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Ys Community Thread | "Do you know the name Adol Christin?"


Nightmare's a challenge but I found it really rewarding. The sense of euphoria you get for defeating some of the bosses is amazing.


Yeah, I tried to play Origin on Nightmare the other day and I couldn't beat the first damn boss.
It probably didn't help that the first magic the third character gets is useless. I also struggled even in hard mode.
Yeah, I tried to play Origin on Nightmare the other day and I couldn't beat the first damn boss.
It probably didn't help that the first magic the third character gets is useless. I also struggled even in hard mode.

The wind magic? That's his best or 2nd best magic imo

You have to just master how to use it effectively.

Nyoro SF

Yeah, I tried to play Origin on Nightmare the other day and I couldn't beat the first damn boss.
It probably didn't help that the first magic the third character gets is useless. I also struggled even in hard mode.

Charging Star is actually quite good with its auto evasion; especially against that boss in particular since most of his attacks are based on ground avoidance and not air avoidance.

The only reason I didn't play Origin on Nightmare was because I was told that I would have to spend an hour grinding before every boss in the game. That is no bueno senor. When playing on Normal I sometimes had to double back, spend a few minutes to grab an extra level and come back, but I couldn't imagine doing that for such a long time... that would downgrade the game a lot to me.

Especially in the desert area. I really hate that place.


I did finish Ys II on Steam after almost 2.5 years. I had put the game on hold since it was not as captivating as Ys I and it did not have such good OST and characters either. Some bosses were better but not as good as Dark Fact. Ys II added the fire magic and made things much easier unfortunately.I had stopped at the mines and had put game on hiatus.

Only the ending was better. Ys I had more compact story and characters. Ys II story drags on and on without introducing any interesting characters. Only the Rue transformation was a funny distraction.

I had watched the Ys II anime prior to playing the game and had high expectations, since the anime story was better and different with an interesting twist in Keith and Lilia. It was only 4 episodes long, as opposed to the 7 episodes of Ys I shorter game. So I thought Ys II story would be similar to the anime and better. I was dissapointed. Anime story is much better.

Ys I (especially Darm Tower) and Origin remain my favorite parts.


I can't process this... Ys II is better than I in every way

Ah ok, you were joking. Gotcha!

Gameplay of Ys II was certainly better and more polished
It is just that game drags too much without the necessary character development like in Ys I.
Eg the meeting with the two goddesses, some town characters and the final boss was very well directed

Ys II on the other hand throws characters around like cardboards without any actual sense of immersion.
You get to meet the goddesses and talk to them only in the end, whereas it was them who guided you on Ys in the first place. You meet other characters in the end and then suddenly you find out that they were descendants of the priests and they were actually fooling around with you...

Whereas the anime's plot where
Lilia had demon blood and it was Keith who saved her life, was much more appealing


I don't care about the generic story myself, I was just baffled that anyone would think that Dark Fact is remotely a good boss.

Good boss in terms of design,story and appearance.
In terms of gameplay I 'd rather not re-live that experience.
Dalles on the other hand and Darm were total wimps...
Dalles must be secretly a furry. Of all the creatures he chose to transform Adol into this...



Welp stuck on the Vagullion fight on Nightmare in Ys I. Should be a pattern for dodging the bats and striking him, but I'm not seeing it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Welp stuck on the Vagullion fight on Nightmare in Ys I. Should be a pattern for dodging the bats and striking him, but I'm not seeing it.
There is no pattern, only dumb luck. I fucking hate that boss.

In fact I hate all the bosses in Ys I except the two coloured heads.


I'm overwhelmed buy the number of Falcom OSTs, super arranges, and piano collections that are on Amazon. What are the best albums, if you're including Kiseki games and any others (because this thread is the closest I could come to finding a Falcom community thread)?
I'm overwhelmed buy the number of Falcom OSTs, super arranges, and piano collections that are on Amazon. What are the best albums, if you're including Kiseki games and any others (because this thread is the closest I could come to finding a Falcom community thread)?
Best solution is to check out the Falcom Music Channel and do some of your own sampling, as then you'll be figuring out what sounds good on first-hearing without me giving you some biases. I'll provide my own recommendations even saying that:

The Falcom Special Box series was a mixed bag of multimedia albums that Falcom released from 1988 through 1996, each focusing either on arrangements/unused music, compiling in-game soundtracks that never got separate albums, and/or on revisiting Falcom musical standards like Ys III's Deparature at Sunrise. I really like Special Boxes '90, '92, '93, and '94, with others having standouts you'll want to revisit later after listening to music from various series. The Boxes I've mentioned are mostly full of arrangements ('93 excepted) and usually have some involvement with members of the old JDK Band (most often their leader/head arranger Tomohiko Kishimoto).

Perfect Collection Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes (and II) provide contrasts between Compozila-arranged Falcom music (most of the former's done by Ryo Yonemitsu of Ys I & II PCE CD fame) and more homegrown arrangements (done by Kishimoto, frequent orchestral collaborator Tamiya Terashima, and Falcom's own JDK sound team). They're great albums with plenty of melody to work off of; if anything, the first two Legend of Heroes installments are best known for their scores these days. If you want tons more Yonemitsu, Perfect Collection: Ys IV is a distillation of his Falcom arrangement style: poppy, overloaded with electric piano, possessed by awesome guitar solos, and surprisingly percussive when it wants to be.

Skipping ahead to recent Falcom arrangements, the Zanmai series of albums is more high-concept than much of what featured in the Special Boxes or the Perfect Collections. The arrangers, once again members of the JDK Band (Jindo the orchestrator, Okajima the rocker, Kamikura the soulful), work selections of Falcom tunes (worth listening to in their original forms beforehand, of course) into themed albums based on concepts like "field" or "boss fight", or maybe just which series they belong to. You'll get an idea of how advanced Falcom's affiliate musicians have become just listening to these; the only weak-ish album of the Zanmai line (I've heard) is the Ys one, unfortunately, as that was their first.

Falcom piano collections are hit-and-miss, but I really like MIDI Piano Sorcerian Forever by Kishimoto, as despite it's slightly-artificial sound quality the arrangements take classic Sorcerian tunes into new territory (more jazzy and lyrical). The Super Arrange series is more vague than Perfect Collections in that you can't expect Compozila arrangers here, but rather freelancers like prog-rock artist Hiroyuki Namba or, lately, Jindo and his crew doing the work; Ys III SAV and FC/SC SAV are excellent ways to get into these. Pre-JDK Falcom albums, though rough, are interesting and deserve attention, especially All Over Xanadu, Sound Fantasy Romancia, and Legend of Dragon Slayers. Anyway, just head over to the YouTube channel and start digging around. Josef should make his own recommendations playlist at some point, but hey, no pressure.
Ok, since the GOG thread got me thinking about awesome YS music, everyone drop one of your favorite Ys albums and say why you love it!!!!!

I'll start:

Wanderers from Ys: Super Arrange Version

Back in the day, Ys soundtracks were hard to find. MP3s weren't a thing yet, and I had recently fallen in love with Perfect Collection Ys, Perfect Collection Ys II, and Symphony Ys 95. The problem was, Perfect Collection Ys III was impossible to find in the mid 1990s;. I don't know if it was out of print, or what but there weren't a lot of options for good Ys III soundtracks. I did find one, however, there was a Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version album for sale at Game Music Online, and I had to have it. I listened to the Turbo-CD version of Ys III all the damned time, and I loved it, and I couldn't wait to hear new versions of these tunes.

What I got was a bit of a shocker. At first I didn't like it much, because it was so just ODD compared to the other Ys stuff I had, but within a couple of listens, it became one of my favorite releases. The whole CD has a whole Latin Jazz feel to it, and it is thus amazing.

The arrangements are split between two main artists. Hiroyuki Namba, a fairly popular anime composer (also had a prog rock band called Sense of Wonder). He is also the composer for Space Dandy apparently. Namba handles all the prog rock Falcom sound type stuff.

The second arranger is Junichi Kanezaki, I could find less information about him, but he was another anime composer. He handled the symphonic live orchestra parts of the album, and they are all flat out amazing.

So, favorite tracks?

I mean first we have Trading City of Redmont.

This version sounds like it comes out of a big band jazz club. It wasn't what I expected, but come on, if you can't love the piano in this piece, I don't know what to do for you.

The Boy Who Had Wings

This one starts out normal enough, with synth and awesome Falcom guitar, then out of nowhere: HORNS!!!!!! Then Maracas, then more awesome. It's like the fucked up flipper baby of the JDK Band and Santa Esmerelda. This is still probably my favorite rendition of this song, it's just great.

Velestein Castle

Another great track, not too much to say outside of Valestein being my jam in general.

Wanderers from Ys

The track of the album. Other arrangements of this piece WISH they could be as amazingly epic as this version. Kanezaki NAILS the emotion of this piece, it is at once epic and wistful, with perfect instrumentation, amazing transitions, and it just makes me think of Adol walking into the sunset. No other version of Wanderer's from Ys comes close. It is seven minutes of pure awesome.


Ok, since the GOG thread got me thinking about awesome YS music, everyone drop one of your favorite Ys albums and say why you love it!!!!!

The Boy Who Had Wings

This one starts out normal enough, with synth and awesome Falcom guitar, then out of nowhere: HORNS!!!!!! Then Maracas, then more awesome. It's like the fucked up flipper baby of the JDK Band and Santa Esmerelda. This is still probably my favorite rendition of this song, it's just great.

Love this arrangement, I know it from the Silver Anniversary edition.
Just started up Ys 1 today and it's a lot of fun so far, so I'm really excited to play through the whole series.

I have Seven and Memories of Celceta sitting here ready to play too, but I'd kind of like to play them in order so I hope I can find copies of Oath on PSP and Ark on PS2 for a decent price.

I don't have a PC though (just a Macbook Pro) so I can't play Origins. How slim are the odds it gets ported to PS4/Vita? >_>

And are we expecting a reimagining of Ys 5 next seeing it's the last entry that isn't redone for modern systems?

Anyway, hi guys! I hope I'll be posting here often as I play through the games :p


Welcome to the club Benzy!
Hope you enjoy Ys 1 a lot, and know that you'll end up appreciating the Boss theme 'Holders of Power' in due time ;)

Also do listen to its OST once you beatne the game there are some beautiful tracks in there.


Palace from Ys 1
^Most underrated track in Ys 1 IMO

Dreaming from Ys 1
Dat violion hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

Vaguilion's themeHolders of Power from Ys 1

Palace of Destruction, what WHAAAAAAAAAT!

Its subtley deceptive as fuck ain't it? Still not sure if its good level design or bad.

If there was a map menu in Ys 2 we could prob. ascertain that.


Why am I the only one here who wants Adol in Smash Bros. 4?
Adol vs. Link
I need this shit to happen in my life time damnit
A year ago I didn't know who Adol was, now I've beaten every major released Ys game lol
Heh. I actually knew about the Ys series around Trails FC, but I waited to play them until Celceta released for US (Wasn't sure where to start it, celceta was the perfect jumping point). Got engrossed in the series ever since.

I have no idea who Lucas is but everyone seems hype for this kid for some reason.

Neither do I know who he is. :/
Alright so I beat Ys 1 last night and really enjoyed it, only real issue was how games of that era can be a bit vague in what you have to do at times, but even then it was really good compared to what I expected.

The bump system was pretty cool, but I think if the game was longer it would have gotten old, and the boss fights were all pretty average, half were ridiculously easy, and of the rest a few just felt like random luck (the rock one especially where the strategy is basically run in a circle and cross your fingers).

But I mean, the game is 26 years old so it's really fucking good considering. So yeah, fun game, will start Ys 2 soon.

Played PSP version btw. Have Seven and Memories of Celceta here, and just bought a PS2 copy of Ark of Napishtim which might take a few weeks to arrive seeing I bought it internationally.

Think I'll wait for that to arrive and play it next after 2, seeing I think it was the first game on the Ark/Oath/Origins engine? So I think I'll do those then move onto Seven/Celceta.

Oath on PSP is so expensive though :(


So talk of the Ys games in the current Steam sale, and I wanted to check on one thing -- with the 3D games, if I want to play them in order of increasing gameplay advancements, I want Ark -> Oath -> Origins, or Ark -> Origins -> Oath? Since I believe there's no real plot connection between the three anyway.
So talk of the Ys games in the current Steam sale, and I wanted to check on one thing -- with the 3D games, if I want to play them in order of increasing gameplay advancements, I want Ark -> Oath -> Origins, or Ark -> Origins -> Oath? Since I believe there's no real plot connection between the three anyway.

Ark -> Oath -> Origins

There is connection in lore and references made to Adol's past accomplishments in VI and the overall goddess story, which doesn't really mean much unless you like the series a lot.

If you do want to know the references, play it again! Or play Ys chronicles+ :p
So talk of the Ys games in the current Steam sale, and I wanted to check on one thing -- with the 3D games, if I want to play them in order of increasing gameplay advancements, I want Ark -> Oath -> Origins, or Ark -> Origins -> Oath? Since I believe there's no real plot connection between the three anyway.

Ark ->Oath -> Origins

Though realistically you should play Ys 1 -> 7 in order with Origins anytime after Ys 2 as the stories do reference each other and Adol's past experiences.
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