Some era member seems to hate Wonder Women
Pic didnt show up heres whay they type
Yesterday at 9:50 AM
"The issue with Diana's design in such a movie is how she looks in contrast to the other (male) superheros. Most of them have their
entire bodies covered aside from half their face or their head.
And then you have her standing there with them in what might as well be underwear in comparison, with constant 'fan service' shots.
There was that one cool redesign she got a while back (in a comic?) where she had pants and a nice jacket. Imo they should have gone with something like that.
She has great fight scenes but her attire makes them feel less so."
"Diana is a pathetic loser rapist who can't get over the death of the first guy she met 70 years ago and spent a few months tops with, if that.
The opening fight is her winking at some kid, taking great lengths to not kill the robber only to then drop him from great heights through a police car... for no fucking reason.
She literally jumps between a complete psycho borderline woman incel and Bugs Bunny, the serious stuff has no weight and the action stuff is corny ugly and dumb looking, and Diana makes the worst facial expressions ever because Gal Gadot has negative charisma and the least realistic facial expressions I've ever seen"
And thats just from the last 2 pages