Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall


You mean the theif in Kakariko? I'm trying but he always escapes. As soon as he leaves the screen he just disappears. Is there a certain method to catching him or should I keep trying the old fashioned way?

I was vague to avoid spoilering the solution. :b
Glad to see you got it.


How do you use bottles? Every time I equip one and use it, it just makes that "can't-use-this" sound.

I need faeries because I suck ass and keep dying. ;____;
How do you use bottles? Every time I equip one and use it, it just makes that "can't-use-this" sound.

I need faeries because I suck ass and keep dying. ;____;

Go visit the
Bee guy in the village and he'll give you a net to catch bees/fairies.
When can you start buying items instead of renting them? I'm on my way to the 2nd dungeon, and I can rent most of the items now. But I don't have an option to buy them. I can't even buy the bow right now. I'd much rather buy as many of them as I can so I can upgrade 'em.

Finish the third dungeon and Ravio will let you buy things
In the second dungeon, need help.

Second floor, outside. There's a circle of 6 flames. The compass says there's a key here. How do I get it?
If anyone's interested, my review is finally up! It's a little late since work's been kicking my ass and I just write about games on the side, but it's done nonetheless.

Can't wait to go right back and start my Hero Mode playthrough. Such a fantastic game.


Membero Americo
Man, the music!

Also, man, it's even worse than Animal Crossing. Everybody, EVERYBODY on my 3DS Friends List is playing it. EVERY-FUCKING-BODY.
Finish the third dungeon and Ravio will let you buy things

Oh okay, I was thinking it might be that. Thanks!


Man.. the music in this game. So fucking good. Not just the songs themselves (they are fantastic), but the quality of the music when using a headset/earphones... so crisp.

EDIT: lol, didn't see your reply until I made mine, BY2K. We were thinking the exact same thing. :p
Controls beautifully and the music is phenomenal.

First two dungeons have been very straight forward though and crazy short. Give me multiple doors and multiple keys. Make me choose a path even if it is a dead end. Worrisome Zelda trend and the renting system is making it worse by limiting what gameplay they can implement in any single dungeon. They (the dungeons) have been quite enjoyable though despite this.

The overworld seems easier to navigate than in LTTP. Big plus. So far I think it may have the best top-down Zelda overworld of all and analog controls are helping.


Just beat the first Lorule dungeon and holy shit.

I did not see them bringing back that Sacred Realm place for the sages.
In the second dungeon, need help.

Second floor, outside. There's a circle of 6 flames. The compass says there's a key here. How do I get it?
Merge to wall and go to the left around the corner.
Hey I pre ordered the game through best buy and have yet to get a code for Oracle of Ages.
Is it inside the game case or do they send it through email?


Unable to get to the store today to get this. Really considering Digital but last time I went digital with Animal Crossing my card died and I lost everything in my town :/
Unable to get to the store today to get this. Really considering Digital but last time I went digital with Animal Crossing my card died and I lost everything in my town :/

Your card DIED!? What brand is it?

I've had to get a lot of my games digitally (Animal Crossing included) due to region restrictions, and now that you've said that it has me a bit more worried.

I've had a love/hate relationship with the Zelda series over the years so I've decided to import a physical copy from Play-Asia.com (I've got a North American XL, but I live in Taipei).


Your card DIED!? What brand is it?

I've had to get a lot of my games digitally (Animal Crossing included) due to region restrictions, and now that you've said that it has me a bit more worried.

I've had a love/hate relationship with the Zelda series over the years so I've decided to import a physical copy from Play-Asia.com (I've got a North American XL, but I live in Taipei).
It was a Samsung card :/ really crap after spending hundreds of hours in New Leaf and getting a village full of awesome villagers.
It was a Samsung card :/ really crap after spending hundreds of hours in New Leaf and getting a village full of awesome villagers.

Oh man, that bites hard. Sorry to hear that.

Sandisk or nothing, good sir.

If you have a Sandisk card now, you can feel confident about getting Zelda digitally.


Membero Americo
Pro Tip: Buy the same brand of cards Nintendo includes with the system. Safest bet to avoid compatibility issues.


Hard to say, there shouldn't be compatibility issues with cards of different brands. Nintendo even package in differing brands sometimes, mine came with a Lexar for example. Samsung don't have any quality issues either - they're high quality cards and I've used them for everything in the past, had one in my DSLR for years and it's never had an issue.

Might have just been unlucky or it could've been a result of overuse since I tended to leave my system on sleep 24/7.


Man I'm loving this game so far. Just beat Tower of Hera.

I was surprised how difficult the first boss was. Got me down to half a heart. Definitely wasn't expecting that.


Luckily it turns out I'll probably have some free time to pop in and buy a copy this afternoon anyway :D can't wait to play this.
Your god-tier equals very short and easy dungeons?
Tsk tsk tsk!

I have been completely fine with the length of the dungeons. I'm appreciating the brisker, snappier pace, probably in part because it has become a completely foreign concept in most modern Zeldas. None of the dungeons so far have overstayed their welcome, and I vastly prefer that style to something that is stretched too thin because of how drawn out it is.

As for them being easy? It doesn't matter. They are creative as hell, with fluid level design that brilliantly utilizes the interconnectivity of each dungeon's architecture. That feeling of adventure is paramount to what I look for in Zelda, and having meticulously crafted dungeons that are precise and well-thought out goes a long way in making the game world feel authentic.
Just beat the first dungeon, and wow...I'm impressed with this game already. The music is probably my favorite part, everything sounds phenomenal!

And thank you to the person above who pointed out the new ALBW posters on Club Nintendo. Totally ordered as soon as I saw it. Thanks for the heads up!
Question! (mild item spoilers)
Where can I get the Hylian Shield and the Blue Tunic? I want to pimp Link's look out as early as possible.

1) Turtle Rock dungeon (located in Lorule's equivalent of Hylia Lake), requires Ice rod
2) Swamp dungeon (Lorule South, not South West), requires Hookshot


Oh okay, I was thinking it might be that. Thanks!


Man.. the music in this game. So fucking good. Not just the songs themselves (they are fantastic), but the quality of the music when using a headset/earphones... so crisp.

EDIT: lol, didn't see your reply until I made mine, BY2K. We were thinking the exact same thing. :p

I just caught how the music goes from stereo to mono when you change to wall/picture mode. So good!


The feels from the music and the sound effects and the familiar world....man. The first Zelda I've fallen in love with since Wind Waker.

I hate how low the max volume is on the fucking 3DS. I can't even hear it that well while I'm on the subway train.

Is the XL's volume output higher? That may be what gets me to switch...
I don't think I'll ever leave the Milk Bar. I'll just spend all my rupees listening to the musicians play dem Zelda tunes.

They totally don't know Ballad of the Wind Fish, huh?


Goddamn this game is tons of fun, I love just exploring and trying out all the rented items. Not to mention dat 60 fps + 3D. Unffff.
Bought back about half of my rented items, upgraded two of them (the Maiamais are absolutely adorable aaaa). Also, the Desert Palace is my favorite sand themed dungeon yet.
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