Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


Membero Americo
That's like someone wishing more wishes from a genie.

Something's gonna turn BAAAAAD some of these days.
I really have my doubts that the Wii U Zelda will be this good. I mean, this game is too good. There's no doubt that the classic Hyrule mapis just so well crafted that it can be played many times and not feel old.


That would be kind of a joke, since the difficulty would revert back to normal once you get the blue mail. And that could happen quite early in the game if you don't know what you are doing (in other words: if you are playing the game for the first time).

True. But the simple thing as no heart drops would help a lot.

Astral Dog

Am i the only one that is not dissapointed that the dungeons are a bit more short?
i mean, i think it may help a little with the pacing, a short dungeon its not necessarily a bad one.


Am i the only one that is not dissapointed that the dungeons are a bit more short?
i mean, i think it may help a little with the pacing, a short dungeon its not necessarily a bad one.

I'd have liked if the game had some longer/more complex dungeons, but I'm not terribly bothered by it. To make up for it, ALBW has more dungeons than most other Zelda games and a whole lot of captivating dungeons is still better than a long dungeon that drags.


Last night I finished the baseball mini-game...last ball, had 95, and a gold pot was down the left field line...I somehow hit it and got 100.

The only heart piece left is at the Rupee Rush (I had to look it up). I got all of the Malumai or whatever, it was actually a ton of fun figuring out where the last 20 were. Having them all in the over world and not inside was a great idea.

Did the Treasurous Tower the second time...and I have the maxxed out sword. Literally the only thing I have to do before beating the game with 100% is the Rupee Rush.

Couldn't find a golden bee (I have before, but couldn't for the life of me find one when I wanted it)...so I bought one for 9999 :D

Amazing game...half way through Lorule castle.

Also, I'm not happy to admit it, but I used the tip mask thing to solve the Ore puzzle in the Dark Palace. I spent forever trying things out and didn't even think it would be that simple...but in hindsight it makes sense.

Grrr...oh well, only needed it once.


The Lorule dungeons are so much better than the first 3, so great. To be expected though I guess.

The whole "flat difficulty" thing actually isnt affecting me how I thought it would. The dungeons are all so interesting and well made that I find myself not really caring that they're all a similar difficulty. They're all just as fun which is all that really matters.

Also I got over 100 on the baseball game fairly easily. Aim for the birds! They're hard to miss as the ball kind of locks on.

Question: it seems there's a few items I don't have, such as being able to move big rocks or dive lower. Can I find these just by exploring the overworld or are they dungeon items?

Couldn't find a golden bee (I have before, but couldn't for the life of me find one when I wanted it)...so I bought one for 9999 :D
You can buy one for around 800 from a guy in Lorule's woods
Beaten again, I feel I should go for a Hero Mode run next. I just... dread doing the Treacherous Tower twice to 100% it.

Ending spoilers:
I think, considering how little narrative agency Ganon has, the usage of his theme songs and stuff in the end feel really unearned and out of place, especially the build up in Lorule Castle. Knowing that Ganon was essentially nothing to the story kind of ruined the point where his theme builds up in the background music for me this second play through.


So after replaying the game in hero mode, I'm not sure Yuga being himself after fusing with ganon.
He calls her "her highness" and talks about her in good light when he is on Hyrule, who is going to hear him and report he is going to betray her anyways? No reason to call her that if he is thinking about betraying her at that point. Also this plays after he gets the triforce of widsom : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCka6X4mixo. SS intro? Demise desire? At the very least he is influenced by ganon's desires
I just see "Her Highness" as an empty saying the way he uses it. Almost sarcastic.


Such a beautiful game and has me gaming every night, something I haven't done in quite a while. The last game I played on the 3DS was Gunman Clive I believe. Following the next-gen launches a little has made me really appreciate what Nintendo game design brings to our hobby. First 3DS game i have played with the 3D on the whole time, gorgeous and suprisingly immersive. Masterpiece!
So ive read everywhere you can change the color of the pins on the map.
For the love of god someone tell me how to do it!

Its not really helpful now becuase I got all the overworld secrets, but I cant die without knowing it, and trying everything to see if they change color is driving me crazy lol

EDIT Holy shit I just discovered is clicking on them when they are already placed on the map. You can erase them as well with that pop up menu! I always erased them putting them back with the other pins.
I feel stupid now lol


So ive read everywhere you can change the color of the pins on the map.
For the love of god someone tell me how to do it!

Its not really helpful now becuase I got all the overworld secrets, but I cant die without knowing it, and trying everything to see if they change color is driving me crazy lol

EDIT Holy shit I just discovered is clicking on them when they are already placed on the map. You can erase them as well with that pop up menu! I always erased them putting them back with the other pins.
I feel stupid now lol

Huh, that could have helped a lot really. I was using pins to mark the locations of pieces of hearts I got, and there were a couple of times I saw one I couldn't get yet, I didnt know how to mark it.


Started Hero Mode yesterday. The beginning feels a little more tense, since all the enemies now take two hearts, but I still got through the first dungeon just fine. You just have to be a little more careful.

Question: it seems there's a few items I don't have, such as being able to move big rocks or dive lower. Can I find these just by exploring the overworld or are they dungeon items?

You can find the better glove in a dungeon. There's nothing that lets you dive deeper.


The Lorule dungeons are so much better than the first 3, so great. To be expected though I guess.

The whole "flat difficulty" thing actually isnt affecting me how I thought it would. The dungeons are all so interesting and well made that I find myself not really caring that they're all a similar difficulty. They're all just as fun which is all that really matters.

Also I got over 100 on the baseball game fairly easily. Aim for the birds! They're hard to miss as the ball kind of locks on.

Question: it seems there's a few items I don't have, such as being able to move big rocks or dive lower. Can I find these just by exploring the overworld or are they dungeon items?

You can buy one for around 800 from a guy in Lorule's woods
Hah! Welp, too late now!

Finished it...awesome ending...though I didn't get the Red Tunic...and now I have to redo the final dungeon because I didn't save after :(
Playing Wind Waker HD after this game (my second run through Wind Waker ever) and I have to say it is day and night. Wind Waker would have been ok if they had added two or three more dungeons, but as it is, the game is super sparse. I have also only played through Majoras Mask once, and thought that easily had the most sidequests and distractions, but it is not even close... Wind Waker takes the cake easily. But it's problem is all the open space means every little thing takes forever to do, like getting the deku water to water the plants, even with fast travel and the faster sail. It really made me realize what a breath of fresh air ALBW is. Don't get me wrong, Wind Waker has it's moments, but it is easily my least favorite Zelda.

Contrary to most, I actually think Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction. If you take out Fi, and eliminate some of the padding like the bloated intro, the trip back to the first dungeon, and the tadtones, you actually had a really dense and meaty game where you always felt like you were doing something meaningful. The overworld wasn't a big empty space, but a well designed puzzle you had to conquer on your way to your next destination. I hope Zelda Wii U continues this trend, but takes it even further like in ALBW, where barely a second of your time ever feels wasted.


Hah! Welp, too late now!

Finished it...awesome ending...though I didn't get the Red Tunic...and now I have to redo the final dungeon because I didn't save after :(

How do you save after the final dungeon, anyway? It just took me back to the title screen...
Unless of course you mean finish the dungeon, go out, save, go back in and fight the last boss.
Playing Wind Waker HD after this game (my second run through Wind Waker ever) and I have to say it is day and night. Wind Waker would have been ok if they had added two or three more dungeons, but as it is, the game is super sparse. I have also only played through Majoras Mask once, and thought that easily had the most sidequests and distractions, but it is not even close... Wind Waker takes the cake easily. But it's problem is all the open space means every little thing takes forever to do, like getting the deku water to water the plants, even with fast travel and the faster sail. It really made me realize what a breath of fresh air ALBW is. Don't get me wrong, Wind Waker has it's moments, but it is easily my least favorite Zelda.

Contrary to most, I actually think Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction. If you take out Fi, and eliminate some of the padding like the bloated intro, the trip back to the first dungeon, and the tadtones, you actually had a really dense and meaty game where you always felt like you were doing something meaningful. The overworld wasn't a big empty space, but a well designed puzzle you had to conquer on your way to your next destination. I hope Zelda Wii U continues this trend, but takes it even further like in ALBW, where barely a second of your time ever feels wasted.

Now here's a post I can get behind! Agreed about Wind Waker and Skyward Sword. I honestly do like for Zelda to be a bit slow though, just a preference I guess that not many would agree with. I liked ALBW a lot but I'm starting to forget about it due to how fast I blew through it. It was great, don't get me wrong, but I felt like it was over too fast. I've probably been conditioned a lot though by the newer games that are much slower. That doesn't bother me though.


How do you save after the final dungeon, anyway? It just took me back to the title screen...
Unless of course you mean finish the dungeon, go out, save, go back in and fight the last boss.

I just meant before I went into hte final door, I should have gone back outside and saved...but now have to redo the dungeon.

I have all 20 hearts and everything except the tunic...so I need to get that and then I have officially 100%'d the game.


So apparently I did the dungeons in the hardest order without realizing.

I didn't upgrade my sword until my 4th dungeon and armour until 5th dungeon.

Ice Dungeon as your second one was actually really fun.

Without an upgraded item. I didn't even think to go back after every 10 maimei, I just was waiting until I got 100.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't even know how to upgrade my armor, and I only have three dungeons to go. I found the pegasus boots finally, though!
I finished this game a few nights ago. It's truly incredible. I've been pretty down on the Zelda series since...the N64. I haven't even bothered to finish a Zelda game since Link's Awakening. However I plowed my way right through this one, finishing it in just a few nights. I was mesmerized from start to finish, I absolutely couldn't put it down.

I don't know what else to say besides "Welcome back, Zelda." Best Nintendo game in a long time, and hands down the best game this year in my book.


hey guys is it possible to use your keys in a manner that you can no longer progress through lorule castle? i've killed 3 of the mini bosses in there but i can't seem to find another key for the last, i may have made a mistake somewhere


hey guys is it possible to use your keys in a manner that you can no longer progress through lorule castle? i've killed 3 of the mini bosses in there but i can't seem to find another key for the last, i may have made a mistake somewhere

I'm guessing you missed the chest in the middle of the first floor.
Just beat the game, quick question though. Didn't I read somewhere that at the end of ALBTW there would be an answer if Majoras mask would be remade?
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but does anyone else think that Zelda Wii U might actually be a sequel to Majoras Mask? With the reveal of Skull Kid as an assist trophy in Smash Bros. 4, the reference in ALBW, the teasing about a possible Majoras Mask 3D... It just has me wondering. The structure of MM certainly would work well with the more open structure introduced in ALBW and Aonuma hinted you would be able to chose dungeon order in Zelda Wii U. He also mentioned the possibility of more than one person being able to play... Imagine some sort of co-op or competitive feature where you use masks to become Zoras, Gorons, Dekus, etc. I dunno... it could be cool. I'm sure whatever they end up doing I will enjoy though.


Challenged a buddy who beat this game to play A Link to the Past. He just got the master sword and has racked up 27 deaths right around dungeon 1 in Dark world.

He died once going through this game.

The different movement is probably messing with his head. Link can aim the sword in any direction unlike the 4 directons he can swipe in lttp


So is there ever a point to having so much money in this game? I'm already over 3k and haven't died yet so I still have all the items rented out.
Ah, good. I was getting a little worried there.

You'll still end up with tons of cash eventually. But there's a ton of minigames and such that require entrance fees and the like. I think it's also supposed to be like a score thing, sort of like NSMB, cause at the end of your game it will tell you the total number of rupees collected (mine was like 15k).


Just finished the game on normal setting. Loved thr storyline, but definitely needs to put the weapons back in the dungeon. Had so much rupees to burn in the end, that I just played minigames on end. This is my first game that I literally was addicted and finiahed over a 2 week time, given my hectic work schedule. Nintendk definitely knows how to make games and bring nostalgia back :). I might just play Ocarina of Time 3DS now :)
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