A Link Between Worlds now has my favourite water themed dungeon in it.
Holy shit that was so great.
A Link Between Worlds now has my favourite water themed dungeon in it.
Holy shit that was so great.
You know that loud snap sound the 3DS XL makes every time you open it up? The Zelda 3DS XL is MUCH quieter.
Genuinely considering trading in my 2DS for a 3DS XL due to the number of reviewers saying the 3D is needed to play this game. Would people in here agree that it's worth it for that, or does that seem unwaranted just for a couple of games (I've already finished Mario Land 3D and have Mario and Luigi + Ocarina to play)
Lol. I stopped because I'm sleepy. Bed time.Yet, you stopped to post about it. Think about it for a while.
You know that loud snap sound the 3DS XL makes every time you open it up? The Zelda 3DS XL is MUCH quieter.
Posting about Zelda instead of playing Zelda. You're doing it wrong!
*goes back to play Zelda*
Okay so I beat the first dungeon and while the challenge and new item rental system is quite novel for a Zelda game, I don't really get the insurmountable amount of hype at this point. The game is lacking charm and character, with a generic art style and Link has even less personality than before, which I thought was hard enough to do. Everything feels so arbitrary, without scale and without context.
One might argue that Skyward Sword was waaaaaay too anime/drama/plotsy/cutesy but this game seems to be on the polar opposite side of the spectrum...so far it just feels like a vapid dungeon crawler. I like the villain at least but...I just don't know. Although the puzzles and dungeons are quite clever thus far.
I guess it was designed to be more along the vein of A Link to the Past, which was like this...pure gameplay and meat, very little flash and charisma. So I understand why it is that way. I guess I just actually do enjoy having a bit of flash and charisma in my Zelda games so ALBW feels kind of empty of that. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword each had way more personality than this game so far. This game seems to cater to nostalgia of people who preferred very retro Zelda principles.
But I am truly enjoying the gameplay so far. It just feels like it's missing some flair to its personality.
As someone who played ALTTP ONCE like over 10 years ago and I don't even remember if I finished it, I'm somewhat resistant to the nostalgia as well.
This has probably been asked already but my googlefu is weak this morning - but how many save slots does this game have?
I agree. The game is fantastic to play, just like LTTP, but it's missing the extra Zelda flavour that I love that LA and OoT introduced. Definitely not head over heels in love with it like most as I think having a world in Zelda without interesting NPCs and world context isn't enough - it's definitely a sequel to LTTP in that regard as I thought that game was pretty dull outside of dungeon-y stuff.
Anyone know what those Manticore like monsters are on?Death MountainHow the heck do you kill them?The ones that breath fire that does like 4 hearts of damage to you?
I'm liking the game a lot BUT the rental system has totally trivialised the actual dungeon aspect of the game if you ask me. It doesn't help that so far, the only worthwhile chest items worth getting in a dungeon are the boss key and the compass. Not even a heart-piece from what i've played so far. Personally, I really hope the item rental system doesn't return on Zelda Wii U . It's a decent experiment which has been executed reasonably well for this game but has in the process has negated a lot of the series charm. Especially when it comes to being rewarded with cool new stuff.
I'm liking the game a lot BUT the rental system has totally trivialised the actual dungeon aspect of the game if you ask me. It doesn't help that so far, the only worthwhile chest items worth getting in a dungeon are the boss key and the compass. Not even a heart-piece from what i've played so far. Personally, I really hope the item rental system doesn't return on Zelda Wii U . It's a decent experiment which has been executed reasonably well for this game but has in the process has negated a lot of the series charm. Especially when it comes to being rewarded with cool new stuff.