Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

Yea, you gotta watch out for Amazon sometimes. I ordered my copy of SM3DW from them and received an email on Wednesday saying it would be here Tuesday as well. This happens when a game doesn't have a release date on their site and you preorder it then. It's happened to me before with other games too. What you have to do, and what I did, is cancel the order before it ships and immediately reorder it at that point, they will send you an instant email saying your order will be delivered on its release day. I'm waiting at home right now for the UPS driver to bring me my shit!

Is that legit?
I cancelled my Amazon order and went to Gamestop when I got the Tuesday email. I've have to try this next time.


Second dungeon completed.

After getting the Zora flippers I decided to go to the House of Gales, was a fairly easy dungeon. I did like one puzzel where a key was surrounded by fire. Or well, there should be a key but the fire around it didn't show. I was like "easy I just blow it away", Nothing came out of it and I was like: "hey what's this? What do I d- oh yeah, Wall. I turned the corner in wallscribble mode amd found a switch. Liked it.


Sad to say it, but I never finished LTTP. The ice temple was driving me nuts and I never picked it back up. Should I run back to it right now, or is it okay to play this without having finished LTTP?

I'm sure this has been asked, but I didn't want to search the thread looking for an answer to avoid spoilers.


Just got enough time to play it around 10 minutes.

That music...

That Smooth 3D...

That Nostalgia...

It's beautiful!

The work day cannot finish fast enough!


Is that legit?
I cancelled my Amazon order and went to Gamestop when I got the Tuesday email. I've have to try this next time.

I don't want to say I guarantee it, but I'm pretty sure because it's what happened when I preordered Pikmin 3, WWHD, AND Wii Party U through Amazon.

But again, I've received many preorders on release day, this seems to be the case ONLY for games you preorder a loooooong time before it releases OR when a games release date specifically says on Amazon:

"This item has not yet been released.
You may pre-order it now and we will deliver it to you when it arrives."


I've only played about 20 minutes and haven't even got turned into a painting yet, but shit this game is giving a great first impression between the music and buttery smooth fps.



Is this really 40£ on the EShop? if so might swell just try and grab it tomorrow on my break if it's not busy in the local GAME which i'm pretty sure it probably will be....


The 60 FPS really makes a huge difference. It's the best FEELING zelda game for me already.

I know right ? It feels really great to just wander around the overworld, going from one place to another. I don't even use the witch who helps you travel faster that often.



Is this really 40£ on the EShop? if so might swell just try and grab it tomorrow on my break if it's not busy in the local GAME which i'm pretty sure it probably will be....

40 POUND? That's 2,88 Eur more than in Germany...pretty expensive, considering games are usually at least ~20% cheaper in GB...


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I still haven't beat the Elite 4 in Pokemon and I want to at least do that before getting another 3DS game, but man I'm pretty excited for this game.


Beat the first dungeon - easy, but fun.

Graphics are really nice, and the 3D is mostly good.

Painting mechanic is really, really cool.


Still trying to find a
damn Golden Bee
At least I made enough money to buy two more weapons just by doing this 'sidequest' so far xD


even though I have a Pikachu 3DSXL, I just picked up the Zelda LBW 3DS XL.
Can' t wait to get home in like 6 hours and transfer the stuff over and start playing


Sad to say it, but I never finished LTTP. The ice temple was driving me nuts and I never picked it back up. Should I run back to it right now, or is it okay to play this without having finished LTTP?

I'm sure this has been asked, but I didn't want to search the thread looking for an answer to avoid spoilers.

Finish AlttP (just because it's the best Zelda Nintendo has made), but do lvl 6 (the swamp lvl) before the Ice Palace. The item you get in the Swamp Palace makes the Ice Palace a breeze.

Dr Dogg

Started this up this afternoon and was immediately brought back to 1993. Nostalgia overload.

The 3d works so well. I'd be gutted it I was playing this on a 2DS.


Cross posted since it applies here...

I just went to Best Buy just to check out what was going on with the Xbone and Mario and Zelda. They had a huge stack of those fake Xbone boxes and multiple people were walking up to them, then getting pissed off. So stupid of Best Buy to do that like that. It looked perfectly like they had it in stock.

I then asked about Mario. The guy working games had NO clue what I was talking about. He handed me multiple other games, like the guy that previously mentioned someone in GameStop did. They didn't have a tag out for it, no display, nothing. He said he had never heard of it before, that they didn't get it, and that they wouldn't be carrying it.

Same story with Zelda. No clue, tried to hand me multiple games, including Wind Waker, and he said the same crap about it. Also, same with no tag, no display, nothing at all.

I had him look up both in the system and yeah, they had like 30 copies of Zelda and 20 copies of Mario. He was just oh, ok, that's news to me. He said it was his department and it's his job to take care of everything back there and that he was going to get around to sorting everything out and he guessed put those two new games out at some point today. I felt like telling him to get off his lazy fat ass and get to work. Best Buy has the biggest morons working for them, it's ridiculous. Every time I go there, every time, I deal with pure idiocy. Don't get me started on my experience after that, but that's for another thread.


Maturity, bitches.
I still haven't beat the Elite 4 in Pokemon and I want to at least do that before getting another 3DS game, but man I'm pretty excited for this game.

Just buy it and wait. That's what I'm doing. I'm at the 7th gym in X.
I'm still progressing in Pokémon as well slowly (just done 7th gym as well) but I've been playing that on my commute so I feel fine have ALBW as my home game.

I also have to check in on my New Leaf town daily as well. Busy busy busy.



Is this really 40£ on the EShop? if so might swell just try and grab it tomorrow on my break if it's not busy in the local GAME which i'm pretty sure it probably will be....

Do what I did and change your console region to France and download it from their eshop. £36.


Didn't know you could do that ! Also, I didn't know games were cheaper on France's e-shop. Is it always like that or does it depend on each game ?

Depends. The exchange rate makes it cheaper in this instance though. And also, because of the time difference, I was able to get it at 11pm last night.


Just played the opening 10 mins. Magical. The 3D is great and normally I'm one to switch it off.

Shame the 3ds XL is so quiet on headphones as the music is incredible!


60 fps, the 3D, and the music already make this game incredible and I've only been playing for maybe an hour.

I imagine it's only going to get better from here.


Fuck, after 200 seconds, there are giant Cuccoos again and now there are a lot more coming at once and closer together, but thankfully, they move slower, so someone can maneuver around them.

You get 100 rupees no matter at what time you finish it seems, and completing it requires you to get to 999.99 seconds I think.


so what's the consensus on this game?

LTTP being my favorite Zelda, this worth getting? My gamestop has some extra Zelda 3ds, which im so tempted to get.


Man, It's like playing a Zelda game on speed. Third dungeon done and dusted. I've never gone through a Zelda game this quick. It's bloody brilliant so far.


so what's the consensus on this game?

LTTP being my favorite Zelda, this worth getting? My gamestop has some extra Zelda 3ds, which im so tempted to get.

After a couple of hours I'd say Links Aweakening is still better but this is a close second. Much better than LTTP imo.


Been playing since 7am, I never thought a handheld Zelda could be this amazing! Nostalgia is hitting me hard too. So much character, and the sword swipe just feels so GOOD. I want to Streetpass and take down some Shadow Links!


I randomly found a golden bee cutting grass, but my one bottle was full and by the time I got rid of the damn fairy the bee was gone...


Running off of Custom Firmware
I got a golden bee in my first session with the game after some random grass and (fetch me a) shrubbery slashing. So they definitely occur out in the wild, at random.


I randomly found a golden bee cutting grass, but my one bottle was full and by the time I got rid of the damn fairy the bee was gone...


I already caught enough bees to buy 3 additional items and didn't encounter a single golden bee yet. Revenge for getting a Shiny Pokemon after only 60 eggs, I guess :D
Fuck, after 200 seconds, there are giant Cuccoos again and now there are a lot more coming at once and closer together, but thankfully, they move slower, so someone can maneuver around them.

You get 100 rupees no matter at what time you finish it seems, and completing it requires you to get to 999.99 seconds I think.

Aw Christ, I got 150 sec on my first try and decided to let it go until further notice, but that's insane. Especially considering it gets harder every 100 sec.
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