Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


Picked up my Zelda 3DS XL...wait, something is not right.
Well, looks like I need to return the extra one. And for some reasons the retailer I bought (uh, "both" I guess?) the 3DS XL from haven't charged my card yet.

Finished the first dungeon and already feeling that this game is hitting all the right spots. And I am slightly stucked on a minor thing right after the first boss (spoiler tagged just in case):
How do I reach the treasure chest on the right side of the map right after Link gets the drawing ability?


i stayed up until 3 in the morning playing this last night. its a miracle i made it to work

it's pretty amazing so far, though i regret watching all the previews because nothing was really a surprise. though it was cool going to locations you remember from over 20 years ago. once link was free to go where he wanted i went straight to the lost woods and listened to the music. so good... this game is like going to your childhood neighborhood. its a real treat for people who grew up with LttP

what really disappointed me was the visuals. i was one of those who defended them at first, and i don't think the original LttP was a looker in 1991 either. but now i have my hands on the game i can't help but think they could've done more with the hardware. it seems they may have neutered the 3D a bit too for the 2DS, but that's pure speculation on my part. though when you get to the more action intensive parts it does look pretty cool.

also i was hoping the game would start with a bang like LttP. really don't like these pastoral "oh hai link go do this and that" zelda intros as of late, but its still a vast improvement over recent intros. not a big deal, just a little nitpick.

i haven't even begun talking about the gameplay. which really feels like a perfection of the zelda formula, at least for the overhead games. can't wait to get back to this game
Nintendo stuff get!

Quick gold XL impressions. Same old shit inside the package except for the Zelda LBW code. The gold Xl seems to have a new hinge from the older XLs. The hinge on this one doesn't make that clicking sound when it snaps into position like the older models do. This one is really quiet, almost like it's padded with rubber or something. Also, this hinge is not wobbly like the others. This one is quite sturdy and barely moves back and forth at all when you nudge it. Maybe Nintendo finally got sick of getting systems sent to them because of "wobbly hinges", which were supposed to be like that.
Nintendo stuff get!

Quick gold XL impressions. Same old shit inside the package except for the Zelda LBW code. The gold Xl seems to have a new hinge from the older XLs. The hinge on this one doesn't make that clicking sound when it snaps into position like the older models do. This one is really quiet, almost like it's padded with rubber or something. Also, this hinge is not wobbly like the others. This one is quite sturdy and barely moves back and forth at all when you nudge it. Maybe Nintendo finally got sick of getting systems sent to them because of "wobbly hinges", which were supposed to be like that.
Woah, I can send my 3DS XL in for that? Didn't know it because it's pretty annoying.


Nintendo stuff get!

Quick gold XL impressions. Same old shit inside the package except for the Zelda LBW code. The gold Xl seems to have a new hinge from the older XLs. The hinge on this one doesn't make that clicking sound when it snaps into position like the older models do. This one is really quiet, almost like it's padded with rubber or something. Also, this hinge is not wobbly like the others. This one is quite sturdy and barely moves back and forth at all when you nudge it. Maybe Nintendo finally got sick of getting systems sent to them because of "wobbly hinges", which were supposed to be like that.

Oh man. If this is across the board - - regarding the hinge - - then that is AWESOME.

Wobbly hinges are the worst.
Woah, I can send my 3DS XL in for that? Didn't know it because it's pretty annoying.

Yeah, it's actually covered by the warranty. What you'll get is probably just as wobbly, though! Also, you're not getting back anything more than a refurbished red or blue XL. They don't have parts for LEs or black and pink, so don't send one of those to them expecting to get it fixed and returned.
also i was hoping the game would start with a bang like LttP. really don't like these pastoral "oh hai link go do this and that" zelda intros as of late, but its still a vast improvement over recent intros. not a big deal, just a little nitpick.e

Agree. LttP had one of the best starts of any game I've ever played. But it's certainly a much better intro sequence than some of the recent Zeldas like Skyward Sword. At least quickly you get through it and into real gameplay.


Been juggling between this and Assassin's Creed. I've had some great times, I'm two dungeons into Lorule. It is actually awesome...it's very nostalgic yet creative :)

It is a perfect showcase of the brilliance of Nintendo. It keeps luring me back to play more, but I want to make it last.


I got 161.9 seconds in the Cucco thing. I find it hard to believe that Mario Club didn't beat 100 seconds. There probably is more to it since after 100 seconds, there is a new part to it, and I imagine after 200 seconds, there will be something new too.
Just died for the first time against the boss in Heras Tower. Btw, how the fuck do I catch fairies in this game? I have an empty bottle, but when I press Y nothing happens :/
Get the net from Bee Guy.


Just died for the first time against the boss in Heras Tower. Btw, how the fuck do I catch fairies in this game? I have an empty bottle, but when I press Y nothing happens :/


30 minutes or so in and I'm in love. The game didn't look great via the trailers but when you actually play it, it is beautiful. It is faster than LTTP, quicker as far as actions, and just amazing.

The music is probably my favorite part of this game. It just puts the package together.


I got 161.9 seconds in the Cucco thing. I find it hard to believe that Mario Club didn't beat 100 seconds. There probably is more to it since after 100 seconds, there is a new part to it, and I imagine after 200 seconds, there will be something new too.

Get the net from Bee Guy.

That's cruel. Nintendo can't just go ahead and condition me for my entire life and then change the method (back?) suddenly D:


Started this.. it runs so smooth! The music played by the band in the milk bar is beautiful. Looking forward to playing more.

Just died for the first time against the boss in Heras Tower. Btw, how the fuck do I catch fairies in this game? I have an empty bottle, but when I press Y nothing happens :/

Just got a net in Kakariko village that mentioned i could put bees i caught in a bottle so assuming you need to use that.

Velcro Fly

I've seen a few heart pieces and a few walls I could bomb and it's driving me crazy to not be able to get them. I finished the first dungeon and explored, looking for save points and such. I'd love to be able to play more but I need to get a little bit of sleep and get ready for going out with my friend for his birthday later.


Started playing this last night after downloading and it brings back so many Link to the Past memories. Looks awesome in 3D. I also went to Target today and picked up the Zelda 3DS XL. Will give my launch blue one and the download code to my son to replace his old 3DS.

Velcro Fly

Also for people with the guide how is it? I know I won't use it to actually play the game but sometimes there is cool stuff in guides like these that are worth having just as a fan.


The music is great.
The visuals aren't. Very "New Legend of Zelda-y".
60 fps looks and feels great in 3D so I suppose I'll have to adjust. Everything else aside from the way stabbing with your sword works now is fantastic.


Got this game last night. My girlfiend watched me play some of it and she says it looks "realistic"

Maybe it's the 60 fps? She only really plays Wii and Gamecube games


Picked mine up this morning along with Mario 3D World. Wish I could've had the day off, gotta wait until tonight to play it :( Planning to stay up late, lol.


Amazon will deliver my copy on Tuesday.


Yea, you gotta watch out for Amazon sometimes. I ordered my copy of SM3DW from them and received an email on Wednesday saying it would be here Tuesday as well. This happens when a game doesn't have a release date on their site and you preorder it then. It's happened to me before with other games too. What you have to do, and what I did, is cancel the order before it ships and immediately reorder it at that point, they will send you an instant email saying your order will be delivered on its release day. I'm waiting at home right now for the UPS driver to bring me my shit!


I really hate the no-manual trend in 3DS games. It's poopy. :(

"in 3DS games?" you mean "in video games," right? that's the standard now. at least Nintendo gives you proper digital manuals for every game that even have a bit of artwork and not just plain text.


well to answer my own question it took me about 15 minutes of cutting grass in kakariko village to find the golden bee, and I got about 350 rupees during the process


well to answer my own question it took me about 15 minutes of cutting grass in kakariko village to find the golden bee, and I got about 350 rupees during the process
Huh, I thought one of the NPCs sells you one for 888 rupees. Must be an alternative approach.


Maturity, bitches.
So I've done the beginning.

I feel a bit dumb because I only just work out how to get
off the walls.


well to answer my own question it took me about 15 minutes of cutting grass in kakariko village to find the golden bee, and I got about 350 rupees during the process

Woah, I thought you couldn't get it by cutting grass !
I had to buy it for 888 rupees from a guy in a cave in the Lost Woods


Woah, I thought you couldn't get it by cutting grass !
I had to buy it for 888 rupees from a guy in a cave in the Lost Woods

I can definitely tell you I got one from cutting grass, it's just rare. The strategy guide said it can come from cutting grass too. That patch of grass in kakariko is a great place to cut grass though since there's a building without a door right next to it, just keep zoning in and back out to reset
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