What console do you have it on?
Does YGO or DevPro work on Windows 8 now?
I was browsing through cards and I ran into this awful card. Holy crap.
Back when the game started, they were really afraid of making level 4 monsters with more than 1900 attack for some reason, so they were all terribly nerfed. Dark Elf and Zombyra the Dark were awesome, though. I have them both in my Worldwide Edition deck.
How does one host a game on YGOPro?
isn't there a Host button in the upper right?
someone should duel meI remade my Malefic deck and I'm on a win streak. Nickname: Kabuto
How do I battle you? I'm up for a battle!
anyone down to duel on YGOPRO?
Room hosted!
will host until 2:20 PM central
your room disconnected D:
Oh? I actually hosted till 2:20! not sure what happened. We'll definitely have to play sometime, though. Really itching to test out my deck. What time you think you'll be available tomorrow?
yall have to set a time when we can duel with each other
I'm available right now tho (YGOPro obviously)
I've got duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuel madness~
Iiiiiin my braaaaaaaaain~
Moooooonster influeeeeeeence~
Iiiiiin my veeeeeeeins!
haha I'm about to go to sleep but if you read this in the next 5 minutes DUEL MEEE
Also, more anime details:
The setting for the story is a city on the shoreline of Japan called Maiami City. The development of their technology is mostly focused on Dueling.
Akaba Reiji is the CEO of Leo Corporation. This company has developed something called Solid Vision with Mass, and with its spread around Maiami City, Action Duel was born, and is widely popular all around the world.
The children adore Pro Duelists like stars, and they learn the many ways of Dueling and Summoning in different cram schools like Yuushuujuku which the main character Sakaki Yuya attends, or Leo Duel School, the most influential one around.
One day out of nowhere, Yuya got himself into an Exhibition Duel with the current Pro Dueliest Champion ?
Sakaki Yuya
CV: Ono Kenshuu
A 2nd Year Middle School Student who loves to entertain people. Even though he is kind of on the short side, he has a tough body with which to hone his skills in Action Duels with. His dream is to become an Entertainment Duelist and give people smiles from his Duels.
Hiiragi Yuzu
CV: Inamura Yuuna
Yuyas childhood friend and someone who gives very powerful pep talks. Her father runs the Yuushuujuku and she and Yuya spend their time there to hone their Dueling skills.
Akaba Reiji
CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa
The second CEO of the huge Leo Corporation. He is also a Super Elite Duelist with a genius brain.
GX was alright. Weren't they bringing Duel Riders back to this all new series? If so, I'd like a mix of 5d's into Arc-5 with GX.Anime stuff:
Sounds like GX.
Fucking yes!
GX was alright. Weren't they bringing Duel Riders back to this all new series? If so, I'd like a mix of 5d's into Arc-5 with GX.
When does new anime start?
Some recently Xbox Live Arcade box arts that have shown up:
So here is a more detailed look at Pendulum Summons:
Pendulum Summons are Special Summons that happen on a single timing (simultaneously)!
=> Pendulum Summons can be negated by Solemn Judgment, and the monsters that would have appeared at that time are all sent to the Graveyard.