Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall



Unconfirmed Member
Which weapons do you all usually keep equipped? I usually have the boomerang on X and the fire rod on Y. Also, I'm nearly done with the game and I think I've used the shield two or three times, heh.
Hey, is this game considerably shorter than normal Zelda games?

Just curious. Only really played and loved Oracle of Seasons as far as handheld Zeldas go, but I'm hoping this is a sizeable adventure


Unconfirmed Member
Hey, is this game considerably shorter than normal Zelda games?

Just curious. Only really played and loved Oracle of Seasons as far as handheld Zeldas go, but I'm hoping this is a sizeable adventure
Not considerably shorter, but a little shorter. The dungeons all feel pretty small, but I think they're really satisfying. The overworld has a decent amount of stuff to explore and do.
Not considerably shorter, but a little shorter. The dungeons all feel pretty small, but I think they're really satisfying. The overworld has a decent amount of stuff to explore and do.

Hmm.. hopefully the sidequests and stuff are varied and interesting enough. Thanks!


I agree that it's too easy. Hero mode, or something in between, should have been an option from the beginning.

My only complaint so far.

This is a complaint I've had with Japanese games since the beginning of time: you always have to beat the game to unlock harder modes. Why is that?
Hey, is this game considerably shorter than normal Zelda games?

Just curious. Only really played and loved Oracle of Seasons as far as handheld Zeldas go, but I'm hoping this is a sizeable adventure
I'd say its aboit on par for the 2D games which have always been considerably shorter than the 3D games. However those aren't necessarily bad things since a lot of the 3D games are a bit bloated.
Hmm. So it's easy peasy eh?

Any chance of Nintendo patching Hero mode on by default? I mean, if there's a chance in hell, I'll rather wait for that update than start playing, but I'm guessing it's impossible to ever communicate with Nintendo


Hmm. So it's easy peasy eh?

Any chance of Nintendo patching Hero mode on by default? I mean, if there's a chance in hell, I'll rather wait for that update than start playing, but I'm guessing it's impossible to ever communicate with Nintendo

About zero percent chance. Or less.


I got the Zelda 3DSXL bundle so this is my first 3DS game, as well as my first Zelda game in quite some time. I've only played about an hour of LttP so besides the obvious similarities in the overworld, specific references to that game are lost on me.

I love everything about this game from the music, sense of exploration and even the use of 3D which I expected not to care about. The wall flattening mechanic really shows off the incredibly deliberate level design. I'm not finding the game to be too easy either, although like I said I haven't played a Zelda game in forever. I recently got to Lorule and I'm just exploring looking for more portals. I've died 3 or 4 times already. The game is filled with so many great moments.. like when it suddenly clicked how I can get the Maiaimais stuck on walls, or finding a secret that's cleverly hidden from your perspective.


the piano man
damn... once I got al the paintings and received
the triforce of courage, it really gave me goosebumps, talking to the sages going up the stairs somehow felt really epic.

and when I thought the excitement was over, I come back to lorule only to hear an increbidly epic arrangement of LTTP Dark World's theme.

I am suspecting I'll get all chocked up when I see the credits rolling, it always happens with zelda games.


I agree that it's too easy. Hero mode, or something in between, should have been an option from the beginning.

My only complaint so far.

I have the same sentiments, as well. Which is why I've decided to quickly burn through the game (skipping the cut scenes & all that fluff), so that I could access Hero Mode for that much needed difficulty increase. I'm now enjoying the game much more in Hero Mode because of that.


damn... once I got al the paintings and received
the triforce of courage, it really gave me goosebumps, talking to the sages going up the stairs somehow felt really epic.

Yeah that particular scene was so simple in design and yet it felt so perfect.
About zero percent chance. Or less.


I'm going to be really bothered by the fact that I have to play through the game on easy mode before getting a proper challenge. Nintendo is willing to give player choice for sucky players in Mario, but can't do the same for players looking for a challenge.


So in the end, here's my thoughts

+ Nostalgia overdrive (in a good way). When that Zelda main theme hits for the first time when you're on the over world, goose bumps.
+ Rental system is fantastic. Great addition to the Zelda formula.
+ Gameplay is extremely solid. Fun platforming. Fun simple combat. Fun items. Fun puzzles. Fun Dungeons. Fun.
+ Fun.
+ Great use of 3D for specific gameplay segments, but you can also turn it off for the rest of the game. Great balance.
+ Music is standard Zelda fare (which is a good thing) and sounds crisp
+ Fantastic game length. No fetch quests to artificially increase game length.

+/- Game is too easy, but you do have some good options to make it harder (by doing dungeons in wrong order with rental system)

- Hate SD / cartoony graphics.
- I'm tired of no voice acting.
- Extremely disappointing ending. The reveals were so expected. Why does every Zelda game recently wait until the very end to do anything story related.
- If you're playing the game for story, just don't. Nintendo just doesn't know how to do story in video games obviousely.
- While Nostalgia is a huge bonus, it's also the same formula we have been playing for so long. Franchise fatigue is a real thing for me with Zelda.


- Disappointing non-epic final boss
Yuga was annoying. I wanted actual Ganon or a more serious end boss


I have such a blast playing this game, has been some time since i felt so good playing one

Last game i felt so genuingly exited to keep playing was Dark Souls

Zelda is back, hopefully they keep brining the goods on 3DS at least

I just got in the castle area, so i am close to the end, missing 5 heart containes


- Hate SD / cartoony graphics.
- I'm tired of no voice acting.
- Extremely disappointing ending. The reveals were so expected. Why does every Zelda game recently wait until the very end to do anything story related.
- If you're playing the game for story, just don't. Nintendo just doesn't know how to do story in video games obviousely.
- While Nostalgia is a huge bonus, it's also the same formula we have been playing for so long.


- Disappointing non-epic final boss
Yuga was annoying. I wanted actual Ganon or a more serious end boss

Sooo much disagree that quote right there.


I'm going to be really bothered by the fact that I have to play through the game on easy mode before getting a proper challenge. Nintendo is willing to give player choice for sucky players in Mario, but can't do the same for players looking for a challenge.

Difficulty is not an objective thing. Especially since it really depends on the order you do the dungeons in or if you do frontloaded exploration or not. I found my play experience perfectly balanced since I ventured into the world to explore areas inhabited by enemies dealing more damage than I could handle and not knowing how to best deal with other new enemies.


I'm not spoiling anything for you. Go play the game and don't read spoilers :p

Sooo much disagree that quote right there.

Okay? Well thanks for letting me know your feelings. If you'd like to discuss it, let me know :p


Unconfirmed Member

I'm going to be really bothered by the fact that I have to play through the game on easy mode before getting a proper challenge. Nintendo is willing to give player choice for sucky players in Mario, but can't do the same for players looking for a challenge.
I'm pretty sure you can skip heart containers at the end of each dungeon. That'll make it harder. Spoil yourself on where the armor and sword upgrades are, too. They're optional.


I'm pretty sure you can skip heart containers at the end of each dungeon. That'll make it harder. Spoil yourself on where the armor and sword upgrades are, too. They're optional.

Don't spoil yourself on the location. Just do the dungeons in this order:

Ice Dungeon > Turtle Rock > Skull Woods > Dark Palace > Thieve's Hideout > Desert Palace > Swamp Palace


I just finished it. Loved the last battle, and the mega plot twist, I honestly wasn't really expecting that reveal :D.

Loved the ending, the music, the credit sequence and what happened to Lorule afterwards.

Such an amazing game from start to finish!!


You mean
you do not get to fight the Ganon we saw at the start of the game ?

Emm, not exaclty, If you want to know what happens:

After you get the 3 pendants
- Yuga summons ganon and fuses with him.

After you get the requirements to fight the final boss.
- Yuga fights with you, he is not ganon, but his body looks like ganon's because they are one now.


Emm, not exaclty, If you want to know what happens:

After you get the 3 pendants
- Yuga summons ganon and fuses with him.

After you get the requirements to fight the final boss.
- Yuga fights with you, he is not ganon, but his body looks like ganon's because they are one now.

I see

That is fine i guess then :)


HOLY SHIT the skull woods boss its the shittiest boss in all of zelda damn.. :/

Agreed. I wasn't hit once. I just stood against the wall. merged, waited for 3 slaps, unmerged, merged, waited for 4 slaps, unmerged, waited for powering up punch, merged, unmerged, whacked him. repeat I think 4 times. Boring. I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't have needed to unmerge all those times.


Finished it tonight. Definitely one of the best games of the year. I loved the story actually, it's exactly the type of story I like in Zelda: unintrusive and simple. My main complaint is that all the dungeons have the same (low) level of difficulty and the economy of the game is fucked; you are absolutely drowing in rupees all of the time.

That said, the game's OST is probably the best in Zelda history, the dungeon music especially is by far the best it's ever been. The controls are smooth as butter and it was just a wonderful throwback to Zelda games of old in terms of design.

What is that from?


the piano man
the game's OST is probably the best in Zelda history, the dungeon music especially is by far the best it's ever been. The controls are smooth as butter and it was just a wonderful throwback to Zelda games of old in terms of design.

I still think that Ocarina of Time holds the title for the biggest amount of brand new epic melodies but I believe this game has the best arrangements of zelda tunes in all of zelda history,

it's truly spectacular how good this game sounds. the credits rolling happened some minutes ago and it was so touching how everything happened. it puts to shame AAA console games in the music department.

loved the reveal, very fitting.

such a lovely game, deserves all the praise.

it's mindblowing how much better this game is compared to the DS games, spirits tracks has some nice, maybe even better dungeons but all things compared, both are incredibly mediocre compared to this game.

this is light years away superior in every department and I say this as someone who played 3 times each one of those 2 games to a 100% completion each time. Thank god the wind waker style on handhelds with touch-only controls idea is gone forever, good ridance.


So my close friend just finished it, he said it was super great and all but it was short (12h) and super easy, he didnt die.

For 39,99$ that is a lot, does it have a NG+ ?


I shot people I like more for less.
So my close friend just finished it, he said it was super great and all but it was short (12h) and super easy, he didnt die.

For 39,99$ that is a lot, does it have a NG+ ?

There's hero mode, which is an increased difficulty. I think you take 4x damage from everything.


Just got the digital version a few hours ago. Amazing so far!

A Link to the Past was the first Zelda that I played all the way through to the end and has always been my favorite Zelda.

Finally, this one, A Link Between Worlds, might actually become my new favorite Zelda entry.


Finished this a few days ago, logged in 17 1/2 hours. Didn't 100% it, just played at my own pace and took my time. Easily my favorite handheld Zelda ever, and probably in my top 3 Zelda games regardless of platform. Loved that you could tackle the dungeons in any order you wish, and that you could rent all items from the get go. Some of the best dungeon designs in my opinion in the entire series. The Dark Palace in particular stood out. I hope Nintendo applies some of these designs to the Wii U Zelda.


So my close friend just finished it, he said it was super great and all but it was short (12h) and super easy, he didnt die.

For 39,99$ that is a lot, does it have a NG+ ?
super short is a lie, he clearly didn't explore much. and you really haven't heard about hero mode? this game is not lacking in content.


Who else used pins on a regular basis? Made exploring and back tracking much, much more efficient for me.

fuck me, this avatar. Gonna be an awful week


super short is a lie, he clearly didn't explore much. and you really haven't heard about hero mode? this game is not lacking in content.
It's definitely possible to 100% it in that time, but so is ALTTP and probably any other 2D Zelda, so it is nothing new.
super short is a lie, he clearly didn't explore much. and you really haven't heard about hero mode? this game is not lacking in content.

My brother 100 percented it in two days. I can see why some would say its short or lacking content, but thats why Im playing on hero mode.


Checked my time and it only took me 16 hours to 100% it. Not as long as others but not too short either.

Doesn't matter though, it felt perfect.


My brother 100 percented it in two days. I can see why some would say its short or lacking content, but thats why Im playing on hero mode.
It's definitely possible to 100% it in that time, but so is ALTTP and probably any other 2D Zelda, so it is nothing new.

Sure it's possible. You can also finish Super Metroid in less than an hour. Someone playing for the first time, finding everything and figuring everything out will not be done casually in 12 hours by the average player.

If you're used to 60 hour Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess and expect that as your benchmark for a handheld Zelda you should set your expectations straight.
Who else used pins on a regular basis? Made exploring and back tracking much, much more efficient for me.

fuck me, this avatar. Gonna be an awful week

I used the pins sometimes to mark locations of the little babies that I couldn't get to yet. Mainly the ones that required lifting the big rocks.


Just beat the game, out of the 5 Zelda games I've played, this is the first one I've actually finished. Playtime - 16:17, defeated 15 times.

I'd be totally down for a Legend of Hilda game where you play as Ravio
I'd be totally down for a Legend of Hilda game where you play as Ravio

I can see it now:

As Ravio, you must set up your rental shop in hopes of attracting THE hero amidst a sea of wanna-be heroes to save the kingdom. However, you must ALSO make a tidy profit if you want to retire comfortably once the evil is gone. Hence, tactful lending of gear to weak heroes will net you more rupees when they inevitably bite the dust. However, you have to balance that out by making the more promising ones regulars by giving them discounts.


The only thing about the ending I thought was a missed opportunity:

When Zelda asked Link to touch the Tri Force to make a wish, they should have displayed the Tri Force on the bottom touch screen and let you touch the Tri Force of Courage, but instead we got a silly press A to touch. :(

We also need a Ravio game, I agree.
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