Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

Eh hem.

At club nintendo for 500 coins.


Membero Americo
I discovered that if I squeeze part of the top half of the 3DS near the slider, it fixes my problem of the 3D not turning completely off...

for a few seconds before it comes back. So I guess something is loose in the system near the slider.
Where do you upgrade your equipment?

Not sure if I should spoiler this but I will anyway.

Look for the Maiamai Cave and agree to return 100 of the lost Maiamais to the mother. For each 10 Maiamai returned you can upgrade one item. The catch is that you have to buy the item from Ravio first.
This game is AMAZING. I have a huge grin on my face playing it. Brings me back to playing LttP as a kid.

I'm really excited if Nintendo takes Zelda in this direction in the future.


Just picked up my copy. Can't wait to get home and play this. So hyped after reading all the hands on impressions in this thread!
Do the dungeons become more long and complex in Lorule? The first three in Hyrule were quite short, and the concepts weren't fleshed out as best as they could.


the music is... oh man. amazing.

an age where a handheld zelda can make me feel almost the same way as a console zelda is a good age indeed


Just rented all the items I could from Ravio. Anyone know how many sidequests you can do before you're forced to tackle the next two dungeons?
Is it true that the build quality of the XL in the LBW bundle is a lot better than normal? I've been looking to retire my Pikachu XL soon because the hinge is way too loose to the point where it's almost unusable, but I just blew money on a PS4 and I'm poor as is. A sturdy hinge would push me over the edge though...
Is it true that the build quality of the XL in the LBW bundle is a lot better than normal? I've been looking to retire my Pikachu XL soon because the hinge is way too loose to the point where it's almost unusable, but I just blew money on a PS4 and I'm poor as is. A sturdy hinge would push me over the edge though...

Woah, where did you hear that?
Is it true that the build quality of the XL in the LBW bundle is a lot better than normal? I've been looking to retire my Pikachu XL soon because the hinge is way too loose to the point where it's almost unusable, but I just blew money on a PS4 and I'm poor as is. A sturdy hinge would push me over the edge though...

Mine (that, as I mentioned already has other issues and is being returned) has a rather floppy, clicking hinge. Inversely, my last XL was rock solid and made no noise when opening.


Wow the 3D in this game is really good.

in my case its more of the fact that it's been way too long since I played a 3DS game that ran at a perfect constant framerate with 3D on. After Pokemon, AA5 (wich is okay but can get framey), Luigi's Mansion etc; this is much appreciated.


Wow, I've spent a lot of time exploring and am done with the first dungeon.

- 3D effect is really good
- Music is terrific
- Gameplay reminds me a lot of LttP, although it does seem a bit easier (not by much)

Gotta go to bed, I really want to keep going, but I know better.
Just picked up the game, only a few minutes in but looks far better in person than it did upscaled and being played at 30 frames in all the preview material. Also the first time in a long while I've bothered with 3D being on for a 3DS game.


So far, Ice Ruins is the best dungeon in any 2D Zelda, Swamp Palace has the best music and best looking water since Mario Sunshine/Galaxy and the Death Mountain music is amazing.


Only 10 hours of work left before I can go home and dive into this. Finished up ALTTP last night so now I'm fully prepared. God damn the last dungeon or two were tough. Something diabolical about the way they were designed, like Dark Souls but 20 years earlier.


Just started this game a little while ago. It is gorgeous in person on my original 3DS. The 3D effect is very well done. One of the first things that hit me was the music quality, I'm definitely playing this with headphones on. Unlocking the wall mechanic and messing around in the first dungeon was a lot of fun. All that plus ALttP nostalgia makes me excited to play through the rest of the game. Hopefully it holds up all the way through!


Is it true that the build quality of the XL in the LBW bundle is a lot better than normal? I've been looking to retire my Pikachu XL soon because the hinge is way too loose to the point where it's almost unusable, but I just blew money on a PS4 and I'm poor as is. A sturdy hinge would push me over the edge though...

Nah my gold has the bad hinge and wobbly top screen. It's hit and miss. Only problem is you can't keep going through them to find a good one because they are sold out/limited.
I'm enjoying the game so far, but I'm not sure I care for the item shop. In practice it essentially gives you instant access to all these items. Money has not been an issue (perhaps because I'm not dying) and I miss the thrill of finding new stuff in dungeons. Maybe this will change.


I'm enjoying the game so far, but I'm not sure I care for the item shop. In practice it essentially gives you instant access to all these items. Money has not been an issue (perhaps because I'm not dying) and I miss the thrill of finding new stuff in dungeons. Maybe this will change.

There are still items to be found in the dungeons, you know

Like, proper gear.


Just started the game. Literally 2 minutes in, I got a few rupees.mthengame didn't stop to tell me what they are. Good start, Nintendo.


I was extremely hyped for this game and I love it so far. As expected, it looks, feels and plays great. you really notice the 60 fps. I love how much love ist put in the game, so much heartwarming nostalgia. the band in the milk bar is really awesome, there are really great people working at nintendo.

I just feel the pacing is somehow off, I get everything thrown at extremely fast, flippers, power gloves, pegasus boots. and now I can already rent all the items from the game? this just feels off. the dungeons are a little short, too. but what bothers me most is that everything is going so fast witthout slower moments. I guess I wished for a little more character interaction. is there even an item trading questline in this game? many character dont even have names, only "blacksmith" or the like. the character interaction, as small as it may be, is a reason why links awakening is probably still my favourite zelda. and ALBW goes so fast from progress to progress that some things might be lost. at least thats how I feel after the first 2 dungeons.


I was extremely hyped for this game and I love it so far. As expected, it looks, feels and plays great. you really notice the 60 fps. I love how much love ist put in the game, so much heartwarming nostalgia. the band in the milk bar is really awesome, there are really great people working at nintendo.

I just feel the pacing is somehow off, I get everything thrown at extremely fast, flippers, power gloves, pegasus boots. and now I can already rent all the items from the game? this just feels off. the dungeons are a little short, too. but what bothers me most is that everything is going so fast witthout slower moments. I guess I wished for a little more character interaction. is there even an item trading questline in this game? many character dont even have names, only "blacksmith" or the like. the character interaction, as small as it may be, is a reason why links awakening is probably still my favourite zelda. and ALBW goes so fast from progress to progress that some things might be lost. at least thats how I feel after the first 2 dungeons.

Some people don't care about that stuff though. I'm not one of them but looking at Skyward Sword reviews, I was surprised at how many people didn't give a damn about the NPC characters.

The Lamp

Okay so I beat the first dungeon and while the challenge and new item rental system is quite novel for a Zelda game, I don't really get the insurmountable amount of hype at this point. The game is lacking charm and character, with a generic art style and Link has even less personality than before, which I thought was hard enough to do. Everything feels so arbitrary, without scale and without context.

One might argue that Skyward Sword was waaaaaay too anime/drama/plotsy/cutesy but this game seems to be on the polar opposite side of the spectrum...so far it just feels like a vapid dungeon crawler. I like the villain at least but...I just don't know. Although the puzzles and dungeons are quite clever thus far.

I guess it was designed to be more along the vein of A Link to the Past, which was like this...pure gameplay and meat, very little flash and charisma. So I understand why it is that way. I guess I just actually do enjoy having a bit of flash and charisma in my Zelda games so ALBW feels kind of empty of that. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword each had way more personality than this game so far. This game seems to cater to nostalgia of people who preferred very retro Zelda principles.

But I am truly enjoying the gameplay so far. It just feels like it's missing some flair to its personality.

As someone who played ALTTP ONCE like over 10 years ago and I don't even remember if I finished it, I'm somewhat resistant to the nostalgia as well.


Membero Americo
Is it true that the build quality of the XL in the LBW bundle is a lot better than normal? I've been looking to retire my Pikachu XL soon because the hinge is way too loose to the point where it's almost unusable, but I just blew money on a PS4 and I'm poor as is. A sturdy hinge would push me over the edge though...

You know that loud snap sound the 3DS XL makes every time you open it up? The Zelda 3DS XL is MUCH quieter.
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