Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

The music becomes 2D/tinny when you merge into walls. Nnnnnng.

Also, spoilers:
I like that they merged Yuga and Ganon. Unlike Skyward Sword when Demise showed up and Ghirahim was basically rendered pointless aside from the sword.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Is Yuga really a man? I'm still waiting for a Persona 4 style "shocker".

The music becomes 2D/tinny when you merge into walls. Nnnnnng.

Also, spoilers:
I like that they merged Yuga and Ganon. Unlike Skyward Sword when Demise showed up and Ghirahim was basically rendered pointless aside from the sword.

Try merging into a wall with the glasses on.
Ok... I have a strange 3DS question that I'll post here since I can't make threads and it's kind of related of Zelda:

My OG 3DS broke a couple months ago and I haven't fixed it yet. This new Zelda XL, though, has got me super interested. So if I buy it, the copy of ALBW is digital, and I'm not sure what will happen to my save once I repair the old 3DS and transfer all my data over.

From what I understand, everything on the target machine is erased, but can be easily downloaded again (I would hope. Losing my copy of ALBW would really suck). The question, however, is how to protect my save files for ALBW. From what I understand, the target SD card is completely wiped too. Is it just as easy as copying them to a pc and then copying them back to the SD card once the transfer is complete?

Weird god damn 3DS transfer questions that are hard to find accurate answers to...


Finished first dungeon and ehhhhhhhhhhhhh iunno.

I'm lost now though. Spent 10 minutes trying to get to either dungeon and didn't see a way to get to either. Fuck.


There is no dungeon in the South West of Lorule. Actually, that part is used as
a battle arena for a boss later on
. The dungeon is in Hyrule and you need to rent the sand rod to be able to access it, and it just takes a few Lorule/Hyrule wall transitions to get to there, by starting from Hyrule South-South West I think.

I believe the sand rod only becomes available for rent/buy after you've cleared the first Lorule dungeon, also I'd HIGHLY recommend buying+upgrading this item because then it creates permanent sand columns instead of just temporary.

I've just read your answer now but I've already figured out how to reach it (and I also beat it at the same time). But thank you very much anyway ! Didn't know the upgraded sand rod would make permanent sand columns. It would have been easier to fight the boss with it. Though he was rather easy, just like the rest.

That brings to my main and final complaint. The game is definitely too easy. I'm about to fight the last boss, and I have 5 heart pieces left to find (and quite a lot of maimais too). But it's so charming that I think I'm going to try the Hero Mode right after completing the Normal one.

Also, side note : the music playing inside the Zora's Domain is so lovely. I think it's my favorite one. Plus this place is so relaxing. The water effects are really cool.


Picked up the game after work today. Only played a little but surprised by how fast and fluid it is. I knew it looked like that but didn't expect that to actually be the case when I played. Combat wise it feels great. The sound in the
Eastern Palace
at the beginning was great.


I stopped right at the first dungeon played 2 hours... KREYGASM fuck MEEEEEEEEEE

Nintendo am god... thanks sooo much for letting me stay a kid at least in my imagination.. :p
I really want to take my time with it.. :( I wish they where 1010104830471304712037 dungeons... I just can't..
this game.. :O

Also THE BEST music EVER...
I just got to Lorule. This game is amazing. The music is incredible, the gameplay and dungeon design so far has been god-tier, and the pacing is perfect.

Alas, my battery is now dead. Can't wait to play more later tonight.


Membero Americo
This game.


I have a few problem though... but not with the game. With the Zelda XL 3DS.

It's brand freaking new and it already has a dead pixel almost in the center of the screen. I forget about it after a while though and sometimes I can't even see it.

Also the screen's 3D will never turn off completely. I put the slider down until it clicks, but after a few seconds of the screen being normal it goes back into that glossy effect when the 3D is on, but set to minimum.

They DID fix the hinge of the screen making that big snap noise every time you open the system, though.

Chris R

Why does background download not work for me :(

Been 45 mins now trying to download this, still at the 28% it was when I stopped it in the store.

Should I delete it and just leave it up downloading in the store?


This game.


I have a few problem though... but not with the game. With the Zelda XL 3DS.

It's brand freaking new and it already has a dead pixel almost in the center of the screen. I forget about it after a while though and sometimes I can't even see it.

Also the screen's 3D will never turn off completely. I put the slider down until it clicks, but after a few seconds of the screen being normal it goes back into that glossy effect when the 3D is on, but set to minimum.

They DID fix the hinge of the screen making that big snap noise every time you open the system, though.

Well you could go exchange the 3DS and get one without a dead pixel (that's what I would do) Of course you'll lose all your progress in your game. Thank you digital media...


How do you get the
pegasus boots

The item should be acquired fairly early in the game so it's not exactly a huge spoiler by any means.


Just got the first item from Rovio, this game feels so good. The graphics look so clean and nice, and the controls and combat are so smooth. The soundtrack is also absolutely fantastic.

I can understand the reviews right away.
So is the item rental
mandatory? I'm near the beginning and it made me rent the bow for free (which i assumed would act as a tutorial and then I beat the first dungeon and there was no new item in the dungeon. I was under the assumption that the rental system was optional and you could still progress like a regular zelda game.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
*plays Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for a couple hours*



So is the item rental
mandatory? I'm near the beginning and it made me rent the bow for free (which i assumed would act as a tutorial and then I beat the first dungeon and there was no new item in the dungeon. I was under the assumption that the rental system was optional and you could still progress like a regular zelda game.
It's mandatory, but you could buy the items too, not sure when that option is given though.

This was explained before the release of the game too.


You have to
catch some shady-looking guy near the elder's house in the village.

You mean the theif in Kakariko? I'm trying but he always escapes. As soon as he leaves the screen he just disappears. Is there a certain method to catching him or should I keep trying the old fashioned way?


Membero Americo
Well you could go exchange the 3DS and get one without a dead pixel (that's what I would do) Of course you'll lose all your progress in your game. Thank you digital media...

Actually I have a physical copy. The problem is I just transferred my stuff from my old 3DS to the other and sold the old one. Plus there's a 7 days wait between each transfer. So I can't just go back and ask for a replacement, because I can't have both at the same time, I'll have to give back the one I have now right away. So I need to buy another 3DS, transfer it after a week, then ask a refund, which would have to be in GameStop credits because that's where I got mine from.

Basically, I'm a bit fucked. But the dead pixel isn't THAT annoying. At least it's not green. From some angles, I can t even see it. I'm not even sure it really is a dead pixel.


No! You figure it out, you.

I'm about to enter the second lorule dungeon so i think by now I should have it, I NEEDS IT!!!

Oh and thief's hideout is a fantastic (read: FANTASTIC) dungeon, I loved just about everything about it. The puzzles were absolutely brilliant, and the length was just perfect for what it was trying to do. If the others keep up this quality.. hoo boy. I'm actually very relieved because the hyrule dungeons were generic and disappointing to me, but the game massively picks up afterwards.


The second race with the racing brothers is impossible. I can't even get close, and I have the boots...

I just raced there almost perfectly and I still wasn't close. There must be a trick to it I'm not finding.


Two of the Lorule temples down
Turtle Rock first, then went Thieves' Hideout

The music is fantastic, pacing is super swift and doesn't waste any of the player's time, there's TONS of stuff to do and look for...this game is awesome!

Also, I died one time each on both of the Lorule bosses I've fought so far.
Turtuga was fun as hell while still being terrifying, and the thief leader's animations are excellent, especially when he's trying to find you. Love that Ninetendo attention to detail.
You mean the theif in Kakariko? I'm trying but he always escapes. As soon as he leaves the screen he just disappears. Is there a certain method to catching him or should I keep trying the old fashioned way?

Man. You've got the awesome ability to merge with walls. Use it ;)


You mean the theif in Kakariko? I'm trying but he always escapes. As soon as he leaves the screen he just disappears. Is there a certain method to catching him or should I keep trying the old fashioned way?

You have to sneak up on him by blending into the wall behind him (blend far away from him and then go up to him and pop out right behind his back).

Edit : Ah, beaten to it !


Membero Americo
Wait, I'm not teleported at the entrance of the dungeon after finishing it? I have to go out by myself? Using a different route!?

Wait, I'm not teleported at the entrance of the dungeon after finishing it? I have to go out by myself? Using a different route!?


Don't get excited. I believe this only happens in the first dungeon. Nonetheless, it is nice indeed.


Anyone else having problems registering their code on Nintendo's Rewards? It keeps saying my Pin has been used, even though I just ripped through the plastic!



ugh...I should stay out of this thread. I've got the Zelda 3DSXL right next to me and the download code staring me in the face but I'm trying to sell it on craigslist so I can buy the physical copy from K-mart for $30 on Black Friday.

How much are people getting for the download codes and old 3DS's??? I've got them up for $30 and $100 respectively.


So I just beat the Treacherous Tower on the hardest level, and boy that was pretty intense. It must be really hard to beat on Hero Mode. The devil girl gave me a nice gift for beating it :
a more powerful lamp that I can use to fight ennemies with (though it's not useful at all, when you already have the upgraded fire rod) (still, that's a nice touch)
Finished the first three dungeons and got the
Master Sword
. This game could very well go down as my favorite Zelda by the time I'm finished with it.


So after renting all the items I've been just running around the map trying to find secrets here and there and so far I'm pretty impressed at how well the wall merging ability has been used. It does really force you to view the game world differently and opens up a lot of new puzzle possibilities. I still remember how it was often called a would be gimmick around here by quite a few shortly after the reveal and I had my doubts too but luckily that hasn't been the cas at all, quite the complete opposite in fact. You'll often find yourself following wall "trails" leading to a chest you've spotted somewhere trying to plan how to get there and it's very fun. I'm definitely loving this particular addition to the game. The micro dungeons centered around the use of the wall merging ability are pretty smart too, as someone who first and foremost loves zelda puzzles, I am delighted.
When can you start buying items instead of renting them? I'm on my way to the 2nd dungeon, and I can rent most of the items now. But I don't have an option to buy them. I can't even buy the bow right now. I'd much rather buy as many of them as I can so I can upgrade 'em.
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