Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


How far do you have to play into the game before you can start to receive Streetpasses? Does anyone know? Is there a specific moment?

I am going to be traveling this weekend and I want to get start accumulating Streetpasses if possible but I otherwise I'm not really planning to dive into the game until I get home.
You can activate streetpass in the first 15 to 30 minutes. There's an old man standing in the upper left of Kakariko. Talk to him.


oh wow was about to buy on the eShop and download but just now I find out people are getting rid of their bundle codes for cheaper

PMed a couple of people but no response, interested in buying one if anyone's selling

I'm constantly amazed how great this game looks with the 3D on. Anyone who says Nintendo is moving away from it is completely wrong.

This game was well into development before there was a 2DS. I remember reading that they had to make changes to the game because of the existence of the 2DS. I wouldn't expect the 3D to be half assed but the next game...
IDK about BB having the biggest morons...I went to Wal Mart right before midnight to see if they had the Zelda 3DSXL which was in the ad for $199. Upon asking about it the guy said something along the lines of "IDK, if we'll get it or not, Nintendo Consoles don't sell. We have the Xbox One tonight at midnight, and you can already buy games for it...." He didn't seem to want to try and look for it, check if they had it, etc.... Instead he wanted to sell me something I didn't want/already own not to mention that the 3DSXL is selling plenty, which isn't even the point. I guess it was just frustrating that instead of checking, he would rather just push off whatever was "handy" instead of what the customer asked for.

Having worked at Walmart, I can tell you that's probably a symptom of poorly trained employees who don't know how to do anything. They teach you how to do one thing there and then if you ask how to do something else they say, "eh, just get them to do the first thing"

tl;dr Modern retail is awful on a level you cannot possibly imagine


Just had sex with the girlfriend, realised halfway through that my 3DS was still on and blasting the dark world theme through my home cinema system

was an epic shag


It's an interesting case study for sure. Not presenting a new world is obviously not a very good thing, but the way it embraces its legacy while doing new things is one of the best points of the game. It's just an incredibly balanced and well paced classic Zelda adventure that does new things as well.
I think it'd be a complete non-issue had this kind of Zelda not been basically gone for almost a decade now. Unless you count Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, but I view them more as related offshoots, kind of like how the 3D Super Mario games sort of fall into 3 separate categories (64/Galaxy/3D) or how SMB2 is more its own thing than a proper Mario platformer (to its benefit though!)

... Hell, Minish Cap was kind of a weak substitute to me anyway, this admittedly is reminding me LttP didn't really have a big overworld, but it WAS a more open one while Minish Cap sort of was like a few pseudo dungeons branching off of a central hub point.


So I caved and bought the Zelda 3DS. Even if the game was the worst game ever, the system looks so good I wouldn't even care

Any other games worth checking out? Was thinkign about Pokemon, but haven't played a Pokemon since Ruby


So I caved and bought the Zelda 3DS. Even if the game was the worst game ever, the system looks so good I wouldn't even care

Any other games worth checking out? Was thinkign about Pokemon, but haven't played a Pokemon since Ruby

fire emblem
luigi's mansion 2
mario kart 7
super mario 3d land
donkey kong country returns
project x zone
picross e, e2 and e3
So I caved and bought the Zelda 3DS. Even if the game was the worst game ever, the system looks so good I wouldn't even care

Any other games worth checking out? Was thinkign about Pokemon, but haven't played a Pokemon since Ruby

Virtue's Last Reward, Shin Megami Tensei (Soul Hackers), Resident Evil Rev, Ace Attorney, Nintendo titles


So yeah

I first got Link to the Past almost twenty years ago now. Since then, I got every single Zelda game either on launch or very close. This is the first time I've ever felt the same as I did whilst playing through LTTP for the first time

not even Ocarina came close to this


Looking forward to starting this tonight. Got this and Mario at the Xbone launch last night and Mario won the mental coin toss.


So yeah

I first got Link to the Past almost twenty years ago now. Since then, I got every single Zelda game either on launch or very close. This is the first time I've ever felt the same as I did whilst playing through LTTP for the first time

not even Ocarina came close to this

I don't really like LTTP as much as others here do, but I think this easily trounces it. I'm at Lorule now and I can probably safely say this is the best Zelda game.


So, I'm at 4:30 hours in so far, and I've just cleared the Dark Palace.

Anyone else take that long? I'm taking my time - could have got to the equivalent point in LTTP within half that time.


Looking forward to starting this tonight. Got this and Mario at the Xbone launch last night and Mario won the mental coin toss.
I prioritized Mario simply because I could easily jump in and play a level or two then jump over to Zelda, which was likely to take longer even at its fastest to get going, and this IS the fastest intro-ish sequence in a long time for Zelda!

Helps too that the 3D Marios take the "yeah sure you completed a stage/got a star/whatever let's save" rather than depending on a fortress or castle for that.


I prioritized Mario simply because I could easily jump in and play a level or two then jump over to Zelda, which was likely to take longer even at its fastest to get going, and this IS the fastest intro-ish sequence in a long time for Zelda!

It's the fastest intro since LTTP, funnily enough

even Oracle of Ages/Seasons took longer, iirc


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I don't know if already said, but did anyone notice that, when teleported from a part of the dungeon to the beginning, the screen goes pixels all over it? It's straight from the SNES era! :D


Lol, just got spoiled about (major spoilers)
Ravio being Lorule Link
. I should really learn to stay off /v/ during big game releases
So, I'm at 4:30 hours in so far, and I've just cleared the Dark Palace.

Anyone else take that long? I'm taking my time - could have got to the equivalent point in LTTP within half that time.

I am about that long in and I haven't even gone to the second dungeon. I just rented a bunch of tools/weapons and am about to go out and uncover more secrets in the overworld.

Loving it.


Finish AlttP (just because it's the best Zelda Nintendo has made), but do lvl 6 (the swamp lvl) before the Ice Palace. The item you get in the Swamp Palace makes the Ice Palace a breeze.

Thanks for the response. The sad part is that I already got that item, it's just the slippery floors and the amount of damage that the enemies are doing in the ice palace that made me pull out my hair.

The sad part is that I got the gold 3DS and I am too hyped to let it sit until I finish LTTP. Maybe I will just rotate based on battery life lol.


It's the fastest intro since LTTP, funnily enough

even Oracle of Ages/Seasons took longer, iirc

I tried replaying Minish Cap a few weeks ago and the long boring intro and annoying dialogue breaks just made it so hard for me to play.

This, on the other hand, is pretty perfectly paced.


I don't know why we ever doubted the graphics. Nintendo did a pretty damn good job translating the LTTP world to 3D, and I can forgive the rough edges because of the amazing 60fps


I really don't have time to play it now, but just booted it up and played through the intro (just been to see Zelda), and damn it looks and feels nice.

I used to defend the graphics before, thinking it looked decent, and I played a demo a bit at gamescom but I really don't remember it looking this nice. Now I'm just in love with the graphics. It really manages to capture the feel of the original without retro pandering and just feels so right, and so smooth
(except for the scrolling between areas, those framedrops are kinof jarring when everything else is so smooth).
I've only played a little bit, but I am very impressed by how well this game controls, how good it looks with this framerate, how good the 3D looks even on an XL, how funny the script is, it's amazing. I can't wait to really get into this later.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I don't know why we ever doubted the graphics. Nintendo did a pretty damn good job translating the LTTP world to 3D, and I can forgive the rough edges because of the amazing 60fps

Playing it now - I think the only flaw with the graphics is that the 3DS hardware isn't forgiving on the art style. A more stylized look would probably work better in that regard. But naturally, the game is going for translating LTTP directly into 3D while hitting 60fps.

And in motion of course, the framerate, attention to detail, animations etc all compensate a great deal.
You need to go to Zora's domain, this triggers the event that allows you to get the boots iirc. This can be done as soon as you can morph into a painting I think
. I'm being vague, but I can provide with a more detailed description if you want :p

Is paying
200 rupees the only way to get the Pegasus boots? I got the quest to find the smooth gem, and now this NPC has it for sell in the bazaar.
Didn't wanna waste rupees if I can get it back by some other means. lol

Nevermind, I found the guy and got the boots. :)


I really don't have time to play it now, but just booted it up and played through the intro (just been to see Zelda), and damn it looks and feels nice.

I used to defend the graphics before, thinking it looked decent, and I played a demo a bit at gamescom but I really don't remember it looking this nice. Now I'm just in love with the graphics. It really manages to capture the feel of the original without retro pandering and just feels so right, and so smooth
(except for the scrolling between areas, those framedrops are kinof jarring when everything else is so smooth).
OK, so it wasn't just me noticing those frame rate drops during the transitions between areas.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
so this is definitely the single best day in gaming as far back as I can remember


1. babby game
2. babby game
three. babby game

so many babby games


Does anybody know if it's still possible to complete regular weapon challenges in StreetPass battles if you've already upgraded said weapon? Kind of afraid to upgrade stuff and have them become ungettable.


So I caved and bought the Zelda 3DS. Even if the game was the worst game ever, the system looks so good I wouldn't even care

Any other games worth checking out? Was thinkign about Pokemon, but haven't played a Pokemon since Ruby

fire emblem
luigi's mansion 2
mario kart 7
super mario 3d land
donkey kong country returns
project x zone
picross e, e2 and e3

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars - if you happen to like XCOM specifically. It's more similar to that than Fire Emblem since the original X-COM creator produced this one. The best launch game and nobody played it.
OK, so it wasn't just me noticing those frame rate drops during the transitions between areas.

Besides these hiccups, I've experienced 1 bad framerate drop in the game so far: a specific spot with lots of fireballs/fire effects in the Turtle Rock temple, right before accessing the boss' arena. It was like continuous 20fps even with 3D off. Did you guys see it?


laugh if you will, but some dudes in the xbox one line last night laughed at the idea that people would get "excited over a kid's game like Zelda".

this is reality.

They're just confirming the stereotype. Little do they know we're the ones laughing at their ignorance. :D
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