You mean the theif in Kakariko? I'm trying but he always escapes. As soon as he leaves the screen he just disappears. Is there a certain method to catching him or should I keep trying the old fashioned way?
How do you use bottles? Every time I equip one and use it, it just makes that "can't-use-this" sound.
I need faeries because I suck ass and keep dying. ;____;
How do you use bottles? Every time I equip one and use it, it just makes that "can't-use-this" sound.
I need faeries because I suck ass and keep dying. ;____;
When can you start buying items instead of renting them? I'm on my way to the 2nd dungeon, and I can rent most of the items now. But I don't have an option to buy them. I can't even buy the bow right now. I'd much rather buy as many of them as I can so I can upgrade 'em.
Finish the third dungeon and Ravio will let you buy things
In the second dungeon, need help.
Second floor, outside. There's a circle of 6 flames. The compass says there's a key here. How do I get it?
I just got to Lorule. This game is amazing. The music is incredible, the gameplay and dungeon design so far has been god-tier, and the pacing is perfect.
Merge to wall and go to the left around the corner.
Hey I pre ordered the game through best buy and have yet to get a code for Oracle of Ages.
Is it inside the game case or do they send it through email?
No where in sightCheck your receipt, maybe the code is there?
Unable to get to the store today to get this. Really considering Digital but last time I went digital with Animal Crossing my card died and I lost everything in my town :/
It was a Samsung card :/ really crap after spending hundreds of hours in New Leaf and getting a village full of awesome villagers.Your card DIED!? What brand is it?
I've had to get a lot of my games digitally (Animal Crossing included) due to region restrictions, and now that you've said that it has me a bit more worried.
I've had a love/hate relationship with the Zelda series over the years so I've decided to import a physical copy from (I've got a North American XL, but I live in Taipei).
It was a Samsung card :/ really crap after spending hundreds of hours in New Leaf and getting a village full of awesome villagers.
Pro Tip: Buy the same brand of cards Nintendo includes with the system. Safest bet to avoid compatibility issues.
Don't they give Sandisk, because Sandisk is great.
Tsk tsk tsk!Your god-tier equals very short and easy dungeons?
Question! (mild item spoilers)Where can I get the Hylian Shield and the Blue Tunic? I want to pimp Link's look out as early as possible.
Oh okay, I was thinking it might be that. Thanks!
Man.. the music in this game. So fucking good. Not just the songs themselves (they are fantastic), but the quality of the music when using a headset/earphones... so crisp.
EDIT: lol, didn't see your reply until I made mine, BY2K. We were thinking the exact same thing.![]()
I just caught how the music goes from stereo to mono when you change to wall/picture mode. So good!
Excellent. Thanks brother!1) Turtle Rock dungeon (located in Lorule's equivalent of Hylia Lake), requires Ice rod
2) Swamp dungeon (Lorule South, not South West), requires Hookshot