESSACITY for kids stuff BTW...

One of those vids had a video STEP BY STEP on how to make white strawberries... BY BLEACHING THEM!!!

You know, for kids...Dead kids who ate "bleach berries"
It doesn’t even need a like or dislike button I think the comments section is more than enough and even sometimes it’s not needed how many people are in YouTube for the money and the freed stuf they probably spend less time In Thier comments section.
Comments can be disabled and often are by scammers/liars
it’s all about the money, it’s all about the dum dum Dee Dee Dee dum 🤭🤣

if you can’t take the comments the. Change your content, speak the facts and less of the messy drama for attention 🥱 some people are so entitled.
You are correct, which is why YT often does NOTHING in regards to reports on channels earning millions of views...lost revenue

Ever heard the old saying buyer beware? Well how can you do that if the reviews can only be positive and that's it?
GIF by Kim's Convenience's Convenience

There's gotta be a place for you where you won't have to see "these crybabies whining over everything". A safe space, you could say.

hahaha pretend the problem doesn't exist...if everyone did that the Xbox brand would likely be dead because we would have gotten the significantly worse One and Spencer would likely still be under Merrick, it is the voice of the consumer that can MAKE changes happen...

G Boaty

And those people who spam reactions without ever being involved in discussions are poor participants. That's not a double standard, it's a factual difference between a forum like neogaf and a video sharing platform like YouTube. A dislike button here is not required because if you disagree with somebody it should spark a discussion/debate. Without people posting comments and responses to one another this place ceases to exist.

It's far easier to directly respond to somebody here than it would ever be to directly respond to a content creator on YouTube. Go to a channel that has over a few thousand subscribers and write a comment that addresses the content creator on a video over an hour old, good luck ever getting a response from them, nevermind actually engaging in a discussion.

As for it being a result of the corporations who pay the ad revenue pushing for this - it could well be. In which case its even more important for the dislike button to still exist so that people can have a clear picture of what the general consensus is of a company (or a particular product or service). If someone stumbles across a video has a high dislike ratio then the question they should be asking is why and what has caused it. Under the new model, if all they see are the likes on the very same video then they have no idea and no reason to dig deeper - as a result everything is taken at face value without any reason to question it. Extend that across all videos (including ones that are proposed as "educational") and then you have a platform that has the potential to be very harmful.

Absolutely none of this is based on anything of substance. Nobody clicks on a YouTube video, sees a bunch of dislikes and thinks to themselves “Hmm, perhaps I should further investigate the reasoning behind this”. At best those people are going to quickly scroll down to the comments to see what people are saying.

I also don’t understand at all what you’re saying about leaving a comment and waiting for a response from the creator. Does the creator respond to every dislike on their videos? You realise that content creators will still see the dislikes after this, yeah?
Now buddy. You know that likes/dislikes are right out front, whereas you have to dig deep to see all the comments. There really is no comparison.
By “dig deep” you mean “scroll down the page ever so slightly”
They are taking away a feature that we have used for years to express our opinions of a video. Furthermore, it was also a good tool for the audience to see if a video was clickbait/scam or whatever. Why do y'all always say "just go to another platform"? I'm so sorry for voicing my opinion that criticizes Youtube. It's not like Youtube as any legitimate competition anyways.
Find another way to express your opinion on the video then? If it’s that important to you, to be able to let people know you didn’t like a video, there are other better ways to do that. Crying about not being able to click dislike on a video sounds a bit snowflakey tbh.
Why is this in the games forum? Because there are videos of games on YouTube? Pretty tenuous link.

Also, the outrage in here is honestly baffling, and kind of hilarious. The vitriol on display for a social media platform tinkering with its feedback system is mind-blowing.

"I hate what the world is coming to" hahahaha hahaha.

It was a good way to send mass feedback to game devs when they took a bad step on a new trailer/announcement. With it hidden - I think people will naturally be less inclined to click. Which results in less feedback to the publisher. Of course it's only one of a multitude of ways peoples opinions are heard but I always thought it was an interesting metric on new games etc. It seems shit to me to obfiscate that. I think it's reasonable to see this as a shit move, especially from a gaming perspective.
The fascism spreads more and more ... They will make us swallow all their filth without our being able to show our disagreement ... This world repels me more and more ... Tomorrow it will no longer be possible to say no, it will be yes or shut your mouth ...

1984 is coming, more and more...
Absolutely none of this is based on anything of substance. Nobody clicks on a YouTube video, sees a bunch of dislikes and thinks to themselves “Hmm, perhaps I should further investigate the reasoning behind this”. At best those people are going to quickly scroll down to the comments to see what people are saying.

I also don’t understand at all what you’re saying about leaving a comment and waiting for a response from the creator. Does the creator respond to every dislike on their videos? You realise that content creators will still see the dislikes after this, yeah?

By “dig deep” you mean “scroll down the page ever so slightly”

Find another way to express your opinion on the video then? If it’s that important to you, to be able to let people know you didn’t like a video, there are other better ways to do that. Crying about not being able to click dislike on a video sounds a bit snowflakey tbh.
Wow, your only defense is "sounds a bit snowflakey tbh"? I consider you the frog in the pot. Making every little excuse to lick the corporate boot. Oh sure I can leave a comment, but you don't understand how much easier and more efficient it is to just display the like and dislike ratio to everyone.

It has been a useful tool to the community and don't tell me it was for the good of the creators. I have seen plenty of YouTubers themselves be very critical of this approach and they already had the option to disable likes so all YouTube did was forcibly remove a feature that EVERYONE had previous access to.

G Boaty

Wow, your only defense is "sounds a bit snowflakey tbh"? I consider you the frog in the pot. Making every little excuse to lick the corporate boot. Oh sure I can leave a comment, but you don't understand how much easier and more efficient it is to just display the like and dislike ratio to everyone.

It has been a useful tool to the community and don't tell me it was for the good of the creators. I have seen plenty of YouTubers themselves be very critical of this approach and they already had the option to disable likes so all YouTube did was forcibly remove a feature that EVERYONE had previous access to.

That's not my only defence, it's literally one line in my post hahahaha.

Consider me a frog in a pot all you want. I'll be over here just using YouTube as I always have and not getting into a tizzy because other people can't see that I disliked a video (Even though I can still thumbs down and let the creator know I didn't like their video).


By “dig deep” you mean “scroll down the page ever so slightly”
Ah, so you have chosen to be deliberately disingenuous. Sit down, class is in session.

Here are three examples from a quick search on “biden.” Obviously in the proposed scenario, the dislikes would be hidden, leaving only the likes and comment count visible:




Now Mr Disingenuous, using each of the above examples, please share with the class how the time-consuming process of scrolling through comment after comment to try and determine likes vs dislikes is in any way a substitute for the immediate effectiveness of the like/dislike ratio.

G Boaty

Ah, so you have chosen to be deliberately disingenuous. Sit down, class is in session.

Here are three examples from a quick search on “biden.” Obviously in the proposed scenario, the dislikes would be hidden, leaving only the likes and comment count visible:




Now Mr Disingenuous, using each of the above examples, please share with the class how the time-consuming process of scrolling through comment after comment to try and determine likes vs dislikes is in any way a substitute for the immediate effectiveness of the like/dislike ratio.

I honestly don't understand your example. What would the dislike ratio on a Biden video prove and how is it helpful to anyone? Why is knowing how many people disliked a video about Joe Biden in any way important?

I was thinking more along the lines of a tech support video, where the top comments will usually tell you if the fix works or not. Don't need a dislike ratio for that. I cannot understand the importance of your example at all.

"Mr Disingenuous", yes, pointing out that your choice of language was bad is so disingenuous.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
This is the beginning of Cuba. Control thought.

Beginning? This is just one small step on the road to 1984 censorship that Big Tech and the liberal corporate media have set out for us a long time ago. The scary thing is how many people on the left applaud deplatforming and outright censorship. They don't seem to understand that free speech can only exist in a society where it is absolute. Once you allow Big Tech to censor the right wing crazies that you don't want to spread their hate, there'll come a time when those same censors will go after people on the left too. Our media will keep criticizing China for its heavy-handed censorship of digital media, but in reality there'll be less and less difference between China and the US in that regard.


I honestly don't understand your example. What would the dislike ratio on a Biden video prove and how is it helpful to anyone? Why is knowing how many people disliked a video about Joe Biden in any way important?

I was thinking more along the lines of a tech support video, where the top comments will usually tell you if the fix works or not. Don't need a dislike ratio for that. I cannot understand the importance of your example at all.

"Mr Disingenuous", yes, pointing out that your choice of language was bad is so disingenuous.
Wow! Such a lightning-fast reply, I am honored!

Now class, observe how he changed the criteria after being presented with evidence countering his argument, and pretends it only applies to certain topics now. This is a classic logical fallacy known as “moving the goalposts.”

The “G” in your name stands for “goalpost,” doesn’t it? Goalpost Boaty!


The worst outcome from this will be that now companies will be able to show shitshows as conferences and try to convice us that people loved them.


And those who flood videos with likes without watching because they idolise the content creator are what exactly?

I find cute people using that same argument about the Metacritic.

I saw people that gave 0 without any comment and saw people that gave 10 without any comment.


Gold Member
The point of most people engaging with these systems is to have a say. If you hide it or whatever, most people won't engage it with it so not sure why they don't just say likes stay and anything else goes.

Hey we don't have many dislikes.....because people have stopped using it not because your content / product is now good.

G Boaty

Wow! Such a lightning-fast reply, I am honored!

Now class, observe how he changed the criteria after being presented with evidence countering his argument, and pretends it only applies to certain topics now. This is a classic logical fallacy known as “moving the goalposts.”

The “G” in your name stands for “goalpost,” doesn’t it? Goalpost Boaty!

What goal posts did I move? Can you explain why seeing the amount of people that disliked a video about Biden is important?


they get enough ad revenue yet still censor and actively push polarising content.

if there's no opportunity to criticise, it must be fine. youtube is leading the charge to influence what is acceptable. the freedom to express how you feel about [person / country] excludes negative or factual statements relating to corruption, criminality or incompetence

warriors eric GIF
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