TheAre we talking aboutswamp palace? So I can get the big bomb flower past the boulder without the titan mitts? I desperately want that blue tunic, hero mode is killing me
Titan Mitts
TheAre we talking aboutswamp palace? So I can get the big bomb flower past the boulder without the titan mitts? I desperately want that blue tunic, hero mode is killing me
Are we talking aboutswamp palace? So I can get the big bomb flower past the boulder without the titan mitts? I desperately want that blue tunic, hero mode is killing me
He's referring to the giant rock blocking the passage south west of Link's house.Wait, you can use the Titan's Mitt to get through those structures you need the bomb flower for?
Wait, you can use the Titan's Mitt to get through those structures you need the bomb flower for?
which boulder? the one next to the plant?
or the one on the way somwehere? you can take a detour north, just take the way you would take yourself on foot. I did swamp palace before desert, so its definitely possible
I think I'm near game end and I want to get every heart container before reaching the last boss.
I need just 3 pieces and I really dunno where to get them...
I suppose 2 of them would be given bybut then I'll still miss one.last thief bros race and that masked guy that is asking for a shield
Really dunno where it could be, considering I've mastered every other minigame.
I don't really think whether its "internal" matters considering Nintendo was happy enough with the those games to absorb a number of the staff into Nintendo.
the race gives only 1 heart piece, the last one doesnt give another
also not quite sure about the shield guy, i dont remember anymore what happened there.
but its pretty hard to tell which ones you could have missed. honestly this was the first time ever I got all the heart pieces, witthout a guide even. I think they all are quite obvious.
I don't think I missed some of the non-puzzle related ones...
Anyway, how could I do for that guy? I can't even buy him another shield, because shops won't sell me one unless I lost mine. :\
There's always the eShopWent into town [UK] to get the game just now. Both Game stores in the high street [wanted to use my instore credit] didn't have it in stock. Had no idea when they are going to get it back in either.
Wanted something to tide me over til Friday. Shame
There's always the eShop![]()
This is the first Zelda in awhile without a clear helper character though, so perhaps that makes the hand holding feel less. There's no solid character you can constantly relate the hand holding to, so it seems more natural.
How do you get theYou do get the pegasus boots. You can get them pretty early on in the game (after the first dungeon if you visit Zora's Domain?) from Kakariko Village. The ones in large rocks you just pick up with the Titan Mitts which you definitely collect in one of the dungeons.
How do you get thepegasus boots? I saw the townsfolk make mention of some guy running around and I've seen him once or twice, but by the time I see him, he's already long gone.
=RavioHilda =ラヴィオ = Rabbi-o = Rabbit Man (the sound for "V" and the sound for "B" can be indistinguishable in Japanese phonetics)Yuga =ヒルダ= ヒルだ = literally "It's a leech"ユガ = 油画 = Oil Painting
Started Hero Mode, was surprised to find there are still hearts dropped by enemies/pots/plants. Thought they would get rid of those like in Wind Waker HD.
£39.99 is a tad expensive when I could be paying £25 from Game if they had stock ;¬)
Which weapon upgrade should I get?
Nice Bombs or Nice Hookshot?
Which weapon upgrade should I get?
Nice Bombs or Nice Hookshot?
Which weapon upgrade should I get?
Nice Bombs or Nice Hookshot?
Rods are best upgrades, but for those two go with bombs. Great for offense.
I try not use the rods, unless I absolutely NEED to use them (i.e., in the case of a Fire Temple). I find that they take a bit more magic power to use.
That said, I like sticking to the basics - the boomerang (my personal favorite), the bow, the hookshot, or some bombs.
Anyways, thanks for the advice!
YouTube is locked at 30 fps, isn't it?Spoiler!! end Boss and ending in 60 fps
where can i get the last orb ?
With all the talk about the rod upgrades being overpowered, should I upgrade them after their respective dungeons? I'm fearing upgrading them before will make the dungeons too easy.
Its up to you. I found the fire rod to be a ton of fun once it was upgraded and it was the first one I upgraded. Its definitely helpful for the dark palace and ice ruins. The other rods are also a lot of fun to use in the tower. However I care less about difficulty and more about if its fun. Difficulty makes no difference in my enjoyment of the game unless it is on one of the extremes.With all the talk about the rod upgrades being overpowered, should I upgrade them after their respective dungeons? I'm fearing upgrading them before will make the dungeons too easy.
Try going back to the secret sanctuary entrance, the thing you did first.
They are definitely better when upgraded, gameplay wise. But sure, if you want more challenge, don't upgrade.
Its up to you. I found the fire rod to be a ton of fun once it was upgraded and it was the first one I upgraded. Its definitely helpful for the dark palace and ice ruins. The other rods are also a lot of fun to use in the tower. However I care less about difficulty and more about if its fun. Difficulty makes no difference in my enjoyment of the game unless it is on one of the extremes.
I think Irene might have a crush on Link.Come back safely, okay?
I think Irene might have a crush on Link.Come back safely, okay?
But wouldn't some be much harder? What if I do an easy dungeon when I've got 10 hearts? I feel like I'd be overpowered. Or should I not worry about that?almost
one item from ravio is missing, the one for the desert palace. you will need to do thieves town first.
thats the only restriction, all the others can be done immediately.
Ok, now I just need the last one.
I have a question: is there a piece of heart container in the last dungeon?
If you mean Lorule Castle then no
They are definitely better when upgraded, gameplay wise. But sure, if you want more challenge, don't upgrade.