Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


Is there really DLC coming for this game?

I've been really enjoying the game, but finding it suddenly really difficult, which is funny since everyone else seems to find it easy. But then I realized I just did the
Ice Ruins
first and most people do them near the end. I was getting two hit killed everywhere.

I went there early too, I know what you mean.
Been playing this game for 3 hours now and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it.


- The game with 3D on is gorgeous. Especially when you get to higher ground.
- Plays very smooth
- The art direction and graphics are much better than I anticipated. Looking at screens here on GAF made me doubtful, but it looks very nice on my XL.
- I really like how they implemented the painting mechanic into their puzzles.


- The first 3 dungeons are short... really short. I've breezed through it and sometimes was shocked that I already got to the boss. Can't remember if this was already the case in aLttP.
- The rental system is a nice experiment, but I don't want to see it again in future Zelda games. I'm just at the beginning of the game and already bought more than half of the inventory. Even if you just rent them and die, you can easily rent them back because Rupees are everywhere and the renting price is really low.
- Having your full inventory from the start, it takes away the joy to explore areas later in the game when you normally obtain an item that gives you access to that area. Like bombing walls when you obtain the Bomb bag.
- Caves and chests are not very useful because all you find are Rupees, and I already have enough of them.

I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not having a blast with it.
I feel the game itself doesn't know if it wants to be a remake or a completely new game. They should've made a whole new world instead. But we all know their original plan was to remake aLttP.

Just finished the game!
Rupees harvested: 26k
Times died: 3
Total playtime: 16hrs 23 minutes
% completed: around 95% (still missing 3 heart pieces)

I fell in love with this game. Could slap myself for having doubts in the beginning.
Didn't see the plot twist coming too.

Lorule dungeon fell a little short in my opinion. But I loved the end fight, even though it was easy. Ending cutscenes made me teary-eyed (so does every new Zelda game I finish).

Hero mode will be a bitch!

In the end, I'm amazed how Nintendo can still impress me after all those years!
Can't wait till Zelda U....


Having a lot of fun with this game. Not too far (so I don't have any complaints yet as others do about the dungeons and stuff), but I am really enjoying just wandering around exploring and discovering things.

This came to me about 40 minutes before my 3DS XL did, so there will be much Zelda'ing going on soon :)
Finished ALBW last night, and I really enjoyed the ending :) I kinda figured out what was going on due to reading about spoilers and plot twists in this thread, but it was still nice to see nonetheless. I did find ALBW a bit short, and the maps were compact, but now I don't really mind trying again on Hero Mode tonight or maybe later on the weekend. I think I'm still down 2 or 3 hearts from full completion (my Shadow Link has a bounty of 980 or something), but I'm still happy enough with the amount of progress I've made :)

Speaking of Shadow Link,

a) What pair of items do you guys like to put on your Shadow Link?

b) What pair of items do you guys like to use when fighting Shadow Links?

c) Has anyone fought Grampa yet?
Finished it at 15 hours. I was cold on it for the first few hours but damn, I really got into after Lorule. Definitely my favourite handheld Zelda.

Maybe the dungeons could have been a bit longer but the fast pace of the game was really refreshing so that was probably a worthwhile design choice. I enjoyed the ending even if the game had close to no story. That music though, goes without saying even though I'm gonna say it anyway. It's pretty awesome.

Take notes Zelda Wii U.


I'm heading into Lorule Castle and I want to have collected everything.

I have 100 Maimais, I've done everything with the treacherous tower, and I'm not just trying to make sure that I have all the heart pieces.

Question: Going into Lorule Castle, should I have 1 open heart slot or can I potentially have a full health meter at that point? I have 2 quarter pieces of heart and two open heart slots meaning I am trying to figure out if I need 2 more pieces of heart of 6 more. The only ones that I know about that I need are within the minigames.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I'm heading into Lorule Castle and I want to have collected everything.

I have 100 Maimais, I've done everything with the treacherous tower, and I'm not just trying to make sure that I have all the heart pieces.

Question: Going into Lorule Castle, should I have 1 open heart slot or can I potentially have a full health meter at that point? I have 2 quarter pieces of heart and two open heart slots meaning I am trying to figure out if I need 2 more pieces of heart of 6 more. The only ones that I know about that I need are within the minigames.
You need 6.


This game has some of the best dungeons in any Zelda. Even if they're short. Some of the stuff you do in the Ice Palace, for example, is just mind blowing for a 2D Zelda. I had trouble with some puzzles just because my mind had a block like "no, that won't work this is 2D Zelda".

They really take advantage of the 3D and the fact that lower levels in the dungeon are fully rendered and interactive. Even without all of that, the puzzles and overall level design are incredibly inventive.
Just finished it a while ago. Wow, really really impressed. A Link to the Past is one of my favorite games and this one definitely lives up to it. My only real complaint is that I wanted MOAR.


Yes! All heart pieces collected. I got stuck on the final one for 40 minutes because I knew where it was but I hadn't actually collected it. Somehow this seems to happen in every Zelda game.


Is there any reward for finishing all of the Streetpass battle challenges? I'm something like ~40/50 so far.

The AI is so good that I have to stomp lesser Links for the "final blow" challenges because I often can't even finish off a Link that has 15+ hearts in the time given -- especially not one with a blue potion.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Is there any reward for finishing all of the Streetpass battle challenges? I'm something like ~40/50 so far.

The AI is so good that I have to stomp lesser Links for the "final blow" challenges because I often can't even finish off a Link that has 15+ hearts in the time given -- especially not one with a blue potion.
Did you got the no moving one!?


Did you got the no moving one!?

Not yet. My plan for it is to take a Golden Bee and the Nice Tornado Rod against a 3-heart Link for an easy win.

Tornado once he's in range to set up a stun, then Golden Bee and sword beam or spin attack while he's stunned and/or being harassed by the bee.


Just finished the game. I really, really liked it. About the only complaint I have is that it's way too easy, finished it with 0 deaths and didn't even have to use a fairy. Well, that and maybe that the dungeons are a bit too short.
But other than that, it's absolutely wonderful. It plays great, it sounds great, it looks great.
Oh, and I liked looking around for maiamais, I immediately gathered them all as soon as I had the items I needed. But it seems I missed two heart pieces and probably three items.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Thanks for the tips, I've never seen the Bee to be useful because they died instantly. Still waiting for a battle location where I can use the bracelet.


Thanks for the tips, I've never seen the Bee to be useful because they died instantly. Still waiting for a battle location where I can use the bracelet.

Fire and Sand temple locations might allow you to use the Ice and Sand Rods, respectively. (Though I can't remember if the Fire temple one has the lava geysers that shoot up high enough for you to make pillars out of them with the Ice Rod.)

Wait for a Shadow Link to show up in those locations and then bring in the right Rod with you. Once the battle starts, use the Rod and then merge into the newly-created wall. Win the battle and you'll get the achievement.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
Hah, totally forgot about the merging with those items. Only been able to play it at 2 different arenas though, the standard and ice one. I think I've had 7 or so passes, so I'll be patient.


Is there anything else new in Hero Mode outside of
Ravio's dairy?

Fire and Sand temple locations might allow you to use the Ice and Sand Rods, respectively. (Though I can't remember if the Fire temple one has the lava geysers that shoot up high enough for you to make pillars out of them with the Ice Rod.)

Wait for a Shadow Link to show up in those locations and then bring in the right Rod with you. Once the battle starts, use the Rod and then merge into the newly-created wall. Win the battle and you'll get the achievement.

The Fire arena worked for me. Just be sure to bring the Ice Rod.


the prima games digital guide was finally set up I think last night or the night before. The hardcover is awesome but it's hard to keep it open and play


Just finished the ice ruins, my last dungeon before the end. Anyone remember how to make the treasure chest in the very first room you walk into appear? It's marked on the map where the big block of ice in the middle is.
So, about 10-12 hours in, my main complaint is:
that the damn Hyrule field music changes after you get the master sword! The first Hyrule Field song with the trumpets is vastly superior :(


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
100 Maimais gotten, and I beat the stupid octo derby. I also got the upgraded lantern.

Think I'm good for now and am gonna head to the final castle.
This game is really fucking good. I didn't think anything would challenge The Last of Us, a game I absolutely adore, as my GOTY, but this game might. Great job Nintendo.


Is there a heart container in
Lorule Castle
? I collected (I think) every piece of heart I could see in the overworld, but am still missing one full container, and have beat every marked dungeon.


Is there a heart container in
Lorule Castle
? I collected (I think) every piece of heart I could see in the overworld, but am still missing one full container, and have beat every marked dungeon.

Nope. Good like finding those pieces of heart!
Just finished it. Really good game and a right step in the direction I'd like to see Zelda go in... just further. I loved that exploration was back... although not entirely since I have LTTP etched into my brain, and knew where pretty much most things would/should be. Having said that, discovering an unexpected treasure was nice. and I loved how there were no barriers because I was still X amounts of dungeons away from getting that item. I wandered into the Lynels and got my ass handed to me and had to get the hell out of dodge... and I loved it. That's the types of restriction I want to see.

Some things I'd like to see in the next/Wii U version:

- Take away the X's for the locations of the temples... let us stumble onto it on our own.
- Also don't tell us what items we need before going in with pillars with a friggin' bomb on it.
- Fast travelling accessibility right off the bat (after discovering a new save point) was great. MM's did it that way and it worked great.

If the Wii U version can do this with a completely new novel world... I can't wait.

And speaking of Majora's Mask:
Was there really any link to Majora's Mask like Aonuma hinted at aside from it being there in Link's house as a cameo?


Just beat it. It's the most fun Zelda game since A Link to the Past. I love how focused and immediate it is. Just pure concentrated Zelda. And the dungeons were awesome!
Yeah, I will say that they really could have done without the item markers in front of dungeons. The item specific obstacles blocking their entrance is enough.

Two Lorule dungeons left in my second playthrough. This game is so damn good. I've been trying to mix up my dungeon order more, but I think the order I picked at first is for the most part one of the most efficient ways to go through.


Is there a heart container in
Lorule Castle
? I collected (I think) every piece of heart I could see in the overworld, but am still missing one full container, and have beat every marked dungeon.
You might have done something like I did and completely miss the Turtle Rock heart piece since it blended in with the lava.

Or you could be missing the mini-game heart pieces. Check a guide to make sure.
Some things I'd like to see in the next/Wii U version:

- Take away the X's for the locations of the temples... let us stumble onto it on our own.

Eh, I dunno about this one. As much as I liked to try burning down every bush to uncover the stairs to potentially the next dungeon in The Legend of Zelda 1, the novelty grew thin over time.

Besides, LttP marked the dungeon locations with pendants on the map in the Light World, and the numbered crystals in the Dark World.
Eh, I dunno about this one. As much as I liked to try burning down every bush to uncover the stairs to potentially the next dungeon in The Legend of Zelda 1, the novelty grew thin over time.

Besides, LttP marked the dungeon locations with pendants on the map in the Light World, and the numbered crystals in the Dark World.

Well, it wouldn't have to be like Zelda 1 square by square, burning or bombing, but still a little bit of "oh shit, just found a dungeon!" would be nice.

At the very least, give us the option then, like Metroid Prime did with turning off the hint system.


Yeah, stumbling around getting lost trying to find that next dungeon location may sound fun, but it's also tedious. It's not like getting to the dungeons in ALBW wasn't fun either, some dungeons was challenging to figure out how to get there.


Do I have to beat any dungeons to obtain a piece of ore or the glove to pick up huge boulders? Can I explore Lorule and find both?
I'm on hero mode now and I totally forget where to get the power braclet to lift bigger rocks. Someone remind me.

The Titan's Mitt is
the dungeon item in the Desert Palace.

Do I have to beat any dungeons to obtain a piece of ore or the glove to pick up huge boulders? Can I explore Lorule and find both?
The treasures found in the Lorule dungeons can only be found in them.

There is one Master Ore located in the overworld, but it is only one of four--the other three are located in Lorule dungeons, and all four are required to upgrade the Master Sword to its full capacity.
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