Just finished a bit ago, 27620 rupees found, times defeated 0, time played 15:53. Probably could've finished it quicker, but I didn't start the Maiamai thing until I only had 2 dungeons left, counting the last one lol. Got all the heart pieces and Maiamai though, and got all the items+upgrades, including the lantern and net.
Overall, I really enjoyed it, though it's a bit easy (I'm sure hero mode would fix that a bit). The music and graphics are great, and everything is smooth, with only some rare slowdown. I kind of feel like it could do the job of being a LTTP for a new generation, and for us old timers, it does a good job of blending the old with the new. There's a sense of nostalgic familiarity in everything, but the new items and differences in the world help to also keep it fresh, like ramyeon and Goldenroad were discussing earlier. The merge ability does make you consider the world a bit more, but most of the time when you have to use it, it's fairly obvious, but still executed well enough. Most of the dungeons were decent, with my favorite probably being the Swamp Palace (love that music

), though I'd have to think a bit more as to whether I'd classify them as exceptional. The item rental system I'm of two minds of. On one hand, I kind of liked the freedom accessing any of the items whenever I wanted, but on the other, it was a bit too easy to get everything. I did like how some of the dungeons still had items to find. I'll have to think about that a bit more.
Definitely another solid title to this amazing year the 3DS has had. I'm satisfied for sure