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Zelda: A Link Between Worlds |OT| All in all you're just another Link in the wall

First dungeon in Lorule, pacing is brilliant.

But uh... I chose the bombs...

I'm at the Dark Palace and I've got the bosskey, but I can't access the boss yet. There is something blocking my path which opens when you light up four eyes. Got three of those done, but the last one in the upper left doesn't make sense. For as far I can see, it doesn't have a switch to shine some light upon it. I'm missing something very obvious hehe.
You have to bomb open a window covering on a higher floor.


This game is very good, however, I find myself missing linear progression. Being given access to all the items right away does destroy some of the pacing and adventure of this kind of game. In previous titles, there was always incentive to go to the next dungeon because you'd get a new item which allowed you to go to explore even more. Walking around and seeing all these things you can't do yet is a big part of Zelda. Removing that kinda shrinks the world a bit. It also limits the kind of puzzles they can put in any one dungeon, because each dungeon can only be based around one item. Also, I'm not sure what problem it's supposed to solve. In all the years of people complaining about things in Zelda, "linear progression" wasn't really high on the list. I mean, I just played Guacamelee a few weeks ago, and I felt the progression was solid. I didn't find myself wishing I could go wherever I wanted.

Ironically, what I think makes this game so good, (despite Nintendo not talking about it) is that it doesn't hold your hand at all. I think that's what everyone wanted, and this game really delivers on that aspect. I just hope Nintendo doesn't think that non-linear progression was this game's innovation, because really it's not. The big thing here is that Nintendo took the safety rails off for once. That's what I'd love for them to carry on moving forward.


The game tells me I'm not supposed to go into this area just yet. At least that's what I think those annoying enemies are trying to tell me with their mean attacks that absolutely kill my poor Link in just two hits. But, you know, I don't care. Who thinks the game it is, telling me which dungeon is off limits? I'll show you what a real hero is, you stupid game! You won't kill me, nope, not in this life.

The game was great before, but as soon as its opens up and gives you free reigns about where to go, it becomes fantastic. It's such a great feeling to go into an area and a dungeon you clearly aren't supposed to visit yet -- but you just can. And if you're good, you'll manage.


Damn im stuck at
The Lost Woods segment with the ghost haha. I cant belive im having so much trouble with it. Allways fails on the last one baaaaahhh
Just beat the second main dungeon - for me, it was the
wind dungeon at Lake Hylia
. Embarrassingly, I almost died on the boss of that one because I was kind of sloppy and being too greedy trying to do more damage than I should have. xD

I'm really loving the game, and I'm trying to take my time with it. Exploring the world, listening to the wonderful music... The whole renting thing isn't as awkward as I thought it might be, but I do still kind of miss getting the items in the dungeons. And as someone else said, since the game has nonlinear progression, that might limit the puzzles they can do in any one dungeon since they have to be done with only 1 item in mind. It's not a big deal so far - I've enjoyed both dungeons (even if they are a bit short), but for future games, I'm not sure if I want it again. There are pros and cons to it.


Membero Americo
Personally, the dungeons seems the right length and difficulty. The
Ice Ruins
was something.

And again, THE. MUSIC. Dark Death Mountain is incredible.



"Go get the flippers"
*arrive at Zora's Domain*
*5 mins later*
"Thanks, here ya go."

It wasn't very painful (the warp points make traveling a breeze), but it was entirely pointless.
Got the
Master Sword
last night which is as far as I'll be until I get a chance to play again tomorrow night.

So far, I'm loving it, the first three dungeons were relatively straight forward, kind of like in LTTP, and I'm hoping that will change soon. I had a lot of rupees from just exploring everything. I thought that with the amount I had I would be able to buy everything, but nope, only managed to buy three items, and I got to upgrade one.

Can't wait to play more.


Well I finished it, I guess this was the easiest, shortest Zelda ever, it took me like what, 11-12 hours? And I wasn't even rushing it.

New Super Zelda fears confirmed. Although those games are at least a challenge in some places. It was not worth the 45 euro e-shop price tag but I have no other choice atm.

Everything was way too obvious, things were flat out given to you without question and at random (I guess that's the new free roaming structure's problem), rupees and other items were flying all around in huge quantities so I could buy all the items pretty much straight away. The Big Keys in the dungeons were always almost right next to the Boss door, wtf Nintendo, make an effort.
For 500 points there is 3 really nice looking Zelda posters. Ordered them in a heartbeat. Still waiting to pick up my game my though. Since there wasn't a preorder bonus that I could use or a collectors edition I saw no need to pick it up day one. This is actually the first Zelda in years I have done this. Just money tight due to next Gen consoles/games is all.


This game is very good, however, I find myself missing linear progression. Being given access to all the items right away does destroy some of the pacing and adventure of this kind of game. In previous titles, there was always incentive to go to the next dungeon because you'd get a new item which allowed you to go to explore even more. Walking around and seeing all these things you can't do yet is a big part of Zelda. Removing that kinda shrinks the world a bit. It also limits the kind of puzzles they can put in any one dungeon, because each dungeon can only be based around one item. Also, I'm not sure what problem it's supposed to solve. In all the years of people complaining about things in Zelda, "linear progression" wasn't really high on the list. I mean, I just played Guacamelee a few weeks ago, and I felt the progression was solid. I didn't find myself wishing I could go wherever I wanted.

Ironically, what I think makes this game so good, (despite Nintendo not talking about it) is that it doesn't hold your hand at all. I think that's what everyone wanted, and this game really delivers on that aspect. I just hope Nintendo doesn't think that non-linear progression was this game's innovation, because really it's not. The big thing here is that Nintendo took the safety rails off for once. That's what I'd love for them to carry on moving forward.
But don't the two go hand in hand? I think the reason there can be less hand holding is because you have so many options (most of the time). If there was only one way to progress they kind of have to make it more obvious.

This game is amazing in so many ways, but it's the visuals that still get me. Everything has a solid quality to it that just doesn't come through in videos. Like the extra frames reveal a magic realm of virtual reality or something. Like there is extra detail to everything because your brain is fed extra information but in a screenshot it would look ordinary--it's hard to explain but it has a hypnotic quality to it.

Also enjoying all my expectations being tested. Is it wrong to shed actual tears when hearing the dark world theme for the first time? Innocence lost...and found again.


So i'm supposed to find that kid from the beginning, and also some old dude's friend. I have no idea where or what to do right now.


I take back what I said about this not being "10/10 good" yesterday.

This game is ridiculously fun. The dungeon designs are glorious.


Man, this game is fantastic.

60FPS + 3D looks absolutely great in motion.

I'm only maybe 5 hours in, playing this and replaying Link's Awakening concurrently, but so far this is just as good, if not better than LA. Loving it.


Junior Member
Zelda and Mario don't arrive here until the 27th, Futureshop sucks!

Game looks amazing though, glad you're all liking it. I wish Hero mode wasn't unlockable though, it makes no sense to go backwards after TWW HD.


Hmmm... still don't see it.

Still at the Dark Palace and I know I have to enter a room on the first floor to solve the puzzle, but I can't find the way in. It's the room left under on the first floor. The room that supposedly connects with it, is the room with two orbswitches that needs to be bombed to make a chest appear.


My god this game is golden. The music, the smoothness of the gameplay even the visuals are amazing in 3D... fuck man. Pure non-filtered, non-tutorialized Zelda magic. I didn't think Nintendo had it in them anymore.

Zelda is back bitches.


Where is
I can't find him and this is like the first sidequest lol.

Well I can't give you a straight answer without revealing too much of the main plot, but just so you know :
you don't have to look for him. You won't find him anywhere. Actually it's not even a sidequest at all. You'll understand later in the game.


Hmmm... still don't see it.

Still at the Dark Palace and I know I have to enter a room on the first floor to solve the puzzle, but I can't find the way in. It's the room left under on the first floor. The room that supposedly connects with it, is the room with two orbswitches that needs to be bombed to make a chest appear.

The first room you enter from the entry hall has a panel in the upper left corner that you can bomb. Learned this the hard way because I thought my game glitched o.a. and reloaded my save from an hour ago just to find the panel the minute I entered Dark Palace again. :/


The game is great. Just got to the part where I can do any dungeon. So far I think the rental system is fine. I don't do dungeons because I get an item from them. I do dungeons to solve their puzzles and complete them. It's the act of figuring something out and overcoming that challenge that is the reward. The only way I feel overpowered so far is that I can do all of the side stuff, but still, just because you have all of the tools doesn't mean you don't have to find where to use them and figure out how to use them in each specific instance. Maybe giving the player all of the items at the start will challenge the developers to create even more brain-teasing and challenging puzzles and dungeon designs rather than relying on simple lock and key item use. Instead of finding the dungeon item and it being used as a key for the dungeon, you have a full tool kit and have to figure out how to use all of it to solve puzzles and traverse the dungeons.


I think the non-linearity is cool, but the best thing so far is the lack of hand holding. The intro was short and then you're on your own.

No stupid helper character. Advice is completely optional. Characters only say things one, and they do it concisely. God I love it.


Junior Member
Definitely loving the game so far. I just completed the first dungeon and I headed to the Death Mountain area dungeon and saved there. I attempted to go to the Lake Hylia dungeon first but couldn't figure out how to reach it, so I just went to Death Mountain instead.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole weapon rental aspect though. I always loved earning a new item in each dungeon and they sort of stripped that away. I have not died yet so I'm not sure if the "lose rentals upon death" thing will really bother me, but at least they give you fast travel early into the game.

LOVE the Lost Woods remix track. Brought back so many memories.


Dying on a dungeon boss and having to trek back through part of the level is a pain! I miss the portals from Wind Waker.


Maturity, bitches.
So are Nintendo sending out Shadow Link via Spotpass because this is the second one I've come across and I haven't left the house.
This game is fantastic. That is all.

I love that after the first "dungeon":
I have the main game ability of merging onto walls, I already have the bow/bottle/net/lantern, and I can already friggin' warp.

All in glorious 60fps.


I feel like every song has been perfectly updated from LTTP. I'm only 2 dungeons completed though, but ready to have my mind blown further.
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