Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


How do so many people miss the boots? You get them as part of a search for a non-optional item. I mean, you don't have to get them, but if you follow the storyline the game presents you, you should get them naturally. I'm just surprised that seems to be such a common problem, but I guess and hope you can get them anytime later anyway.


How do so many people miss the boots? You get them as part of a search for a non-optional item. I mean, you don't have to get them, but if you follow the storyline the game presents you, you should get them naturally. I'm just surprised that seems to be such a common problem, but I guess and hope you can get them anytime later anyway.

LttP messing with my head.
I assumed you had to use the boots to do what gets you the boots. I figured you would find them in a dungeon or something later and before I realized it I was at the end of the game with no boots.


I'm one heart piece away from 100% on Hero Mode and can't figure out which one I'm missing. Going batty.


LttP messing with my head.
I assumed you had to use the boots to do what gets you the boots
. I figured you would find them in a dungeon or something later and before I realized it I was at the end of the game with no boots.


I'm one heart piece away from 100% on Hero Mode and can't figure out which one I'm missing. Going batty.

Exact same thing happened to me :/
I've been playing for 12+ hours and I still have no clue where the effing pegasus boots are, haha. I've spent about two hours deliberately looking for them, too.

Hint 1 :
You can get them once you've gotten the smooth stone thing back to the zora queen(possibly once you're aware it's been stolen, but definately once you've given it back)

Hint 2 :
Who's acting differently in Kariko?

Hint 3 Telling you where they are :
shady looking guy who runs fast has them


How do so many people miss the boots? You get them as part of a search for a non-optional item. I mean, you don't have to get them, but if you follow the storyline the game presents you, you should get them naturally. I'm just surprised that seems to be such a common problem, but I guess and hope you can get them anytime later anyway.

I'm willing to bet 99% of people who are missing the boots actually played and remember LttP. The game just plays with your expectations here. I have no doubt that if I'd never played ALttP, I'd have gotten them instantly. I still got it relatively soon, but it took me a while to think about it.

I think this is the first case in which veterans of the series are at a notable disadvantage because of how their expectations are fooling them. It's beautiful.


Hint 1 :
You can get them once you've gotten the smooth stone thing back to the zora queen(possibly once you're aware it's been stolen, but definately once you've given it back)

Hint 2 :
Who's acting differently in Kariko?

Hint 3 Telling you where they are :
shady looking guy who runs fast has them

For hint 1, you can definitely do it once you're aware of it happening. Did it immediately on my Hero mode run.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hint 1 :
You can get them once you've gotten the smooth stone thing back to the zora queen(possibly once you're aware it's been stolen, but definately once you've given it back)

Hint 2 :
Who's acting differently in Kariko?

Hint 3 Telling you where they are :
shady looking guy who runs fast has them

But how do you stop the guy? He runs too fast.

On another note, I am about halfway through and, at this juncture, this is easily the best game I have played in 10 years.


I'm willing to bet 99% of people who are missing the boots actually played and remember LttP. The game just plays with your expectations here. I have no doubt that if I'd never played ALttP, I'd have gotten them instantly. I still got it relatively soon, but it took me a while to think about it.

I think this is the first case in which veterans of the series are at a notable disadvantage because of how their expectations are fooling them. It's beautiful.

I replay ALttP each other year and had no problem getting them, but what more surprises me is why no one seems to talk to the NPCs in the game. Because the little kid near the thief, where you have to merge with the wall, says exactly what you have to do, to catch him... It just proves that people don't talk to NPCs that doesn't seem relevant in the game.


Finished the game just now, FUCKING LOVED IT! They should make another sequel.

Got all the heart pieces and upgraded all my items, only thing missing is to do the last Treacherous Tower course.

This and LTTP both rank as my favourite Zelda game ever. Definitely my personal GOTY, sorry The Last of Us.


I think this is the first case in which veterans of the series are at a notable disadvantage because of how their expectations are fooling them. It's beautiful.

I don't know,
I've played ALTTP countless times and didn't have a problem. Probably because I talked to the kid first, I didn't even know what happens if you try to get to the thief without the wall ability, I just used it right away. But on the other hand, you're right, I often tried to get over a hole with the hookshot until I remembered I can merge with the walls now


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Didn't play last night. Probably will resort to a guide tonight.

I'm missing just 1 heart piece and I'll basically have 100% the game on normal in my mind. I say that cause I'm not counting the great cucco thing.

Wish I didn't have to use the guide but fuck if I know what heart I missed. I've been practically everywhere multiple times too. So I don't see how I've missed it.


I just started the game and beat the
Tower of Hera
. So far, the game is pretty good (no surprise). The renting system changes the traditional Zelda experience enough to be distinctive, but I feel that the balance of the game with the system is not quite right, since there is a penalty for dying, the game seems easier than other Zeldas.


Didn't play last night. Probably will resort to a guide tonight.

I'm missing just 1 heart piece and I'll basically have 100% the game on normal in my mind. I say that cause I'm not counting the great cucco thing.

Wish I didn't have to use the guide but fuck if I know what heart I missed. I've been practically everywhere multiple times too. So I don't see how I've missed it.
Don't want to give it away but, there's one in
an area that you visit very early in the game.
It was one of the last ones I got anyway.


Finished the game last night and thought the ending was pretty terrific
(Who saw Ravio being Dark Link coming? That was an awesome reveal)

This is most certainly my favourite handheld Zelda, and is up there with a lot of the big boys as one of the best Zelda's ever made. AND it didn't last 50 hours, which is really nice. So much of the fat was cut away, none of that superfluous padding.

As much as I wanna go back and 100% I think I'll wait on it for a little while, got far too much other stuff to play before the end of the year (I'm looking at you Mario 3D World and Tearaway!)


Didn't play last night. Probably will resort to a guide tonight.

I'm missing just 1 heart piece and I'll basically have 100% the game on normal in my mind. I say that cause I'm not counting the great cucco thing.

Wish I didn't have to use the guide but fuck if I know what heart I missed. I've been practically everywhere multiple times too. So I don't see how I've missed it.

Rupee Rush won twice in each world?


How do so many people miss the boots? You get them as part of a search for a non-optional item. I mean, you don't have to get them, but if you follow the storyline the game presents you, you should get them naturally. I'm just surprised that seems to be such a common problem, but I guess and hope you can get them anytime later anyway.

I didn't get them because I happened to see the smooth stone on sale in Kakariko Village without finding the shady guy first. I found him later on by accident.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I didn't get them because I happened to see the smooth stone on sale in Kakariko Village without finding the shady guy first. I found him later on by accident.

Same here.
LttP messing with my head.
I assumed you had to use the boots to do what gets you the boots. I figured you would find them in a dungeon or something later and before I realized it I was at the end of the game with no boots.

Same thing happened to me. Felt so dumb afterwards :/


The final boss was amazing in every way. Might be my favorite final boss of a game this year, and amongst Zelda games with WW.

100 percent done. Need to check my playtime. So sad it's over.


So after replaying the game in hero mode, I'm not sure Yuga being himself after fusing with ganon.
He calls her "her highness" and talks about her in good light when he is on Hyrule, who is going to hear him and report he is going to betray her anyways? No reason to call her that if he is thinking about betraying her at that point. Also this plays after he gets the triforce of widsom : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCka6X4mixo. SS intro? Demise desire? At the very least he is influenced by ganon's desires


I think I'm going to jump into hero mode this weekend. I gave this game a week break after 100%ing it last Saturday.

Just want to say that this has by the most consistent dungeon design in any Zelda in recent memory. Seriously, every dungeon was really well made, and I find myself having a difficult time figuring out which one was my favorite. That, and some of those bosses were superbly done.


After letting the game sink a week after completing it, I came to the conclusion that this adventure game is almost perfect. The only things I would prefer is a bit more difficulty (Or Hero Mode accessible from the start at least, the WWHD one, not 4X damage) and a more fleshed out or surprising story.
An instant classic.


After letting the game sink a week after completing it, I came to the conclusion that this adventure game is almost perfect. The only things I would prefer is a bit more difficulty (Or Hero Mode accessible from the start at least, the WWHD one, not 4X damage) and a more fleshed out or surprising story.
An instant classic.

That would be kind of a joke, since the difficulty would revert back to normal once you get the blue mail. And that could happen quite early in the game if you don't know what you are doing (in other words: if you are playing the game for the first time).

Chitown B

got to Lorule a couple days ago, just been wandering looking for cracks. Also i'm in the thieves hideout now. I love that there are just random places that have nothing to do with the main quest.
Just beat the game and Jesus holy shit. This kind of gaming experience truly comes around once a generation. I really didn't think Nintendo had it in them to make something as brilliant as A Link to the Past but I was wrong. So wrong. This is their crowning achievement of the 2000s. That ending. Man. I don't usually tear up but damn the characters are just so lovable and interesting. They did such a good job of creating a fascinating world to explore that doesn't feel stale even after having played ALttP so many times before. I couldn't put the game down tilli finished it. I'm talking up till 3AM with no eating or bathroom breaks. Absolutely absorbing and enthralling. Even with GTAV, TLoU and Mario 3D, this easily tops my best of the year list. Those other games are great, but this is on another level. Nintendo still has it. Even after languishing through years of mediocre affair, they still have it.


Just finished the game and obviously it was amazing. Am ready to start my hero mode run, however I wanted to ask a few questions for those who completed.

First, whats the optimal order for beating the dungeons (namely the lorule ones)?
I'm thinking Swamp Palace first and then Turtle Rock for the Tunic and Shield but then I'm kinda lost. Should I go power glove or Master Ores next?

Second, is hero mode harder enemies that do more damage or do you also have little to no heart-refills as well?

Lastly, is there a way to measure your completion status of the game? Just want to make sure I see everything and it seems you just have to make sure you do it yourself (no percentages or anything).
I just finished it, and this is possibly the greatest title in the series. Or it has the best puzzles anyway.

Wishing for another Triforce... that's just ridiculous. Better make sure Ganon never hears about that shit. Speaking of, zero fucks given about how easy it was to dispatch him, apparently... nor any explanation what happened to him after he and Yuga were defeated.

Am I right in assuming that the old man in Kakariko who handles Streetpass stuff is Link from ALttP?


I just finished it, and this is possibly the greatest title in the series. Or it has the best puzzles anyway.

Wishing for another Triforce... that's just ridiculous. Better make sure Ganon never hears about that shit.

Yeah I dont think they can wish for another trirforce, It was more like they wished to restore Lorule and the old triforce was restored that way. Because if you can wish for a new triforce.. i dont know what could happen

Just finished the game and obviously it was amazing. Am ready to start my hero mode run, however I wanted to ask a few questions for those who completed.

First, whats the optimal order for beating the dungeons (namely the lorule ones)?
I'm thinking Swamp Palace first and then Turtle Rock for the Tunic and Shield but then I'm kinda lost. Should I go power glove or Master Ores next?

Second, is hero mode harder enemies that do more damage or do you also have little to no heart-refills as well?

Lastly, is there a way to measure your completion status of the game? Just want to make sure I see everything and it seems you just have to make sure you do it yourself (no percentages or anything).

I'd say go for the blue tunic first, then thieves hiddeout for the first master ore and the sand rod. After that get the mints and go get the master ore from Lorule Sanctuary so you can upgrade your sword.

Hero mode is x4 damage, heart drops are still there but since you get 1-2 shooted often most of the time those are uselessl.

Not in game.


Am I right in assuming that the old man in Kakariko who handles Streetpass stuff is Link from ALttP?

That is actually a good theory many people believe in. I dont think is him (there is a few generations in between), but most likely someone related to him, grandson or something (this game is a few generatiosn later right?).
Just beat the game and Jesus holy shit. This kind of gaming experience truly comes around once a generation. I really didn't think Nintendo had it in them to make something as brilliant as A Link to the Past but I was wrong. So wrong. This is their crowning achievement of the 2000s. That ending. Man. I don't usually tear up but damn the characters are just so lovable and interesting. They did such a good job of creating a fascinating world to explore that doesn't feel stale even after having played ALttP so many times before. I couldn't put the game down tilli finished it. I'm talking up till 3AM with no eating or bathroom breaks. Absolutely absorbing and enthralling. Even with GTAV, TLoU and Mario 3D, this easily tops my best of the year list. Those other games are great, but this is on another level. Nintendo still has it. Even after languishing through years of mediocre affair, they still have it.
Yeah I dont think they can wish for another trirforce, It was more like they wished to restore Lorule and the old triforce was restored that way. Because if you can wish for a new triforce.. i dont know what could happen

The gods should have just drowned Lorule, so all the crevices become rivers and lakes. :p

But seriously, I probably wouldn't have just dumped the Loforce, because that implies that the Triforce breaks the first rule of wish-granting objects :lol


The gods should have just drowned Lorule, so all the crevices become rivers and lakes. :p

But seriously, I probably wouldn't have just dumped the Loforce, because that implies that the Triforce breaks the first rule of wish-granting objects :lol

Yeah I know. "Zelda? What do we do?" "Whish for more Triforces so we get more wishes! Yay!" Also, these lorule guys must been really really strong, how the hell someone destroy the power of the gods?

Now, about drowing lorule, I actually wished for that to happen before the game was released. Lorule is missing a hero? Nope, wont go the wind waker way, we will take someelse's hero


Just finished the game and obviously it was amazing. Am ready to start my hero mode run, however I wanted to ask a few questions for those who completed.

Lastly, is there a way to measure your completion status of the game? Just want to make sure I see everything and it seems you just have to make sure you do it yourself (no percentages or anything).

Not in game, but 100% IIRC is:

All Heart Pieces
All Maiamais
Fully upgraded Tunic (Red)
Fully upgraded Master Sword (once from Hyrule Blacksmith, once from Lorule Blacksmith)
All items/gear (including Pegasus Boots, Bee Badge, Hint Glasses)
All bottles
Super Net and Super Lantern (easiest to miss, IMO)


GOTY for me, slightly edges out Last Of Us because of the nostalgia of going back to my favorite game/ favorite world in LTTP.


Yeah I dont think they can wish for another trirforce, It was more like they wished to restore Lorule and the old triforce was restored that way. Because if you can wish for a new triforce.. i dont know what could happen

I think you just figured out the Zelda timeline.
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