Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


IDK about BB having the biggest morons...I went to Wal Mart right before midnight to see if they had the Zelda 3DSXL which was in the ad for $199. Upon asking about it the guy said something along the lines of "IDK, if we'll get it or not, Nintendo Consoles don't sell. We have the Xbox One tonight at midnight, and you can already buy games for it...." He didn't seem to want to try and look for it, check if they had it, etc.... Instead he wanted to sell me something I didn't want/already own not to mention that the 3DSXL is selling plenty, which isn't even the point. I guess it was just frustrating that instead of checking, he would rather just push off whatever was "handy" instead of what the customer asked for.

As bad as Walmart can be, Best Buy has always been the worst store for electronics, for me. Always been obnoxious and rough just to get in and out, for some reason, was sad when Circuit City closed years back.


I destroyed the cucco mini game on my first try!

Got the heart piece and 130 seconds on endless. Any more prizes for better time?

The Boat

Besides these hiccups, I've experienced 1 bad framerate drop in the game so far: a specific spot with lots of fireballs/fire effects in the Turtle Rock temple, right before accessing the boss' arena. It was like continuous 20fps even with 3D off. Did you guys see it?
I didn't notice that. I'm not good at noticing frame drops if they're not very bad, but I'm certain I'd notice such a huge drop.
I wasn't expecting to be able to rent every item in Ravio's shop and still have 800 rupees left over :| Guess I'll do another full sweep of Hyrule to find everything I can before heading to the next dungeons. Being able to rent/buy everything easily was probably my biggest concern with the game going in, hopefully the combo of having a bunch of items instantly and wall link allows the devs to come up with some crazy dungeons.
If only Zelda had more Call of Duty in it.

Zelda leans over the table, his gruff hands pushing aside the beer cans that cover the map of the enemy battlegrounds. "Okay, team, we need to get the Triforce over on the other side of Hyrule. I'm gunna be frank, there's a lot of shit coming our way."

Link turns away. "Aw fuck this shit."

Zelda slaps him. "This ain't no time for fucking around, you piece of shit" he growled. "You take your goddamn MD17 with a 56 caliber sniper gun blaster and you point it at those fuckers until they die. This ain't no time to be messing around."

Link hollers at Zelda, "Fuck you. I ain't waiting for Ganon and the other Soviet Islamic terrorists to be heading our way. You ain't got nobody but me and Mountain Dew."

They both look at the camera.

"Okay rookie," barks Zelda, his muscles flexing and shining in some unholy sheen, "I'll take point, you follow behind me."

He runs over to the door, kicks it down, before he's shot down by a Deku Scrub.

"Fuck," he mutters in a pool of his own blood. Link grabs his arm in macho, non-gay camaraderie. "Go get those bastards for me. Don't you dare let them win. Hyrule's freedom lies in your hands."

Credits roll.


Zelda leans over the table, his gruff hands pushing aside the beer cans that cover the map of the enemy battlegrounds. "Okay, team, we need to get the Triforce over on the other side of Hyrule. I'm gunna be frank, there's a lot of shit coming our way."

Link turns away. "Aw fuck this shit."

Zelda slaps him. "This ain't no time for fucking around, you piece of shit" he growled. "You take your goddamn MD17 with a 56 caliber sniper gun blaster and you point it at those fuckers until they die. This ain't no time to be messing around."

Link hollers at Zelda, "Fuck you. I ain't waiting for Ganon and the other Soviet Islamic terrorists to be heading our way. You ain't got nobody but me and Mountain Dew."

They both look at the camera.

"Okay rookie," barks Zelda, his muscles flexing and shining in some unholy sheen, "I'll take point, you follow behind me."

He runs over to the door, kicks it down, before he's shot down by a Deku Scrub.

"Fuck," he mutters in a pool of his own blood. Link grabs his arm in macho, non-gay camaraderie. "Go get those bastards for me. Don't you dare let them win. Hyrule's freedom lies in your hands."

Credits roll.

LOL. People that play this crap and complain about Nintendo's stories are something else.

I would take the Zelda's sleep scene or Fi's farewell in Skyward Sword any day over any story in a dudebro shooter.


man I waited the cart but my gamestop and walmart is to far away and its not worth it to drive that far. so DD for me... :O :O cant wait..


This game is fucking glorious. im so glad they decided to go 60 fps. Its so smooth.

No instruction booklet makes me so sad.


Just finished the intro, my word this game is glorious. I never really worried about framerates and the like, but seeing Link move at 60fps is just amazing. Everything feels so fast and smooth.

Dr Dogg

That feeling when you look at the world map and everything is right where you remember it. It's like seeing an old friend or ex you haven't seen in years. Plus seeing
Majora's Mask
on the wall back at Link's house was nice nice touch.


Have finished the first 3ish dungeons and am now finally taking the break that the game so badly wants me to take.

I'm really liking the game. I don't know if I'm "omg 10/10" liking it, but it's really fun.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Best use of 3d on the system for sure. I've never really been a fan of the feature, but I have no interest in playing Zelda with it turned off. The usage in the dungeons in particular is fantastic. If the game keeps up like it's been so far, this may just be a perfect 2d Zelda experience.


Beat dungeon two - very easy and short, but I really enjoyed it.

Currently trying to get into the Lake Hylia dungeon but am a bit lost. Think I know what to do now though.

3D is excellent.


Beat dungeon two - very easy and short, but I really enjoyed it.

Currently trying to get into the Lake Hylia dungeon but am a bit lost. Think I know what to do now though.

3D is excellent.

But Lake Hylia is dungeon 2

jk I love this game so much right now


So it seems like I'm stuck. I can't find a way to access the last dungeon in Lorule, the one
in the desert, south/west on the map (I saved it for last since I didn't know how to reach it)
. If anybody got a clue to put me on the right direction, I'd be grateful.

Edit : Okay nevermind, I finally found a way in !


First Zelda game in a long time for me. This is magical. Everything about this seems perfect. Super tight well tuned controls, beautiful 3D, 60fps. Most of all the music stands out the most. People were NOT exaggerating with the praise for the music... absolutely outstanding.


Unconfirmed Member
This is shaping up to be one of my favorite Zeldas ever. And I'll admit, a large part of that is due to nostalgia. I first played Link to the Past when I was seven or eight, and finally beat it when I was ten. Zelda, and LTTP in particular, was a huge part of my childhood imagination. Getting to revisit the LTTP world and seeing how it has changed gives me the same feeling I get when I visit the neighborhood I used to live in as a little kid, or the old camp ground my mom and I used to go to.

I have to say, though, I'm not a fan of the Ocarina of Time references. I was never a huge fan of that game, and seeing people like
and hearing the house music from OOT kinda rubs me the wrong way. I want this to be 100% Link to the Past fan service. It's a minor thing, but it still bugs me. Otherwise, this game has been amazing.


Man, just started up this game, beat the Eastern Palace. It's a fantastic game, but the one thing that did kinda sorta bother me is that this game opted for the modern, "peaceful start" to a zelda game where you run around a bit doing errands before really getting into it. One of the best things about ALTTP was that it threw you right into the action and drama right away.

Oh well, it's still a relatively quick and snappy intro, it isn't offensive in the least bit. Just a shame that they didn't use this opportunity.

Also: I love those milk bar musicians. They are so good. I can tell this game was composed by the Nintendoland composer, there's a lot of similarities.


Best use of 3d on the system for sure. I've never really been a fan of the feature, but I have no interest in playing Zelda with it turned off. The usage in the dungeons in particular is fantastic. If the game keeps up like it's been so far, this may just be a perfect 2d Zelda experience.

Yeah in Tower of Hera, I was like "whoa" when i jumped to the next level.

Ugh how much longer will it take for Miiverse 3DS? I want to post things!


Membero Americo
My body is ready.

As bad as Walmart can be, Best Buy has always been the worst store for electronics, for me. Always been obnoxious and rough just to get in and out, for some reason, was sad when Circuit City closed years back.

Oh lord Circuit City that takes me back. Going there as a kid in the last 80s/early 90s and seeing those Mind's Eye computer animation VHS tapes they'd have on loop showing off CRTs. I even remember seeing them selling Sega CDs and even playing clips from Night Trap lol. I feel old.
So it seems like I'm stuck. I can't find a way to access the last dungeon in Lorule, the one
in the desert, south/west on the map (I saved it for last since I didn't know how to reach it)
. If anybody got a clue to put me on the right direction, I'd be grateful.

There is no dungeon in the South West of Lorule. Actually, that part is used as
a battle arena for a boss later on
. The dungeon is in Hyrule and you need to rent the sand rod to be able to access it, and it just takes a few Lorule/Hyrule wall transitions to get to there, by starting from Hyrule South-South West I think.

I believe the sand rod only becomes available for rent/buy after you've cleared the first Lorule dungeon, also I'd HIGHLY recommend buying+upgrading this item because then it creates permanent sand columns instead of just temporary.
I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but I love how the sound switches to (mono? stereo?) when you're in portrait mode.

But I prefer
blue Zoras


I love this game so much. I have never really liked Zelda. I Have OoT and a couple of the older black/white Zelda games on my 3DS and Skyward Sword and Twilight princess on my Wii (U). But A Link Between Worlds is so good.

I need to play the other games too.


Sweet mercy, how frustrating is the baseball mini game? I've tried it over 30 times now and the best I can get is 75. I can't figure a way to do it. There's not enough of those birds to get enough points.

Any tips?

Edit - Fuuuck 91.


I felt like I got my $40 worth after seeing that amazing title screen. Fortunately everything that follows up to
Yuga's takeover of Hyrule Castle
has been sublime. The first dungeon was a great warm up and the wall mechanics are pretty inventive and provide for some neat camera tricks.
Sweet mercy, how frustrating is the baseball mini game? I've tried it over 30 times now and the best I can get is 75. I can't figure a way to do it. There's not enough of those birds to get enough points.

Any tips?

You are controlling everything. Holding circle pad neutral, up or down controls the distance. Then, depending on your timing, the ball will go left or right (left = hit ball late, right = hit the ball early).

By the way you do eventually get to find the rent items, right?

You get the option to buy them pretty early in the game, at the same place. Costs between 800-1200 rupees with 50% off for first purchase (so buy Ice or Fire rod as first purchase).


Can't believe people were saying this game was ugly. It's gorgeous and 60 Frames? Makes you wonder what Game Freak was doing that whole time.
Zelda leans over the table, his gruff hands pushing aside the beer cans that cover the map of the enemy battlegrounds. "Okay, team, we need to get the Triforce over on the other side of Hyrule. I'm gunna be frank, there's a lot of shit coming our way."

Link turns away. "Aw fuck this shit."

Zelda slaps him. "This ain't no time for fucking around, you piece of shit" he growled. "You take your goddamn MD17 with a 56 caliber sniper gun blaster and you point it at those fuckers until they die. This ain't no time to be messing around."

Link hollers at Zelda, "Fuck you. I ain't waiting for Ganon and the other Soviet Islamic terrorists to be heading our way. You ain't got nobody but me and Mountain Dew."

They both look at the camera.

"Okay rookie," barks Zelda, his muscles flexing and shining in some unholy sheen, "I'll take point, you follow behind me."

He runs over to the door, kicks it down, before he's shot down by a Deku Scrub.

"Fuck," he mutters in a pool of his own blood. Link grabs his arm in macho, non-gay camaraderie. "Go get those bastards for me. Don't you dare let them win. Hyrule's freedom lies in your hands."

Credits roll.

This was amusing.
So my fear was confirmed, because the game can't assume the player has any item minus the one required to enter the dungeon your other items are even more useless in this game. Sure there are some areas that offer more then one solution if you have multiple items, but it's not any easier or more efficient so far. Maybe the later dungeons make you wish you had all the items but so far these earlier ones aren't cutting it.
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