Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

the octoball minigame is pissing me off so much. Hate that shit. Just want to get the 100 points and then done with it. I was so close with 98.
I know its been said a few times, but I finished the game today and it was fantastic! I was really into the rental system, even though I was able to buy off all the items well before 50% of the game. Starting Hero mode tonight.


I would bang a hot farmer!
the octoball minigame is pissing me off so much. Hate that shit. Just want to get the 100 points and then done with it. I was so close with 98.
I was lucky and had 4 birds fly through and I hit each one.

Is it possible to beat the game without renting any item? Can you find them in the world instead?
No and no. I rented the first couple but then bought everything after that. It's too easy to get rupees.


Just did my first Lorule dungeon (Thieves Den).

That was great! Backtracking through the rooms and everything suddenly making sense was a nice touch. And the boss/ending was good.
Also, there was no required item for it was there? Interesting.

Hopefully the remaining dungeons are as good.


Just did my first Lorule dungeon (Thieves Den).

That was great! Backtracking through the rooms and everything suddenly making sense was a nice touch. And the boss/ending was good.
Also, there was no required item for it was there? Interesting.

Hopefully the remaining dungeons are as good.

They're great!
I wish a few were a little longer though.


I still need to find the remaining baby Maimai's in Lorule, along with getting the final heart piece from the Octoball Derby mini game, which is causing me quite a headache.

Do you guys have any tips on how I can successfully score the score needed to obtain (for me, any who) the final heart piece?
I still need to find the remaining baby Maimai's in Lorule, along with getting the final heart piece from the Octoball Derby mini game, which is causing me quite a headache.

Do you guys have any tips on how I can successfully score the score needed to obtain (for me, any who) the final heart piece?

Ignore the gold pots. Focus on hitting three pots in a row, which will cause the crow to appear. The crow is worth 20 points. When you've hit so many pots that it is no longer easy to get three in a row, aim for the crabs to bring pots back.


I still need to find the remaining baby Maimai's in Lorule, along with getting the final heart piece from the Octoball Derby mini game, which is causing me quite a headache.

Do you guys have any tips on how I can successfully score the score needed to obtain (for me, any who) the final heart piece?

Utilize the height differences. You don't need perfect aim when you leave 3 pots next to each other. Save the crabs for when you're running low on pots. Try to save pots around crabs so that if you miss a crab you still hit a pot.

Of course, you probably already know you need to hit 3 pots in a row to make the bird appear. The ball will home in on the bird to a certain degree, and I find it's easiest to hit in the middle of the screen.

Other than that, keep trying and ave good luck. I got like 101 to get the heart piece. I think it's typical that you just barely get 100 points.


I just beat the game. Really good. I have one question, though, about the Dark Palace.

In the dark, what did the moving markings on the wall represent? Were they sound waves or something? Or just magical hint things that didn't appear in the light?
In the dark, what did the moving markings on the wall represent? Were they sound waves or something? Or just magical hint things that didn't appear in the light?

I THINK they're just there to mark the path of outside light in a room, especially when it goes down a hole into the floor below.


I'm getting ready to do a 3-5 heart (Might be 5 hearts so I can get the max use out of fairies. Gotta see how it goes first) hero playthrough.

I'm still debating whether or not I'll purchase items in order to upgrade them, or just leave them as is. The former seems less fun but more manageable and the latter a lot more maddening but absolutely exhilarating.


the piano man
I'm getting ready to do a 3-5 heart (Might be 5 hearts so I can get the max use out of fairies. Gotta see how it goes first) hero playthrough.

isn't grabbing heart containers mandatory at the end of some dungeons? I remember not being able to reach the painting past the final boss unless I got the heart container in at least one dungeon but probably more.


I assume you're talking about the first two Hyrule dungeons. As long as you wait a few seconds and not collect the heart container, the pendant will still appear.


Just wrapped. Amazing, amazing game.

I do feel perhaps dungeons were a tad too easy because of the any-possibility game design, or maybe just too short, but I haven't played a Zelda game since Spirit Tracks so I'm not really in a great position to judge.

I still think Spirit Tracks had "Best Use of Zelda" in a Zelda game tho.

Only got stuck on one fucking thing: [endgame spoilers]
Yuga's final painting + bow of light thing where he always turns to face you if you try and shoot him head-on. Fuck, I bet it would've felt awesome to work out how to do that on my own. Cursed impatience.


Only got stuck on one fucking thing: [endgame spoilers]
Yuga's final painting + bow of light thing where he always turns to face you if you try and shoot him head-on. Fuck, I bet it would've felt awesome to work out how to do that on my own. Cursed impatience.
it didnt feel that good, I just tried it and it worked. it was certainly cool but not a life changing experience, so I guess you have not missed much.


Yeah, I would've hit on it eventually given the lack of things to really do in that situation, but I still kind feel like I robbed myself. oh well
Only got stuck on one fucking thing: [endgame spoilers]
Yuga's final painting + bow of light thing where he always turns to face you if you try and shoot him head-on. Fuck, I bet it would've felt awesome to work out how to do that on my own. Cursed impatience.
I got lucky when I figured that out as I'd just spent the preceeding 5 minutes doing the wrong thing. Dumb luck wins out.

I did get stuck when I completed that final temple though -
at the end of Lorule Castle I went through the crack back into Hyrule and into Zelda's chamber and spent ~ 10 minutes looking for a way out of her room. I actually had to check gamefaqs to see what I was doing wrong. :(
I blame the game for training me to go through all cracks!


Finally got this today, can't wait to get home and play this :) I avoided all discussion/reviews etc so the only thing I know to expect is that is really good.

That reversible cover, so sexy.


I did get stuck when I completed that final temple though -
at the end of Lorule Castle I went through the crack back into Hyrule and into Zelda's chamber and spent ~ 10 minutes looking for a way out of her room. I actually had to check gamefaqs to see what I was doing wrong. :(
I blame the game for training me to go through all cracks!

lol. I did the same thing. After going through the last dungeon, I was low on health so I decided to go back outside to store up on potions before fighting the final boss. When I went back inside I searched everywhere and I couldn't figure out where to go for the longest time.


I think I just saw an ad for this game on the side of a bus here in Brisbane, AU!

I can't be sure, though, since I only caught a glimpse of what looked like the Zelda logo in gold with the green background from one of the artworks.

Anyone corroborate this at all?


Junior Ace
Is there a unique item for finishing the 50-floor gauntlet a second time? I got the
super lamp
for the first time through, but she teased another cool item. I don't want to know what it is, just let me know if it's worth bothering with.


Is there a unique item for finishing the 50-floor gauntlet a second time? I got the
super lamp
for the first time through, but she teased another cool item. I don't want to know what it is, just let me know if it's worth bothering with.
Yes she gives you another item if you do.


So I'm in the final dungeon and a specific section is frustrating the everliving shit out of me.

Final Dungeon Spoilers -
The Northeastern room on 3F. Getting the first spike ball to follow the path wasn't hard at all, but I cannot for the life of me get the second one to not fall 2/3 of the way. Is there a trick to this or am I just going to be beating my head against the wall until I time it just perfectly? Its annoying the hell out of me because it seems like it needs just pin-perfect precision and nothing less.


Media Create Maven
Just finished the game as well and I really enjoyed it.

The only nitpicks I had were:
The story was forgettable/mediocre and the dungeons were a bit short.

Everything else about the game was great =).

The minigames, the map full of secrets, etc. were an absolute blast. This may be the 1st Zelda game I've ever 100%ed. Not only that, but I never got impatient enough to use a guide since I was enjoying myself. (Well I did check a guide at the end to make sure I had everything, which made me realize I had forgotten about the chest minigame that gives you a piece of heart, but that was about it.)

So I'm in the final dungeon and a specific section is frustrating the everliving shit out of me.

Final Dungeon Spoilers -
The Northeastern room on 3F. Getting the first spike ball to follow the path wasn't hard at all, but I cannot for the life of me get the second one to not fall 2/3 of the way. Is there a trick to this or am I just going to be beating my head against the wall until I time it just perfectly? Its annoying the hell out of me because it seems like it needs just pin-perfect precision and nothing less.

In response to the spoilers:

I thought that part was brilliant. Just think about what abilities you have and where you need to be to keep the blocks up for the path.


So I'm in the final dungeon and a specific section is frustrating the everliving shit out of me.

Final Dungeon Spoilers -
The Northeastern room on 3F. Getting the first spike ball to follow the path wasn't hard at all, but I cannot for the life of me get the second one to not fall 2/3 of the way. Is there a trick to this or am I just going to be beating my head against the wall until I time it just perfectly? Its annoying the hell out of me because it seems like it needs just pin-perfect precision and nothing less.
You know those two pillars that are near the end of the path you are on, directing the second spike ball? Well, you have to merge with the wall of those pillars, so that it will continue to follow you on your path to glory.

And don't sweat it, as I found that out by accident after struggling with that part for a good half-hour or so. :)


Junior Ace
You know those two pillars that are near the end of the path you are on, directing the second spike ball? Well, you have to merge with the wall of those pillars, so that it will continue to follow you on your path to glory.

And don't sweat it, as I found that out by accident after struggling with that part for a good half-hour or so. :)

That part took me a bunch of tries, too, but it felt amazing when I finally got it.


I dont remember which dungeon it was but the only part i got stuck on was :
In a dungeon where you had to merge into the wall and pop out so the bridge can fall and the dude can follow you over it
. LoL, i spent a good 7-10 minutes going back and fourth.

yeah yeah the game was simple, but it was fun. I see my self playing it once more on hero then probably be done with it. I need moar though. DLC, bonus content, anything!


Just did my first Lorule dungeon (Thieves Den).

That was great! Backtracking through the rooms and everything suddenly making sense was a nice touch. And the boss/ending was good.
Also, there was no required item for it was there? Interesting.

Hopefully the remaining dungeons are as good.

just did that dungeon last night as well. I was confused at the big room where you can open the giant trap door...then it made sense! I also guessed the "password" on the first try without talking to anyone first.

I beat Octoball on the 2nd try...got 68 and then like 109. easy for me ;)


...And it is beat.

Utterly fantastic game. A bit too easy for my tastes, but still an amazing experience and one of the best Zelda games ever. Good stuff.


Finished this a couple of nights ago. I've never been a huge Zelda fan (only beat Links Awakening, but that was on the OG Game Boy when I was like 11-12) but this was something else entirely. The graphics are great, the music is amazing, the gameplay and dungeon design was so much fun from start to finish.

Just got a wii U and 3D world, but currently this is easily my front runner for Game of the Year.


Finished it this morning after more or less playing it nonstop for the past several days. Pretty sure I did everything in the game too.

You know, I was really lukewarm on this before it launched. I thought it was relying too much on A Link to the Past's nostalgia, and I was hesitant about the art style, game progression, and new mechanics.

However, now that I'm done, I believe this is one of the best Zelda games I've ever played. As a huge fan of the series, even I was getting tired of the same formula and the insane amount of hand-holding that has plagued most modern installments (and I do very much like Skyward Sword, despite its polarizing reputation).

This game ditches all of that tired stuff and keeps the core of what makes these games so good. Amazing music, smooth controls, perfect pacing, and a thoroughly satisfying ending round out one of the best games released this year.

I played most of the game with the 3D slider at full-blast, and it's hard to imagine playing with it off. There are so many areas that benefit from it, and it's one of the best implementations of the technology I've seen in any game. I didn't find it difficult at all to stay in the XL's sweet spot throughout my playthrough.

Criticisms? Just a few: Backstory is really light, but perhaps that was a creative choice to keep the pacing of the game moving forward. I'd also say that the game skews on the easy side, but that might be compounded by the fact that I did so much of the extra stuff before tackling the latter half. I really loved how non-linear it was, and the dungeons were full of creativity and risk rewards.

Can't wait to see what this team comes up with next! On to finish Super Mario 3D World... we are so very fortunate to get games of this quality!
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