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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors

Mr. Fix

Don't read the gold files, they talk about some concepts before they should imho

This is why I'm here! Thank you.

Also I've come across 2
To Be Continued
branches now. I assume this is something I can get past by crossing other branches, right?

Also, I loved K's backstory. That shit's solid. Can't wait to learn more about the others. And it pains me to betray Luna, it really does. :I I've still got the 999 mentality where I think that this is one of those trial and error situations, though I'm sure the twist won't be as obvious- at least I'm hoping that it won't be. Also that stuff with the Gaulem was kinda mind-fucked. I love it!

New predictions!

- K's "mother" or that woman from his flashback might be the old woman Dio killed. The silhouette seems so similar. But if that were the case, would that make Tenmyouji his father??
- I'm still really suspicious of Quark, and I'm almost positive that it was him who killed Dio in the other pod.
- K isn't a character from 999.
- We were handpicked because we may be carrying the virus.

I'm still wondering how this'll connect to 999, but I'm really hoping to see
Ayane and Santa
0m: Think I'll just knock out this escape before bed
30m: Well, this is interesting. How about I see where this goes?
1h: Oh shit!
1h 20m: Damn! Another locked ending. Might as well knock out the bad ending.
1h 30m: That didn't take long. Maybe I'll do that other one I left behind
1h 40m: That should wrap things... HOL' UP DID I JUST UNLOCK SOMETHING???
3h: That was some crazy shit. Oh damn! I unlocked another 2 endings. Just gonna save and... 3AM!!! #dead
Crashed :c

Fortunately I hadn't saved too long ago, but still :c

<- right right left voting room also K ending spoiler possibly other spoiler just be careful ok

Ok well that was a dumb guess. However I'm now on the last puzzle room, I think.


Fuck this shit. WHAT?
Having a bit of difficulty with Phi's ending.
I'm at the point where I have to enter a password for the number 3 bomb. Thing is, I don't remember getting this password. I got the 0 one from Dio's ending and 2 from Alice's. Is 0 a master password or something? Either way I can't remember what it is and I don't want to re-do Dio's ending for nothing

What do I do?

Mr. Fix

's Ending


Wow, what an asshole.. or not. The ending was alright, and a bit heart-warming, despite being stabbed in the back like that.

's Ending


SEVEN! And Snake too!

's Ending


Holy fucking shit.


Tenmyouji knows Akane??


I've got so many questions that still need to be answered, it's ridiculous.
- I've come across the real Zero in the hologram, which was interesting to say the least. It was hard enough with the Zero Bomb in mind, but now there's a One Bomb? Oh, man.
- there's still the matter of Dio's mission (I don't think they touched upon that in his ending. At least, they didn't explain why he broke in there in the first place other than for him to redeem himself.
- K's identity. Clover's reveal definitely seems to want to keep us thinking that he is a character from 999.
- Zero's motive still seems unknown to me. There appears to be 3 parties at play here, Dio's cult, Clover and Alice's organization, and then Zero himself.

- good and kind of sad to know that Junpei's still searching for Akane. I guess they won't be involved with this game.
- The whole jumping aspect was still surprising, even having finished 999'. It seems that Phi's also jumping around the flowchart with me. Really looking forward to her ending.
- Like Junpei before him, Sigma's starting to retain all the information as well.
Get more endings.

Fair enough.
Got used to Sigma saying I don't know if I haven't encountered the info yet. I have to actually enter these codes in manually too, don't I?

Oh snap! I'm thinking this is probably the cannon branch. After the game over it got long as shit


The 3DS has a neat Notebook feature built-in for you to keep all that stuff noted. You can use it without exiting the game entirely.

I guess the Vita has an equivalent, but I don't have one so I wouldn't know.


The 3DS has a neat Notebook feature built-in for you to keep all that stuff noted. You can use it without exiting the game entirely.

I guess the Vita has an equivalent, but I don't have one so I wouldn't know.

Pen and paper baby all the way, whatever platform you're running


17 hours in and so far I've only gotten deaths and locks. I like it but I'd be great if I got rewarded for the effort so far.
Okay, so I just finished the game and got the 'true' ending.

As someone who played Ever 17, I still enjoyed the game even though I saw the supposed mindblowing "twist" coming early on from miles away. It's going to be a longgggg wait until Zero Escape vol. 3 is out, but even then I have some idea of how the game's story will work since I also played Remember 11.

Overall, I can't help but look at the entire series as the Infinity Series Lite--- although that's not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination. Ever 17 is easily one of my favorite storylines in all of gaming (incl. Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Persona 3/4) so I just hope that there's a few more twists for us in ZE3. Remember 11 was decent enough, although it wasn't as good as E17.

Okay, now that my impressions are out of the way, here's another random thought (contains spoilers for Ever 17 and Remember 11).
For those who have played through the entirety of Ever 17, you'll know that Blink Winkle ends up saving everyone after history essentially repeats itself to save Takeshi and Coco. In Remember 11, the player is presumably armed with the knowledge that he's already an omnipotent observer but the game still tries to influence and misguide the player at times (although it's never fully explained if Blink is indeed the player in R11).

If VLR can be seen as a lite version of E17, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that Zero Escape 3 is going to be more refined version of Remember 11. Zero Escape 3 is to take place over seven days (just like Remember 11) Christmas Eve to New Years Day, so I can't help but see strong parallels already beginning to take shape.

I'd like to see Kotaro Uchikoshi prove me wrong and setup a few new surprises. But we'll see :).

That all said, I can't wait for Zero Escape 3!

Mr. Fix

Guys... I finished the game...


So many feels. There were a huuuuuge ton of wtf moments once I finished the final puzzle. Loved the ending (for the most part). I understood almost everything. Couple questions on things that I forgot/that flew by me though:

- Who was feeding young Akane the info from the future? As I understood it, she doesn't have the power that Sigma/Phi have, and by the time that Sigma's sent into the past, she's already aware of it all.
- Quark was born in the post-apocalyptic Earth, right? His letter/flashback made it seem like he was living in the pre-2028 era.
- The next game would have to take place on the 31st of 2028, correct? (assuming it's still Sigma)
- Phi's also involved in the events of the break-in/next game?
- Why couldn't C-Sigma go back to A?

This game is simply awesome. I am amazed how the writers come up with these storylines and pair them with scientific theories. Brilliant!

Two things in your reactions are leaving me thinking how the hell you're not putting two and two together!

I think I know which part of my post you were referring to:
Was it the connection between Tenmyouji and Akane? What swayed me from clinging to the theory that he was Junpei was a) How Clover/Alice being there just had me assume that it really was 2028; b) Quark's backstory for Tenmyouji really had nothing to hint at him actually being Junpei.

In fact, I really wish
they spent more time on Junpei after Akane pointed it out. There's really no closure between them, it's so sad. He's just kind of there. Even his history with Quark makes him seem like a completely different person. What's worse is that he probably won't have a role in the next game since he'd still be searching for her.

I'm still feeling a bit bitter for
characters like Seven and Snake. I'm really hoping they have a hand in the next game. Also sucks that they were screwed over during the apocalypse.

Ending was ace,
and yet so sad at the same time.
Lookin' mighty forward to the next game.


is, for all intents and purposes, a completely different person. That's what living a life does to you.
- Quark was born in the post-apocalyptic Earth, right? His letter/flashback made it seem like he was living in the pre-2028 era.

I feel the opposite, I mean,
a root beer float seriously being more expensive than the best alcohol? Something's wrong there, it gives the impression that the ingredients for it became INCREDIBLY rare. None of that makes much sense if it's a normal "happy" world.

Mr. Fix

is, for all intents and purposes, a completely different person. That's what living a life does to you.

I guess I can get behind that. Still,
I would have liked to see what he and Akane would have talked about after Sigma was sent back. Did we ever find out what he talked to Clover about?

I feel the opposite, I mean,
a root beer float seriously being more expensive than the best alcohol? Something's wrong there, it gives the impression that the ingredients for it became INCREDIBLY rare. None of that makes much sense if it's a normal "happy" world.

Interesting. I just assumed it was naturally an expensive thing to have and for a kid to think so.
I've never had a root beer float. :I
You got the gold files? It was nothing unexpected, but it's revealed there.
It was hinting at his identity.

Interesting. I just assumed it was naturally an expensive thing to have and for a kid to think so.
I've never had a root beer float. :I

More than being expensive for a kid, it's the "more expensive than the finest alcohol" part that tips you off.

Mr. Fix

You got the gold files? It was nothing unexpected, but it's revealed there.
It was hinting at his identity.

More than being expensive for a kid, it's the "more expensive than the finest alcohol" part that tips you off.

Ah. Thanks for clearing these up. I just realized, there's still another segment
with Kyle.


Guys... I finished the game...


So many feels. There were a huuuuuge ton of wtf moments once I finished the final puzzle. Loved the ending (for the most part). I understood almost everything. Couple questions on things that I forgot/that flew by me though:

- Who was feeding young Akane the info from the future? As I understood it, she doesn't have the power that Sigma/Phi have, and by the time that Sigma's sent into the past, she's already aware of it all.
- Quark was born in the post-apocalyptic Earth, right? His letter/flashback made it seem like he was living in the pre-2028 era.
- The next game would have to take place on the 31st of 2028, correct? (assuming it's still Sigma)
- Phi's also involved in the events of the break-in/next game?
- Why couldn't C-Sigma go back to A?

I think I know which part of my post you were referring to:
Was it the connection between Tenmyouji and Akane? What swayed me from clinging to the theory that he was Junpei was a) How Clover/Alice being there just had me assume that it really was 2028; b) Quark's backstory for Tenmyouji really had nothing to hint at him actually being Junpei.

In fact, I really wish
they spent more time on Junpei after Akane pointed it out. There's really no closure between them, it's so sad. He's just kind of there. Even his history with Quark makes him seem like a completely different person. What's worse is that he probably won't have a role in the next game since he'd still be searching for her.

I'm still feeling a bit bitter for
characters like Seven and Snake. I'm really hoping they have a hand in the next game. Also sucks that they were screwed over during the apocalypse.

Ending was ace,
and yet so sad at the same time.
Lookin' mighty forward to the next game.

-I thought Young Akane had acquired the same powers as Sigma and Phi eventually, but if not, it was Tenmyouji feeding her the answers from the future.
-No, the letter actually hinted quite a bit that things weren't right. There are lots of abandoned buildings and Quark says that a root beer float is super expensive and an urban legend, like it's a precious commodity. Also, you had the theory Tenmyouji was married to the dead woman in an earlier post, but Quark says in the letter he was never married.
-Yeah, the next game is the day of the Mars Mission Test Site in Nevada to break the time loop.
-Yes, Phi will be key, just like Old Sigma, the Player (currently in Kyle's body), and Kyle. Junpei will be a participant too.
-Sigma starts at A, on Christmas Eve where he then jumps to the AB Game 40 years later. At point C, the end of the game, he jumps to several months after the Nevada incident right before the release of Radical-6. He lives out the 40 years working away becoming Old Sigma. Right before the AB Game, he jumps back to Christmas Eve to stop the Nevada incident. In a stable time loop then, he would jump back to C after when he hits D several months after the incident. Since the timeline you played in was a stable time loop, that means that Sigma is back from his long adventure resting in his aged body when you're playing as Kyle in End or Beginning.

In regards to the connection between
Tenmyouji and Akane, you would have immediately realized it when Tenmyouji pulls out the picture of young Akane and Quark comments that was the love of his life. Now, unless he's some sort of pedophille, you have to assume the photo was taken long ago. There are other hints as well for Tenmyouji's identity, like his trusting of Clover.

I guess I can get behind that. Still,
I would have liked to see what he and Akane would have talked about after Sigma was sent back. Did we ever find out what he talked to Clover about?

It was his identity.

Feel free to ask any more questions in the spoiler thread, there's probably a ton of stuff you missed the first time through the game. Like
the, "Old Man" comments Sigma frequently gets throughout the game .


I initially interpreted the photo as
Tenmyouji being, like Akane's dad or uncle or something... the age difference with Clover is a huge roadblock until you hit the cryo chambers


I initially interpreted the photo as
Tenmyouji being, like Akane's dad or uncle or something... the age difference with Clover is a huge roadblock until you hit the cryo chambers

Eh, I believed it right away 'cause I took the middle paths first which gave so many hints. I didn't really think time was that big a road block in all honesty.

Mr. Fix

-I thought Young Akane had acquired the same powers as Sigma and Phi eventually, but if not, it was Tenmyouji feeding her the answers from the future.
-No, the letter actually hinted quite a bit that things weren't right. There are lots of abandoned buildings and Quark says that a root beer float is super expensive and an urban legend, like it's a precious commodity. Also, you had the theory Tenmyouji was married to the dead woman in an earlier post, but Quark says in the letter he was never married.
-Yeah, the next game is the day of the Mars Mission Test Site in Nevada to break the time loop.
-Yes, Phi will be key, just like Old Sigma, the Player (currently in Kyle's body), and Kyle. Junpei will be a participant too.
-Sigma starts at A, on Christmas Eve where he then jumps to the AB Game 40 years later. At point C, the end of the game, he jumps to several months after the Nevada incident right before the release of Radical-6. He lives out the 40 years working away becoming Old Sigma. Right before the AB Game, he jumps back to Christmas Eve to stop the Nevada incident. In a stable time loop then, he would jump back to C after when he hits D several months after the incident. Since the timeline you played in was a stable time loop, that means that Sigma is back from his long adventure resting in his aged body when you're playing as Kyle in End or Beginning.

In regards to the connection between
Tenmyouji and Akane, you would have immediately realized it when Tenmyouji pulls out the picture of young Akane and Quark comments that was the love of his life. Now, unless he's some sort of pedophille, you have to assume the photo was taken long ago. There are other hints as well for Tenmyouji's identity, like his trusting of Clover.

It was his identity.

Feel free to ask any more questions in the spoiler thread, there's probably a ton of stuff you missed the first time through the game. Like
the, "Old Man" comments Sigma frequently gets throughout the game .

Thanks for all that! I think I've got about 1 or 2 questions, so I'll just post it there.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Whoah Whoah Whoah just went back to revisit one of my first level AB games, changed my decison, and
Phi got mad at me for choosing ally and said "maybe things will be different this time". Is she also experiencing carry-over between loops?
Love this game!


Whoah Whoah Whoah just went back to revisit one of my first level AB games, changed my decison, and
Phi got mad at me for choosing ally and said "maybe things will be different this time". Is she also experiencing carry-over between loops?
Love this game!
I initially interpreted the photo as
Tenmyouji being, like Akane's dad or uncle or something... the age difference with Clover is a huge roadblock until you hit the cryo chambers

Same here originally.
Tenmyouji being Junpei was the only twist that I didn't see coming. Even then though, I suppose that it should have been blatantly obvious who he was.


Same here originally.
Tenmyouji being Junpei was the only twist that I didn't see coming. Even then though, I suppose that it should have been blatantly obvious who he was.

Ha, if you people think like this, then I have wonder if the plot twists were actually a lot less predictable than I thought they were. I was able to deduce every one of them before the true end besides ones like
Sigma being old


is, for all intents and purposes, a completely different person. That's what living a life does to you.

Like I always said, this made the whole Junpei thing a complete waste of time. What should have been an "OH SHIT" moment became a "Oh really? That's nice.". And that's ignoring all the clues that gave it away too early.


Ha, if you people think like this, then I have wonder if the plot twists were actually a lot less predictable than I thought they were. I was able to deduce every one of them before the true end besides ones like
Sigma being old

That was the one that really caught me, even though the signs were everywhere.


That was the one that really caught me, even though the signs were everywhere.

Same here. The
one got me too, because I guessed it after a certain ending, then was told I was wrong by the game, then was told that it actually was what I thought. It was confusing.


Same here. The
one got me too, because I guessed it after a certain ending, then was told I was wrong by the game, then was told that it actually was what I thought. It was confusing.

See, the first time you get Dio's ending, I don't know how anyone could be fooled into thinking
you're in the middle of the desert, despite what the game tells you otherwise. It was pretty obvious it was either the Moon or Mars (depending on what facts were brought up earlier in the game for you).


Yeah, but I got Dio, like, fourth-last or something

Like I always said, this made the whole Junpei thing a complete waste of time. What should have been an "OH SHIT" moment became a "Oh really? That's nice.". And that's ignoring all the clues that gave it away too early.

I don't really think so. The idea that
characters can change dramatically, unrecognisably over time isn't something I really see explored that often, so whatever. Besides, he fulfilled his role as Tenmyouji, so blah
Dio's ending
fooled me about the location, I never imagined it was actually the moon. The time though? Not for one second. The signs were everywhere.


See, the first time you get Dio's ending, I don't know how anyone could be fooled into thinking
you're in the middle of the desert, despite what the game tells you otherwise. It was pretty obvious it was either the Moon or Mars (depending on what facts were brought up earlier in the game for you).

I was like "Shit, we're on the moon?!?" and then they were like "Huh, it's a desert" and I said "Oooh....".

They got me!

I don't really think so. The idea that
characters can change dramatically, unrecognisably over time isn't something I really see explored that often, so whatever. Besides, he fulfilled his role as Tenmyouji, so blah

We should definitely have a fight about this. I'll fly over to America in the morning.


We'll have to fight... morphogenetically

Zero Escape fighting game next on the horizon

specifically to torture Dantis
Is my game glitched or something?
In the security room the order of the words doesn't stay the same when I go to turn off the monitors
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