Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


So I think I just about have everything done...
20 Hearts, Blue armor/Red armor, all 100 Maiamais, super Bug Net/Lantern, Pegasus Boots, all 5 Bottles, Bee Badge, pretty sure all Rupee challenge dungeons completed, and I think all chests opened out in the wild

I know 1 thing I'm missing, but not going for...
Giant Cuckoo

But other than that, is there anything else I'm missing?
Beat the treasure dungeon in Lorule that is near the Vacant house in 2 ways.
Beat this last night. Absolutely, positively loved it. Never found the
Pegasus Boots.
Got around 60 Malamai.

How much does Hero Mode add to the difficulty?
Beat this last night. Absolutely, positively loved it. Never found the
Pegasus Boots.
Got around 60 Malamai.

How much does Hero Mode add to the difficulty?

To be honest, I don't see how you could even play the game without the
Pegasus Boots.
Link just runs too slow without 'em! xD

To get the boots, before or after buying the Smooth Gem from the npc for the Zora Flippers quest, go toward the house in the NE side of the village in Hyrule. You'll see the thief who stole them by a wall. Merge with the wall so you can sneak up behind him, and he'll give you the boots.


Beat this last night. Absolutely, positively loved it. Never found the
Pegasus Boots.
Got around 60 Malamai.

How much does Hero Mode add to the difficulty?

You are in danger of getting 2 shooted in hyurle or instakilled in lorule a lot until you get the blue tunic. But it depends on positioning mostly


Junior Ace
You will have to swim under something in Hyrule for one of them.

You will have to investigate an abandoned place in Lorule for another.

I imagine these are actually pretty straightforward clues, but hopefully they're helpful in any case!

Those are the exact type of clues I was hoping for. Thanks!


Knowledge of baseball is irrelevant because the mini game is not grounded with any realistic physics. You do have a choice if the ball moves left, right or middle but within each of those areas, you have no control over precision.

Most of the time, I could time my swing to hit a specific pot in a particular region.



Like many others, I gave up on the chest in the Dark Palace the first time around. I had the basic idea right, just was really surprised the
upper switch didn't cause the wall flip.

I also missed the boots--when I got to the last dungeon without having them, I finally had to look the solution up. Missed having those all game, I love bashing into walls all the time!

My complaint about that is
it really seemed like catching the guy was something I'd need to have the boots for, since I was able to get close enough to "hit" him with several items even without the boots and they didn't affect him at all. I really should have tried the wall thing sooner though...

Can anyone give me hints about the
Super Bug Net
Super Lantern
that were mentioned a few posts back? Just clues to get me started instead of full answers would be awesome.

And also, hints on the locations or at least the starting point for getting all the Bottles--I've had
for most of the game.
I thought the Rumor Guy's thing about the Witch giving a potion to the fortune teller would factor in, but I didn't see a mailbox for the fortune teller or anything...
I don't know why, but in Zelda games I always miss a Bottle or two despite usually finding all but one or two heart pieces with no help.


I shot people I like more for less.
Can anyone give me hints about the
Super Bug Net
Super Lantern
that were mentioned a few posts back? Just clues to get me started instead of full answers would be awesome.

And also, hints on the locations or at least the starting point for getting all the Bottles--I've had
for most of the game.
I thought the Rumor Guy's thing about the Witch giving a potion to the fortune teller would factor in, but I didn't see a mailbox for the fortune teller or anything...
I don't know why, but in Zelda games I always miss a Bottle or two despite usually finding all but one or two heart pieces with no help.

Just going to spoiler this whole thing in case somebody doesn't want hints:

Those two upgrades you get at the same place. Try advancing in a cold place.

Bottle hints (3 are in Hyrule, 2 are in Lorule):
1.Maybe somebody abandoned more than their house.
2.Sometimes generosity with money can reap benefits.
3.Try swimming into a covered area.
4.You can buy this one, and probably already have it.
5.I'll send an SOS to the world, I hope that someone gets my...

Hope those are helpful and not too obtuse lol.

mr stroke

I really want to play this as I love Zelda but don't have a 3ds(don't care for handheld gaming anymore)

For anyone that's finished it, is it worth it to buy a 3ds just for this game?


Hope those are helpful and not too obtuse lol.

Hah, no, that's perfect. Reminds me of hint books for old adventure games. Thanks!

The only thing that seems strange is
progress further in a cold place...I swear I've been all over death mountain in Lorule, but I can check around there again...or maybe there's another cold place I don't remember, I'll check next time I play.


Which one is that?
I can do it again even if I completed it already?
You can do it again, but there won't be a treasure chest with something inside and you won't get the special dialog that appears when you complete it the way without the Pegasus Boots.

It's in
the hole with the patch of 9 flowers left of the Vacant House.


For anyone that's finished it, is it worth it to buy a 3ds just for this game?

I'm a huge Zelda fan and think this game is the best since LttP, but my answer to your question is "no." Realistically, if you've played LttP, you've played this game. Variations in story aside, the whole structure and world of the game basically just makes it a LttP remake.

There's nothing wrong with that, I've loving the game. I can't get enough of the orchestrated soundtrack, either. But there's nothing appreciably new in it. And I'd never buy a console solely to play a remake of anything.


I'm a huge Zelda fan and think this game is the best since LttP, but my answer to your question is "no." Realistically, if you've played LttP, you've played this game. Variations in story aside, the whole structure and world of the game basically just makes it a LttP remake.

There's nothing wrong with that, I've loving the game. I can't get enough of the orchestrated soundtrack, either. But there's nothing appreciably new in it. And I'd never buy a console solely to play a remake of anything.
I disagree. I played LTTP for the first time right before ALBW and they felt very different to me. If anything, playing LTTP adds to the experience of playing ALBW.


GAH! I need one last piece of the heart. Can't find.

Is there a way to rematch shadow links? I haven't gotten many (whats the best place to get them? the mall?) I also wish there was a way to see how your shadow link was doing. I have him up to 990, just need the last piece of heart for 1000! haha


I really want to play this as I love Zelda but don't have a 3ds(don't care for handheld gaming anymore)

For anyone that's finished it, is it worth it to buy a 3ds just for this game?
It's a great game for sure but buying a system only for one games always felt strange to me (sometime I did it cause I am a retro-collector but it is still strange).


I'm a huge Zelda fan and think this game is the best since LttP, but my answer to your question is "no." Realistically, if you've played LttP, you've played this game. Variations in story aside, the whole structure and world of the game basically just makes it a LttP remake.

There's nothing wrong with that, I've loving the game. I can't get enough of the orchestrated soundtrack, either. But there's nothing appreciably new in it. And I'd never buy a console solely to play a remake of anything.

I replayed LTTP recently on the Shield and am still having a blast with LBW. Not to mention, it's not like there aren't a ton of other great games on the 3DS/DS.



Some of the mini games will grant heart pieces if you beat a top score.

I'm pretty sure I beat all of the mini-game advanced tiers for their respective Heart Pieces. Got both Rupee Rush pieces, baseball's done, treasure house, (was there one from the racing bro's?) can't think of too many other mini-games, but I'm pretty sure I've done 'em. I was pretty thorough in my exploration too.


I'm a huge Zelda fan and think this game is the best since LttP, but my answer to your question is "no." Realistically, if you've played LttP, you've played this game. Variations in story aside, the whole structure and world of the game basically just makes it a LttP remake.

There's nothing wrong with that, I've loving the game. I can't get enough of the orchestrated soundtrack, either. But there's nothing appreciably new in it. And I'd never buy a console solely to play a remake of anything.
These sentences are objectively wrong. Which makes your whole argument kinda meaningless.


aka iby.h
I'm pretty sure I beat all of the mini-game advanced tiers for their respective Heart Pieces. Got both Rupee Rush pieces, baseball's done, treasure house, (was there one from the racing bro's?) can't think of too many other mini-games, but I'm pretty sure I've done 'em. I was pretty thorough in my exploration too.

the one I missed was in the very beginning, where you see it but cant get it just yet.

Graveyard in hyrule (the secret path to the sanctuary). I only noticed it when I started a new record.


the one I missed was in the very beginning, where you see it but cant get it just yet.

Graveyard in hyrule (the secret path to the sanctuary). I only noticed it when I started a new record.

Hah, got that one! I immediately ran back there as soon as I got the wall merge ability! I'm sure I'll find it.


Preordered from the Nintendo UK store a few days ago, I hope they send me a chest with it!!!

Finally! The second one's for my brother for Xmas but shhh...


You can do it again, but there won't be a treasure chest with something inside and you won't get the special dialog that appears when you complete it the way without the Pegasus Boots.

It's in
the hole with the patch of 9 flowers left of the Vacant House.

Oh so it's that one.

So what's the point of doing it then?
Just to do it?


aka iby.h
Hah, got that one! I immediately ran back there as soon as I got the wall merge ability! I'm sure I'll find it.

Haha, good man. Yup, I'm sure you will.

So, what were you guy's favourite track fo the game? I absolutely loved the Death Mountain Remix

As with any Zelda game, the staff roll. I also enjoyed the music when you brought in 10 maimais. I wouldn't choose an item immediately just so I could listen to the song.


19 hearts now with no guide or anything, I'm happy about that.

I do admit that I was given a hint for the Pegasus Boots (I was looking in ALL the wrong areas...), but didn't read it explicitly...just where to look.

No idea where the last ore is, no idea where the last tunic is...and I am missing 3 heart pieces, one of which, is the baseball game and I can't get more than 65 :( timing seems all out of wack, I understand the rules, but still can't get it.

And there's like 3 item slots missing...hm...


I'm pretty sure I beat all of the mini-game advanced tiers for their respective Heart Pieces. Got both Rupee Rush pieces, baseball's done, treasure house, (was there one from the racing bro's?) can't think of too many other mini-games, but I'm pretty sure I've done 'em. I was pretty thorough in my exploration too.

Have you beaten the (Lorule spoilers, NE corner of map)
Treacherous Tower
I think the Intermediate course gives a heart piece, IIRC.

Lorule absolute endgame spoilers:
Holy shit red tunic? Why so late in the game?
I've been really enjoying the game, but finding it suddenly really difficult, which is funny since everyone else seems to find it easy. But then I realized I just did the
Ice Ruins
first and most people do them near the end. I was getting two hit killed everywhere.


Have you beaten the (Lorule spoilers, NE corner of map)
Treacherous Tower
I think the Intermediate course gives a heart piece, IIRC.

Lorule absolute endgame spoilers:
Holy shit red tunic? Why so late in the game?

Because it was the same in LttP. But yes, it would have been better if it was obtainable from the moment you enter Lorule, but very difficult to get, imo.
I've been really enjoying the game, but finding it suddenly really difficult, which is funny since everyone else seems to find it easy. But then I realized I just did the
Ice Ruins
first and most people do them near the end. I was getting two hit killed everywhere.

That was my first too. It made the following couple of dungeons feel too easy.


I shot people I like more for less.
Hah, no, that's perfect. Reminds me of hint books for old adventure games. Thanks!

The only thing that seems strange is
progress further in a cold place...I swear I've been all over death mountain in Lorule, but I can check around there again...or maybe there's another cold place I don't remember, I'll check next time I play.

Well, your instincts may be right. Just be careful when exploring, it can be a treacherous place.


Because it was the same in LttP. But yes, it would have been better if it was obtainable from the moment you enter Lorule, but very difficult to get, imo.

So many item choices make me scratch my head. "Here's something you can use. (For 5 minutes! Enjoy!)"


I've been listening to the game's OST while doing school work. I feel like it may be harming my productivity however, as I tend to stop working to just listen to the excellency of the music.


I ended up finding the last Heart Piece on my own!
It was in one of those caves behind one of those bomb flower rocks in the southeastern side of the map.
. Can't believe I overlooked that one!

Cleared the game finally too. Final boss was cool. Ending twist was nice. Perfect game in my books. I have nearly everything collected now but I'll probably clean up my normal game before trying Hero mode down the road. Easily one of my favorite Zelda games in a long time.
This was the first Zelda game that I ever played to completion. Most of the other Zelda games never grabbed me due to miscellaneous tasks that had to be done to progress and the linearity that caused progress to be entirely blocked if a puzzle couldn't be immediately solved. Imagine my surprise that I loved this game. What Zelda should I play next? I'm finishing up Ocarina now and would like to know what would compare most to this game. Am I correct in assuming LTTP?


This was the first Zelda game that I ever played to completion. Most of the other Zelda games never grabbed me due to miscellaneous tasks that had to be done to progress and the linearity that caused progress to be entirely blocked if a puzzle couldn't be immediately solved. Imagine my surprise that I loved this game. What Zelda should I play next? I'm finishing up Ocarina now and would like to know what would compare most to this game. Am I correct in assuming LTTP?

Definitely LTTP. It still holds up very well today. It is longer and harder than ALBW.
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