I'm not talking like full on bright red where it looks like she's wearing a wig. Like red highlights or a fade. Girls do that shit all the time. Plus, if she's doing it FOR the dance specifically, who cares. She might not even have it in the next movie. If she never dyes it at all, I won't care, but it's a nice nod to the OG character and to the fans.
And has been explained to you numerous times , white people are VERY well represented in media.
Minority representation is still improving.
I'm black and grew up watching shows/movies, reading comics/books where the majority of the characters were white. That shit affects you, some more than others. Especially kids. it's important that they get to see themselves represented. Diversity matters.
I get that, but black people being affected by a white person playing a black character doesn't mean that a white person can't be cast in a black character's role. I accept the fact that the consequences will be good. But I'm not a consequentialist.
I mean, it'd be gross as fuck to enforce caucasian beauty standards like that. why cant minorities just look like minorities instead of play redhead dressup to sate diet racist comic fans
Zendaya is well-known for ever-changing hairstyles with weave, extensions, and wigs. She talked about it in an interview. So it seems consistent with her irl personality.
I mean, it'd be gross as fuck to enforce caucasian beauty standards like that. why cant minorities just look like minorities instead of play redhead dressup to sate diet racist comic fans
Depending on what they want to do with MJ in the MCU, if she's going to be the love interest, giving her somewhat red (dyed?) hair would make her stand out more than the others, and, in my opinion, make her instantly recognisable as to who she is, plus giving her something to stand out.
Granted my knowledge of spiderman is basically some cartoons as a kid and the existing movies he's in, so I might be wrong and there are a bunch of red heads running around in the spiderman canon I don't know about.
The typical "I have white friends" excuse? I see right through you, friend! Well let me tell you white people are tired of hearing it. Our people have been oppressed for 8 long years!
I get that, but black people being affected by a white person playing a black character doesn't mean that a white person can't be cast in a black character's role. I accept the fact that the consequences will be good. But I'm not a consequentialist.
I mean, it'd be gross as fuck to enforce caucasian beauty standards like that. why cant minorities just look like minorities instead of play redhead dressup to sate diet racist comic fans
Man, who gives a shit? Im not familliar with her work hopefully she does a good job. I cant belive people are getting upset about this. And for people bringing up black panther, his race is central to his character, there is a keen difference between him and someone like MJ watson when it comes to the ethnicity of the actor.
That's the dumbest and most dated part of an otherwise great old movie so I really hope the people in charge are smart enough to dig that deep for a nostalgia play.
if the mary jane character makes herself look like the prior caucasian redhead model of the character at the end of the movie, what kind of message does that send to the audience about how the character is "supposed" to look?
and mj's red hair doesn't define her any more than her skin color does.
Is it okay that I am a little bit offended by that?
I mean, as an isolated incident, sure that is fine and the girl is beautiful (should still get red hair, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it when we live in a world with a brunette Hawkeye).
But my admittedly anecdotal as all hell view is that there is an effort to only allow acceptably light skinned women in to these roles of beautiful super hero and comic book characters.
Storm was cast as half white both times, and she is a straight up full blooded African.
The only dark skinned women that immediately come to mind were both Amanda Waller, who is decidedly not beautiful in the comics, and was not presented as beautiful in either movie.
I realize there is an insanely small pool here to look at, but given the relative scarcity of roles for black women in general, why are we only getting half white ladies?
Am I being racist there? I legit don't know. Is this in my head? I get angry about Storm's portrayal in film, so I may just be projecting that or something I dunno.
I get that, but black people being affected by a white person playing a black character doesn't mean that a white person can't be cast in a black character's role. I accept the fact that the consequences will be good. But I'm not a consequentialist.
The whole 3rd act intro is gonna be Zendaya showing up to Peter's door all decked out for the Homecoming dance with her hair dyed red and she's gonna say the famous "face it Tiger" line in some fashion. Then Peter will say something about how he likes her new hair color and that'll be that. And in the end, no one will give a fuck cause the movie will be awesome.
Isn't Zendaya half white half black? Is there a a limit on the amount of black you can have in you before it's just too much to play a certain role or something? Do people think one drop spoils the whole thing? I don't get people
if the mary jane character makes herself look like the prior caucasian redhead model of the character at the end of the movie, what kind of message does that send to the audience about how the character is "supposed" to look?
and mj's red hair doesn't define her any more than her skin color does.
if the mary jane character makes herself look like the prior caucasian redhead model of the character at the end of the movie, what kind of message does that send to the audience about how the character is "supposed" to look?
and mj's red hair doesn't define her any more than her skin color does.
Is it okay that I am a little bit offended by that?
I mean, as an isolated incident, sure that is fine and the girl is beautiful (should still get red hair, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it when we live in a world with a brunette Hawkeye).
But my admittedly anecdotal as all hell view is that there is an effort to only allow acceptably light skinned women in to these roles of beautiful super hero and comic book characters.
Storm was cast as half white both times, and she is a straight up full blooded African.
The only dark skinned women that immediately come to mind were both Amanda Waller, who is decidedly not beautiful in the comics, and was not presented as beautiful in either movie.
I realize there is an insanely small pool here to look at, but given the relative scarcity of roles for black women in general, why are we only getting half white ladies?
Am I being racist there? I legit don't know. Is this in my head? I get angry about Storm's portrayal in film, so I may just be projecting that or something I dunno.
I'm really not seeing how "gorgeous model that's out of peter's league" is limited to redheads only
i'm also not seeing how red hair is somehow any more or any less of a character trait than white skin
i mean shit, we've had several osborns without their hilarious haircuts and yet somehow those characters are still recognizable. haircuts and skin colors are not the end all be all here.
they think of a white woman with red hair, because that is how the character has always been portrayed.
why is her red hair in any way more important than any other physical characteristic? why can the osborns have their haircuts altered and yet this would destroy mj's recognizability?
If somebody wants to fight racism against black people or women or someone else, then the solution isn't to make a discrimination against the race or the gender who has never faced racism, but to find ways that can show people that we are all equals.
I get that many black people has suffered because of discriminations, but that's an argument on why we should fight every discrimination.
Fair treatment is not the same as equal treatment. You could crash your bike onto a wall and a kitten. That wall would most likely be fine, but that kitten would probably be dead.
Dodgy analogy aside, I understand the compulsion to adhere to the "everyone must be treated equally" mantra. It's just... disappointing when people hold to that so tight, divorced from all context and consequences. That way of thinking stacks heavily towards maintaining the status quo.
I'm really not seeing how "gorgeous model that's out of peter's league" is limited to redheads only
i'm also not seeing how red hair is somehow any more or any less of a character trait than white skin
i mean shit, we've had several osborns without their hilarious haircuts and yet somehow those characters are still recognizable. haircuts and skin colors are not the end all be all here.
Is it okay that I am a little bit offended by that?
I mean, as an isolated incident, sure that is fine and the girl is beautiful (should still get red hair, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it when we live in a world with a brunette Hawkeye).
But my admittedly anecdotal as all hell view is that there is an effort to only allow acceptably light skinned women in to these roles of beautiful super hero and comic book characters.
Storm was cast as half white both times, and she is a straight up full blooded African.
The only dark skinned women that immediately come to mind were both Amanda Waller, who is decidedly not beautiful in the comics, and was not presented as beautiful in either movie.
I realize there is an insanely small pool here to look at, but given the relative scarcity of roles for black women in general, why are we only getting half white ladies?
Am I being racist there? I legit don't know. Is this in my head? I get angry about Storm's portrayal in film, so I may just be projecting that or something I dunno.
Is it okay that I am a little bit offended by that?
I mean, as an isolated incident, sure that is fine and the girl is beautiful (should still get red hair, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it when we live in a world with a brunette Hawkeye).
But my admittedly anecdotal as all hell view is that there is an effort to only allow acceptably light skinned women in to these roles of beautiful super hero and comic book characters.
Storm was cast as half white both times, and she is a straight up full blooded African.
The only dark skinned women that immediately come to mind were both Amanda Waller, who is decidedly not beautiful in the comics, and was not presented as beautiful in either movie.
I realize there is an insanely small pool here to look at, but given the relative scarcity of roles for black women in general, why are we only getting half white ladies?
Am I being racist there? I legit don't know. Is this in my head? I get angry about Storm's portrayal in film, so I may just be projecting that or something I dunno.