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Y's VI: Ark of the when the fuck is it coming out


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
PS2 version is coming.

It was on the recent Konami demo disc.

It looks more detailed than the PC version, but only runs at 30 fps (unlike the PC version). Also, the sound quality was inferior for some reason (the music was VERY compressed sounding in the demo).

I've already finished the game, though. I really enjoyed it, as expected, and would recommend it to anyone interested.
dark10x said:
PS2 version is coming.

It was on the recent Konami demo disc.

It looks more detailed than the PC version, but only runs at 30 fps (unlike the PC version). Also, the sound quality was inferior for some reason (the music was VERY compressed sounding in the demo).

I've already finished the game, though. I really enjoyed it, as expected, and would recommend it to anyone interested.

how did u get it?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Doom_Bringer said:
how did u get it?

A friend of mine is a Ys nut and bought some special edition DVD package of the game. He allowed me to borrow it after finishing it up (it's not too terribly long). Sadly, I had to give it back and no longer have access to the game. I may end up buying it on PS2 as I've had the urge to play it again.


Konami release list sez next Spring sometime. PSP version is tentatively a launch game, I think, but I wouldn't bet your shirt on it.

It's worth noting that the US PS2 version also changes the character sprite style. Less big-headed, more even proportions, still lookin' kinda SD, I don't frankly get why they bothered, doesn't bug me either way.

dark10x said:
A friend of mine is a Ys nut and bought some special edition DVD package of the game. He allowed me to borrow it after finishing it up (it's not too terribly long). Sadly, I had to give it back and no longer have access to the game. I may end up buying it on PS2 as I've had the urge to play it again.

I mean how did you get the PS2 demo?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Doom_Bringer said:
I mean how did you get the PS2 demo?

EB has them right now. It has 6 playable Konami demos on it. You are supposed to pre-order MGS3 in order to get the demo disc.


WarPig said:
Konami release list sez next Spring sometime. PSP version is tentatively a launch game, I think, but I wouldn't bet your shirt on it.

It's worth noting that the US PS2 version also changes the character sprite style. Less big-headed, more even proportions, still lookin' kinda SD, I don't frankly get why they bothered, doesn't bug me either way.


Only reasons I can think of is to either piss off anime whores or appeal to people who got tired of big-eye chibi shit years ago and tap into a mainstream market. i heard they reworked some of the music too


belgurdo said:
Only reasons I can think of is to either piss off anime whores or appeal to people who got tired of big-eye chibi shit years ago and tap into a mainstream market. i heard they reworked some of the music too

See, I figure Ys has no hope of tapping a mainstream market, and anime whores are its only chance at significant sales. Ya never know, though.

I can't speak to the music, haven't heard enough of the remake and never played the original anyway. Perversely, I sorta hope they did, because watching Falcom freaks run around like rats in a death-cage is fucking hilarious.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
WarPig said:
See, I figure Ys has no hope of tapping a mainstream market, and anime whores are its only chance at significant sales. Ya never know, though. I can't speak to the music, haven't heard enough of the remake and never played the original anyway.


They didn't CHANGE the sprite characters, they REMOVED them. The PS2 version uses fully polygonal characters and enemies now...

The music in the demo was NOT reworked, however. The tunes were exactly the same...just recorded poorly (I have NO idea why).


dark10x said:
They didn't CHANGE the sprite characters, they REMOVED them. The PS2 version uses fully polygonal characters and enemies now...

Better way to put it, yeah. The characters are so goddamn dinky I forget the difference half the time anyway. Most of the enemies in the PC game were already polygonal, weren't they? Or just the bigger bosses and stuff?



I don't have PS2 and would love to play Y's on the PC... is there any place to buy an "all-English" version of Y's?



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BojTrek said:
I don't have PS2 and would love to play Y's on the PC... is there any place to buy an "all-English" version of Y's?


No, Ys VI on the PC is only available in Japanese (AFAIK). The game is generally straightforward, but I could see someone getting stuck if they couldn't read the dialog...

You could see if there is a decent FAQ lying around, but who wants to play a game with a FAQ by their side?


Thanks... I have been on the Japanese website for Y's and figured there was no English only version for the PC... thought I'd ask.

Maybe with some deep thoughts and prayer, it will come on X-Box or PC... you never know...


dark10x said:
The music in the demo was NOT reworked, however. The tunes were exactly the same...just recorded poorly (I have NO idea why).

It's probably compressed down to save disc space, if they're trying to stuff several demos on one disc.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
WarPig said:
It's probably compressed down to save disc space, if they're trying to stuff several demos on one disc.


Ah yes, one can only hope. There is a lot of stuff on the disc, so perhaps that is the reason. I just can't imagine them releasing the final game with such low quality audio...


WarPig said:
Konami release list sez next Spring sometime. PSP version is tentatively a launch game, I think, but I wouldn't bet your shirt on it.

It's worth noting that the US PS2 version also changes the character sprite style. Less big-headed, more even proportions, still lookin' kinda SD, I don't frankly get why they bothered, doesn't bug me either way.


They didn't want Game Informer to give them a 6.5, because the large-headed, big-eyed characters are so OBVIOUSLY aimed at an audience under 10. I refuse to let it go.


Soul4ger said:
They didn't want Game Informer to give them a 6.5, because the large-headed, big-eyed characters are so OBVIOUSLY aimed at an audience under 10. I refuse to let it go.

This is going to become the new "frothing demand," isn't it?



WarPig said:
This is going to become the new "frothing demand," isn't it?


I don't think anything can actually replace "frothing demand." The 10YO remark might show up beside it, or as a footnote.


Soul4ger said:
I don't think anything can actually replace "frothing demand." The 10YO remark might show up beside it, or as a footnote.

The old "web rights" gag faded away, so I figure this one will as well, eventually.



WarPig said:
The old "web rights" gag faded away, so I figure this one will as well, eventually.


"Frothing demand" will forever be emblazoned on the cover of Ikaruga. Small print run(s) or no, you can't escape it!


Soul4ger said:
"Frothing demand" will forever be emblazoned on the cover of Ikaruga. Small print run(s) or no, you can't escape it!

Escape it, fuck. I'm fuckin' immortalized on that shit. Can Dave Halverson claim to have his wack-ass bullshit emblazoned in fucking huge letters on the front cover of a Treasure game? Nope, but I can.



I seriously hope it doesn't retail for 50 bucks because I would not recommend Ys VI at that price =x.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shouta said:
I seriously hope it doesn't retail for 50 bucks because I would not recommend Ys VI at that price =x.

Why's that? It's kinda short, but it was a whole lot of fun. The replay value doesn't seem as good as some of the older games, but I really enjoyed the hell out of it.


JC10001 said:
Ys VI is nice and all...but I want a complete Ys collection to come to the states!!!

What, so you can relive how godawful raw those games play after all these years?

Gimme a complete Ys soundtrack collection, sure. But don't make me play 'em again.



It has sound gameplay elements but just not enough content to warrant a 50 dollar price tag. It's fun, no doubt but it isn't a bang for your buck deal at that price.


WarPig said:
What, so you can relive how godawful raw those games play after all these years?

Gimme a complete Ys soundtrack collection, sure. But don't make me play 'em again.

I wouldn't mind Taito's Remakes of Ys III-V... and Zweii! as well.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shouta said:
It has sound gameplay elements but just not enough content to warrant a 50 dollar price tag. It's fun, no doubt but it isn't a bang for your buck deal at that price.

Wha? That's kind of strange. If a game is fun, length isn't that important. I loved Silent Hill 3, for example, but it only took me 5 hours to finish. It was worth the full price.


jiji said:
Why would they do that? The music is one of the hallmarks of the Ys series. I hope it was done with Falcom's approval.
because the music in ys is a seperate license from the game and costs a lot. they're keeping the vast majority of the music, i think, but they're reworking some tunes but keeping it all to the "ys style", the US producer (or product manager, i forget) assured me at their gamers day a couple months back.

belgurdo said:
Only reasons I can think of is to either piss off anime whores or appeal to people who got tired of big-eye chibi shit years ago and tap into a mainstream market.
yeah. i mean, people say this game couldn't appeal to a mainstream market, but i think it's not too far off baldur's gate/champions of norrath in the look/feel, character portraits aside, and that's just an aesthetic difference. (yes, i know it has jumping, but you get my idea.)

i love anime, but i don't like SD sprite game characters at all anymore. they're so fucking over. works on PSP and GBA, but otherwise.. we can do better these days.


ferricide said:
i love anime, but i don't like SD sprite game characters at all anymore. they're so fucking over. works on PSP and GBA, but otherwise.. we can do better these days.

Yeah dude, SD should have died with the 80s. Other than appealing to a certain demographic, there should be no reason why in 2004 I'm still playing games where a 30 year old black knight who carries a sword as big as he is still is being represented by a 2 inch tall munchkin



Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
What ever became of Y's Eternal? Did that ever get ported over to PS2, and was it good?


Brandon F said:
What ever became of Y's Eternal? Did that ever get ported over to PS2, and was it good?

The PC version may or may not have been good, depending on who you ask, while the PS2 version (which suffered some hitches in development, but was eventually released) by general consensus wasn't so good.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I thought the original Ys games were awesome, except 3 and 5... and have only played them recently (early this year). I eagerly anticipate 6. I have no preference for SD or non SD, I prefer either style to generic "plastic" American art.


Brandon F said:
What ever became of Y's Eternal? Did that ever get ported over to PS2, and was it good?
i remember whatever IGN editor imported it freaking out about the shittiness of the PS2 port, but IMO it was OK. certainly it had some silly issues, but in general it looked fine and functioned adequately... it was released by digicube, who are now defunct, so fuck knows if anyone could release it here. i didn't play it more than, say, 1/3 into ys I and didn't even spot check ys II, so, maybe it has more problems later on.

btw, NEC (also now defunct) tried to put it out here but sony rejected it. i can kinda see where they're coming from, there. it'd make a great $20 game, though.

taito's porting ys III and IV to PS2. in fact, ys III should have just come out like last week (AFAIK no sign of it on NCS, though.) actually, looks like the release date has changed (to "undecided") so i dunno what's up with it.


hoping it's a fairly extensive remake. i mean, even if they fix the gameplay and completely redo the graphics, Y6090 for ys III is a bit much, guys. of course, i'll buy it eventually...

would be neat if someone waited for the III and IV and then packed 'em with digicube's I & II as a big ys compilation for PS2. quick, get victor ireland on the phone!


ferricide said:
i remember whatever IGN editor imported it freaking out about the shittiness of the PS2 port, but IMO it was OK. certainly it had some silly issues, but in general it looked fine and functioned adequately... it was released by digicube, who are now defunct, so fuck knows if anyone could release it here. i didn't play it more than, say, 1/3 into ys I and didn't even spot check ys II, so, maybe it has more problems later on.

btw, NEC (also now defunct) tried to put it out here but sony rejected it. i can kinda see where they're coming from, there. it'd make a great $20 game, though.

taito's porting ys III and IV to PS2. in fact, ys III should have just come out like last week (AFAIK no sign of it on NCS, though.) actually, looks like the release date has changed (to "undecided") so i dunno what's up with it.


hoping it's a fairly extensive remake. i mean, even if they fix the gameplay and completely redo the graphics, Y6090 for ys III is a bit much, guys. of course, i'll buy it eventually...

would be neat if someone waited for the III and IV and then packed 'em with digicube's I & II as a big ys compilation for PS2. quick, get victor ireland on the phone!

THANK YOU! I said on here for the longest time that I had NO problems with Y's Eternal Story. I don't know what the hell he was talking about, but my copy ran without a hitch, for the most part. At least, there were no major crashes or anything like that - it still is Y's, after all. :p


yeah, i mean, i remember having the game stutter a bit during a boss battle, but it was nothing that made me go OMG BROKEN. just like "oh, meh." and the buttons were kind of lamely setup (and un-configable.) but no big complaints.

for some reason i completely forgot to look for ys III at TGS. meh. I AM TEH FANBOY.


Running off of Custom Firmware
WTF? I could have lived with the fucked up graphics. But they broke the music? THE MUSIC?


Mejilan said:
WTF? I could have lived with the fucked up graphics. But they broke the music? THE MUSIC?
you're not even reading the posts. =P

it really remains to be seen, at the very least.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I did read the posts. I realize it could be due to the fact that it's a demo disc and they were pressed for space.

But the Falcom audio whore in me needs greater reassurance than that.



Brandon F said:
What ever became of Y's Eternal? Did that ever get ported over to PS2, and was it good?

My Ys Eternal for PC just came in a few days ago, so give me until.......shit, friday and I should have impressions.
Just played through the demo on the Konami disc. I like the 3D character models. They look much nicer than I expected, and they're hardly TEH MATURE replacements some around here might have you believe (similar to the proportions in Ys III). I can live with the 30fps, because at least it's more stable than Ys VI is on my more-than-adequate PC. The interface (along with the rest of the game) seems pretty polished and nice. Something that bugged me, though, was the fullsize dialogue portraits. It's plain to see that they took the dialogue-window-size portrait and scaled it up, and it looks pretty bad. I wonder if they'll fix this before release? Overall I'm pleased, and it's a must-buy for me.


Wha? That's kind of strange. If a game is fun, length isn't that important. I loved Silent Hill 3, for example, but it only took me 5 hours to finish. It was worth the full price.

Length usually isn't a big issue with me but Ys VI is really the exception. For action-RPGs. There has to be a compelling element to it for me to go back and play them again whether it be gameplay or story related. Replay value is really an integral part of a game to me and often the games I enjoy most are the ones that give me a reason to go back and play them again whether it's engaging gameplay systems or a really engaging story. Honestly, Ys VI doesn't have either which is why I said it isn't 50 dollar game. I'd say it'd be a 30 dollar game if anything.
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