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Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


That's one way, but the best way is through natural means - Metroid Prime and Dark Souls do this amazingly.

I totally agree with Metroid Prime, let the player control how much of the backstory they want to read.

People don't want to just read a story. Games are in unique in that the player takes an active role. I agree that story shouldn't replace gameplay, and thankfully that's not what Zelda games have done by a long shot. Zelda has actually made pretty effective use cutscenes.

True, it's an addition on top of the gameplay, but it's an addition I'm not interested in. I'd like Adventure of Link and Link to the Past to be the model for future games. I think a fair compromise would be having the handheld games be more old style bare bones story and zippy gameplay and keep making the console ones the same way they are.

Really hate this idea. REALLY hate it.

I like my story in Zelda games. I like the ratio of gameplay:cutscene in Zelda games. I like the contextualization of what I'm doing in Zelda games. AND I like the thematic framing of many Zelda games, and think they would suffer without it.

Nintendo can give you guys a skip button, but let's not take away one of the few story-based franchises they have.

I'd probably be fine with being able to skip things as long as they give a questlog or some way for me to get any important gameplay related info in the story.


This would make more sense if the game was more like Half Life where it felt like you were the character, but the 3D Zelda stories have progressed to the point where it really makes no sense to have Link be silent. You see him in so many cutscenes that it is just weird that he is dead silent.

I think it's even goofy in HL to be honest.

The mute trope is just awkward to think about. I don't want Link waxing poetic or acting like a whiny anime cliche but there's currently an uneasy compromise in what they're trying to get out of the main player character and it sort of stretches belief.

I think some people's problem with Link talking is that they're imagining the worst case scenario or recalling "excuuuuuse me princess" as a justification against it, when there are degrees of characterization here. He can still be a man of few words, yet make them matter (see Clint Eastwood in Sergio Leone's films).
Really hate this idea. REALLY hate it.

I like my story in Zelda games. I like the ratio of gameplay:cutscene in Zelda games. I like the contextualization of what I'm doing in Zelda games. AND I like the thematic framing of many Zelda games, and think they would suffer without it.

Nintendo can give you guys a skip button, but let's not take away one of the few story-based franchises they have.

Agreed. I think they should find the perfect mixture between gameplay and cutscenes instead of gameplay only.


Nah. It was all too shrill and too EXTREEEEME. Like, trying way too hard to be cool. Almost nu-sonic levels of cringe. For me, anyway.

I loved Xenoblade because Reyn sounds just like one of my mates, and that made the entire thing hilariously awesome.

I dunno, Kid Icarus' VA is a lot like a Saturday Morning Cartoon, which adds a lot of charm to the game for me. New Sonic games have a similar quality VA-wise but an awful script in comparison. :p

And I always thought a Banjo Kazooie like VA could be a good compromise for the Zelda series, and just make an excuse that it's Hylian or something.


Should I quickly play A Link To The Past before starting this? I've never played it and I plan on playing it eventually. I'm guessing now is a good time?
Just one question... when people who have played it complain about the length of dungeons in this game... are you comparing this length with the 3D Zeldas or with the 2D ones? Because even the easiest 3D dungeon (probably the second temple of Skyward Sword) stands for nearly an hour, and even the hardest 2D dungeon (Jabu Jabu's belly en Oracle of Ages?) can be completed in 40 minutes.
They take payment via paypal - that works for me.

cool, thanks!

edit: ordered! hopefully they do send the game out early/on time!

They are a superb site but just be wary that sometimes their prices are way above the rest of the online stores.
For example GTA was about £8 more then the rest and at the moment they are asking for £11 MORE than amazon for Killzone Shadow Fall [same version].

I always use PriceSpy to check online prices before ordering anything.

Man, I've gotten like 2/3 through ALttP on multiple occasions but have never finished it. Seeing as I am getting this game day one or two, I guess I'll need to power through it this week. Only problem is that I'm like 2/3 through Wind Waker for my first time, and I don't want the same thing to happen with that!


Just one question... when people who have played it complain about the length of dungeons in this game... are you comparing this length with the 3D Zeldas or with the 2D ones? Because even the easiest 3D dungeon (probably the second temple of Skyward Sword) stands for nearly an hour, and even the hardest 2D dungeon (Jabu Jabu's belly en Oracle of Ages?) can be completed in 40 minutes.

They're 40 minutes at the most. 20-30 minutes sounds more accurate, based on my playthrough. This isn't a bad thing though, the design is very, very good. You'll feel satisfied whenever you finish a dungeon!


at last, for christ's sake
awww fuuuuck. Friday is Xbone launch day, isn't it?

I've decided to buy my Zelda from GAME as I'm going into town anyway, but I'm gonna have to fight my way through all the dudebros


heh, same here. But the taffy boy knows me well, I use to scare him enough he would bring it to my house if needed


Well, I'm only a couple of dungeons from finishing the game but I'm really, really glad I picked it up even though all the pre-release videos and stuff left me cold. It's just an extremely pleasant game to play, the controls are near perfect, the adventure has a great sense of flow and the animations and music is great (the color palette and textures used are still as ugly as the videos suggested, but you get over it eventually).

It is however the easiest Zelda game I've played (didn't finish SS or Minish Cap), some of the dungeons I ran through as fast as if I already knew every puzzle, simply because you know a dungeon will never be designed with more than one item in mind. That's not to say that the game lacks interesting dungeons or puzzles, and the addition of
treasure hunter
caves is a nice touch, but I'm not sure the whole renting items thing is something they should keep for future entries.

For those that have been playing it, could you give me a hint as to where the side quest to get the
pegasus boots
starts? I thought it would be linked to the guy who broke
his ankle on the mountain but no dice.


beautiful music when fighting in streetpass once again:
Adventure of Link

Man I love this theme

Some off screen footage of a Streetpass battle. I love the music, it's
Zelda II's Palace theme


TP had both



Hehe. On a related note this is true since a common criticism i come across in regard to TP's overworld is there's no much to do or explore, when in fact, as I'm replaying it now, it seems like there's more things to discover than ever with caves (of which some are huge mazes), heart pieces, poe's, bugs, a ton of variety of enemies to fight and of course rupees. An exceedingly overabundance of rupees which get left behind due to my constant full wallet with not enough things to spend them on anyway.

TP was missing "soul," as John TV said. Bland characters, bland environments, muddied further by muddy textures and a dark realism the system simply couldn't pull off. No real sense of urgency. What was even at stake? The people in Hyrule Castle Town didn't seem too concerned about the force field over Hyrule Castle, for example. The final battle, while fun, literally transpires in a random flat corner of Hyrule Field. The game has FANTASTIC dungeons... but the splintered and largely linear overworld, coupled with the tedium of the intro and various bug hunts, dragged things down. I liked the game quite a bit, overall, but it furthered my disenchantment with the series, where each new game feels more like a chore you're obligated to undertake as a fan of past installments. Thankfully, ALBW looks to buck that trend with legitimately refreshing gameplay and pacing.

Yeah, that guy's a jerk!

I found this to be true with minor oblivious npc's in castle town only having just done a bit of exploring after getting to the point in the game where the barrier appears but this detachment is quite the opposite with the other regions and supporting characters. Well the first half of the game anyways with ordon village residents, kakariko, the children, the gorons. The zora's...not as much.

Despite having plenty of animated npc's around castle town, you can only talk to a few of them, who happen to be forgettable, and barely any of them you have any meaningful interaction with. They seem to be completely unaware of recent events that could lead to their doom. Only three npc's outside town actually mention the twilight crystal AFAIK. At least during twlight realm sections npc's in castle town react accordingly, as well as when you turn into a wolf normal conditions, especially the guards.

I think we're just at a disconnect then overall. I thought the characters were fine, Midna was fantastic, and what you call "muddy textures and dark realism" I found to be very exceptionally atmospheric. What was at stake? More or less the same thing that is at stake in every Zelda, and that's Ganon's domination. What was at stake in Majora's Mask? Some new place called Termina, which I have no emotional connection to, is going to be destroyed by a moon with a face on it. :p

To each his own about the environments too. People frequently hate on Hyrule's overworld, but the snowy mountains, Zora's domain, the Twilight Realm, Lake Hylia, City in the Sky, etc. were drop dead gorgeous to me.

I love the environment design in this game and the overworld seems expansive without feeling empty or too boring to traverse given how fast epona+wolf form are (plus you also have fast travel).

As for voice acting in zelda, I've always like the idea of characters speaking hylian or gibberish to get emotions across, like some already have done in the series, but on a broader scale with every npc.

I think people are hesitant towards full voice acting because it may not be done well as other franchises have shown and imagine actually listening to fi or whosoever annoying voices speaking the same lines repeatedly, if you're the type of player like me who speaks to npc's multiple times anyways. Also, Zelda puts a lot of emphasis on immersing the player with music, which would be drowned out by cheesy voice acting.

Given how many NPC's zelda has, ninty would have to put a lot more resources into the game by hiring tons of voice actors, increasing the budget and development time on their already biggest series until they try to get every line right. It just doesn't seem worth it in the end. Hylian VA would be more feasible, have less room for error and be less resource intensive so I wouldn't mind if they went with something like that.

The Hermit

I find mute Link one of those weird anachronisms that just hasn't translated all that well into 3D, especially the later 3D ones with the more pronounced cinematic ambitions and elaborate storytelling. I know he's supposed to the avatar or whatever for the player, but seeing him in cutscenes with clearly defined likes and dislikes and a more vivid personality, the stronger a disconnect it creates for me. The Link in those cutscenes is not the Link that I'm playing, and we should probably stop pretending he is, its a bit awkward now.

Or maybe ditch most of the cutscenes and just tell all your story in-game so that disconnect isn't so noticeable.
Maybe put it in first person while you're at it so the player is always in the game

Agreed. Another incoherence is the fact that we all call him Link, Nintendo calls him Link in Smash and Four Swords, yet they want us to create his name, like IM in the adventure.

WTF? I don't care if he is mute, but for once stop pretending he is the player or something.
Agreed. Another incoherence is the fact that we all call him Link, Nintendo calls him Link in Smash and Four Swords, yet they want us to create his name, like IM in the adventure.

WTF? I don't care if he is mute, but for once stop pretending he is the player or something.
Didn't realize that actually bothered other Zelda fans. Link is just some base name the way I see it. Sometimes I use a name like Pepe, sometimes I leave it as default Link....


May I have a cookie?
TP was missing "soul," as John TV said. Bland characters, bland environments, muddied further by muddy textures and a dark realism the system simply couldn't pull off. No real sense of urgency. What was even at stake? The people in Hyrule Castle Town didn't seem too concerned about the force field over Hyrule Castle, for example. The final battle, while fun, literally transpires in a random flat corner of Hyrule Field. The game has FANTASTIC dungeons... but the splintered and largely linear overworld, coupled with the tedium of the intro and various bug hunts, dragged things down. I liked the game quite a bit, overall, but it furthered my disenchantment with the series, where each new game feels more like a chore you're obligated to undertake as a fan of past installments. Thankfully, ALBW looks to buck that trend with legitimately refreshing gameplay and pacing.
Part of the problem for me with TP was the combination of low resolution gamecube textures with the game's vision of starting off with a dark and colorless overworld, and having it gradually change and become more colorful as you progressed through the story. It's an interesting concept but it didn't work very well for me, and actually diminished my desire to be in that world until about after the second dungeon when the game also started to open up a bit more. Combined with the purposefully murky twilight realm areas where you only play as a wolf at first, the game's opening comes off as a bit overbearing. Again, as a concept this isn't bad because it has the potential to provide context to Link's rise to power. It could have given the whole progression a very epic feel to it, but eventually, in no small part due to the game's large scope, it becomes tiring. Also, the contrast would have been greater (and more rewarding) if by the end of the game Link gains true mastery over his environment, but this never really happens, at least not in the Wii version where combat controls aren't as accurate/easy to pull off.

We consider NSMBU a 2D installment alongside Other M, so I don't see why we wouldn't consider ALBW the same.
Who in their right mind can consider Metroid: Other M a 2D installment when you move around in three dimensional space form all sorts of angles and even go into first person regularly?!

I think it's time we started moving away from the strict categorization of 2D and 3D, as this is something Nintendo have also been doing in recent years. We should try to look at it differently, from a designer's point of view, and see what each perspective brings to the table, and how different mechanics are affected by it. Field of view, adding complexity with regards to controlling the camera, or shifting that complexity to a different part of the gameplay should all be taken into account, preferably not just between different games, but between different scenes/parts of the same game.

In Zelda's case, one thing I noticed from the video comparison between LTTP and ALBW is that navigating the overworld is much simpler and quicker with a top down camera, as opposed to an over the shoulder or 3rd person camera which is the norm in 3D Zeldas. You constantly see all around you and are able to extract relevant information out of your surroundings with more ease. The cartoon-style graphics also play a big role in this: It's almost like reading a subway chart vs. trying to visualise the actual paths the tunnels would take in 3D space underneath a city. Symbolism and abstraction go a long way towards immersing you in the world and giving you that sense of control and responsiveness. Understanding the player's relationship with his environment also becomes a non issue.

After seeing playthroughs of ALBW I honestly wouldn't mind a Wii U Zelda with similar top down camera. Maybe the designers could incorporate the ability to switch back and forth between top-down/otherwise fixed-at-a distance camera and an over the shoulder one, or even top-down/fixed and first person if it makes sense. This is something Other M started to explore, and while people didn't appear to like it, I think the concept should be revisited and further investigated. Sometimes you may want to accurately see the world from Link's perspective, or control him in combat at eye level, but there are also other times where players desire that stark contrast between the adventurer and the scale of his surroundings for that picturesque look that is oft quoted on GAF.

Considering GAF's previous game of the year was that Winnie the Pooh flash game, this makes ALBW a shoe-in for GOTY 2013 :D

He also composed the final boss theme
Fantastic orchestral style! Dramatic, but not overly so.
Definitely a great composer!

I just think they should stop half-assing it. Either Link is suppose to be me, a blank heroic slate with no discernible personality whatsoever for the player to cast himself on, or he's a living breathing character who's totally crushing on Llia in Twilight Princess with cornball romantic cutscenes and shit. I think the mute Link concept is something that worked better in the older 2D games. But that's just me and how I like Zelda. I haven't really cared about any of the 3D Zelda's narratives outside an individual moment here or there, so the increased lengths they go to tell these stories is kinda lost on me.
This is an interesting topic for discussion. If you think about Link as an archetypical mythological hero, then it really is necessary to straddle that fine line between being an avatar and being a superman. The same goes for many protagonists in these kinds of stories. Look at Squall in FFVIII or Luke Skywalker or Perseus etc. They have their dramatic moments, but as a whole don't stray as far away from the norm as other characters in their respective story-arcs that they become alien.


If I pre-order this on Amazon will it ship to my house by Thursday or do they ship it Thursday morning? If not ill go to my local game store. Never tried with Amazon with buying games before.


If I pre-order this on Amazon will it ship to my house by Thursday or do they ship it Thursday morning? If not ill go to my local game store. Never tried with Amazon with buying games before.

When I preordered Pokemon, it arrived a day late. Here in the UK, games release on a Friday, so there really was no excuse.
They're 40 minutes at the most. 20-30 minutes sounds more accurate, based on my playthrough. This isn't a bad thing though, the design is very, very good. You'll feel satisfied whenever you finish a dungeon!

Thank you! Are dungeons in this game just as linear as the ones in the last Zeldas? Or they let you explore the temple with more freedom?


When I preordered Pokemon, it arrived a day late. Here in the UK, games release on a Friday, so there really was no excuse.

I'm in the U.S. I ask because I have Thursday off work and it would be nice to wake up to it delivered instead of me going to Gamestop and reserving it and going to pick it up.


Thank you! Are dungeons in this game just as linear as the ones in the last Zeldas? Or they let you explore the temple with more freedom?

They're rather linear IMO. It's like you always instantly know what to do, and where to do it. You just flow through them. Of course there are instances where a puzzle will have you think for a moment, but for the most time it's rather clear what to do. There is some additional stuff in the dungeons, though, and the payoff of getting these treasures is really great!
They're rather linear IMO. It's like you always instantly know what to do, and where to do it. You just flow through them. Of course there are instances where a puzzle will have you think for a moment, but for the most time it's rather clear what to do. There is some additional stuff in the dungeons, though, and the payoff of getting these treasures is really great!

I don't know if we're talking about the same thing. A non-linear dungeon is not necessarily a hard dungeon with difficult puzles (in fact, puzles don't have nothing to do with linearity). Linear means that the temple is just a corridor in design, a straight line where you can only choose one thing to do at the time, which is keep going forward. In a linear dungeon you can't stop to think "I'd rather going to the room of the left or to the room of the right?", because one of them is always closed and there's only one way possible to complete the dungeon. Like in this one:

Problem is, Amazon UK aren't reliable enough. They delivered Pokemon X a day late, on the Saturday (was released on the Friday here).
Eh, I like to shit on Amazon UK as much as anyone else regarding game delivery (why the hell do they only ship 1 day before release?!?) but technically the Pokemon's release date was for the Saturday 12 October; it's just that the rest of high street retail decided to ignore the Saturday release date (which I think was traced back to HMV being the first) and started selling on Friday instead.


But yeah, Amazon UK are still shit for pre-orders as they usually ship 1 day before release.


Eh, I like to shit on Amazon UK as much as anyone else regarding game delivery (why the hell do they only ship 1 day before release?!?) but technically the Pokemon's release date was for the Saturday 12 October; it's just that the rest of high street retail decided to ignore the Saturday release date (which I think was traced back to HMV being the first) and started selling on Friday instead.


But yeah, Amazon UK are still shit for pre-orders as they usually ship 1 day before release.

Oops that would explain it.

I was looking back on my 3DS playlog and I noticed I hadn't played pokemon until the Saturday. Memory failed me.


Strap on your hooker ...
So, it seems Monolith Soft (almost certainly Monolith Kyoto) worked on this game, too. Interesting, in the two years since they opened, the Kyoto team has now worked on:

-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Pikmin 3
-The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

It's almost certain now that they are exclusively an art-asset support studio for the Kyoto EAD teams. They're made up almost exclusively of artists and have no programmers or game designers to speak of.
Looking at LBTW's art direction, I'd say it's questionable whether they have any artists to speak of, either.
I've been all set to get 3D World on Friday and then get this when I get a chance later on but...it's so awesome-looking. I need BOTH! I'm definitely gonna wind up being served divorce papers but I just have to have them.



What is this picture supposed to show? That the optimal path through a dungeon has a fairly smooth path? I think you'd be hard pressed to find a dungeon whose optimal path didn't look as simple as the one you just showed. I've seen the best path through OOT's Water Temple. Makes it look like a breeze.


How successful would I be if I went to the Xbone midnight launch and tried to buy ALBW and Mario 3D World? I'm not interested in buying an Xbox.

What is the likely hood that they will laugh in my face? lol

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Weekend confirmed sold me on this game but £200 for a 3dsxl +Albw is just too much

DS Prices over here are stupid, you can get one for $150 on black friday i hear.


How successful would I be if I went to the Xbone midnight launch and tried to buy ALBW and Mario 3D World? I'm not interested in buying an Xbox.

What is the likely hood that they will laugh in my face? lol

I would answer yes to both of those questions


Weekend confirmed sold me on this game but £200 for a 3dsxl +Albw is just too much

DS Prices over here are stupid, you can get one for $150 on black friday i hear.

Yeah I hear you. I've buckled under getting the gold 3DS XL though as I can sell my 3DS XL and I sold my old ipod touch towards it and if I count myself as buying the zelda game anyway, effectively buying the 3DS for £10, so I'm fine with that.

Though yeah, £200 here, $200 in America, its really sickening, I don't know why there isn't an outcry about this. Its even more weird I found this morning, a Vita + LBP + Tearaway + 8GB? card for £130? Thats an insane offer, I nearly wish I waited till this offer, but still very happy with my vita, and that happiness will grow next week... finally..
How successful would I be if I went to the Xbone midnight launch and tried to buy ALBW and Mario 3D World? I'm not interested in buying an Xbox.

What is the likely hood that they will laugh in my face? lol

They possibly could be sold out. We preordered both games from Amazon but thinking about showing up at Gamestop on Friday just to be nosy :p
What is this picture supposed to show? That the optimal path through a dungeon has a fairly smooth path? I think you'd be hard pressed to find a dungeon whose optimal path didn't look as simple as the one you just showed. I've seen the best path through OOT's Water Temple. Makes it look like a breeze.

I'm afraid that image doesn't show the optimal path to complete the temple, it shows the ONLY path possible. That's why Skyview Temple is a linear dungeon. Water Temple of OoT has tons of ways to be solved (some of them, more efficiently than anothers), but Skyview Temple has only one way, which is the one I drew in red. You can't simply solve the dungeon in any other way (or travelling through the rooms in another order), because the locked doors in the building are designed to limit the player in order that he can only complete the temple in just one only way.


I would answer yes to both of those questions

As long as I get my copy, I can handle the possible ridicule.

They possibly could be sold out. We preordered both games from Amazon but thinking about showing up at Gamestop on Friday just to be nosy :p

I'm doubtful they will be sold out. Everyone will be there for the Xbone games.

Both the Gamestop and Best Buy near me are doing a midnight launch. I might hit up Gamestop and then try Best Buy if I'm denied purchase. If all else fails, I can just wait until regular hours.


That's not the optimal path to complete the temple, is the ONLY path possible. That's why that is a linear dungeon.

Its the only path to complete the temple if you only count routes that directly lead to the completion of the dungeon. Which isn't how that dungeon was designed nor how most people play it. Even if you had something like multiple small keys, with multiple small key doors to use at some point of the dungeon (like some of the dungeons in the GB Zeldas). The path through it would still look like the picture presented ( a straight line with loops and bends that take you to the end) unless there were some redundant paths,extra areas, or a small key room loops asymmetrically back into the dungeon .I'm mostly just chastising the use of that path map to show (non)linearity in a structure in which all paths must be used to get to the end anyway. I do get what you mean by linear (though I think the notion that the newer games tend to be on average less linear than the older ones is a false one).


Anyone familiar with how online orders from GameStop work? My card got charged $255 on the 15th but I check my email and I don't see a shipping notice. /:
About Link being mute and being his own character (separate from me)... Personally, I'm fine with him being mute, but I think the rest of the cast should probably have voices. Although this might lead to some awkward conversations when Link doesn't say anything, and the other character needs to respond like Link DID talk, lol. Hmm.

Also, I see Link as a separate character from myself. In particular, starting from the 3D Zeldas and later. He has his own separate reactions to events that I might not have, and they give him a bit more personality as the series progressed (in particular Wind Waker/Skyward Sword/Twilight Princess).

In most cases, I prefer protagonists that are not meant to be a blank slate for myself; I like that they have their own personalities and stories.


Well, I'm only a couple of dungeons from finishing the game but I'm really, really glad I picked it up even though all the pre-release videos and stuff left me cold. It's just an extremely pleasant game to play, the controls are near perfect, the adventure has a great sense of flow and the animations and music is great (the color palette and textures used are still as ugly as the videos suggested, but you get over it eventually).

It is however the easiest Zelda game I've played (didn't finish SS or Minish Cap), some of the dungeons I ran through as fast as if I already knew every puzzle, simply because you know a dungeon will never be designed with more than one item in mind. That's not to say that the game lacks interesting dungeons or puzzles, and the addition of
treasure hunter
caves is a nice touch, but I'm not sure the whole renting items thing is something they should keep for future entries.

For those that have been playing it, could you give me a hint as to where the side quest to get the
pegasus boots
starts? I thought it would be linked to the guy who broke
his ankle on the mountain but no dice.

that's unfortunate. i was hoping for multiple solutions based on which items you had. I remember beating the temple of time without using the dominion rod until the boss and I was hoping the dungeons in albw would operate similarly.


I don't know if we're talking about the same thing. A non-linear dungeon is not necessarily a hard dungeon with difficult puzles (in fact, puzles don't have nothing to do with linearity). Linear means that the temple is just a corridor in design, a straight line where you can only choose one thing to do at the time, which is keep going forward. In a linear dungeon you can't stop to think "I'd rather going to the room of the left or to the room of the right?", because one of them is always closed and there's only one way possible to complete the dungeon. Like in this one:


In that case, no. There are often several ways to go, but all have to be visited in order to proceed. In which order you visit them is up to you. So what does that make it?


Not quite sure why linear dungeons are a bad thing: nearly every game in the series has had them. Even Majora's Mask, which had some of the best dungeons, still had a fairly linear path of progression. There's nothing wrong with a dungeon being linear.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Got my preorder in online at Gamestop so I could get the free download code for Oracle of Seasons. I'm mega hyped for this. I've tried my best to stay away from media for this in the past month or so leading directly up to launch.

Chose 2 day shipping from GS online. Hope that means I'll get it Monday at the latest along with my e-mail for the Seasons download.
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