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Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist |OT|Yes, I did summon a bunch of monsters in one turn


Yep, I gotta definitely give it to you. 5Ds has got the music to bring the hype and Yusei's definitely a likable guy. Jack's fascination with being King is bizarre and he's an ass, but an entertaining/intriguing one.

Oh glad to see you decided to give it a chance, mind sharing your first impressions? You know, on the characters, their decks, expectation vs reality?

EDIT: My very first OT made it to 50 pages...I´m happy guys :,),


Oh glad to see you decided to give it a chance, mind sharing your first impressions? You know, on the characters, their decks, expectation vs reality?

EDIT: My very first OT made it to 50 pages...I´m happy guys :,),

Sure thing. To begin, let me bring up that my expectations was a gimmicky 'Yugioh on motorcycles' that followed Pokemon's trend in watering down any kind of conflict or scenario into cookie cutter crap made to sell booster packs. I was pleasantly surprised, and am currently on Episode 10, the duel between Yusei and the Chief.

First let's tackle the nostalgia factor, a pretty big draw for me giving this a shot. As a returning player, the game's essentially stayed the same. Tuners and Syncros have simply given the game an entirely new dimension to expand strategy into while maintaining what I liked back as a kid intact. The show does a very good job of using older cards that I recognize mixed in with new cards and really sells Tuners and Synchros as a natural extension of the game. I honestly thought that I'd view them as a gimmick but I think I'm coming to embrace them. Something else that I like is that a large number of the decks I've seen so far don't revolve around Tuners but still appear to be competitive, something that's also reflected outside of the anime in actual play. It makes the return to the game whether via the anime or the game itself a much smoother transition and makes me glad that I watched it.

Next, characters. Yusei is the fucking man. Going strictly off his design I was expecting a hardass that comes off as corny and unbearable, but the writing(or at least the dub) is good enough to convey him as a likable character you can sympathize and root for despite his stern demeanor. If the first pillar of Yusei's 'fucking man' status is the writing, the second is his moral code. If I'm honest, I feel like his moral code is something that permeates not just in Yugioh, but in anime in general, shifted to fit with the material. The mistake most shows make is laying it on so thick to the point of dumbfounding decision-making by protagonists. Not Yusei though. He's a moment to moment man that follows what he thinks is right or wrong if he's there to do something about it, and nothing more. Please, please don't disappoint me 5Ds. The third pillar of Yusei's 'fucking man' status is his dueling; he's honestly pretty entertaining in his actions and probably second to me only to Yami Yugi; he's actually very reminiscent of (Yami) Yugi in his demeanor, IMO. While I think his design is bizarre....this is Yugioh. As far as characters go, his design isn't bad at all and is actually growing on me. But I'd still take more normal hair any day of the week.

To give a quick rundown of the other characters, Jack is intriguing, an ass, and makes Yusei look better the more screentime he has because it takes away any kind of inclination you might have to declare Yusei an ass due to his being unresponsive/curt early on towards others. Yusei's crew back in Satellite are okay as filler, although so far they're like less entertaining cheerleaders when compared to Yugi's or even Jaiden's crew. The cop that keeps running into Yusei is growing on me due to his sheer persistence. The white haired old man that acts as Jack's manager(?)/boss is clearly the big bad; this is anime after all. He's also reminiscent of an absolute monarch with how skewed his views on social order are. The Warden is a jerk who's never returning again, most likely.

On decks, Yusei's deck is something that I like because(based on what things were like when I first stopped), it was anti-meta as fuck by using monsters that weren't particularly powerful without standalone very powerful effects(see: Cyber Jar, Witch of the Black Forest, Sangan, etc.). Back when the ban list was damn near empty and was for the most part really the Limited List. It pieces together powerful plays by manipulating what monster gets sent to the graveyard when in order to bring out the powerful monsters, which are exclusively in the Extra Deck(so far). As far as being a breath of fresh air goes, I like Yusei's deck. It's also something that as I am now, I have noooooo idea what I'd do to reliably counter it other than 3x King Tiger Wanghu. I figure I'll learn more as the show goes on about how to trample on Tuner decks; something else that I like about the show. It'll give me a better understanding of how things progressed over time.

The other decks, I've honestly not payed them enough mind to make a reasonable judgement on their value. Yusei is pretty much the only character to get repeated air time with their deck. I will give Jack the cool factor for turning the tables on Yusei and going synchro-a-synchro, something that I don't think anybody else did at that point.

The setting is interesting, because it actually lines up with the things that happened in the previous two series. Yugioh covers the blowing up of dueling into the revolutionary phenomenon of the century, GX covers it's permeation into society to the point that everything is warped around it and education is centered entirely on dueling and the rise of a reason to segregate(dueling skill = dorm accommodations) people. It's speculation on my part so far, but I figure that the 'Dueling skill -> value as a person' thing got taken too far at some point and that the end result of it all is the current setup of an underclass and upper class that legally segregates the two groups.

I still think the motorcycles are ridiculous, but I've gotten past the need to roll my eyes at it and I just take it at face value now. Speed spells aren't a thing in the TCG....right? I will say that I've never had so many Akira flashbacks in one sitting until I started watching this.

Overall, I'd have to say that I give it to the original series off of sheer nostalgia, but this is a very good easing back into the series, has a great protagonist and setting(even if I'll openly admit that future dystopia is really not my thing), and so far is reasonably interesting in its overarching plot. Being Peruvian in origin, it's sorta cheating because nothing ever really caters to where I'm from but eh. Let me revel in it just this once :D

If I'm going to do a bit of arbitrary ranking as I currently see things:

Deck(entertainment factor):
Yusei > Yugi > Jaiden

Jaiden(A normal looking protagonist in anime thank the lord) > Yugi(nostalgia) > Yusei(His clothes check out but that hair....I know Yugi's is even worse :d)

Original > 5Ds > GX -> Revenge quests are always fun, but I gotta give it to the original because I preferred the arcane elements of the Millenium Objects over the current tech-centric world. Of course, we're still early on

Yami Yugi > Yusei > Yugi > Jaiden -> Yami Yugi's dynamic with Yugi isn't really a factor until after Duelist Kingdom so it's not a fair comparison versus 10 episodes of 5Ds, but having double the protagonist to enjoy is kind of unfair on paper as-is. Yusei's 'the fucking man', but it's not hard to beat out Jaiden in being a better character, IMO.
That 50 page Yugioh game thread hype!

I need to watch 5D's again, but subbed this time. I loved it in the dub, but I'd like to give the sub a shot.

I need to get back and start watching Arc-V again first...


That 50 page Yugioh game thread hype!

I need to watch 5D's again, but subbed this time. I loved it in the dub, but I'd like to give the sub a shot.

I need to get back and start watching Arc-V again first...

5Ds sub is miles better, I can't believe they just cut arcs left and right even the ending!. And the plot and characters are heavily altered too

For example SkullHydra, watching the dub means you missed these two awesome scenes. The former is particularly hilarious, as dub!Jack uses a brand new uber card in the tournament and everyone acts like they've seen it before, and removing the later creates a plot hole as the 5th dragon shown in flashbacks in the first season is not Crow's

Also, why give Yusei insect phobia in episode 2, or amnesia, or so many other dumb cliche stuff...like a catchphrase?. He is serious, confident, quiet but he loves his friends to death, that's it. Not really hard to sell as it is. Adding all that mental dialogue when in the original he was just quietly concentrating, driving or looking into the distance takes away from the character eventualy opening up more to Aki and co. (and by extension audience) about his feelings

Only good dub is the original one, it is still entirely different, but it really had some respect for the source material they were adapting. Still, it had its fair share of stupid stuff, like the invisible guns, making Kaiba a dense motherfucker,Dark Energy Disks and more.

I can't recommend any other dub, they're just way too dumbed down and full of puns, also Shadow Realm/Netherworld/Stars.....lol

Yep, all the cut duels are in the game as "Lost" Duels...aaaaayyyyyy


Japan doesn't get this one. It's TCG only

Does that mean that the campaign ingame was designed around the dub? That'd be a first.

On another note, my cards arrived and I got everything I could have really hoped for and then some in what I pulled. The 9 booster packs that came with the structure decks I bought payed out with 2 secret rares, 5 super rares, and 2 rares. That is hands down the greatest luck I've ever had with booster packs.


Does that mean that the campaign ingame was designed around the dub? That'd be a first.

On another note, my cards arrived and I got everything I could have really hoped for and then some in what I pulled. The 9 booster packs that came with the structure decks I bought payed out with 2 secret rares, 5 super rares, and 2 rares. That is hands down the greatest luck I've ever had with booster packs.

post dem pics!

Also to answer your question regarding speed spells, no they are not in the game as they are part of "Speed World".They're there to make Ridding duels feel different than regular duels

You can play with speed spells and speed counters on the DS games.

Fun Fact: Konami once said that after "The Seal of Orichalcos" which got printed, "Speed World" is the most requested anime only field spell card.


Aw yeah! Finished my Exodia deck finally! Actually got the last Armageddon Knight on the final pack from the big old chunk of points I was using! Now I can start focusing on actual decks!

Anyone got a decent list for Qli, Madolche, or Six Samurai? Depending on how close I am for each of those, I was thinking of building at least one of those decks to start with. Also, are any of the duelist challenges Qli? (To help speed things up if need be, though I should at the very least have a decent base from buying a ton of pendulum packs). I know Pegasus and Trudge are the other two.
Aw yeah! Finished my Exodia deck finally! Actually got the last Armageddon Knight on the final pack from the big old chunk of points I was using! Now I can start focusing on actual decks!

Anyone got a decent list for Qli, Madolche, or Six Samurai? Depending on how close I am for each of those, I was thinking of building at least one of those decks to start with. Also, are any of the duelist challenges Qli? (To help speed things up if need be, though I should at the very least have a decent base from buying a ton of pendulum packs). I know Pegasus and Trudge are the other two.

My advice is just look it up on Yugioh wikia. It has all the cards in an archetype, as well as recommendations for which cards are useful when building a deck around any given archetype


Aw yeah! Finished my Exodia deck finally! Actually got the last Armageddon Knight on the final pack from the big old chunk of points I was using! Now I can start focusing on actual decks!

Anyone got a decent list for Qli, Madolche, or Six Samurai? Depending on how close I am for each of those, I was thinking of building at least one of those decks to start with. Also, are any of the duelist challenges Qli? (To help speed things up if need be, though I should at the very least have a decent base from buying a ton of pendulum packs). I know Pegasus and Trudge are the other two.

Aporia in the 5D's duelist challenges should have a Qli deck.


Aw yeah! Finished my Exodia deck finally! Actually got the last Armageddon Knight on the final pack from the big old chunk of points I was using! Now I can start focusing on actual decks!

Anyone got a decent list for Qli, Madolche, or Six Samurai? Depending on how close I am for each of those, I was thinking of building at least one of those decks to start with. Also, are any of the duelist challenges Qli? (To help speed things up if need be, though I should at the very least have a decent base from buying a ton of pendulum packs). I know Pegasus and Trudge are the other two.

I can send you a really solid six sam list after I get off work, that's what I use on the game currently to farm for cards.


Oh man, I just finished re watching the Battle City arc with my partner a little while ago, and I've been itching to play again. I hadn't seen the show since the BC arc aired on KidsWB so many years ago but I definitely want to jump into this.

How easy is deck building, and to get new cards? I remember the GBA games pretty fondly but have no idea how things have changed since then (aside from the new monsters which were really well explained in the OP, thank you for that)
Oh man, I just finished re watching the Battle City arc with my partner a little while ago, and I've been itching to play again. I hadn't seen the show since the BC arc aired on KidsWB so many years ago but I definitely want to jump into this.

How easy is deck building, and to get new cards? I remember the GBA games pretty fondly but have no idea how things have changed since then (aside from the new monsters which were really well explained in the OP, thank you for that)

Getting new cards is really easy. You get enough DP from winning any given single player duel to get 3-4 packs, and any time you win in single player you'll get up to 3 cards from your opponent's deck (You can only get a card from an opponent as many times as they have that card in their deck. So if one guy has 2 copies of mirror force, you can get up to 2 copies from him. You can still get over 3 copies of a card this way though, since it only counts whether you got enough copies from that specific deck). You'll also get a deck recipe showing all the cards in the AI deck you just played once you've won. Even if you lose, you still get 1 card and some DP. As for deck building, there are a number of filters to search through, but you can also press L1 (for cards in your trunk) or R1 (For cards in your deck) to see related cards including cards from the same archetype and cards that provide more general support. You can even see cards you don't have yet this way. Most of the cards are in the base game, but a handful are DLC locked to some extent (Some archetypes have DLC locked cards, but also cards in base game such as -lswarm, X Saber, and Vylon, while others like Superheavy Samurai and -tellarknights seem to be DLC exclusive entirely). Of the DLC locked archetypes, only -tellarknights are super prominent in the meta, although I've heard Evilswarm (a subset of the -lswarm archetype) is also pretty good.


My advice is just look it up on Yugioh wikia. It has all the cards in an archetype, as well as recommendations for which cards are useful when building a deck around any given archetype

Aporia in the 5D's duelist challenges should have a Qli deck.

I can send you a really solid six sam list after I get off work, that's what I use on the game currently to farm for cards.

Awesome, thanks everyone!


Does the cool thing of unlocking cards through inputting codes on the corner of real cards still exist?

I'm downloading the demo right now to try this game out, I'm excited :>


No it does not unfortunately.

Makes me wonder, why we still have those codes?The collector's code like "CROS-EN002" should be enough for collecting purposes.

Imputing the code of a rare card you just got in a pack on the GBA games was ace. Really miss that feature now that you mention it
Makes me wonder, why we still have those codes?The collector's code like "CROS-EN002" should be enough for collecting purposes.

Imputing the code of a rare card you just got in a pack on the GBA games was ace. Really miss that feature now that you mention it

probably cause of dlc and the fact that codes were always posted online


probably cause of dlc and the fact that codes were always posted online

Yeah, that makes sense...still sucks for kids now.

Anyway, rewatching 5Ds made me want to build a Synchron deck. I remember Junk Doppel being a thing, but I really don't know how to build it or play it, help would be appreciated.

Also, back to 5Ds, Aki's intro in the series, wearing a mask, black rose dragon roaring in the background wrecking havoc, so good.


@SkullHydra Sorry if my ban messed up your tourney in any way. I was working all day and wasn't able to check PSN messages until I got home at night.

Also, I bought the Duelist Kingdom DLC to get banisher of the light and banisher of the radiance. They're in Yami Yugi's "The Chaos" deck but I have no clue how to unlock them for my own use. Played through the extra campaign DLC and none of the cards from this deck show up there. :/
@SkullHydra Sorry if my ban messed up your tourney in any way. I was working all day and wasn't able to check PSN messages until I got home at night.

Also, I bought the Duelist Kingdom DLC to get banisher of the light and banisher of the radiance. They're in Yami Yugi's "The Chaos" deck but I have no clue how to unlock them for my own use. Played through the extra campaign DLC and none of the cards from this deck show up there. :/

You should already have them once you buy the dlc


Okay, I checked again. It does come up. Maybe I'm imagining things but I could say for a fact that the cards didn't come up when I searched the first time. Maybe I have to quit the game and restart for it to show the cards?


Whatever the next tournament is count me in. Making solid progress on my Geargia and Cyber Dragon decks. I'd be willing to put like $40 worth of prizes in, be it Amazon or PSN credit, for the top 3 spots.
should i play all the campaign or just go for certain marks?

I mean, i just beat the original yugioh campaign, but i really want to get into deck building properly.


Well, this banish anti-meta deck is well under way as a back up. Just need bastion to give me macros cosmos. Went through 10k yugi dollars and still didn't unlock.

Any good cards that allow me to take removed from play monsters and special summon or add them to my hand? Preferably would prefer light or dark monsters with effects since I'm using chaos sorcere and black luster soldier - envoy of the beginning. The only one I've come across is one of the agent cards.

Big burn is also pretty good as an anti-meta card.


Well, this banish anti-meta deck is well under way as a back up. Just need bastion to give me macros cosmos. Went through 10k yugi dollars and still didn't unlock.

Any good cards that allow me to take removed from play monsters and special summon or add them to my hand? Preferably would prefer light or dark monsters with effects since I'm using chaos sorcere and black luster soldier - envoy of the beginning. The only one I've come across is one of the agent cards.

Big burn is also pretty good as an anti-meta card.

Just the best one


There's also these, but they're not as good


post dem pics!

Took out the two rares and placed in some of the super rares that came with the pack that had 1 secret rare and 2-3 super rares. I also had a D.D. Sprite which I traded to my friend for one of his spare Secret Rare Raigekis. The first 5 cards plus the D.D. Sprite were all from standalone packs not stacked with secret rares and supers, the bottom ones are the ones that came from that super-rare happy pack.


Took out the two rares and placed in some of the super rares that came with the pack that had 1 secret rare and 2-3 super rares. I also had a D.D. Sprite which I traded to my friend for one of his spare Secret Rare Raigekis. The first 5 cards plus the D.D. Sprite were all from standalone packs not stacked with secret rares and supers, the bottom ones are the ones that came from that super-rare happy pack.

Queen Dragun,Grandsoil and Pain Painter are really great cards, and Synchro Material used to be kinda good back when Synchros were new.

The rest aren't very good, except for Gishki Chain which is a must in Gishki Ritual Decks

but hey, those pulls are much better than mine on a good day.

And you changed a D.D. Sprite for a freaking secret rare Raigeki? You ripped off the crap out of your friend lol

Edit: How is 5Ds going? Recommending it to you made me want to rewatch it, currently on episode 15, Aki's Cool. Lol


Just the best one

There's also these but they're not as good
This is so great. Thanks.

Spiritual Light Art is actually going to be useful because I'm making a light/dark combination deck and who even keeps trap cards in their hands?

The xyz monster will also be very useful.

If that DDR card didnt require discarding a card, it would be a perfect call of the haunted replacement for banished monsters.


Queen Dragun,Grandsoil and Pain Painter are really great cards, and Synchro Material used to be kinda good back when Synchros were new.

The rest aren't very good, except for Gishki Chain which is a must in Gishki Ritual Decks

but hey, those pulls are much better than mine on a good day.

And you changed a D.D. Sprite for a freaking secret rare Raigeki? You ripped off the crap out of your friend lol

Edit: How is 5Ds going? Recommending it to you made me want to rewatch it, currently on episode 15, Aki's Cool. Lol

He was giving it to me for free, so I made it a 'trade'. Raigeki was, alongside Mirror Force one of those cards I'd have done some really stupid bet to get as a kid. One of the things I really wanted, so coughing up a card was no thang, lol.

5Ds continues to be good, seeing the fallout after
Jack loses to Yusei
has honestly been pretty great. I love it when things are fleshed out. Not so sure I like another take on 'mysterious bad guys with mystic voodoo' but they've introduced great characters like the two reporters that keep me entertained. Right now I'm on episode 30, although I've slowed because I've started school again and I'm mixing it up with some Naruto too.


Lol, watched a match on PS4 livestream, the person I was watching faced someone and was beating him. The guy then rage quit while the guy I was watching was setting it up to finish him.

Think the guy I was watching used a Ritual deck so probably the meta one. (edit: nope, it's just a ritual deck of some sorts)

Still I laughed watching the Rage quit.


Lol, watched a match on PS4 livestream, the person I was watching faced someone and was beating him. The guy then rage quit while the guy I was watching was setting it up to finish him.

Think the guy I was watching used a Ritual deck so probably the meta one. (edit: nope, it's just a ritual deck of some sorts)

Still I laughed watching the Rage quit.

Well if the deck was just some random rituals thrown together instead of Heralds, Gishki or Nekroz....he was done

So what's the worst deck you guys have played against?

Mine has to be a Yugi replica with 3 of everything....and 3 seals of Orichalcos...


Well if the deck was just some random rituals thrown together instead of Heralds, Gishki or Nekroz....he was done

So what's the worst deck you guys have played against?

Mine has to be a Yugi replica with 3 of everything....and 3 seals of Orichalcos...

Ah yes, it was Gishki I believe. Never seen Ritual decks used apart from Nekroz ones so it was something to see lol.


Took out the two rares and placed in some of the super rares that came with the pack that had 1 secret rare and 2-3 super rares. I also had a D.D. Sprite which I traded to my friend for one of his spare Secret Rare Raigekis. The first 5 cards plus the D.D. Sprite were all from standalone packs not stacked with secret rares and supers, the bottom ones are the ones that came from that super-rare happy pack.
I miss that feeling... I used to get the biggest rush out of opening new booster packs. It was an added bonus whenever I got some awesome ultra rare that a friend has (or doesn't have) or even something as simple as a regular rare of a card I used a lot.


Okay, so guys, I was looking into a Madolche deck, and not knowing crap about current deck building, I've been making the one here: https://m.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/2fxi3f/the_ultimate_guide_to_madolche_introduction/

So a few quick questions, though: First and foremost, it's almost done outside of the second Leviair listed there and the MX Saber Invoker. However, he listed that he ignored Castel just because he didn't have one, so I figured I could just add that on in instead. Yet, the MX Saber is apparently DLC locked. How important is that? I don't want to buy a ton of DLC but I wouldn't be opposed to a little, but is there something I could just sub in? Or is it essential?

Also, I think it's not totally up to date, so is there any tweaks I should make? I mean, from my very novice point of view the absence of both Raigeki and Mirror Force seems odd, but I'm not sure if that was a result of it being a tad old, or a purposeful choice.

(Mostly though, I guess I just need to get some decks running and start learning so I don't need other people's help in deck building, I suppose. Got this mostly done, a Six Samurai ready, and I think I want a Qli too, and then I'll work from there...)
Okay, so guys, I was looking into a Madolche deck, and not knowing crap about current deck building, I've been making the one here: https://m.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/2fxi3f/the_ultimate_guide_to_madolche_introduction/

So a few quick questions, though: First and foremost, it's almost done outside of the second Leviair listed there and the MX Saber Invoker. However, he listed that he ignored Castel just because he didn't have one, so I figured I could just add that on in instead. Yet, the MX Saber is apparently DLC locked. How important is that? I don't want to buy a ton of DLC but I wouldn't be opposed to a little, but is there something I could just sub in? Or is it essential?

Also, I think it's not totally up to date, so is there any tweaks I should make? I mean, from my very novice point of view the absence of both Raigeki and Mirror Force seems odd, but I'm not sure if that was a result of it being a tad old, or a purposeful choice.

(Mostly though, I guess I just need to get some decks running and start learning so I don't need other people's help in deck building, I suppose. Got this mostly done, a Six Samurai ready, and I think I want a Qli too, and then I'll work from there...)
Do you have the ps4 or Xbone version? Because the x saber dlc hasn't been released yet for PS4 (although it has for Xbone, which is missing a seperate dlc that the ps4 has)
witch ARC DLC has the best bang for the buck?

Depends. They all have the same amount of content I think. I guess if you wanted the best cards, you'd get the Yuto vs Sylvio DLC since it has -tellarknights, which are one of the best archetypes in the game (I think the most recent world champion used them for example)


Do you have the ps4 or Xbone version? Because the x saber dlc hasn't been released yet for PS4 (although it has for Xbone, which is missing a seperate dlc that the ps4 has)
Actually, the X-Saber DLC is available now, I bought it on Tuesday lol. Store said it went up last Thursday or something.
So would anyone be interested in another GAF tournament sometime soon? I feel like running one, but I want to gauge interest

Also, if we do it, would people like two tournaments, one that allows high level meta decks, and one that doesn't (The last one didn't for reference)? If just one, would people prefer no meta, or all allowed as long as it's not on the banlist. Would people here want to do both or just one?
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