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Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward |OT| -- More Hours, More Persons, More Doors

Since the spoiler thread is dead and a couple of people just finished up here, I thought I'd give my post-game impressions another go.

I realize I'm late to the party, but I finished VLR (true ending) a couple weeks ago and came away disappointed. It falls short of 999 across the board (except for being able to jump to points in the flowchart and "skip" some text).

I think what bugs me most is how arbitrary everything is. Apparently Akane can send Clover and Alice, bodies and consciousness both, back through time. So why have this whole AB project BS anyway? Just send back some Axelaiver (sp?) and be done with it. Or just let 999-era Akane know about it -- she's supposed to be exceedingly rich and powerful, so why does she need Sigma to infiltrate the testing site? Akane's explanation for why characters like Alice were selected is also extremely weak (because that's what Akane foresaw; oh, and also because she can prime factorize well).
The AB project is needed
to make people encounter enough divergences in a timeline so they can jump enough times ( and at will ) to see enough possibilities to counter the increasing odds they had on the test site and prevent the release of radical - 6.
One can only guess at this point but to prevent this , there must be a very high number of problems to solve/correct to reach this good end.

If you've read higurashi no naku kori ni ( or played it) it's like rika and hanyu problem except harder.

If there is a way to send the bodies back , it's most likely something restricted and even then , there was no place to prepare for it on earth and it must happen regardless ( and it has already happenned ) since you already have some people jumping on the timelines.It became a closed loop timeline that they have to break free from

As for the characters, I can almost accept Dio being as incompetent and stupid as he is, but it turns out that he's supposed to be the leader of the Myrmidons? Really? Has the organization been reduced to just him and one even dumber clone? Alice isn't All-Ice after all, but just a massive coincidence. Okay. Junpei and Akane were obvious as such by the time the time lapse became clear (finding the newspaper clipping). I'm glad future Junpei finally saw Akane for what she is, though. Clover was boring and not at all likable. K was suitably mysterious. Luna had a great ending, but it is unclear why she didn't die in the others (or did she just die offscreen?). Was the whole artificial conciousness plot just to make the player more sympathetic to her? How does she have red blood when Sigma's is white? Zero Jr. was annoying as a character and as a plot device (How did so and so go through a locked door? Because Zero Jr.). Quark was a plot device for Junpei. Sigma didn't touch his face for the entire game? Apparently he can also ignore the effects of anesthesia, but not muscle relaxants? Whatever.
Dio is
Not the leader of the myrmidons , he is a clone of the leader.And he went because he needed acceptance from his organisation. He is clearly not a mastermind
About Alice stuff i wouldn't disregard this as a fairytale yet ..
Luna did die in the other endings.
And when did she had real blood ?
999 was centered on the premise that Akane looked at a number of possible futures and guided Junpei to the correct, best one. In VLR we learn that we're dealing with a multiverse of all possible choices, all of which are ongoing and valid and meaningless. That kind of spoils 999 in retrospect.
The 9,9,9 universe hasn't changed .in fact VLR renders the bad ends in 9,9,9 even more valid. Since you can't disregard them as possibilities anymore they became trully bad endings..


Overall I really liked VLR's story and the way the game was done, it had one or two bad points
the blinking map coming on all the time etc which reduced tension, but now I'm wondering what they'll do for the 3rd game as it sounds like ZE3 could be set in 2029 - just before the virus/reactors wipe out Earth, where could Zero hide then? Also in the true ending - Kyle gets Sigma's memories it seems like?
The game was so much more massive than 999 - the reveals at the end were fucking crazy.
Hmmm... the point about Dio not being the true leader of the Myrmidons is an interesting one


! Just figured out something:

In the archives it says the Bomb passwords aren't just random letters and it gives you a hint - +1.

I moved each letter along 1 in the alphabet with the first three and I got:


Could it be saying something about Brother, from Free the Soul? I don't think its saying Santa (Akane's brother) is their leader, Dio looks nothing like Santa from 999
You should go to the spoiler topic/read the answers now.

The CRASHKEYS referes to Akane's organization, called, well, Crash Keys. Also, try pronouncing Crash Keys and inmediately after Kurashiki lol


The AB project is needed
to make people encounter enough divergences in a timeline so they can jump enough times ( and at will ) to see enough possibilities to counter the increasing odds they had on the test site and prevent the release of radical - 6.
One can only guess at this point but to prevent this , there must be a very high number of problems to solve/correct to reach this good end.

If you've read higurashi no naku kori ni ( or played it) it's like rika and hanyu problem except harder.

If there is a way to send the bodies back , it's most likely something restricted and even then , there was no place to prepare for it on earth and it must happen regardless ( and it has already happenned ) since you already have some people jumping on the timelines.It became a closed loop timeline that they have to break free from

I don't understand.
Past Akane already saw everything that happened in VLR (which is how she was able to kidnap Alice, Clover, and Sigma). But she couldn't see enough to stop the release of Radical 6 without the help of AB time travelers? Or enough to manufacture the antidote? "There's a zany plan because there's a zany plan" (a particular course of action must occur because that's the way it happened in a future) is not sufficient explanation.

And when did she had real blood ?

The only time Luna rots away onscreen is in her ending. Conceivably that's the most chronologically advanced Luna we see, but isn't the true ending Luna around even later?
One of the bad endings
had everyone dead and covered with blood, although it is possible Luna used someone else's blood. Also Luna's injection site (when she "dies" in the cabin) is red.

The 9,9,9 universe hasn't changed .in fact VLR renders the bad ends in 9,9,9 even more valid. Since you can't disregard them as possibilities anymore they became trully bad endings..

Well, that's how VLR changed things for me. In 999, I walked away with the feeling that the bad endings were non-canonical -- just possibilities that Akane saw, but guided Junpei away from.


As you say, she probably used someone else's blood. Also I thought Luna said something about ABT being able to mimic human skin/tissue, is that why its red


As you say, she probably used someone else's blood. Also I thought Luna said something about ABT being able to mimic human skin/tissue, is that why its red

If Luna's blood is red, why is the "blood" from Old Sigma's arms white? Both use ABT.
I don't understand.
Past Akane already saw everything that happened in VLR (which is how she was able to kidnap Alice, Clover, and Sigma). But she couldn't see enough to stop the release of Radical 6 without the help of AB time travelers? Or enough to manufacture the antidote? "There's a zany plan because there's a zany plan" (a particular course of action must occur because that's the way it happened in a future) is not sufficient explanation.

Making an antidote is not the issue, the issue is the antimatter explosions, which can only be prevented if Radical 6 never spreads at all, and currently they're stuck in a stable time loop that can't be broken without "outside help." That will be the point of Zero Escape 3. Right now Akane can't do anything other than help prepare what will be needed to do so.
My endings so far:


Character preferences based on my experiences:

Legendary tier:

Great tier:

Neutral tier:

Shit tier:
Dio, oh god Dio. How does he get less likeable with each ending.


My endings so far:


Character preferences based on my experiences:

Legendary tier:

Great tier:

Neutral tier:

Shit tier:
Dio, oh god Dio. How does he get less likeable with each ending.

You have good opinions

Anyway, I'm finally done with the other endings. True route, here I come. 27 hours and 45 minutes played so far.


Started this a few days ago and so far only encountered game overs, Locks and today finally

A quick question: do the game over endings change anything about the story? I got a game over ending because I chose betray, went back to the decision and after choosing ally
Phi started to yell at me and amde a different choice than she did in the game over ending.
Would that have been different if I had chosen ally the first time? Really curious about that.

Otherwise I like it so far, though I still don't get what really is happening, even though I finished 999 last month. I need to see more "real" endings though.
I don't understand.
Past Akane already saw everything that happened in VLR (which is how she was able to kidnap Alice, Clover, and Sigma). But she couldn't see enough to stop the release of Radical 6 without the help of AB time travelers? Or enough to manufacture the antidote? "There's a zany plan because there's a zany plan" (a particular course of action must occur because that's the way it happened in a future) is not sufficient explanation.
She is powerfully
but she is in a situation where for whatever reason it is, she can't influence enough things by herself to prevent the release of radical - 6 and the explosions afterwards. I say by herself ..that's why there are phi and sigma. One person can't do that. People involved in the test site can but they will face so many problems , it'll be impossible for them to do so without the hability to jump around timelines.
Even if she manufactured radical-6 , with "free the soul" out there that would only delay the problem.
She also said that she can't break the loop by herself ( even by putting her in danger ).Considering akane position and power, she obviously tried but couldn't.
The only time Luna rots away onscreen is in her ending. Conceivably that's the most chronologically advanced Luna we see, but isn't the true ending Luna around even later?
One of the bad endings
had everyone dead and covered with blood, although it is possible Luna used someone else's blood. Also Luna's injection site (when she "dies" in the cabin) is red.
That wasn't her blood. she doesn't want to be deactivated but zero 3rd forces her deactivation to make her look dead since , well she is "killed" by a player.

Well, that's how VLR changed things for me. In 999, I walked away with the feeling that the bad endings were non-canonical -- just possibilities that Akane saw, but guided Junpei away from.

Both are still tragical stories . i don't get why something canon or not is a problem .since 9,9,9 akane dying is an event needed to create the situation for them to escape from. It not even a question of possibility. VLR just made her dying canon and paradoxal and a necessary starting point for her rescue.

VLR works the same.. the tragic fate reality is there and because it's there you can use it to create a reality "better"since the odds are against you.

That's just how this universe works. The other works by the writter share the same mindset , meaning , everything is real and has a weight that can be used to progress further .


Just had a thought:

What if Young Sigma winds up losing his arms/eye over Luna (or someone that looks like Luna, possibly the original that GAULEM Luna is based on), could that be why they get so close in VLR in 2074? I'd like to think Robo-Luna fell in love with Sigma/Klim on her own, and she wasnt programmed to do so


Dio is
Not the leader of the myrmidons , he is a clone of the leader.And he went because he needed acceptance from his organisation. He is clearly not a mastermind

Alice's ending, Dio states that he is the actual leader of the Myrmidons and is trusted by Brother (despite his tryst). He could be lying, of course, but by that logic everyone could be lying about everything.


Thank you, that has been driving me insane.

I felt the same. But to ease your mind, I'm pretty sure that you can't miss anything in the game -- even a certain gold file at the beginning that's impossible to get at first can be achieved later on. That one in particular was driving me crazy for most of the game...


Dio/Quark theory:

Dio was an absolute asshole in this game, someone you hated from the start TBH, in contrast to Ace in 999 who blended in with the other participants, jolly, happy so it was a big shock when he was a villain.
For some reason I was expecting Quark to set the bombs considering that Dio blames shit on Quark quite a few times saying "He's a hell of an actor", and you also suspect Quark too. When Quark goes crazy and talks about "getting out of this body, free the soul" etc, could that be a sign that he could be captured by FTS in ZE3, or worse, become a member.
I mean, I thought there'd be a timeline where, though Dio was an asshole, he was actually right about Quark


Dio/Quark theory:

Dio was an absolute asshole in this game, someone you hated from the start TBH, in contrast to Ace in 999 who blended in with the other participants, jolly, happy so it was a big shock when he was a villain.
For some reason I was expecting Quark to set the bombs considering that Dio blames shit on Quark quite a few times saying "He's a hell of an actor", and you also suspect Quark too. When Quark goes crazy and talks about "getting out of this body, free the soul" etc, could that be a sign that he could be captured by FTS in ZE3, or worse, become a member.
I mean, I thought there'd be a timeline where, though Dio was an asshole, he was actually right about Quark
Me too. I found his whole arc a bit disappointing. I saw someone here somewhere mention that he
could be a clone of Dio, just younger.
Neat theory, but there's nothing in the game to back it up.


Yeah, I found Quark dull and useless, most of the time he's
either sick or asleep.
And I think
I would have loved an ending where Zero III taunted us again, or just an empty warehouse. Funny I didnt pay much attention to the cracks about Sigma being old (though Clover calls him "Grandpa" etc

Oh... Oooooh!
I just remembered the very first puzzle in the elevator with babies and old people, and the Mark Twain line - now I think about it this could be a giant clue you (or someone) is old and it hints at something "backwards"


I'm wondering if..
It was Kyle (a clone/GAULEM) who kind of fell in love with Luna, it wasnt Old Sigma in Young Sigma's body?

Sigma gets white stuff on his hand I thought, for just a brief second "Can you smell c*m? It's all over my hand" (!)

Also (ZE3 spoiler)
Junpei will be back for ZE3 apparently.. but I don't want to know who all the participants are - and is Junpei "old" (Tenmyouji) or College Junpei - in which case ZE3 must take place in 2029 or so.. in the other time highlighted at the end?

Also just thought of another explanation for
the grave message - It's talking about Zero. Akane is saying [to Old Sigma] "What you are (Zero), I was (too), and then to Young Sigma - "What I am (Zero) you will be...." Make sense?

Overall I really liked VLR's story and the way the game was done, it had one or two bad points
the blinking map coming on all the time etc which reduced tension, but now I'm wondering what they'll do for the 3rd game as it sounds like ZE3 could be set in 2029 - just before the virus/reactors wipe out Earth, where could Zero hide then? Also in the true ending - Kyle gets Sigma's memories it seems like?

Just had a thought:

What if Young Sigma winds up losing his arms/eye over Luna (or someone that looks like Luna, possibly the original that GAULEM Luna is based on), could that be why they get so close in VLR in 2074? I'd like to think Robo-Luna fell in love with Sigma/Klim on her own, and she wasnt programmed to do so

Dio/Quark theory:

Dio was an absolute asshole in this game, someone you hated from the start TBH, in contrast to Ace in 999 who blended in with the other participants, jolly, happy so it was a big shock when he was a villain.
For some reason I was expecting Quark to set the bombs considering that Dio blames shit on Quark quite a few times saying "He's a hell of an actor", and you also suspect Quark too. When Quark goes crazy and talks about "getting out of this body, free the soul" etc, could that be a sign that he could be captured by FTS in ZE3, or worse, become a member.
I mean, I thought there'd be a timeline where, though Dio was an asshole, he was actually right about Quark

A few answers for you:
First, go back and read my last post that had the long explanation. I added some things you might not have noticed.

OS was the one who risked his arms to save the "real" human Luna, he also created robot Luna, so I find it unlikely Kyle (in someone else's body no less) fell in love with Luna. I see you reach this conclusion too in a later post.

Junpei is back for ZE3, it will be college age Jumpei. He will be a participant in the Mars test site back in December 2029, which is where ZE3 will take place.

The gravestone was intended to be a message from OS to YS from what I recall. What you are (YS), I was. What I am (Zero) you will be.

The person in Kyle's body does not get Sigma's memories as far as we know, he seems to be somewhat in the know however.

Quark's talk is likely from the Radical-6. Some have speculated he's a Left clone like Dio.

Also be sure to read the FAQ for VLR and if you haven't already, the FAQ for 999! Both explain a lot of things!

Finally, he's something to ponder:
When Phi was being designed by the artists, Uchikoshi's only order was to make her, "Look like a female Santa." In the FAQ, he seems to change his answer.


Oh haha,
looks like I was right about that Akane thing. Even though the fact that Clover is still young didn't cross my mind :V
This is going to be interesting.

Opened the
last route then.
It has to wait for tomorrow though, going to bed now.


Near the end of the game
YS is in OS's body right? I remember Sigma was confused with Luna calling him Doctor, so he can't have had the consciousness of OS then.
Thanks for all the explanation :)
Interesting.. I'll check out the answers :)
thanks for the info about where ZE3 will take place :) but I wonder and hope there will be its own twist as to where everyone is - I mean 999 was just building Q, VLR was the moon (even though it was apparently Earth) so I'm sure nothing will be quite what it seems...


Holy SHIT the story is really picking up some crazy momentum right now. This is fucking nuts oh man :V

I had my hunches about a lot of things but the reveals are still shocking


Just opened the
second hidden timeline, or continuation to Phi's/
true ending.

Found out (huge spoilers!!)
I'm on the moon, 45 years in the future and now K is explaining everyone's role in the project. I'm getting the feeling that Brother is someone from 999 too lol

Funnily enough, I was right about Akane and almost right about Tenmyoji, and just because I somehow missed the obvious "it has only been a year since the last game for Clover" :V

Whelp Sigma is old. I guess he's Zero too. *mind in pieces gifs*

e: A NEW TIMELINE, AGAIN haha. I wouldn't have been surprised if the game had actually ended in the garden. Good thing it didn't!

I was going to play the rest of the game on bus on my way home later today but I'm glad I didn't. I've honestly been shouting at my 3DS here, I would have looked pretty dumb there :V


Brother could be Lord Gordain from 999? I'm wondering how they will keep twists in ZE3 if we know where the game takes place apparently....
Massive spoiler:
The reveal that YOU were Zero was just nuts :eek: So how come Ten said I wasnt Zero Sr.? :s


Okay so now it ended. I think. I got the
"end or beginning", after traveling to 2029,
that was the end, right?

That was fucking crazy. Oh man. Whoever said the story is a bit crazier than 999 was lying. It was ridiculously crazy. And I loved every second of it!

Now it's time to read the archive entries, the tagged posts here and the spoiler thread. I was able to figure out most of the stuff by myself, at least I believe so, but there are still some things I'm not sure about.

That was really good. REALLY good. But after playing 999, Ever17 and this one after the other, I really think I should watch or read some more light-hearted stuff. Like Neon Genesis Evangelion.

As for which one of the three was the best, also counting Ever17... I couldn't say. I think I liked VLR's story the best after all. I can't say for sure right now as I just finished it, but crazy mind screwy stuff is what I like, and VLR had the craziest scale. On the other hand, 999's plot twists had the biggest impact on me because they were truly unexpected. I knew VLR was going to be batshit crazy.

VLR had the best characters, no doubt about that. Junpei was good, but Sigma was better. Akane was good, but Phi was better. Luna was absolutely adorable. K was charming. Clover was cute. Ten was alright. Oh, and of course, Dio was an asshole.

Gameplay-wise, I think I would have a hard time with 999 after this. Everything worked very well. The flowchart system was absolutely perfect - some may say it takes some of the impact off the story when you don't have to start from the beginning every time, but I disagree. It's the players choice. I usually watched jumped to a node one part before the choice I was going to take, to remind me where we are at the story, who I was pairing with etc.

Aside from the Phi and Sigma dumb moment I mentioned earlier in the thread, there was only one thing I disliked: no English audio. Who in their right fucking mind thought it would be a good decision to let the US customers have the English audio but not us? Fuck you. Seriously. I don't mind Japanese, it's a language I neither hate or love, but I think English would have been way better. If it's a money problem, I don't get why. Why would leaving the audio track in the EU version cost more? Admittedly, I haven't checked out the English voices expect for a few bits with Phi, and I won't as I've gotten used to the Japanese VAs.

It's a somewhat minor con after everything else, but it's still irritating. I don't know Japanese, but the VAs had plenty of emotion so it all still worked out.

What else.. Oh, I don't think the game had that original Morphogenetic Sorrow (YT link) anywhere? I was sure it was going to be in the game. Shame. Easily one of the most emotional songs I've heard in a game.

Really looking forward to ZE3. BRING IT ON!!


I'm kinda disappointed in no English audio as well, I've heard a few clips and the promo anime and the English voice for Zero 3 was absolutely brilliant.
So if Akane was Zero in 999, and the bunny was Zero 3, does that make you Zero II? How can they manufacture a twist for ZE3?
The truth bombs at the end of VLR were fucking crazy, it was like "You thought 999 was good? Well let me beat you over the head with crazy shit"

I agree Luna was just adorable - Dio was an asshole, Quark was meh, Phi was a cute smartass, Alice was a MILF :D

Just thought: Why
Did Sigma never do anything like look down at his hands or touch his face.. I mean seriously that would be the first thing I'd do WTF... but it kind of explains why Sigma never got the chance to escape really when he had 9BP


^There should be another square under Phi's path, that is the very true end :p

Really? Nothing here. I did all the rooms on hard, and as I have all the secret archive entries open, I obviously got the golden file everywhere. What the hell.

e: Ugh, apparently that's true. Nothing under Phi's ending. Goddamn it, what's up with that


I don't think the gold files matter, you just need to complete all the puzzles on Hard.
BTW I'm laughing so hard at the start now (it was funny when I first saw it)
When Sigma asks Phi what's your name, and she says 'Sigma' and Sigma answers 'Cute, That's MY name' XD

Edit: I see you said you beat all the rooms on hard... :s
Have you got the End or Beginning ending (the one with Young Akane)? Ahhh... she was such a delicate flower then (!)
Check the first room, muntu. In the EU version is defaulted to easy the first time!
And, oh, the original Morphogenetic Sorrow is used 3 times in the game!
Luna's flashback, Akane Hologram, right during the final explosion


Edit: I see you said you beat all the rooms on hard... :s
Have you got the End or Beginning ending (the one with Young Akane)? Ahhh... she was such a delicate flower then (!)

Yes, what a cutie!
Akane I love youuuu!

I guess I'll try and really 100% the game then. I won't deny it - I did use a guide in Q. I just couldn't wait to continue the story, and so I missed a few minigame rules/guides paper. As chance would have it, I'm AGAIN in a hurry and have to wait till evening. It's always like this.


Check the first room, muntu. In the EU version is defaulted to easy the first time!
And, oh, the original Morphogenetic Sorrow is used 3 times in the game!
Luna's flashback, Akane Hologram, right during the final explosion

Huh, guess I didn't notice the song then. The credits song was a remixed one of it, right? Starting similarly, then turning.. Weird. I assumed they were the same remixed song.

Anyway, I'll check that elevator too later. Guess I won't be reading much spoiler-y stuff just yet!

e: whoops, totally accidental double post, sorry about that!


I admit I used a guide for Q too
Like you I wanted to continue the story and I'm really crap at thinking in 3D

Can't wait for more discussion xD But I was surprised that
Santa was nowhere to be found, at first I thought the Zero you spoke to might be Santa from 999


Yeah honestly,
I was sure Tenmyouji was Santa. Yeah he carried around a photo of Akane, and he said he was looking for this girl, but I thought it was too obvious :V

Then it was confirmed to be wrong, and most of my other theories too lol.
Still, poor Junpei. At least old Akane seems like a nice lady and not the calculating, cold bitch she's supposed to be after the first Nonary game, so maybe they'll have a beautiful reunion or something lol


Really? (True True spoilers):
She didn't seem evil but... Junpei says the old lady isnt the Akane he knew... poor Junpei :(

Also I had a thought that
Dr. Klim (Sigma) created Robo Luna as a mother for his son, based on a real person, he fell in love with her (the original?), but K was a jerk and didn't understand Luna really loved and cared for him :(
So I guess Luna must have written the password (which is I LOVE KLIM backwards), but I keep getting confused - was it OS or YS falling in love with Luna?


Really? (True True spoilers):
She didn't seem evil but... Junpei says the old lady isnt the Akane he knew... poor Junpei :(

she's supposedly pretty cold. It's no surprise though, she was, in a way, forced to burn to death quite a many times in 999 - as little girl. That kind of stuff messes with your head. I think it was in the Q&A stuff with the creator of the game or somewhere, but it's somewhat obvious when she doesn't even take a minute to say goodbye to Junpei or something in the end, she just takes off and stays hidden forever. Well, for 46 years but yeah.

Didn't notice that about
the passwords.
Pretty cool!


Do you mean
the one Luna wrote or the bomb passwords?
That was neat.
But I don't understand why:
OK Sigma couldnt find a mirror - couldn't he see his HANDS were old, and his eye?! I mean come on...
Also I just had a flashback of the elevator puzzle and the quote
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18"
- Mark Twain
IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW - living life in reverse, Sigma is Ben Button ;p I should have guessed that so hard

there'll be a time where Junpei and June can be together. I didnt realise that 'Tenmyouji' is Junpei's family name.
Do you mean
the one Luna wrote or the bomb passwords?
That was neat.
But I don't understand why:
OK Sigma couldnt find a mirror - couldn't he see his HANDS were old, and his eye?! I mean come on...
Also I just had a flashback of the elevator puzzle and the quote
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18"
- Mark Twain
IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW - living life in reverse, Sigma is Ben Button ;p I should have guessed that so hard

there'll be a time where Junpei and June can be together. I didnt realise that 'Tenmyouji' is Junpei's family name.

the hands, remember that they were robotic... ;)


He lost his hands and left eye in the mars mission, right? I'm not sure how it makes sense, but he already had those replaced with cybernetic parts when he was young, around the time the annihilation cores exploded - like it was seen around the ending. So he had cybernetic ones that weren't wrinkled.

It makes all the swimsuit comments that much more hilarious though!


But thats weird..
If his hands/arms were covered in ABT that looked young couldnt they do the same for his face? It does make the swimsuit comments hilarious and explains Alice teasing him :lol:

Hope to join you in the spoiler thread Muntu! :)
Screw of all of you with your near-completeness.

The further I get in this game, the less I wanna continue. :( I hate finishing something I love...
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